Royal Family Kids Application
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Return Application to: For Office Use Only Royal Family Kids’ Camps Crossroads Community Church Attn: Robin Boehler ______Application for 7 – 11 Years Old 505 Gahagan Rd ______Contact info Foster Children Summerville, SC 29485 Fax: 843-821-2778 ______Meds Sponsored by Crossroads Community Church Please attach a 505 Gahagan Rd. Summerville, SC 29485, 871-2755 photo of the July 10-14 2017 camper.
R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M Instructions: Please Print. This form must be completely filled out. The information is vital to the health and well being of the child. Your application will be returned to you if it is not completely filled in.
Child’s Last Name: ______First Name: ______Preferred Name:______Gender: Male Female Birthdate: ______Age: ______Street: ______City: ______Zip ______School: ______Grade: ______Reading level: ______The child is living with: Foster Parent Group Home Relative (relationship to child) ______Name(s) of person(s) the child is living with: ______Home Phone: (_____)______Cell Phone: (_____)______Work Phone (_____)______Emergency Contact ______Relationship to Child: ______Phone: (______)______Social Worker: ______Phone Number/s (______)______Email Address: ______How long in foster care? ______How long in current home? ______How many Foster Placement moves? ______Primary reasons? ______Explain any unusual family circumstances that make camp especially important for the child: (For example: recent crisis, being moved in foster placement, severe economic needs, etc.) ______CAMPERS EMOTIONAL/BEHAVIORAL HISTORY
Often Sometimes Never Often Sometimes Never Aggressiveness Night Terrors Bedwetting Nightmares Biting Runs Away Eating Disorders Sexual Acting Out Hyperactive Steals Learning & Disabilities Tantrums Lying Withdrawn
Please provide details. Please describe any effective strategies you use to manage challenging behavior.
______Does the camper receive any educational or counseling services? ___ Yes ___ No If yes, describe type and location: ______
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DTP Series _____ Booster _____ Tetanus Booster _____ Polio OPV (Sabin) _____ Typhoid _____ Measles Vaccine (live) _____ Tuberculin (TB) Test _____ German measles (Rubella) _____ Mumps Vaccine (live) _____ Small Pox _____
PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS: All medication sent to camp must be in original container with the pharmacy label on it. Is your child taking any medications? No Yes, please fill in the following
1. Medication: ______Dosage: ______Times: ______Condition treated: ______Since: ______2. Medication: ______Dosage:______Times: ______Condition treated: ______Since: ______3. Medication: ______Dosage:______Times: ______Condition treated: ______Since: ______Doctor's Name______Phone______
Non- PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS: All medication sent to camp must be in original container with the label on it. 1. Medication: ______Dosage:______Times: ______Condition treated: ______Since: ______2. Medication: ______Dosage: ______Times: ______Condition treated: ______Since: ______I understand that it is my responsibility as caregiver to make sure that all instructions are clear and that the necessary dosage is adequately supplied for the duration of camp. I hereby authorize RFKC’s nurse to administer the above medication from July 10 through July 14, 2017.
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MEDICAL RELEASE FORM: This health history is correct so far as I know, and the above named minor has permission to engage in all prescribed program activities, except as noted. The undersigned do hereby authorize the directors of Summerville Royal Kids’ Camp or such substitute as they may designate as agent for the undersigned to consent to an X-Ray examination, anesthetic, medical, dental or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care for the above minor which is deemed advisable by and to be rendered under the general or special supervision of any physician and surgeon, licensed under the provision of the Medicine Practice Act or any dentist licensed under the Dental Practice Act, whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of said physician or dentist, at a hospital, camp or elsewhere. This authorization will remain effective while the above minor is en-route to and from or involved or participating in any camp program, unless revoked in writing by the undersigned and delivered to the Director of Royal Family as legal guardian/social worker/other. I give my permission for ______to attend Summerville Royal Family Kids’ Camp in the summer of 2017 through Crossroad Community Church. Camper
______Printed Name Authorized Signature Date
Relationship to child:______Child’s Medicaid # ______
I hereby give the Royal Family Kids’ Camp Registered Nurse permission to administer the following products according to manufacturer’s instructions, or as otherwise specified.
I trust the RFKC Registered Nurse to use her best judgment as situations arise, and if in doubt, he/she can call for verification.
Please check YES or NO for the medications listed below. “Yes” gives permission to use the medication. This form must be completely filled out by the primary caregiver who signs below, or camper may not attend camp.
YES NO Specify if desired:
Sun block ______ Insect repellant ______ Lip balm ______ Rash ointment ______ Tylenol/Acetaminophen ______ Aspirin/Bayer ______ Ibuprofen/Motrin/Advil ______ Band-aids ______ Antiseptic ointment ______ Anti-itch cream ______ Lidocaine (sting relief) ______ Hydrogen peroxide ______ Cough syrup ______ Cough drops ______ Decongestant ______ Antihistamine ______ Ipecac syrup ______ Pepto Bismol ______ Saline eye wash ______ Other ______ Other ______
Parent or Legal Guardian’s Signature: ______
Printed Name: ______Phone numbers: ______
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