Morning Worship Service
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Morning Worship Service and drop it in the offering plate so that we may have a record of 5:00 “Eternity” Rehearsal your visit. 6:00 “Four the Lord” Rehearsal 11:00 A.M. 6 – 8 “Journey” Upcoming Events Wednesday 6:30 “FSYC” Rehearsal April 28, 2013 May 7 House & Grounds, W.C. Harward, 7 pm 6:45 Prayer Meeting Regina Mangum, Organist Gail Luck, Pianist 9 Ann Graves/Pearl Johnson, 2 pm Angel Choir & “Instruments of Christ” 11 S.A.M. Mother’s Day Luncheon , 7:30 Chancel Choir Rehearsal MUSICAL MEDITATION Regina Mangum 12 Noon Mission Friends, GA’s, RA’s, Acteens WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Rev. Matt Riggsbee 12 Mother’s Day Thursday Ronald McDonald House, 3 & 3b INVOCATION Ladies Breakfast, 8:30 am Friday ~ No Softball Game This Week ~ Business Meeting, 9:45 am 7:00 (AM) GF – Day Trip – Tryon Palace PRELUDE TO WORSHIP Regina Mangum ~ No Rehearsals or Journey ~ Sunday 9:00 S.A.M. Mother’s Day Singers Rehearsal CALL TO WORSHIP Chancel Choir 19 Children’s Spring Program, 7 pm 9:00 Meeting of Bereavement Committee “Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above” 20 Dorcas Sew Day, 9:30 – 3:00 Joy SS Classroom 26 Memorial Service During Morning 9:45 Sunday School ORDINANCE OF BAPTISM Candidate: Dalton Smith Worship 11:00 Morning Worship *HYMN OF PRAISE No. 524 27 ~Church Office Closed ~ 4 – 6 “FSYC” Dress Rehearsal (Lights & Sound) “We’re Marching to Zion” Operation Christmas Child For April – Boy Toys/Items: Toy trucks & 5:00 “Eternity” Rehearsal cars, t-shirts, Bible story books, solar calculators, flashlights/batteries, 6:00 “Four the Lord” Rehearsal CHILDREN’S SERMON Rev. Matt Riggsbee 6 – 7 “Journey” “A New Commandment” stuffed animals, Yo-yos, marbles and stickers 7:00 “FSYC” Spring Program CONCERNS AND MORNING PRAYER GOLDEN FELLOWSHIP – DAY TRIP (Signs and Symbols of God’s Promises) TRYON PALACE and other historic buildings in New Bern, NC SPECIAL MUSIC “Harmonettes” Friday, May 3, 2013 Ronald McDonald House “Canaan Land” Bus leaves at 7 am Thursday, May 2, 2013 *OFFERTORY HYMN No. 517 $10 cost per person to cover gas cost Team # 3 and #3b “Jerusalem, My Happy Home” SIGN UP SHEET IN THE ATRIUM Bobby Hurley, David Aycock, Norman Keith, OFFERTORY PRAYER Richard McFarland & Joe Schaub WE WORSHIP GOD WITH HIS TITHES AND OUR OFFERINGS THE BEREAVEMENT COMMITTEE WILL MEET ON SUNDAY, MAY JoAnn Thomas & Pat Bridges SPECIAL MUSIC Chancel Choir 5, AT 9 AM TO DISCUSS CREATING A POLICY FOR THEIR “Glory to His Name” COMMITTEE TO BE PLACED IN THE POLICY MANUAL. “FSYC Spring Program SCRIPTURE Revelation 21:1-7 Vacation Bible School “Signs and Symbols of God’s Promises” (Pew Bible, Pg. 1041 ) Workers Needed. MORNING MESSAGE Dr. Gary McCollough Contact the VBS Committee: “A New Day Dawning” Pat Bridges, Carol Smith, Director, Lou Anne Griffin *HYMN OF DECISION No. 294 Betty Lou Burns or Matt Riggsbee . Assistants: Brad & Cheryl Boisvert “Have Thine Own Way, Lord” This year VBS will be June 17 – 21. *BENEDICTION AND RESPONSE Chancel Choir th “It Will Be Worth Everything” Please submit your committee’s edited committee policy version Sunday Night, May 5 at 7 pm to the church office or Betsy Phillips no later than the June *CONGREGATION STANDING Business Meeting. A New Day Dawning Worship Opportunities Revelation 21:1-7 Welcome Visitors ! We are pleased to have you visiting Sunday 9:45 Sunday School INTRODUCTION with us today. Please take a moment to fill out a visitor’s card 11:00 Morning Worship (Baptismal) 4 – 6 “FSYC” Rehearsal (Lights & Sound) Have you ever greeted a morning with the thought or words, “It is a new day.” Because Dalton has followed the Lord in Baptism and in his Birthdays This Week faith, it is a new day. Today, we see the ultimate promise of the Creator, a new day unlike all the days that precedes it. This new day Clyde Watson – Apr 28 Nicholas Wade – May 1 makes every other day worth living and serving the one True God. Daniel Floyd – Apr 28 Joshua West – May 3 I. A New Creation Neil Medlin – Apr 29 a. Heaven and Earth Pat Kelly – Apr 30 b. God will ultimately redeem the entire created order. II. A New Covenant Belinda Whitaker – Apr 30 a. God will dwell with us. b. We shall be his people. III. A New Conquest Nursery Workers: a. God’s ultimate conquest will create a new Sunday Morning: relationship. 11:00 Dustin & Lauren Mitchell b. It will be the eternal relationship that rights every Next Sunday: wrong. 11:00 Lynn & Darrell Ragan
CONCLUSION A new day will certainly dawn. History will give way to God’s new way. Sin has been defeated and destroyed. Injustice has been made Our Deacon Ministry: right. Death has been replaced with eternity. Blessed be the name of the Alpha and the Omega! Deacon Of The Month – Tony Ragan Tom Luck, Chairman-2014, Mel Shaver, Vice Chairman -2013, Betsy Phillips, Secretary-2015, Johnny Bridges-2013, Tony Ragan-2013, Steve Cotten-2014, Bobby Hurley-2014, Tommy Bridges-2015 & Mark Jackson-2015
Children’s Church: 04/28/13 Josh and Anna Smith Special Ongoing 05/05/13 Ronnie & Haley Page Concerns Sarah Schenck Conrad Kelly Bill Bost Marion Chriscoe Anthony Harrington Margie Cole Billl Cotten Dr. Gary McCollough, Pastor [email protected] Tommy Bridges Leonard Keith Zelma Mayfield Rev. Matt Riggsbee, Associate Pastor of Delores Caviness Ruth Bryan Grace McDuffie Family Ministry [email protected] Johnna Colllins Willard West Glenda Miller Leonard Harris, Minister of Music [email protected] Phil Cotton Evyleen Luck Russ Hunt Kathy Seal, Church Secretary [email protected] Flat Springs Bob & Nell Covil Annette Fawcett Travis Parker - M Gail Freeman Art Jones Lou Anne Griffin Karyn Gaines Jane Fields Inez Riddle Baptist Church Seth Holt Kathy Freedle Beckie McCollough Sophie Johnson Robert Thomas 4148 Deep River Road Rachel W. Mason Tom Benthall Buddy Denise Last Week at a Glance Annette Riddle Weekly Budget Requirements $6,077.00 Sanford, NC 27330 Elizabeth Roundy Budget Received 04 /21 /2013 3,551.00 Linda Wicker Designated 203.00 (919) 775-5922 Miscellaneous 13.00 Children’s Ministries / Durham Bulls Tickets 180.00 Children’s Ministries / Luncheon 10.00 Flat Springs Baptist Church is a family of believers who Total Income $3,754.00 seek . . . to Glorify God, to Guide others to Christ, to Grow in our faith, and to Give of ourselves.