NSIC Stoke Mandeville Hospital

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NSIC Stoke Mandeville Hospital

NSIC – Stoke Mandeville Hospital

Meeting Minutes - Meeting: Service Users Committee

Date: Wednesday 8th July ‘09

Present: Jackie Bailey Apologies: Ken Lloyd Lorna Cherry Maria Freeman Lindsay Dutton Tim Rushby-Smith John Miller Colin Javens Paul Smith Key Messages 1. Psychological support available within the centre and post discharge to be highlighted wherever possible 2. Information leaflets and website to be developed to support patients and relatives in general hospitals 3. User perspective requested for Research & Development ACTION group 1 Minutes of the meetings held on 8th April ‘09 – these were approved as a true record. 2 Matters arising:- 2.1 Catering – JB reported that a voucher system for patients to use at the Conviva restaurant had been discussed with Perry Batchelor, the Patients Environment Manager, but it was felt this would be an unworkable system and financially unviable. Committee members were pleased to hear that Catering issues were continuing to be addressed by Sodexo through the Patient Forum and their staff within the centre. 2.3 Patient Information Folder – JB reported that this had now been approved by the Trust’s Patient Experience Group and Coloplast were being approached re: printing in colour and folders. 2.4 Access to Spinal Out-Patients – JB informed the committee that the cost quoted of £500 per out-patient visit was correct. However, funding of patient care was currently under review. 2.5 Car Parking – JB reported that the Trust were due to hear within the next few weeks whether planning permission had been granted for the proposed car-park opposite the new Mandeville Wing and the additional ‘decking’ on the staff car-park at the back of the hospital. 2.6 SCI’s awaiting admission from General Hospitals – JB asked members of the committee to notify her of any SCI patient they might be aware of in a General Hospital in need of support from the NSIC. JB would pass the information on to the centre’s Outreach Nurse, Kathryn Sherrington, and/or Peter Hutchings at SIA to ensure it was followed up. 2.7 Psychological Support Post Discharge – JB reported Paul Kennedy had stated that follow-up psychological support was available at the NSIC for patients post- discharge if requested, and patients would be referred as a matter of course to their local Psychology team. The committee felt that this was very important for patients to be aware of and suggested that this be highlighted in the Patient Information folder, any appropriate Psychology leaflets and within the Patient Education sessions. JB/LD 3 NSIC Strategy work-streams These work-streams will be on-going and some have yet to start. However LD reported that she was part of the family- centred group which was already meeting. 4 Research Group – CJ was unable to attend this meeting to feedback from the group but it was hoped he could do so CJ at the next meeting. 5 Appointment of Chair and Deputy Chair – It was agreed that as no nominations had been received for these posts JB would stand as Chair and LC as Deputy Chair/Secretary unless otherwise disputed. JB invited LC to attend the next Patient Experience Group meeting due to be held at 2pm on the 19th August at the Post Graduate Centre, SMH as it gave a good overview of the Trust’s patient services and plans. 6 Any Other Business - a) Basic Care Questionnaire – JB reported that the SIA volunteers had recently taken on the role of asking patients some set questions about basic care provided on all of the wards within the centre. The results were still to be analysed but it was hoped it would give some guidance on how the nursing care could be improved. Members felt it sad that such a survey had to be carried out at all when it should be a given that adequate personal grooming/care was provided. b) Phone Trolleys on the Wards – Debbie Green, Matron, had asked the committee for their views on the necessity of the mobile phone trolley’s provided on the wards as each one cost £150 per quarter and the cash boxes were very often found to be empty. The committee felt it was an unnecessary & costly expense for the wards but also felt it was very important for patients without a mobile phone of their own to have access to a phone. It was suggested that some cheap pay-as-you-go mobile phones be purchased, or sponsored, from either a local store like Tesco’s or a phone network. These could either be lent to the patient for their stay, for a £30 deposit, or the patient could have the option to buy it outright. It was felt that this could also help with any infection control risks. JB to JB feedback to DG. c) MRSA Guidelines - LD expressed concern that the guidelines for MRSA, and therefore MRAB, patients had recently been changed which would restrict the rehab of this group of patients quite considerably. JB acknowledged that she had just been made aware of it that day and would raise it at the Clinical Governance JB meeting due on 10th July. d) NSIC Website – LC asked when the NSIC website would be up and running as it was very limited at present. JB stated that the launch had had to be postponed but it was hoped that this would happen JB soon. JB to enquire. e) Research & Development Group – LD said that Julie Dixon at the Trust’s R&D group was looking for someone to give a user perspective on potential projects brought to the group for development. The group meets three times a year for 2hrs but the dates weren’t known. LD to find out the date of the next LD meeting and all members of the committee to be asked if they would like to be the representative attending. f) Paediatric Service – LC expressed concern that there was no representative from this group of patients on the committee and asked if the committee could find out more as to how we might support them. JB agreed to JB ask Alison Graham to the next Service Users meeting. g) Family Counselling Service – LC was pleased to hear that this service was now available within the centre but felt it should be seen as separate to the Psychology department as this might put people off, and it should be made as easily accessible as possible. JB to JB feedback. h) Information Leaflets – members felt that it was very important that information leaflets be made available to patients awaiting transfer or stuck in General Hospitals in order that they recognise the importance of such issues as keeping well hydrated and eating well. JB said that a group was now looking at putting together information leaflets for relatives prior to admission and JB on admission and would feed this back to the group. Date of Next Meeting: 2.30pm – 4.30pm Wednesday 14th October 2009 Venue to be confirmed

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