GSAC XIX Round 9
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GSAC XIX Round 9
1. One work by this man depicts a red bird drinking out of a bowl, which is titled Man Bull Bird. Another work by this man depicts two carriages and five horses performing the title action, while another shows an outline of the title animal using red arrows. This artist of Going West and The She-Wolf depicted an incomprehensible mix of black, white, and purple in his Lavender Mist. His No. 5 is currently the most expensive painting in the world. For 10 points, name this artist known for his style of abstract expressionism known as “action painting.” ANSWER: Jackson Pollock
2. In one part of this work, Canacee is given a brass horse, a mirror, and a ring that allows her to understand birds. In another part of this work, a knight guilty of rape goes on a quest to learn that what women desire most is power. Other stories in this collection include one in which Nicholas is branded on the bottom by Absalon after seducing Alison, and one in which Palamon and Arcite battle for the hand of Emily. Narrators in this work include the Knight, the Wife of Bath, and the Miller. For 10 points, name this collection of stories told by a group of pilgrims, a work of Geoffrey Chaucer. ANSWER: The Canterbury Tales [accept “The Squire’s Tale” before “rape”]
3. One representation of this quantity is equal to the momentum squared over two times mass, and it is represented in the Lagrangian with a capital T. The equipartition theorem dictates that for molecules in an ideal gas, this quantity is equal to three-halves times the Boltzmann constant times temperature. The change in this quantity is equal to power times time, and inelastic collisions do not conserve this quantity. For 10 points, name this quantity defined as one-half times the mass times velocity squared, the energy possessed by objects in motion. ANSWER: Kinetic Energy [prompt on Energy]
4. This author of Eupsychian Management had one of his works expanded into the ERG theory by Clayton Alderfer, and he listed ten characteristics of a healthy individual, which included criteria such as “ability to love and be loved,” and “more openness to experience.” This thinker called moments of intense happiness “peak experiences”. He rejected determinism in his Motivation and Human Personality, and he examined Einstein and Jane Addams to develop his most famous theory that places safety and esteem below self-actualization. For 10 points, name this humanistic psychologist who developed a hierarchy of needs. ANSWER: Abraham Maslow
5. This man fought under Beresford during the Battle of Albuera, and against the Portuguese during the War of the Oranges. This man was appointed governor of Cuyo, and replaced Manuel Belgrano as general of the Army of the North. He crossed the Andes with Bernardo O’Higgins to defeat Osario at the Battle of Maipu, which led to the complete independence of Chile. At the Battle of Chacabuco, this man crushed the royalist forces, and he met Simon Bolivar at the Guayaquil Conference. For 10 points, name this Argentinian revolutionary. ANSWER: Jose Francisco de San Martin GSAC XIX Round 9
6. One character in this film exclaims, “I’m through being polite!” when she demands that an elevator operator obey her. That character leaves a handprint on a foggy window while making love in the backseat of a car. In this film, the members of a string ensemble return one by one to join a violinist playing to calm a frantic crowd, and this film opens with Brock Lovett finding a drawing in a safe. Cal gives his fiancée The Heart of the Ocean in this film, which stars Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio as Rose and Jack. For 10 points, name this 1997 James Cameron film about the sinking of the title ship. ANSWER: Titanic
7. Glaucophytes are microscopic varieties of these organisms, and a lichen is composed of a fungus and one of them. They are the only type of organism that contains chlorophyll C, which allows them to undergo photosynthesis despite not being plants. Cyanobacteria are sometimes referred to as the “blue-green” type of these organisms, and a red tide is an example of one of their namesake blooms during which they rapidly proliferate. For 10 points, name this class of aquatic protists that includes chlorophyta, dinoflagellata, and diatoms. ANSWER: Algae [do not accept “cyanobacteria”]
8. This man’s invasion of the Sassanid Empire ended with a defeat in Armenia. This son of Mundzuk defeated Arnegisclus at the Battle of the Utus, and he turned away from Rome after negotiating with Pope Leo the Great. This man sacked the city of Margus and Singidunum, and fought against the Franks, Visigoths, and the Romans at the Battle of Chalons. He became the sole ruler after the death of his brother Bleda, and he was known as the “Scourge of God”. For 10 points, name this leader of the Huns. ANSWER: Attila the Hun
9. One character in this work parodies Gertrude Stein by saying, “A rose is a rose is an onion.” Agustin almost kills a hill bandit for calling him a Negro, and Primitivo urges the protagonist to aid El Sordo during a battle. The elderly Anselmo is tasked to kill the Fascist sentry, and the protagonist of this novel is urged by Pilar to begin a relationship with Maria. Pablo steals the detonators in this work, but the protagonist uses grenades to blow up the bridge. For 10 points, name this novel set during the Spanish Civil War following Robert Jordan, a work of Ernest Hemingway. ANSWER: For Whom the Bell Tolls
10. In this work, Sugreeva becomes king after his brother is killed. One character keeps his brother’s sandals on his throne, and Manthara convinces someone in this work to use a promise she was given as a way to make her son the king. Kaikeyi persuades Dasaratha to exile his first- born son in this work, and Bharata attempts afterwards to refuse the crown. Hanuman tells Sita that her husband will rescue her after she is kidnapped by a demon and imprisoned on Lanka. For 10 points, name this Sanskrit epic in which the title hero defeats Ravana. ANSWER: Ramayana GSAC XIX Round 9
11. The northern end of this feature is located near Cape York Peninsula by the Torres Strait. The Dunk Island is located in this feature, and the Willis and Coringa Islands lie to the east of it. The Whitsunday Islands are popular tourist destinations near this feature, in which the Lizard Island National Park is located. Cities such as Ayr, Cairns, and Mackay are located near this feature. For 10 points, name this large organic formation located in the Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland, the largest reef system in the world. ANSWER: Great Barrier Reef
12. A fixed gap “h” is used in one variation of this operation, which improves upon a simpler version in which “h” would always equal one. A variation of this operation that can compare least significant digits is called the radix type, and another type of this process randomly places elements and checks if they are correct. One type of this operation uses a pivot to flip elements larger or smaller than the pivot, and notable types of this operation include the “bubble” and “quick” varieties. For 10 points, name this operation which puts elements of a list in order. ANSWER: Sorting Algorithms
13. One legend holds that one of these animals brought light into darkness by causing the seagull to drop its box of light. The Celtic goddess Morrigan was accompanied by three of these animals, and Apollo used one of these to spy on his lover Coronis. Legend states that a terrible disaster will befall England if these animals are not present at the Tower of London, and Odin owned a pair of these animals that whispered news into his ears, Huginn and Muninn. For 10 points, name these animals often believed to be the same as crows. ANSWER: Ravens [accept Crows until mentioned; prompt on Birds]
14. In one work by this author, Bernick confesses to the townspeople that Johan did not steal his mother’s fortune. This author of The Pillars of Society wrote a work in which an avalanche buries the sculptor Arnold Rubek, as well as a work in which Dr. Stockmann discovers that there is contaminated water in the town baths. This author of When We Dead Awaken and An Enemy of the People created a character who tells Eilert Lovborg to commit suicide, as well as a character that walks out on her children and her husband Torvald. For 10 points, names this Norwegian playwright who created Nora Helmer and wrote Hedda Gabler and A Doll’s House. ANSWER: Henrik Ibsen
15. The planning of this event occurred at the Little Green House on K Street, and this event resulted in the resignation of Edwin Denby. This event led to the McGrain v. Daughtery decision by the Supreme Court, and John Kendrick was the first to call for an investigation of it. Robert La Follette led that investigation, which revealed that the properties at Elk Hills were leased to Edward Doheny. Harry Sinclair bribed the Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall in, For 10 points, what scandal during the Harding administration, concerning a Wyoming oil reserve? ANSWER: Teapot Dome Scandal GSAC XIX Round 9
16. One composition of this type and number quotes the fourth song of Kindertotenlieder. That work’s third movement is an A minor Rondo-Burleske. In addition to that work of this type and number composed after The Song of the Earth by Mahler, another composition of this type and number known as the “Great C Major” was composed by Schubert. Another work of this type and number includes the lyrics “Freude, schöner Götterfunken” taken from a Friedrich Schiller poem. For 10 points, name this type of composition and number exemplified by Beethoven’s “Choral” one, whose last movement features a setting of “Ode to Joy.” ANSWER: Ninth Symphony [accept Symphony No. 9]
17. This author described a sacred ancestral footpath fenced off by Michael Obi in his short story “Dead Men’s Path.” One of his works deals with Odili and the title politician, Chief Nanga, while the Feast of the New Yam is not performed by Ezeulu in his novel Arrow of God. His most famous work sees the protagonist violate the Week of Peace by beating his wife; that character later participates in the execution of Ikemefuna. For 10 points, name this Nigerian author who wrote about Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart. ANSWER: Chinua Achebe [accept Albert Chinualumogu Achebe]
18. This man argued that medical treatment of the insane is only an attempt to repress challenges against conventional morality. This author of The History of Madness described the use of the “medical gaze” by doctors to subtract patients’ humanities from their bodies. In another work, this author of The Birth of the Clinic analyzed the transition from torture to the use of institutions idealized by Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon to contain criminals. For 10 points, name this twentieth-century French thinker who wrote Discipline and Punish. ANSWER: Paul-Michel Foucault
19. The winning side in this battle went on to sack Plataea and Thespiae, and Hydarnes commanded the Immortals in this battle. When asked to put down his weapons, one leader in this battle replied “Come and get them,” and this battle occurred simultaneously with the Battle of Artemisium. The traitor Ephialtes revealed a narrow mountain path to the invaders, and the losing force at this battle was eventually surrounded on a hill and mowed down by arrows. For 10 points, name this 480 B.C.E. battle in which Leonidas of Sparta was defeated by Xerxes I. ANSWER: Battle of Thermopylae
20. This quantity can be calculated using the Eyring equation. This quantity for a reaction can be determined by finding the slope of inverse temperature versus the natural logarithm of the rate constant, and it appears in the numerator of the exponentiated term of the Arrhenius equation. Catalysts increase the rate of a reaction by lowering this quantity, which is represented by a steep increase on a potential energy curve. For 10 points, name this quantity, the minimum amount of energy input required for a reaction to take place. ANSWER: Activation Energy GSAC XIX Round 9
TB. This god disguised himself as Enipeus in order to approach Tyro, fathering both Pelias and Neleus in the process. This god aided Amymone when a satyr attempted to assault her, and he sent a giant serpent to destroy King Laomedon and the walls of Troy. Pasiphae fell in love with a white bull that was sent to Minos by this god, who raped Medusa in the temple of Athena. Athena created an olive tree to defeat this god in a contest, and the blinding of his son Polyphemus caused him to curse Odysseus. This husband of Amphitrite is often depicted holding a trident. For 10 points, name this Greek god of the ocean. ANSWER: Poseidon [accept Neptune] GSAC XIX Round 9
1. This uprising occurred when Governor William Berkeley refused to attack the Native Americans in the western frontier. For 10 points each: [10] Name this 1676 rebellion which essentially ended when its namesake leader died of dysentery. ANSWER: Bacon’s Rebellion [10] During Bacon’s Rebellion, William Berkeley fled from this capital of Virginia, which was burnt down by the rebels. ANSWER: Jamestown [10] This Pennsylvania group of Scots-Irish rebels were infuriated by Pontiac’s Rebellion and slaughtered Susquehannock Indians in the Conestoga Massacre. ANSWER: Paxton Boys
2. This law assumes that there are no intermolecular forces between particles. For 10 points each: [10] Name this law stating that for the namesake phase of matter, pressure times volume is equal to the number of moles times temperature times a namesake constant. ANSWER: Ideal Gas Law [10] The ideal gas law was formulated using this theory that posits that gases are composed of many particles spread far apart that collide with each other and the walls of their container. ANSWER: Kinetic-Molecular Theory [10] This equation by a Dutch scientist modifies the ideal gas law to account for the intermolecular forces present between particles. ANSWER: van der Waals Equation
3. The second act of this composition is titled “Rabindranath Tagore.” For 10 points each [10] Name this opera based on the life of Mahatma Gandhi, named for one of his philosophies. ANSWER: Satyagraha [10] This composer of Satyagraha created an opera which begins with the chanting of a string of numbers, Einstein on the Beach, in addition to composing Akhenaten. ANSWER: Phillip Glass [10] Glass was a practitioner of this style of composition based on a “less is more” philosophy. It often produces works including repetition of themes and a steady “pulse.” ANSWER: Minimalism [accept word forms]
4. This story ends with Dr. Stephen Albert being shot. For 10 points each: [10] Name this story in which Yu Tsun, a German spy, learns about a labyrinth designed by his grandfather. ANSWER: “The Garden of Forking Paths” [accept “El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan”] [10] “The Garden of Forking Paths” is included in this short story collection along with “The Library of Babel” and “Pierre Menard, Author of the Quijote”. ANSWER: Ficciones [accept Fictions] [10] This Argentine author of El Aleph wrote Ficciones. ANSWER: Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges Acevedo GSAC XIX Round 9
5. His namesake paradox concerns the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. For 10 points each: [10] Name this British philosopher who wrote On Denoting and also collaborated with Alfred Whitehead on his most famous work. ANSWER: Bertrand Arthur William Russell [10] That work is this one that derives mathematical truths using symbolic logic and has a similar name to a work by Isaac Newton. ANSWER: Principia Mathematica [10] This Russell essay argues against the “superlative wisdom” of a religious figure, and asserts that churches oppose moral progress. ANSWER: “Why I Am Not a Christian”
6. Answer the following about U.S. national parks, for 10 points each: [10] This oldest national park in the United States was founded by Ulysses S. Grant. Located in Wyoming, it contains the famous Old Faithful geysers. ANSWER: Yellowstone National Park [10] This national park in New England encompasses parts of Mount Desert Island, as well as many other islands off the coast of Maine. ANSWER: Acadia National Park [10] This national park in Kentucky contains portions of the largest cave system in the world. ANSWER: Mammoth Cave National Park
7. This period was ended by the Meiji Restoration. For 10 points each: [10] Name this last Japanese shogunate, which saw the Boshin War and the visit of Commodore Matthew Perry. ANSWER: Tokugawa Shogunate [accept Edo period] [10] The Tokugawa Shogunate was established after this battle, in which Tokugawa Ieyasu defeated the Western Army to unify Japan. ANSWER: Battle of Sekigahara [10] These Japanese lords were required to spend every other year in Edo under the Tokugawa Shogunate. Tokugawa Ieyasu promised them land and leniency during the Battle of Sekigahara. ANSWER: Daimyo
8. Answer the following about electrical charges, for 10 points each: [10] This law is used to calculate the electrical force between two point charges. It is named for a French scientist who is also credited with the invention of the torsion balance. ANSWER: Coulomb’s Law [10] Coulomb’s law states that the electrical force between two point charges is inversely proportional to this power of the distance between them. ANSWER: Two [accept Second Power or Distance Square d or Inverse-Square Law] [10] This term refers to the redistribution of charges by an electrical field. The electromagnetic form of this phenomenon is the creation of an electrical current by a magnetic field. ANSWER: Induction GSAC XIX Round 9
9. Examples of these include an image of a snowy owl with the phrase “O RLY?” and the phrase “It’s over nine thousand!” For 10 points each: [10] Identify this term coined by Richard Dawkins which encompasses such Internet phenomena as lolcats. ANSWER: Meme [10] Lolcats first gained popularity with a picture of a presumably hungry grey cat asking this question. ANSWER: “I Can Haz Cheezburger?” [10] This Russian singer performs the wordless, vocalized Trololo song, whose video became a popular meme. ANSWER: Eduard Khil
10. The “littluns” in this work believe that a monster known as “the beast” inhabits the island. For 10 points each: [10] Name this novel in which Ralph, Jack, Piggy and other boys are stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash. ANSWER: Lord of the Flies [10] This British author wrote Lord of the Flies as well as The Inheritors and Pincher Martin. ANSWER: William Gerald Golding [10] This object is used by Ralph to rally the boys to the first meeting. It is crushed when Roger kills Piggy with a boulder. ANSWER: conch shell
11. This religion holds that prophets of all the major religions are messengers of God, including Abraham, Moses, Krishna, Jesus Christ, and Muhammad. For 10 points each: [10] Name this Persian religion whose chief figures have included the Bab and Shoghi Effendi. This religion’s headquarters is located at the Universal House of Justice in Haifa, Israel. ANSWER: Baha’i Faith [10] This founder of the Baha’i faith is considered one of its prophets. ANSWER: Baha’u’llah [accept Mírzá Husayn Alí Núrí] [10] Baha’u’llah authored this primary theological text of the Baha’i faith. ANSWER: The Book of Certitude [accept Kitáb-i-Íqán]
12. White birds and a unicorn can be seen drinking from a lake on the left side of this work. For 10 points each: [10] Name this triptych with panels depicting the Garden of Eden, Earth, and Hell, the first of which depicts the marriage of Adam and Eve. ANSWER: The Garden of Earthly Delights [10] This artist created The Garden of Earthly Delights as well as Ship of Fools. ANSWER: Hieronymus Bosch [accept Jeroen Anthoiszoon van Aken] [10] The Garden of Earthly Delights is located in this museum, which also houses many works by Claude Lorraine and El Greco. ANSWER: Museo de Prado GSAC XIX Round 9
13. In one play by this author, more and more invisible guests arrive and sit on the title furniture. For 10 points each: [10] Name this Absurdist playwright who wrote The Chairs and The Lesson. ANSWER: Eugène Ionesco [10] All of the town residents except Berenger transform into the title animal in this Ionesco play. ANSWER: Rhinoceros [10] In this other Ionesco play, the Martins are invited to dinner by the Smiths, and the Fire Chief barges in halfway through in search of a fire. ANSWER: The Bald Soprano [accept La Cantatrice Chauve]
14. This man led the Free Officers Movement and helped found the Non-Aligned Movement. For 10 points each: [10] Name this Egyptian president who built the Aswan High Dam and nationalized the Suez Canal. ANSWER: Gamal Abdel Nasser [10] Nasser joined Egypt and Syria to create this union. It dissolved when Syria seceded in 1961. ANSWER: United Arab Republic [10] This man became the president of Syria in 1970 after the Corrective Revolution. His oppressive rule successfully brought order to the previously unstable Syria. ANWER: Hafez al-Assad
15. Answer the following about moons in our solar system, for 10 points each: [10] This Galilean moon contains many active volcanoes, making it the most geologically active object in the Solar System. ANSWER: Io [10] Unlike Io, this moon of Neptune is the coldest body in the solar system. Discovered by William Lassell, it is the only moon in the Solar System with a retrograde orbit. ANSWER: Triton [10] Discovered by Asaph Hall, this moon that orbits Mars along with Phobos is too tiny to maintain a spherical shape. ANSWER: Deimos
16. Answer the following about a psychological concept, for 10 points each: [10] This technique uses positive and negative forms of punishment and reinforcement to modify a behavior. ANSWER: Operant Conditioning [prompt on Conditioning] [10] This American psychologist developed his namesake box to study operant conditioning in animals. He also wrote Beyond Freedom and Dignity. ANSWER: Burrhus Frederic Skinner [10] Skinner also wrote this novel whose title alludes to a Henry David Thoreau work. This novel describes a utopian community run by Frazier and the Planners. ANSWER: Walden Two GSAC XIX Round 9
17. The Dashavatara are the ten avatars of this deity, and they include Krishna, Parashurama, and Kalki. For 10 points each: [10] Name this member of the Hindu Trimurti and preserver of the universe. ANSWER: Vishnu [10] This goddess of material wealth, prosperity, and good fortune is the consort of Vishnu. ANSWER: Lakshmi [10] This divine king of birds is the mount of Vishnu and is a long-standing enemy of the Nagas. ANSWER: Garuda
18. She sponsored intellectuals such as Voltaire and formed the first League of Armed Neutrality. For 10 points each: [10] Name this Russian empress who rose to power after the death of her husband, Peter III. ANSWER: Catherine the Great [accept Catherine II; prompt on Catherine] [10] Catherine the Great led Russia in a series of these wars, which gave Russia access to the Black Sea. Significant victories in them included the Battle of Chesma and the Battle of Kagul. ANSWER: Russo-Turkish Wars [10] One of Catherine the Great’s lovers was this general, who lends his name to some villages on the Crimean Peninsula. He also lends his name to a ship whose crew mutinied in 1905. ANSWER: Prince Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin-Tavricheski
19. The protagonist of this novel takes his sister Phoebe to the Central Park Zoo when she becomes sad. For 10 points each: [10] Name this novel about Holden Caulfield’s wanderings after leaving the Pencey Prep, including an encounter with a prostitute named Sunny. ANSWER: The Catcher in the Rye [10] This author of Raise High the Roof Beam also wrote The Catcher in the Rye. ANSWER: J. D. Salinger [10] This short story collection by J. D. Salinger includes “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” and “The Laughing Man”. ANSWER: Nine Stories
20. This organelle employs catalase to decompose its namesake chemical into water and oxygen. For 10 points each: [10] Name this organelle. ANSWER: Peroxisome [10] Peroxisomes contain a phospholipid bilayer, which also describes this other selectively permeable structure that encases the cell and controls movement of substances in and out of it. ANSWER: Cell Membrane [10] This model of the cell membrane postulates that the membrane can be modeled as a two- dimensional liquid into which the lipids and proteins are embedded. ANSWER: Fluid Mosaic Model GSAC XIX Round 9
TB. This opera was composed after its composer traveled from Riga to Paris. For 10 points each: [10] Name this opera in which Senta ascends to heaven with the title figure after throwing herself into the sea. ANSWER: The Flying Dutchman [accept Der Fliegende Hollander] [10] This German composer wrote The Flying Dutchman, as well as Tannhauser and the four- opera cycle The Ring of the Nibelung. ANSWER: Richard Wagner [10] This Wagner piece is featured in the second opera of The Ring of the Nibelung. It is played as the title figures prepare to transport fallen heroes to Valhalla. ANSWER: The Ride of the Valkyries [accept Ritt der Walkuren or Walkurenritt]