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Spiritual life begins with (and thrives on) curiosity. Experience becomes rich and fruitful when we open to its full range, when we are truly awake. This is one reason why diversity and welcome are so important. When we respect differences in the "public square" of spirituality, we benefit from other traditions and practices while protecting our right to stay true to our own. In this way, being curious and open-hearted promotes the spiritual potential of every person on the planet. May this newsletter stoke your curiosity – whether you be a spiritual director or seeker. May it engender deep questions and appreciation. And may it inspire you to be curious about how you might contribute to our wonderful community of spirit, here at Spiritual Directors International. We are profoundly grateful for your company on this precious public square of ours. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.

NEWS Meet Me in St Louis -- Very exciting news is coming soon. Full details about next year's conference will be announced in the next few weeks. Please watch your in-boxes (Inside tip: pay keen attention to the main speakers for 2018. We believe it's one of the strongest lineups in the history of the organization.) … Meantime, we are sending out a call to all our friends in the region to consider volunteering for the 2018 Seeking Connection Through Diversity conference and educational events.... We want people who live nearby to be our volunteer ambassadors during the events...... We need help getting the word out, designing the beautiful environment that will be the backdrop of the conference, leading a local daylong journey, organizing a four-day retreat and much more. .... All those who wish to contribute are welcome at our informational and planning meeting.... And if you're hungry as well as inspired, come early at 7 AM and eat breakfast with the SDI staff before the meeting begins. Friday, September 15th 8AM – 10 AM Union Station Hotel Midway Suites 3 1820 Market St, St. Louis, MO 63103

Please RSVP to [email protected] by September 8th so we can plan accordingly. One of the first things we want to discuss with any potential volunteers is the NAACP "travel advisory" for Missouri. SDI stands for inclusion and diversity. Acceptance, tolerance and mutual respect are operating principles for us. So we would like to hear from all "locals" to hear what you think about our plans to hold an unapologetic inter- spiritual gathering in St. Louis. We will take your suggestions into discernment as we plan next steps.

JOIN THE MOVEMENT -- SHARE STORIES OF SPIRIT Have you seen this quote on our social media? If not, you might want to consider following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn. (Our social media outlets provide a great way to keep up with activities and opportunities and engage in thoughtful, respectful and invigorating discussion.) The above quote is part of a blog post by London-based spiritual director Dr. Bruce Tallman. It's entitled "Religious or Not – One Question We Should All Ask Ourselves." Read it here: http://www.sdiworld.org/blog/religious-or-not-one-question-we-all-should-ask-ourselves (By the way, your enthusiastic response on social media continues to blow us away. This post set a new record for us on Facebook with more than 800 likes. We see our social media education and storytelling as an important way to reach people with our message of encouragement for all those interested in spiritual companionship. If you ever feel inspired to share a post with your friends, don't hesitate. Spiritual direction is still a new concept to many folks. As you help people get accustomed to the idea of spiritual companionship, they may start to consider their own spiritual journey. And that is a "win" for them, for our movement and for the world.) VIDEO NEW RELEASE - We have video highlights to share from the engaging, truth-telling gathering earlier this year in Seattle called "Inviting the Stranger." Check the video on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3TlgFGiTLM&t=8s Many of us feel besieged these days. Negative judgments, hatred and a sense of anger at perceived (and real) wrongs can build barriers instead of bridges to community and understanding. How might you respond differently? ... Spiritual Directors International is committed to engaging with these challenging emotions through the practice of contemplative listening. The goal? To discover how we can respond with greater empathy and peace.... Think about it ... everyone has felt like a stranger at some point in their lives ... by listening to one another's stories of isolation and stark feelings of "otherness"... we expand our imaginations and our hearts... Here's the equation we want you to ponder.... Diversity + Compassion = Community ... Have a watch ... and then support SDI by visiting our shop and buying the full DVD. ($19.95 -- members get a 25% discount, $14.95). https://secure.sdiworld.org/…/305-inviting-the-stranger- com…

QUESTION You are what makes SDI a welcoming and nurturing community. We want to hear from you and encourage you to share your wisdom by answering a question (or two) each month. We are listening. Before September 10, please give us your answers. How does curiosity play a role in your own spiritual life? How do you use it in your spiritual direction? Share your responses here.

BLOG "Bring Yourself into the Circle of Care" Do you ever suffer from compassion fatigue? Here's a warm, wise and nurturing blog post from one of our experienced spiritual directors, Janice Lynne Lundy ... She gives practical advice for dealing with the challenges of being a big-hearted, space-creating, gentle-listening companion to people on their spiritual journeys... Check it out on the SDI blog … http://www.sdiworld.org/blog/compassion-fatigue-bring-yourself-circle-care and don't miss the story about the loving and devoted pastor who felt so drained by her work, she ran out of hugs (but only temporarily) .... Sending gratitude to all people reading this -- for your efforts on behalf of each soul you hold in your heart.

COMING ATTRACTIONS – WEBINAR ON ENNEAGRAMS "9 Faces of Soul" Webinar set for October! Wise and wonderful Australian Margaret Loftus will be leading a 4-part webinar on enneagrams on four Wednesdays in October. We will announce details shortly. Please watch for an email from us so you can sign up. (If you can't make it, though, don't worry. We will have the entire presentation recorded so anyone can purchase it to watch at their leisure.) ...... At work, most of us have come across personality typing and testing.... According to Father Richard Rohr, CFM enneagrams are a system with a difference, offering a means of "self-discovery and spiritual transformation." Many spiritual directors would agree... and some use enneagrams as they provide spiritual companionship.... The October SDI webinar will offer an introduction to enneagrams as well as a more advanced look at this ancient practice.

COMMUNITY EVENT Photo by Rory Briski Seattle Open House On August 19, we welcomed an open-hearted, enthusiastic gathering of spiritual directors and seekers to our new headquarters in Bellevue. There was a wonderful feeling of connection as SDI staff showed our members our new space which has the capacity to host workshops for 10-30 people. The French say it best: “esprit de corps.” We are grateful that you are part of our team at SDI. We serve people all around the world, but are based here in the Northwest of the United States. For any of our members who visit Seattle, please see our offices as a place of resource and friendship, and stop by whenever you are in the area.

ART AND SPIRIT Photo by Rev. Wilfredo Benitez "Inclusive, global, contemplative -- we connect people with companions for their spiritual journeys. Welcome. This is where practice meets joy." @sdiworld on Instagram The SDI Instagram account is born: It's only about 5 weeks old, but you can check it out here: https://www.instagram.com/sdiworld/ Now that Spiritual Directors International has a place on the most popular image-sharing app on the planet, we need you to help us make it one of the most inspiring accounts in the world. Do you make contemplative photographs? Would you like to share them on our Instagram account? Email our Director of Content, Steven Crandell... [email protected] to be considered. We pay in gratitude and give full credit to all photographers.... In the photo above, you can see a beautiful image from one of our spiritual directors, Rev. Wilfredo Benitez, an Episcopal priest who lives in Flushing, New York.

RESOURCES http://www.sdiworld.org/sites/default/files/educational-event/2017-0817-Summer- Connections%20%28002%29_3.pdf

The August 2017 issue of Connections is now available online. This issue of focuses on family, legacy, truth, finding our way after great loss, compassion, celebration and, of course, community. We hope you enjoy the remarkable variety and the depth of insight your brothers and sisters in spiritual direction bring to the wider community here. We loved putting it together for you... Are you willing to share your experience as a spiritual director or a seeker? What story would you tell in the pages of a future edition of Connections? How might your journey inspire spiritual directors or open new horizons for them?... We would love to have the chance to consider your submissions. If the Spirit moves you, please write to Steven Crandell [email protected] and suggest a topic or simply send a short piece of 400-700 words. Steven will personally review it and respond.

Topic for reflection We found the definition below on good old Google. What do you think of it? ..... Google said it applied in Christian contexts. Definitely. But we think in the public square of spiritual direction, it might apply to us all..... Whom among us should be judging another, especially a directee? ... Many traditions see this kind of thumbs-up, thumbs-down judgment as a hindrance to the universal virtue of compassion .... What do you think?... Many thanks to SDI member Brenda Buckwell and Living Streams Flowing Water for her newsletter which focused on discernment and inspired us .... Also to Laura Swan for her great quote, which led Brenda's newsletter: “Discernment is vital to the spiritual journey. Discernment requires that we listen deeply and intently to our hearts, and to all the ways that God chooses to whisper to us. Saint Benedict tells his followers to listen with the ear of [their] hearts. When we listen well, we intentionally choose to hear those we disagree with, those whose lives are significantly different from ours- we allow ourselves to be stretched and challenged. There is a quality of openness to learn and to change. It is through discernment that we come to better know our truest self as well as the false self we have so heavily invested in.” Practical Spiritual Practice

Presence Journal

Have you found a product or service among the Presence advertisers that has been helpful to you in the past year? Please share your experience. Send your comments to [email protected] and [email protected].

Contemplative Learning Opportunity Discover more about spiritual direction and how to take the first step. Read more LET SPIRIT BE YOUR GUIDE


BLESSING With respect and appreciation, Anil Singh-Molares Executive Director

P.S. If you enjoyed this newsletter, please share it with a friend or friends. That simple act will do a tremendous amount to support the cause of spiritual companionship. Remember.... sometimes wonderful journeys start with the simple step of sharing what authentically resonates with us. Authentic connections are often born of such respectful boldness. This issue of the Discover newsletter can be found online: simply follow the link.

What do you think of “Discover”? We love feedback at SDI. And we’d like to know what you think about our monthly newsletter. What would you change? What would you like to see more of – or less of? What would be useful to you as a director – or a seeker? This is your newsletter. Please write to [email protected] with any comments, critiques and suggestions. Thank you.

Subscribe to Listen, our quarterly newsletter for seekers, here: http://www.sdiworld.org/content/subscribe-discover-listen

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