Unit Plan: Lesson 6 Verb Unit Test

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Unit Plan: Lesson 6 Verb Unit Test

Rheanna Plemons English Methods Unit Plan: Lesson 6 Verb Unit Test February 11, 2003

Subject: Language Arts (grammar) Grade: 9th grade Time: 1 block (90 minutes)

Number of students: 30 students Diversity of students: 15 males: 8 African Americans, 5 Caucasian, 2 Bosnian 15 females: 7 African Americans, 3 Caucasian, 2 Asian, 3 Bosnian

Diversity of Classroom/Special Needs Focus: Students will be taking a test over a verb unit. ESL students will be allowed to take their test with an ESL teacher.


Core Content Used: RD-H-4.0.8 Identify essential information needed to accomplish a task. PL-H-1.1.1 There are behaviors (e.g., constructive communication; fulfilling commitments; cooperation; demonstrating healthy ways to express needs, wants, feelings) that show respect and responsibility to self and others.

Learning Goals and Academic Expectations: 2.37 Students demonstrate skills and work habits that lead to success in future schooling and work. 3.5 Students demonstrate self- control and self discipline. 5.4 Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options.

New Teacher Standards: 4.2 Makes appropriate provisions for assessment processes that address social, cultural, and physical diversity. 3.13 Provides opportunities for students to use and practice what is learned.

Objectives: 1. Students will show respect for their classmates while the test is administered. 2. Students will obey classroom-testing rules. 3. Students will display their understanding of verbs by taking a test. 4. Students will demonstrate active and passive voice. 5. Students will recall the “to be” verbs. 6. Students will decide the best answer for multiple-choice questions. 7. Students will construct a paragraph using a phrasal verb in each sentence. 8. Students will utilize their ability to fill in the blank. 9. Students will define the different types of verbs. Rationale: Students have completed a unit on verbs. Since they have completed the unit, they are taking a verb test over all the components of the unit. They will be asked to complete answers in a variety of ways to address most learning styles.

Activity: 1. Students will briefly review for the test with a study buddy. 2. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions. 3. Students will play a review game with the class. 4. ESL students will have the option of taking the test with an ESL teacher/assistant. 5. Students will complete the test in the time limit. 6. Students will work on accelerated reading after they complete the test.

Strategies: 1. The teacher will allow students time to work with their study buddy. 2. The teacher will answer students’ questions concerning verbs. 3. The teacher will help students play a game to review verbs. 4. The teacher will review the class of the test-taking rules. 5. The teacher will proctor the test. 6. The teacher will monitor the students to make sure everyone obeys the rules. 7. The teacher will make copies of the test for the entire class. 8. The teacher will allow accelerated reading time. 9. The teacher will return graded tests quickly. 10. The teacher will provide an opportunity for extra credit.

Resources and Materials: Tests Verb Game Test-taking rules

Assessment: Students will be assessed on the content from the unit. Multiple choice test Writing test Fill-in-the-blank UNIT TEST: Verbs

Name: ______Date: ______Score: ______

“TO BE” VERBS (25 points) 1. Chose the correct “be” verb to fill in the chart: (1 point)

PRESENT Singular Plural PAST Singula Plural TENSE TENSE r

First Person I _____ We _____ First I _____ We _____ Person

Second Person You _____ You ____ Second You _____ You ____ Person He _____ He _____ Third Person She _____ They ____ Third She _____ They ____ It _____ Person It _____ FUTURE Singular Plural TENSE

First Person I _____ We _____

Second Person You _____ You ____

He _____ Third Person She _____ They ____ It _____

2. Write a sentence using a first person future tense sentence. (.5 points)


Compose a sentence containing a third person present tense verb. (.5 points)


PHRASAL VERBS (15 points) Select the best Phrasal Verb for the following sentences: (2 pts each)

3. She longed to visit the house in Artvin, where she was ______as a child. a. brought in b. brought about c. brought out d. brought up 4. Did you ______my passport while you were clearing out the desk, by any chance? a. come around b. come up against c. come across d. come to

5. Fighting has ______in several parts of the country. a. gone in b. set up c. broken out d. come on

6. She’s such an irritating woman. I don’t know how much you can ______her. a. stand up with b. put up with c. stand with d. put up

7. Whole villages have been _____ by the floods. a. wiped out b. mopped up c. called off d. run down

8. Write a five-sentence paragraph using a phrasal verb in each sentence. (5 pts)



9. Define Regular Verb and list three regular verbs. (5 pts) 10. Define Linking Verb and list three linking verbs. (5 pts)

11. Define Transitive Verbs and give an example. (5 pts)

12. Define Intransitive Verbs and give an example. (5 pts) Choose the correct answer for the boldface word. Circle your answer. (15 pts.)

13. Molly took her mop and bucket from the cupboard. a. transitive b. linking c. intransitive

14. She appeared to be in a state of agitation. a. transitive b. linking c. intransitive

15. “Little Bo-peep has lost her sheep, and doesn’t know where to find them; leave them alone and they’ll come home, wagging their tails behind them.” Which are transitive?

One answer only! a. lost, leave b. lost, to find, leave, wagging c. lost, to find, leave d. to find, wagging

16. “he’ll come back and marry me…” Which are transitive?

One answer only! a. come back b. marry c. neither of the above

17. “when the wind blows, the cradle will rock; when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall…” How many transitive verbs can you find?

One answer only! a. none b. one c. two d. three e. four Identifying Active and Passive Voice: (25 points) Change the following sentences into passive voice:

18. The dog bit the mailman. ______

19. John had eaten all the doughnuts by the time we got home. ______Change the following sentences into active voice:

20. The van will be driven by Mary. ______

21. The course was taken by many freshman. ______

22. The bank was robbed. ______

EXTRA CREDIT: (earn up to 6 points)

Write 3 sentences in active voice. Then, rewrite the same sentences in passive voice.

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