Ward Panel Chairs Pan Lewisham Meeting
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Ward Panel Chairs Pan Lewisham Meeting
1st Floor Conference Room, Lewisham Police Station
Thursday 21st May 2015 5pm- 7pm
Tayo DISU (Ladywell SNT and SNB Chair) Adam TURNER (Chair, Forest Hill & Bellingham) Gitta HUTT (Chair, Ladywell SNT) Angela HALL (Chair, Sydenham) Richard HOLAND (Chair Downham) James DOBSON (Chair, Rushey Green) Joanne HALL (Chair, Lewisham Central) Kevin HEARN (Chair, Perry Vale)
Chief Inspector PRICE (Partnership/SNT Lewisham Borough Police) Inspector Dan KNOWLES (S. Cluster) A/PS David VIAL (Central Cluster) PC Leigh HAMMOND (N. Cluster)
Apologies Received
Det Chief Supt Kate HALPIN (Borough Commander, Lewisham) Insp. James WESTON (Central Cluster) Insp Gary MADAMS (N. Cluster) Diana BYRNES (Chair, New Cross) Rosalind HARDIES (Chair, Whitefoot) Tim GUTTERIDGE (Chair, Blackheath and Lee Green) Chris BLAKE (Chair, Grove Park) Kate RICHARDSON (Chair, Catford South) James MITCHELL (Chair, Sydenham)
1. Meeting opened at 17:10hrs with introductions and apologies to the chair, CI Price.
2. Cluster Updates followed from North, Central and South Cluster representatives.
North - Priorities of Robbery and ASB set across cluster. On going work around recent critical incidents in the Milton Court Estate, involving 2 stabbing incidents and one shooting on the estate. New Cross SNT are working in partnership with Lewisham Homes and the Woodpecker Youth centre to engage with youths and increase a policing presence along with the introduction of Lewisham Homes ASB officers introduction of uniformed evening patrols. Deptford High Street continues to see reductions in street drinkers due to the introduction of the Deptford Responsible retailers agreement in which all of the off licences have agreed and implemented a ban on the sale of super strength alcohol over 6% abv. Information has been received and acted upon regarding drug dealing at locations across the North Cluster, namely the New Cross, Evelyn and Telegraph Hill wards. A number of arrests have been made for possession with intent to supply class A drugs along with a significant amount of drugs seized. Those arrested are currently on bail while the investigations continue.
Grove Park - Gangs, working with Trilogy and providing reassurance concerning rape in March. Lewisham Central - Outline of work around licensing - ACE’S BAR in Verdant Lane, and arrest of a burglar after a DNA trace found at the scene of a crime. Blackheath and Lee Green - working on reducing recent spikes in burglary, including identification of a recent suspect. Also increased patrols targeting Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) in area. Rushey Green - working on a begging initiative and dealing with ASB around Milford Towers in Catford Lewisham Central - Some success in dealing with some persistent beggars after summonsing them and dealing with them at court.
3. Inspector KNOWLES updated group on a referral to MARAC meeting which he chaired relating to the issue of begging on the North and Central Clusters, and partnership working between police, Council and 3rd Sector organizations to divert and assist those found begging.
4. Inspector KNOWLES provided an in-depth update to the group on the challenges on the South Cluster. There has been no change in crime trends for Total Notifiable Offences. The whole borough will be engaged in Op VALENS combating and MPS-wide rise in Criminal Damage offences. Insp KNOWLES has been running Operation GUILDING targeting theft of motor vehicles by using decoy vehicles. The result ahs been 6 arrests with 2 charged currently. After execution of a warrant on the 20th May, 10 motor vehicles were recovered, at least one of which was found to be stolen. Enquiries are on- going on the rest.
Bellingham has experienced an increase in thefts around commercial establishments - the team are working with LBBAC to identify and arrest offenders. The team are also applying for central resources to deal with anti- social use of two wheeled vehicles and quad bikes and dangerous driving, which is a persistent nuisance in the borough in summer.
Downham has experienced issues with fly-tipping and Police are working with the Council to clean the area up. The main issue is the costs of disposal of large items and incinerator charges. Police are also working to combat motor cyclists who ride without crash helmets, and working to increase visibility by Op ECLIPSE with high-visibility patrols.
Forest Hill - Police are dealing with reported anti-social behaviour in the area, with authorized ASB powers for dispersal and additional patrols throughout summer. On-going licensing action is being taken against Zanzibar Nightclub with restrictions palced on their licensed activities.
Rockbourne Youth Club - Police are assisting running the club on a short term basis to keep it open after proposed closure. The intention is for the local community to assume responsibility in the medium to longer term.
5. Chief Inspector Price then updated the group on the Neighbourhoods Policing Review led by Commander D’ORSI. The intention is to increase the visibility of SNT officers within their communities, by reducing abstractions and increasing Dedicated Ward Officers in some particularly challenged wards, including 5 on Lewisham Borough, (New Cross, Evelyn, Brockley, Lewisham Central, Rushey Green). SNT officers are no longer used for the appointment cars, and duties such as prisoner guards in custody or in hospitals are shared between SNTs and other teams.
6. GP encouraged Ward Panels to look at themselves. Since the last census, the borough residential population has risen by several thousands, and the on- going works will ensure that they increase by many thousands more in the next decade. The projected population will be in the region of 320,000 people by 2020 (from 275,00 in 2011). This will give the opportunity to try to recruit some of these new residents into Ward Panels. This should also be considered by Ward Sergeants and DWOs. CI Price recognized the hard work and commitment being shown by volunteers on Ward Panels to date but also recognized that many of the responsibilities and duties fell on only a few individuals. If the base were to be broadened, then the amount of work on any one person will reduce. Panels should actively seek and encourage representation by new communities and those who have not traditionally been engaged with SNTs. He mentioned ‘Virtual’ ward panels as another means of spreading the reach of the Ward Panel to truly represent their local communities.
7. GP stated that he would like Ward Panel Chairs to have contact with their DWO and sergeant AT LEAST once a month. He also provided his own contact details of 07717 483381 and [email protected] should any ward chair need to speak to him direct. He advised the best course was to contact DWOs and Sergeants first, with Inspectors after that, but to escalate any issues to him if necessary.
8. GP mentioned dates for the diary: 31/05/2015 - Interfaith Walk starting at the Synagogue Crantock Road at 12:30pm or at the Civic Centre at 1:30pm 14th June 2015 - Lewisham Police Station Open Day 10:00am - 3.00pm 11th July 2015 - Lewisham People’s Day, Mountsfield Park, Catford
9. GP stated that he had mixed feedback concerning the time of the meeting, which had been fixed in ignorance of previous practice. He requested every Ward Panel Chair let him know whether they preferred a start for the meeting at 5pm, 6pm or 7pm for future. The next meeting would be at the end of November on a date to be notified. 10. The meeting concluded at 7pm.