Writing Short Stories Rubric

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Writing Short Stories Rubric

Writing short stories Rubric Name / Class ______

Score 4 3 2 1 Title Title is creative, sparks Title is related to the Title is present, but No title. interest, and is related story and topic. does not appear to be to the story or topic. related to the story and 5 pts topic. Characterization Main characters are Main characters are Main characters are It is hard to tell who named and clearly named and described named using few direct the main characters described using a using some direct and and indirect are and there is little variety of direct and indirect techniques. characterization or no use of direct or indirect techniques. Readers have some idea techniques. Readers indirect Readers have an idea of what the readers are know very little about characterization about their personality like. the characters. techniques. and can relate to them 25 pts. in some way. Setting Many vivid, descriptive Some vivid, descriptive Readers can figure out Readers have trouble words (sensory) are words (sensory) are when and where the figuring out when used to tell when and used to tell the audience story took place, but the and where the story where the story took when and where the writer did not supply took place. place. There are at least story took place. There much detail. There are 3 senses fully are at least three senses at least one to two 10 pts. developed. developed senses developed. Plot Story has multiple Story has multiple Story has a problem Either the problem Are all 5 elements problems and suitable problems and suitable and solution. There are or the solution is of plot present and solutions. There are solutions. There are two events in the story. missing. There are three or more events in three or more events in one or less events in well developed? the story. the story. the story. 25 pts. Problem/ Readers very easily Readers understand the Readers understand the It is not clear what Conflict understand the problem problem the main problem, but it is not problem the main the main characters characters face and clear why it is a characters face. 10 pts. face and why. why. problem. Conclusion/Resolu The conclusion is The conclusion is The conclusion leaves There is no tion interesting and leaves interesting and wraps the reader unfulfilled. discernable the reader satisfied. up the story well, but conclusion. 10 pts. leaves the reader with Techniques The writer used at least The writer used at least The writer used at least The story lacks three literary devices to two literary devices to one literary device to literary devices. enhance the story. enhance the story. enhance the story. 5 pts. Organization The story is well The story is well The story is a little hard The story seems to organized, using a organized. One idea or to follow. The be randomly logical sequence of scene may seem out of transitions are arranged. events, elements of plot place. Clear transitions sometimes not clear. (exposition, rising, are used. action, climax, falling action, resolution), and clear transitions. 5 pts. Conventions The writer makes no The writer makes one The writer makes three The writer makes (Grammar and errors in grammar or to two errors in to four errors in more than four spelling that distracts grammar or spelling grammar or spelling errors in grammar to Spelling) the reader from the that may or may not that distract the reader. spelling. 5 pts. story. distract the reader.

Outcomes covered ELA 8.5 Integrate interesting effects in their writing ELA 9.2 Consider and craft writing to suit the audience and purpose ELA 10.2 Consistently use the conventions of written language in final project ELA 10.4 Demonstrate commitment to crafting writing

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