Fitnessgram Peer Assessment

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Fitnessgram Peer Assessment


Complete this activity prior to the assessment day. Students are in pairs with one doing the assessment and the other watching and recording the results. This activity is designed as a peer assessment to practice the assessments. Students are encouraged to provide positive feedback. Place a check next to each item your partner successfully completes. After the assessment, explain to your partner areas where improvement is needed.



Criteria Check if partner is successful Begins the test after the 5 second count down

Jogs the full 20 m distance (to the opposite line) before the “beep”

Entire foot is behind the line at the end of each lap

Waits for the next beep before continuing

Stops test when fails to reach the line by the beep for the second time

Continues to walk and stretch in the cool-down area after the test


Criteria Check if partner is successful Begins on the signal

Walks or runs for one complete mile

Records time in minutes and seconds at completion of the assessment ONE MILE WALK

Criteria Check if partner is successful Begins on the signal

Walks at personal best for one complete mile

Takes a 15-second heart rate at completion (If using heart rate monitors, start the stopwatch at the beginning and stop it at the end – the last heart rate recorded during the walk is used) Records time in minutes and seconds and records 15-second heart rate



Criteria Check if partner is successful Relaxes right arm at side for triceps measurement

Places right foot on a flat elevated surface with the knee bent to a 90 degree angle Measurement is taken on the triceps and calf


Criteria Check if partner is successful Correctly records height and weight

*Converts both measurements into metric units (divide pounds by 2.2046 and multiply feet by 1.524) Applies formula: Weight (kg) / (Height) 2 (meters)

*The FITNESSGRAM computer program will do these calculations for you. MUSCULAR STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE


Criteria Check if partner is successful Lies on back on mat

Knees are bent with legs slightly apart and hands flat on the floor

Extend legs as far as possible with feet flat on the floor

Arms are straight and parallel to the body Arms remain straight throughout the movement Begins on command “up”

Fingertips reach to other side of measuring strip (approximately 3 inches)

Shoulder blades come off the mat

On the “down” command curls back down until head touches the mat

Continues without pausing until can no longer continue, has made second error, or has competed 75


Criteria Check if partner is successful Lies on stomach on the mat

Hands are palm down under the shoulders

Fully extends arms on “up”

Bends arms to 90 degree angle on “down” (Chest lowers to partner’s fist) Back remains flat

Continues without pausing until can no longer continue, has made second error, or cannot keep up with the cadence MODIFIED PULL-UPS

Criteria Check if partner is successful

Lies on back with shoulders directly under the bar Grasps bar with an overhand grip (palms away from the body)

Begins in starting position: arms and legs are straight with only the heels touching the floor Lifts body so chin is above the elastic band

Returns to starting position with arms straight


Criteria Check if partner is successful Grasps bar with an overhand grip (palms away from the body)

Hangs completely straight (NO swinging or jumping into the movement)

Pulls body up until chin is above the bar

Return to start position with arms straight

Does not swing, kip, or jerk on the way up


Criteria Check if partner is successful Grasps the bar with an overhand grip

Raises to start position with assistance, stop watch begins

Chin is above the bar, elbows are flexed and chest is close to the bar

Holds this position as long as possible Stops test when head tilts backward, chin hits bar, or chin falls below the bar



Criteria Check if partner is successful Removes shoes

Sits with one leg straight and foot flat against the box

Bends other knee with foot flat and next to the straight knee

Places one hand on top of the other with palms down

Reaches forward as far as possible and holds position for at least one second (hands must stay even!) Switches legs and repeats


Criteria Check if partner is successful Reaches one hand over the shoulder and one hand behind the back attempting to touch finger tips Reverses hands and repeats finger tips touching = passing

TRUNK LIFT Criteria Check if partner is successful Lies on stomach, toes pointed

Places hands under thighs

Lifts upper body in slow, controlled motion to a maximum of 12 inches

Holds position until measurement is done

Records score


What is the importance of fitness assessments?

How can using improper form on the assessments affect your results?

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