Goal 1: Technology Integration and Mastery of Standards s1
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Sardis Technology Plan Sardis
Page 1 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan
General Information
A. Years of the Plan: 2008 – 2012 B. School: Sardis C. Date Submitted: October 20, 2008
Approval – Principal
Gerald Beard ______Name Date Signature
Approval – School Technology Coordinator
Lauren Holt ______Name Date Signature
______Name Date Signature
Approval – System Technology Coordinator
Melissa Shields ______Name Date Signature
Name Position Business or School
Gerald Beard Principal Sardis
Wendy Gibbs Assistant Principal Sardis
Lauren Holt School Technology Coordinator Sardis
Jennifer Johnson Teacher Sardis
Summer Thompson Teacher Sardis
Lawanna McCammy Teacher Sardis Page 2 of 33 Cindy Lightsey Parent Sardis
Teresa Talton Parent Sardis Sardis Technology Plan
Vision Statement In 1775, Samuel Johnson wrote, “Knowledge is of two kinds: we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.” The tools for finding and communicating information, however, have changed dramatically. Our schools were once physical places where the teacher dispensed ideas and students then recited back what had been learned. Students and teachers must now adapt to new models for learning if Alabama is to continue to thrive. Our future depends upon how schools educate young people in Alabama, using the learning tools of the 21st century: the tools of technology.
History of Sardis Sardis has recently moved into the newly constructed building. It features a junior high wing and senior high wing, two computer labs, Internet accessibility in every classroom, a specialized distant education room, cameras throughout with direct feeds to the Principal’s office, and a new media center. The school’s design has a positive correlation with implementing new technologies.
The first Sardis school was built in 1905. In 1925 the Junior High was added. In 1924, the school building burned. In order to get funds to rebuild the school the people in the community put a property tax on themselves. The first Sardis High School was built in 1933. The second school was built in 1960 with volunteer labor. In 2004 construction began on the new school, which was built in two phases and was completed in the 2006-2007 school year.
Demographic Information
Page 3 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan Sardis City is located in a rural area on the northwest boundary of Etowah County (population of 103,459). It borders two other counties, Marshall (population 82,231) and Dekalb County (population 64,452). Sardis City is located at the center of these three counties with a combined population of 250,142.
The population of Sardis City has steadily increased since it was incorporated in 1963. The population at that time was 210 and is now 1,438. The number of households within Sardis City is 690 with 38% of those households containing school aged children. The average estimated income is $33,084, with the median home value at $48,300.
Developing and Approving Your Plan
Technology and Curriculum Integration TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM Sardis High School, along with the Etowah County Board Of Education, promotes the integration of instructional technology and technology literacy in the classroom. All classrooms have full connectivity with at least 4 data outlets per room. All teachers have at least one computer in the classroom with internet connectivity. The senior high computer lab has 30 computers and used for business education classes and as an internet resource for classroom teachers and students. The junior high computer lab currently has 18 computers and more will be purchased as funds become available. The Distance Learning Lab is fully functional with classes being offered during both high school semesters. Teachers are provided with numerous possibilities to utilize technology devices across the curriculum. Teachers have the freedom adapting their resources to fit their instructional plans. Lessons and objectives appear on electronic whiteboards via LCD projectors in the classroom. Teachers have enhanced their mobility and ability to teach through interactive InterWrite pads. Activities and interactive information emerge on SmartBoards, which allow students to interact directly with the lesson. Teachers have access to two Smartboards in the school. One is mobile and one is housed in the Distance Learning Lab. Teachers can capture still moments and short videos with the department digital cameras. In 2007-2008 school year, all science teachers and history teachers received projectors as part of their text book teacher packages. Funding received during the 2007-2008 school year allowed for the purchase of 10 InterWrite pads and ensured all Science and Math teachers received a device. During the 2008- 2009 school year, English teachers will receive InterWrite pads with the new literature textbooks. Teachers at Sardis digitally engage students through United Streaming and Discovery Education videos that are correlated with objectives and shown to reinforce the content area. Teachers use of WebQuest and other instructional technology pedagogies are documented in lesson plans. Sardis purchased DANA devices that are used in the classrooms and students have the advantage of taking these portable devices for home use. Sardis received an ACCESS grant of $50,000 and will receive 30 tablets and updating distance education equipment. The business department uses Microsoft Office 2003, Front Page, and Think.Com to teach beginning and advanced computing skills. All special education teachers have laptop computers with fingerprint identification. The use of “Success Maker” software allows struggling students and special education students to build on their “zone of proximal development.” The 8th grade Careers teachers are implementing “Success Maker” to improve the reading skills of struggling readers. Teachers are also using virtual field trips to bring destinations to students, often used as a jump start activity, and provide a visual introduction. Students have the option to participate in distance education courses that allow them to access higher levels of learning.
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MAJOR SOFTWARE All teachers are required to use STI software. Through STI, teachers must post a daily morning attendance, compile and record a digital grade book, and create weekly lesson plans. Teachers communicate through GroupWise email and GroupWise Messenger on a daily basis. The special Education SETS module for STI has been installed at Sardis and teachers are able to input and manage Special Education information. McAleer NexGen software is used for all accounting at Sardis. This includes payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and all other school accounting. Network management is implemented through Novell Zenworks. Zenworks allows the desktops to be locked while still giving students access to what they need. It allows software updates to be pushed out to the desktop over the network and thus decreasing maintenance and upkeep costs. The library/media center has circulation software and is currently upgrading the system to allow catalog browsing in the classroom.
FUTURE PLANS Sardis strives to enhance student learning through 21st Century technology skills in information literacy, publishing, presentation, and multimedia planned to meet core course objectives and technology objectives. A needs assessment was conducted at the end of the 2007- 2008 school year to determine the technology needs of Sardis High School. This needs assessment concluded that regardless of the many staff development activities related to technology available to employees, continued staff development is imperative to the continued progress of technology integration in the school. Sardis plans to provide professional development activities to teachers and administrators to integrate 21st Century skills in activities and lessons; enhance teacher productivity by providing technology tools and skills to access research, facilitate curriculum development, and utilize diagnostic and assessment tools; provide ongoing training on the use of standardized hardware and software that supports District adopted- curriculum and state content standards; enhance employee participation through a variety of training opportunities and incentives. Teachers are required to maintain a current teacher web page and will be required to post monthly blogs on the status of their classroom environments. Teachers will be required to administer “E-alerts” to notify subscribers of updates to their web pages. This will enhance the communication between teachers and the community.
Infrastructure as Related to Technology Content filtering is currently accomplished using Lightspeed Total Traffic Control server. The ASC side of the connectivity used content filtering provided by ASC. This gives our school a second level of protection. Currently, the network is designed to stop all Internet traffic within the WAN in the event of the R2000 failing. Future plans include increasing the management of the network using the Lightspeed reporting capabilities to maximize the load balance between the Charter Internet connection and the
Page 5 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan Alabama Supercomputer Internet connection. Plans are also in place to configure the two Internet connections so if one were to drop, all traffic would automatically be redirected to the other.
Connectivity/WAN Connectivity Between Schools Connections are provided by the Alabama Supercomputer Authority and Charter. These connections are routed through the ECBOE Central Office. All file servers in the Etowah County School System are running Novell Netware 6.0 or 6.5. There are numerous Microsoft Windows 2000 and 2003 servers running specific applications such as STI District. A typical server hardware configuration is a Dell PowerEdge. Sardis High school is equipped with a DELL Poweredge 2650 server with 4GB of RAM, 3 36GB SCSI Hard drives in a RAID 5 configuration and Intel Xeon processors. Novell Netware 6.5 is the network operating system on the school server using Novell E-Directory. All switches are Cisco Catalyst 2950 to give 100 mbps switched connectivity on all network backbones. All locations have Cisco Catalyst 2950 switches to give 100 mbps switched connectivity on all network backbones
Measures to Ensure Information Security The System WAN is protected by a Cisco PIX firewall solution provided by the state as well as a Linux firewall solution designed by the Alabama Supercomputer Authority. This Linux solution is in place at Sardis High School. All wireless access points are currently protected by a Cisco Wireless LAN Security Engine (WLSE) encryption. This solution is a combined Cisco Access Control Server coupled with Ciscoworks Wireless LAN Security Engine. This solution enables a much higher level of encryption that is more difficult to crack as well as making overall access to the wireless networks easier to access by users with appropriate credentials. The Etowah County School District provides Sophos Enterprise Antivirus software on all desktops and servers in the district. Updates for Sophos are pushed out automatically through the servers. Mobile users have a different version of the software that updates to the Sophos website. Sophos Enterprise is manageable through a web-based console that identifies all computers on the network, their level of antivirus protection (whether they are updated or are infected with a virus), and the
Page 6 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan version of the software currently running on that machine. Sophos PureMessage Anti- spam software is used to minimize the amount of spam delivered to end users at Sardis and in the Etowah County Groupwise E-mail program. A Lightspeed Total Traffic Control Box is used for additional firewall protection. This device provides very detailed information about network usage. It also gives us additional protection from viruses, hackers, and malicious content. Sardis, along with the Etowah County School District, is CIPA compliant. An Internet Safety Policy is in effect and has been since the implementation of CIPA. Our Internet Safety Policy contains two different Acceptable Use Policies. There is a student AUP and an employee AUP. The student AUP must be signed by the student and a parent/guardian and the beginning of each year. This AUP states that the school district will provide adequate supervision any time a student is using technology at school. The policy also states that adequate content filtering will be provided on all computers within the district. The policy stipulates that any student who intentionally breaks the Internet Safety Policy can be punished according to the Student Code of Conduct and board policies including losing technology privileges. Content filtering is currently accomplished using a Lightspeed Total Traffic Control server. The Alabama Supercomputer side of the connectivity uses content filtering provided by Alabama Supercomputer. This gives Sardis a second level of protection. Currently, the network is designed to stop all Internet traffic within the WAN in the event of the R2000 failing. Future plans include increasing the management of the network using the Lightspeed reporting capabilities to maximize the load balance between the Charter Internet connection and the Alabama Supercomputer Internet connection. Plans are also in place to configure the two Internet connections so if one were to fail, all traffic would automatically be redirected to the other.
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Page 8 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan All Alabama students, teachers, and administrators will effectively use technology as an integrated tool for teaching, leading, and learning to master local, state, and national standards.
Where we stand: Data sources: Action steps:
Technology is integrated into the learning environment to create an educational atmosphere designed Students and teachers will to promote selected course objectives and technology literacy continue to have access to objectives. TheOn a dailyinformation basis, approximately used to 9.5% of students use technologyassess as a and motivational communicate tool to execute inquiry. technology resources at Sardis. Students who use technology to explore information on a Teachers will be provided with weekly basisaccurate rose 2% from answers last year to to the17.85%. A wide array of technology isleft administered hand column’s in the classroom during a continuing education on how to week’s time. More than once a week 6.2% of students integrate technology into collaboratequestions on technology originated based activities from such as presentations andthe writing Impact activities; Results 23% of students use classroom plans and how to teach educational games or software in the classroom; 15% of students to become skilled with students use completedtechnology based during tutorials the more than once a week. At least2007-2008 once a week, school 11% of studentsyear, use technology technology. Teachers will be to research additional information. Teachers are being trained to utilize projectors, provided with professionalteacher interviews, development to strengthen the usage of technologystudent inassignments, the classroom, withand 69% of teachers SmartBoards, InterWrite Pads, having attended one or two technology based professional and other modes of technology developmentobservations in the last 12 months. at Sardis. The data related to teacher and administrator available to the school. Teachers technology usage transcends that a select group of teachers are required to posts blog once a are utilizing numerous modes of technology in the classroom; several teachers are using a modest amount of technology, month to their teacher WebPages and a small amount of teachers (2%) are using none at all. regarding their classroom However, with supplies available to teachers at Sardis the majority of teachers should be utilizing the material. Through environment. professional development activities, teachers will broaden their approach to integrating technology into the classroom. The data regarding teacher and administrator technology usage for communication confirms that teachers and administrators communicate with one another through technology resources, GroupWise email or GroupWise messenger, the majority of the time. Communicating with students and parents through technology has improved from last year with approximately 49% of teachers communicating with parents through technology at least once a month and up to daily.
All Alabama students, teachers, and administrators will benefit from a broad range of educational opportunities and resources through the use of technology.
Where We Stand Data Sources Action Steps
All teachers have at least one computer in Teachers will be provided with the classroom with internet connectivity to The information used ensure technology is being administered. The the opportunity to participate senior high computer lab has 30 computers and is to assess and in professional development used for business education classes and as an communicate accurate via the internet and web internet resource for classroom teachers and broadcasts. Teachers will students. The junior high computer lab currently answers to the left has 18 computers and more will be purchased as hand column’s participate in on-site and other funds become available. The Distance Learning professional development Lab is fully functional with classes being offered questions originated workshops on how to integrate during both high school semesters. Teachers are from the Impact technology into the classroom and provided with numerous possibilities to utilize Results completed communicate with parents through technology devices across the curriculum. email and blogs. Teachers use technology to assess and during the 2007-2008 evaluate student learning and needs. A large Teachers will be encouraged to amount of teachers, 78%, use technology every school year, teacher make regular postings to the day or at least once a week to monitor students’ interviews, student school website regarding the status progress, while 56% of students use testing and of their classes. This allows assessment software at least once a week. 18% of assignments, and students’ parents to access class teachers use word programming software to observations at Sardis. information and stay updated. present lessons to students. Students are provided with the opportunity to enroll in distant education classes each semester. However, teachers fail to participate in distant learning professional development, with 60.8% of teachers not using distant learning for professional development. But, over 50% of teachers feel confidently about their abilities to use distant learning for professional development purposes. Sardis has 29.41% of teachers who use technology to communicate with the community at least once a week. This area of communication is weak, but will be promoted through professional development activities and implanting benefits of the new web site and teacher web pages.
Page 10 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan GOAL 3: TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT All Alabama teachers and administrators benefit from high quality, research-based professional development and supports necessary to achieve local, state, and national standards and courses of study. Where We Stand Data Sources Action Steps
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will be 1)Availability—18% of teachers feel they The information used to provided with the have adequate equipment and resources to assess and communicate opportunity to participate participate in technology professional in professional development activities all the time. accurate answers to the development. Teachers 2) Compensation—62% of teachers feel their left hand column’s compensation needs for technology will participate in on-site professional development has been somewhat questions originated from professional met or completely met during the past 12 the Impact Results development workshops. months. completed during the Teachers will be 3)Quality—79.9% of teachers feel their encouraged to participate in technology needs have been somewhat met or 2007-2008 school year, summer technology completely met over the past 12 months. teacher interviews, workshops. Teachers will 4) Release time—63% of teachers feel they student assignments, and be provided for the financial have sufficient time and substitute support to attend relevant replacements to participate in professional observations at Sardis. and applicable professional development. development activities. !
GOAL 4: TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE All Alabama students, teachers, and administrators will have access to the appropriate technology resources and infrastructure necessary to support teaching, leading, and learning. Where We Stand Data Sources Action Steps
Page 11 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan Electrical Wiring: I have not received any incidence of problems with the electrical wiring. However there is a shortage in supply The information used to Students will continue to have of network—connection wiring. assess and communicate the option of distant education classes, with more options next Infrastructure (Network Status): accurate answers to the All classrooms are currently networked, as is the office. semester. The library is networked. Sardis has three computer left hand column’s Laptops will be purchased for labs, one for the senior high students, one for the junior questions originated from common use and desktops will high students, and the Title I lab that all support Business Technology classes and remediation classes. the Impact Results be purchased with available All labs are networked. completed during the money. Additional computers 2007-2008 school year, will be purchased to replace Resources (Hardware and software): Despite have out of date desktops in two large labs (senior high and junior high) and one teacher interviews, small lab (Title I), there are not sufficient opportunities computer labs. to use a computer lab for core class instruction. student assignments, and Business Tech and remediation classes use the labs the observations at Sardis. majority of the time, thus eliminating or hindering the option to use a lab for instructional purposes in a large core class.
Security: Sardis uses appropriate district IT forms that require students to read and sign in agreement the terms of use policy regarding technology resources.
Distance Learning: Currently, students have the ability to participate in one distant learning class. However, more classes should be offered next semester. Students are aware of this option and some have observed the current distant education class for possible future placement. Sardis will be receiving 30 new tablets to be utilized in the distance learning lab.
Page 12 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan 2008-2009 Action Plan Using the needs identified above, develop an Action Plan that will address the deficiencies for the following objectives with a minimum of three objectives of the school’s choice per goal. Schools may elect to address all objectives. Use the chart below to develop this Action Plan to remediate the objectives you have chosen. All objectives should remain in the school plan from year to year, affording schools the opportunity to address additional objectives in the future.
Goal #1: SARDIS students, teachers, and administrators will effectively use technology as an integrated tool for teaching, leading, and learning to master local, state, and national standards.
Year Objective Current Status Action Steps Erate Budget Category per Indicator (Your technology budget will be (average) developed based on these action steps.)
X 08-09 1.1 Students meet the Technology 4 = 90%-100% Teachers will be provided with No E- Hardware Literacy Content Standards found professional development regarding Rate 09-10 in Alabama's Technology Course 3= 70%-89% the integration of technology into Relatio Software nship of Study. lessons. The professional 10-11 X 2=30%-69% 07-08 Parts development opportunities will be 11-12 1= 0%-29% designed around Alabama’s 08-09 X PD Technology Course of Study. 09-10 Other 10-11 Estimated Amount: 11-12 $ 200
X 08-09 1.2 Student’s regularly make use 4 = 90%-100% Teachers will be provided with No E- of current and emerging numerous professional development Rate Hardware 09-10 technology in the learning 3= 70%-89% opportunities designed to coordinate Relatio nship X Software process. new technology with course 10-11 X 2=30%-69% 07-08 objectives. Funds will be allocated to Parts 11-12 1= 0%-29% purchase educational software. 08-09 X PD 09-10 Other 10-11 Estimated Amount: 11-12 $ 200
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Year Objective Current Status Action Steps Erate Budget Category per Indicator (Your technology budget will be (average) developed based on these action steps.)
1.3 Teachers meet local, state, 4 = 90%-100% No E- X 08-09 and national technology Teachers will be provided with Rate Hardware standards. 3= 70%-89% professional development and Relatio 09-10 nship X Software software regarding the integration of 2=30%-69% 07-08 10-11 technology into lessons. Parts X 1= 0%-29% 08-09 11-12 X PD 09-10 Other 10-11 Estimated Amount: $ 200 11-12
1.4 Teachers effectively and No E- Hardware X 08-09 equitably map instructional 4 = 90%-100% Instructional technology upgrades will be Rate technologies to specific content purchased. Relatio X Software 09-10 3= 70%-89% nship standards and levels of student 07-08 Parts 10-11 learning. X 2=30%-69% 08-09 X PD 11-12 1= 0%-29% 09-10 Other Estimated Amount: 10-11 $ 400 11-12
Year Objective Current Status Action Steps Erate Budget Category per Indicator (Your technology budget will be (average) developed based on these action steps.)
1.5 Teachers appropriately and No E- X Hardware X 08-09 regularly assign learning activities 4 = 90%-100% Money will be allotted to purchase forms Rate X Software that integrate the use of of technology, such as projectors, Relatio 09-10 3= 70%-89% nship technology tools. laptops, additional desktops, and 07-08 Parts 10-11 X 2=30%-69% InterWrite pads. 08-09 X PD 11-12 1= 0%-29% 09-10 Other Estimated Amount: 10-11 $ 1600 11-12
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X 08-09 1.6 Teachers model the 4 = 90%-100% Money will be allotted for purchasing X Hardware appropriate use of technology projectors, laptops, and InterWrite pads. No E- 09-10 Rate Software tools and resources 3= 70%-89% Relatio 10-11 X 2=30%-69% nship Parts 07-08 11-12 1= 0%-29% X PD 08-09 Other 09-10 Estimated Amount: 10-11 $ 7000
1.7 Teachers use technology to 4 = 90%-100% Money will be allotted to purchase the No E- Hardware X 08-09 gather and analyze data for upgrades in software to enable teachers to Rate improving student achievement. 3= 70%-89% easily gather and monitor student data. Relatio X Software 09-10 nship X 2=30%-69% 07-08 Parts 10-11 1= 0%-29% 08-09 X PD 11-12 09-10 Other 10-11 Estimated Amount: $ 200 11-12
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Year Objective Current Status Action Steps Erate Budget Category per Indicator (Your technology budget will be developed based on these action steps.)
X 08-09 1.8 Educators use technology to 4 = 90%-100% Professional development opportunities No E- Hardware Rate 09-10 communicate with stakeholders at that specialize in the communication with the local, district, and state level. 3= 70%-89% the community via technology. On site Relatio Software nship 10-11 workshops on utilizing the X 2=30%-69% 07-08 Parts communication components of the new 11-12 1= 0%-29% website. 08-09 X PD 09-10 X Other 10-11 Estimated Amount: $ 0 11-12
1.9 Administrators meet local, X 4 = 90%-100% X 08-09 No E- Hardware state, and national standards. Rate 3= 70%-89% Relatio Software 09-10 nship 2=30%-69% 10-11 07-08 Parts 1= 0%-29% 11-12 08-09 PD 09-10 Other 10-11 Estimated Amount: $ 0 11-12
X 08-09 1.10 Administrators use X 4 = 90%-100% No E- Hardware 09-10 technology to gather and analyze Rate data to assess instructional 3= 70%-89% Relatio Software 10-11 nship effectiveness and monitor student 2=30%-69% 07-08 Parts 11-12 achievement. 1= 0%-29% 08-09 PD NA 09-10 Other 10-11 Estimated Amount: $ 0 11-12
Page 16 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan Goal #2: SARDIS students, teachers, and administrators will benefit from a broad range of educational opportunities and resources through the use of technology.
Year Objective Current Status Action Steps Erate Budget Category per Indicator (Your technology budget will be developed based on these action steps.)
X 08-09 Money will be allotted to purchase 2.1 Educators will foster and 4 = 90%-100% No E- Hardware innovative forms of technology, ie Rate nurture an environment that 09-10 3= 70%-89% projectors, and resources to utilize in the Relatio X Software supports innovative uses of nship classroom. 10-11 technology. X 2=30%-69% 07-08 Parts 11-12 1= 0%-29% 08-09 X PD 09-10 Other 10-11 Estimated Amount: $ 500 11-12
More computers (laptops, desktops, hand X 08-09 held technology) will be purchased to X Hardware 2.2 Technology resources are No E- 4 = 90%-100% meet the demands of the growing student Rate provided to support the learning X Software 09-10 population. Relatio and technology needs of the school X 3= 70%-89% nship 10-11 Parts and community. 2=30%-69% 07-08 11-12 08-09 PD 1= 0%-29% 09-10 Other Estimated Amount: 10-11 $ 1800 11-12
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Year Objective Current Status Action Steps Erate Budget Category per Indicator (Your technology budget will be developed based on these action steps.)
X 08-09 Distant education classes are offered 2.3 Distance learning opportunities 4 = 90%-100% No E- Hardware through the system, and will be offered as Rate are provided to enhance learning 09-10 3= 70%-89% money allows. Relatio Software and access to curriculum content. nship 10-11 X 2=30%-69% 07-08 Parts 11-12 1= 0%-29% 08-09 PD 09-10 X Other 10-11 Estimated Amount: $ 0 11-12
Page 18 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan Goal #3: SARDIS teachers and administrators benefit from high quality, research-based professional development and supports necessary to achieve local, state, and national standards and courses of study.
Year Objective Current Status Action Steps Erate Budget Category per Indicator (Your technology budget will be developed based on these action steps.) Action Steps X 08-09 X Hardware 3.1 Teachers, administrators and 4 = 90%-100% No E- (YP will be developed based on Rate 09-10 school staff are provided high 3= 70%-89% Professional development options Relatio Software quality, research-based, job- should be offered for training. nship 10-11 embedded, technology professional X 2=30%-69% 07-08 Parts development that is aligned with 11-12 1= 0%-29% 08-09 X PD local, state, and national standards and course of study content 09-10 Other standards. 10-11 Estimated Amount: $ 200 11-12
X 08-09 Money should be allotted for 3.2 Teachers and administrators No E- Hardware 4 = 90%-100% compensation of the materials used to Rate are provided with adequate 09-10 sustain the professional development Relatio Software resources (such as release time, X 3= 70%-89% nship 10-11 needs. compensation, reimbursement, 2=30%-69% 07-08 Parts materials, etc.) to enable their 11-12 X PD participation in professional 1= 0%-29% 08-09 development opportunities within 09-10 Other the district and off-site. 10-11 Estimated Amount: $ 200 11-12
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Year Objective Current Status Action Steps Erate Budget Category per Indicator (Your technology budget will be developed based on these action steps.)
X 08-09 X 4 = 90%-100% No E-Rate Hardware Relationship 09-10 3.3 Administrators use a variety of 3= 70%-89% 07-08 Software evaluation data to make decisions 10-11 2=30%-69% Parts related to technology professional 08-09 11-12 development. 1= 0%-29% 09-10 PD 10-11 Other 11-12 Estimated Amount: $ 0
Page 20 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan Goal #4: SARDIS students, teachers, and administrators will have access to the appropriate technology resources and infrastructure necessary to support teaching, leading, and learning.
Year Objective Current Status Action Steps Erate Budget Category per Indicator (Your technology budget will be developed based on these action steps.)
X 08-09 X 4 = 90%-100% The current technology sufficiently 4.1 Instructional spaces, library No E- Hardware meets the demands of students and Rate media centers, and administrative 09-10 3= 70%-89% faculty. Relatio Software offices have sufficient network nship 10-11 bandwidth to support the learning, 2=30%-69% 07-08 Parts communication and administrative 11-12 1= 0%-29% goals of the district. 08-09 PD 09-10 Other 10-11 Estimated Amount: $ 0 11-12
X 08-09 4.2 Districts have implemented the X 4 = 90%-100% No E- Hardware Rate 09-10 required Internet security tools to Relatio Software enable teachers, administrators, 3= 70%-89% nship 10-11 and students convenient, useful, 2=30%-69% 07-08 Parts and safe access to the Internet. 11-12 1= 0%-29% 08-09 PD 09-10 Other 10-11 Estimated Amount: $ 0 11-12
X 08-09 X Hardware 4.3 Schools will have a sufficient 4 = 90%-100% No E- Computers will be purchased to Rate number of Internet-enabled 09-10 X 3= 70%-89% accommodate the growing student Relatio Software computers and the infrastructure nship population, 10-11 necessary to support learning, 2=30%-69% 07-08 Parts communication, and administrative 11-12 1= 0%-29% PD goals of the district. 08-09 09-10 Other 10-11 Estimated Amount: $ 1800 11-12
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Year Objective Current Status Action Steps Erate Budget Category per Indicator (Your technology budget will be (average) developed based on these action steps.)
X 08-09 X Hardware 4.4Schools will have a sufficient 4 = 90%-100% No E- Computers, projectors, and other modes Rate ratio of technology tools available X Software 09-10 X 3= 70%-89% of technology will be purchased as Relation to support the learning, ship money is available. 10-11 communication, and administrative 2=30%-69% 07-08 Parts goals of the district. 11-12 1= 0%-29% 08-09 PD 09-10 Other Estimated Amount: 10-11 $ 7000 11-12
Year Objective Current Status Action Steps Erate Budget Category per Indicator (Your technology budget will be (average) developed based on these action steps.)
X 08-09 Teachers will be educated on how to 4.8 Districts and schools will create No E- Hardware 4 = 90%-100% keep the community informed and Rate and maintain websites as vehicles 09-10 involved with their classroom and the Relatio Software for communicating to parents, the X 3= 70%-89% nship 10-11 students. community, and extending school 2=30%-69% 07-08 Parts resources to students outside of the 11-12 X PD school day. 1= 0%-29% 08-09 09-10 Other 10-11 Estimated Amount: $ 0 11-12
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Professional Development
Sessions Offered or Coordinated by the School (This Past Year)
Title Length # Attendees
How to set-up teacher web pages (May) 3 hrs 15
How to set-up teacher web pages (August) 3 hrs 25
How to set-up a blog page on teacher web pages (August) 2 hrs 27
InterWrite Workshop (August) 3 hrs 11
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Local School Inventory
Computers in Schools # of Computers in # of Computers in # of Computers in # of Computers in # of Computers Total # of School Computer to Administration Classrooms Computer Labs Media Centers in OTHER Computers Enrollment Student Ration 8 71 38 7 0 124 657 1:5
High Speed Internet Connected Computers # of Computers in # of Computers in # of Computers in # of Computers in # of Computers Total # of School Computer to Administration Classrooms Computer Labs Media Centers in OTHER Computers Enrollment Student Ration 8 71 38 7 0 124 657 1:5
Classrooms with Computers Classrooms with 0 Classrooms with 1 Classrooms with Classrooms with 3 Classrooms with 4 Classrooms with Total # of Computers Computers 2 Computers Computers Computers > 5 Computers Classrooms 0 27 4 1 0 1 33
Administrative Offices with Computers Classrooms w ith 2 Computers Offices with Offices with Offices with Offices with Total # of 0 Computers 1 Computers 2 Computers > 3 Computers Offices 0 7 0 0 7
Page 25 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan Handheld Computers Handheld Computers Handheld Computers Handheld Computers in Admin Offices in Classrooms in OTHER
0 18 0
Laser Printers Laser Printers Laser Printers Laser Printers in Admin Offices in Classrooms in OTHER
3 2
Inkjet Printers Inkjet Printers Inkjet Printers Inkjet Printers in in Admin Offices in Classrooms OTHER
0 33 11
Projectors Projectors Projector How many of the in Classrooms in OTHER Total total are mounted?
21 2 22 12
Interactive White Boards and Automated Response Systems Automated Response Promethean SmartBoards Systems (Clickers)
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IVC Equipment Location External IP Address IVC# Distance Education Lab
Scanners Scanners Scanners in Admin Offices in Classrooms in OTHER
0 23 0
Digital Cameras
Digital Cameras Digital Cameras Digital Cameras in Admin Offices in Classrooms in OTHER
0 8 0
Page 27 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan Budget Items Projected – October 1, 2008 - September 30, 2009 # of Teacher Units 38.75 X $250.00 = $9687.50 State Allocation for 2008-2009
Activity/Item Description Funding Source Amount Budget Category Erate Funding Common Purchases—desktop Technology $2000 No E-Rate Relationship computers, computer upgrades Hardware 08-09 Software 09-10 Parts 10-11 X PD 11-12 Other Common Purchases—projectors Technology $7000 No E-Rate Relationship Hardware 08-09 Software 09-10 X Parts 10-11 PD 11-12 Other Common Purchases—general Technology $487 No E-Rate Relationship maintenance Hardware 08-09 Software 09-10 Parts 10-11 PD 11-12 X Other Professional development Technology $200 No E-Rate Relationship Hardware 08-09 Software 09-10 Parts 10-11 X PD 11-12 X Other No E-Rate Relationship X Hardware 08-09 X Software 09-10 X Parts 10-11 PD X Other 11-12 No E-Rate Relationship Hardware 08-09 Software 09-10 Parts 10-11 PD 11-12 Other
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No E-Rate Relationship Hardware 08-09 Software 09-10 Parts 10-11 PD 11-12 Other
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Supporting Documents
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Alabama State Technology Standards for Teachers i. Identify and evaluate technology resources and technical assistance, (i.e., those available on-line and on-site within a school and district setting). ii. Assess advantages and limitations of current and emerging technologies, and online/software content to facilitate teaching and student learning. iii. Develop and implement a classroom management plan to ensure equitable and effective student access to available technology resources. iv. Model safe, responsible, legal and ethical use of technology and implement school and district acceptable use policies, including fair-use and copyright guidelines and Internet user protection policies. v. Design, implement, and assess learner-centered lessons and units that use appropriate and effective practices in teaching and learning with technology. vi. Use technology tools (including, but not limited to, spreadsheets, webpage development, digital video, the Internet, and email) for instruction, student assessment, management, reporting purposes and communication with parents/guardians of students. vii. Facilitate students’ individual and collaborative use of technologies including, but not limited to, spreadsheets, webpage development, digital video, the Internet, and email) to locate, collect, create, produce, communicate, and present information. viii. Design, manage, and facilitate learning experiences incorporating technologies that are responsive to diversity of learners, learning styles and special needs of all students (e.g., assistive technologies for students with special needs). ix. Evaluate students’ technology proficiency and students’ technology-based products within curricular areas. x. Use technology to enhance professional growth (e.g., through accessing Web- based information, on-line collaboration with other educators and experts, and on-line professional courses).
Alabama State Technology Standards for Administrators Describe mechanisms for creating a shared vision for the comprehensive integration of technology, communicating that vision, and facilitating a process that fosters and nurtures a culture to achieve the vision. Develop a technology plan including resource alignment (e.g., funding, staff and time, hardware/software, total cost of ownership) and demonstrate leadership skills necessary to integrate technology to support effective learning and administration. Facilitate the selection and use of technologies appropriate for curriculum areas,
Page 31 of 33 Sardis Technology Plan instructional strategies, and student-centered learning environments to maximize learning and teaching to meet the individual needs of all learners. Apply and model technology applications and professional practices that demonstrate: knowledge of available technologies; existing Alabama and national technology standards for students, teachers, and administrators; related trends and issues; current research, and; professional development resources in order to enhance professional practices of educational leaders, increase job-related technology use, and improve the productivity of self and other school personnel. Use technology to facilitate effective assessment and evaluation, including: The collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and communication of findings to improve instructional practice and student learning; The use of assessment of staff knowledge, skills, and performance in using technology to facilitate quality professional development and guide personnel decisions; The use of technology to assess and evaluate managerial and operational systems; and Assessment and evaluation of, using multiple methods, appropriate uses of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity. Demonstrate responsible decision-making that reflects understanding of social, legal, and ethical issues related to technology.
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