Latina Vi Certamen Primum Nomen
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LATINA VI CERTAMEN NOMEN______a.d. xiv Kal. Dec. MMX I. For the following nouns, give the: b) genitive c) gender d) meaning e) one derivative: e.g. AESTAS, aestatis, f.; summer derivative: aestival
1. ANCILLA ______, ___; ______Derivative: 2. AQUA ______, ___; ______Derivative: 3. LANA ______, ___; ______Derivative: 4. CIBUS ______, ___; ______Derivative: 5. MATER ______, ___; ______Derivative: 6. PATER ______, ___; ______Derivative: II. For the following adjectives, give: a) the feminine and neuter endings b) meaning c) one derivative:
e.g. BREVIS, -is, - e ; SHORT Derivative: Brevity
1. OMNIS ___, ___; ______
Omnes, masculine/feminine plural (meaning): ______
Omnia, neuter plural (meaning): ______Derivative:
III. For the following words, give the meaning only: 1. per ______2. neque ______3. tamen ______REMEMBER : LOOK FOR THE PATTERNS !!! i LATINA VI CERTAMEN NOMEN______a.d. xiv Kal. Dec. MMX 4. mox ______5. nunc ______6. necesse ______7. nondum ______8. non iam ______9. statim ______10. ipse, ipsa, ipsum ______
IV. Label, then translate the following sentences into Latin. (Remember: do not label the objects of prepositions. When translating, write the nouns down BEFORE their adjectives!))
1. It is not yet light, nevertheless it is necessary to get up. (To get up is necessary.)
2. The tired mother wants to scold the angry father because he does not
teach lazy Marcus to clean the house.
V. For the following story, label all verbs either Transitive (T), Intransitive (I), or Linking (L), and label all nouns either Subject (S), Complement (C), Direct Object (DO). (Extra credit: Object of a Preposition(OP))
Flavia et Cornelia sedent sub arbore in horto. Cornelia defessa est et dormire vult.
Sextus, qui est semper molestus, arborem ascendit et puellas vexat. Flavia
irata est et quoque ascendit arborem et clamat “Abi! Nihil me terret et te
non amo!” Sextus ex arbore in piscinam cadit. Puellae audiunt magnum fragorem
et Sextum rident. REMEMBER : LOOK FOR THE PATTERNS !!! ii LATINA VI CERTAMEN NOMEN______a.d. xiv Kal. Dec. MMX