Welcome to XC CHS

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Welcome to XC CHS

Heath HS Cross Country- 2016 Season

Welcome to XC@RHHS Welcome Hawk Runner- It is a new season of the most amazing sport on the planet! I am your coach and my name is Julie Dalfrey and I have coached cross-country for six years. My usual sports are cycling, yoga, group fitness, mud runs and spin classes. I have a husband and 2 children and we love to be active together. I teach Spanish 1 and 2 and I travel the world with high school students every summer. I am excited and ready to be with you this season! This year my top priority is to make each runner more fit mentally and physically. Running is as much a mental sport as it is a physical one. Both mental and physical endurance will be addressed this year. My second goal is to continue to build a competitive boys and girls XC team that will represent RHHS with pride. This year we will be entering a 6A district and will compete at the highest level. Each runner will HAVE TO RUN OVER THE SUMMER! Starting in August, we will have rigorous practices after school, 4:30-6pm. I encourage you to go hard at each practice but to also listen to your body. I have detailed below some of my rules, procedures and guidelines that all team members must follow.

YOU MUST HAVE SUBMITTED A RISD PHYSICAL FORM AND COMPLETE ALL RANKONE FORMS ONLINE BEFORE YOU CAN PRACTICE OR COMPETE. See the XC checklist to make sure all your commitments are met before you run with us. Physicals can be given to Mrs. Shelia Higbee, Trainer Messina or myself. THIS IS RISD/UIL ATHLETIC POLICY THAT APPLIES TO ALL ATHLETES.

1. Each runner will be expected to follow the *nutritional guidelines listed below so that energy levels are high at practice, runners are hydrated, muscles have the nutrients they need to recover, injuries are avoided and each runner can build their body up to its prime competition level. 2. Each athlete has 3 excused absence passes, from practice, per season. Any missed practices over that amount may result in forfeit of meet privileges. Each absence will be reviewed and discussed with the athlete and consequences will be assigned on a case-by-case basis. Missing practices for an “unexcused” reason will result in forfeit of meet privileges that week. Coach must be notified the morning of the missed practice, no random “no shows”. Missing a meet for an unexcused reason may result is being suspended from the next meet or more. 3. Each Thursday, before a meet, I will select the Varsity and JV travel teams- no more than 25 girls and 25 boys will travel to each meet to compete. Each runner will be assigned a uniform each week and after that runner’s race they will return their uniform to Coach Dalfrey for washing. You must bring a change of clothes to wear on the bus as we return home from the meet. 4. At competitions, every XC athlete’s conduct will be exemplary. Each athlete will report to RHHS on time, ride in school provided transportation respectfully and conduct themselves at the meet with sportsmanship and honesty. All RHHS rules and regulations apply to athletes at any location and will be strictly enforced. 5. Meets are typically on Saturdays. Meets will begin as early as 7:30am to as late as 9am. Most meets run separate races for small schools and large schools, varsity and JV Heath HS Cross Country- 2016 Season and girls and boys. Races will have a rolling start with each taking approx.30 minutes. We will return to the school after each meet and parents need to be waiting to pick up their runner. If a parent wishes to take a runner home from meet they must submit a RISD change of transportation form to Coach Dalfrey 24hours in advance. This is district policy. Runners must get form from Coach Dalfrey, acquire all necessary signatures and submit by due time or they will ride the bus home. Any food a runner wishes to eat during or after a meet is purchased with their personal funds. Parents will provide meet snacks and hydration.

6. Each athlete must wear appropriate gear. PRACTICE: Running shoes with rubber, treaded soles and lace tops as well as light fabric running shorts and tops are necessary for safety and performance. Shoes have a 6 month or 500 mile(max) lifespan so please have fresh shoes for the season! Separate shoes for practice and then racing shoes for meets are recommended. Female runners need high impact sports bras, quality made, that will last all season. Two bras to alternate wear are recommended. Each runner will also need a sport watch with timing capability to help reinforce pacing and speed. GPS distance measurement is nice, but not required. MEETS: The uniform, jerseys and running shorts, will be provided by RHHS. For meets, each athlete may provide their own all BLACK running shorts if they choose. Warm-ups will also be provided by RHHS, but any additional layers will not. Spirit wear, aka “the meet shirt”, will be purchased by the student so they can keep the garments after season’s end. 7. Academics and in-school behavior are paramount as each runner is considered a student athlete- STUDENT coming first. UIL rules dictate that students must be passing all courses at checkpoints throughout the term to be able to compete, RHHS will comply 100% with this regulation. XC runners should also avoid discipline consequences and office referrals. Consistent course failures and/or discipline issues may result in removal from the team for the season. All situations will be handled in a case by case manner and consequences, if necessary, will be agreed upon by athlete, coach, parent and administration/ teacher. 8. There is no official XC class period this year. It is highly recommended that girls enroll in the 1st period Girls Track class and boys, Coach Harvey’s Weights and Conditioning class, also 1st period. This will allow students to build strength and agility to compliment their running after school. 9. Practice will be 4 to 5 times per week, depending on the health of the team, weather and our meet schedule. Practices begin at 4:30 p.m. and will end at 6:00 pm. Each athlete needs to have his or her ride ready and waiting in the student/gym parking lot by 6:00pm. (I have to stay until all athletes are picked-up so prompt pick-up is imperative). Consistent lateness of rides will result in runner consequences. 10. We will follow the UIL and RISD policies on heat safety at all times. Water is provided and mandatory rest and re-hydration breaks will be observed. Please refer to the RISD athletics web site for a detailed copy of these policies. 11. This sport is a sport of integrity. Each runner is to look after themselves and their teammates and are to be ever vigilant as they run long distances. The 3.1 mile course will take each athlete far around the Heath campus so direct supervision of each runner, at all times, will be difficult. The assumption is that each runner will complete the workout as assigned with no shortcuts and runner will avoid destruction of school fields/property. No runner is to cross a street without coach supervision or practicing the runner “buddy system”. Each runner must also be observant of their own condition Heath HS Cross Country- 2016 Season and watch for signs of serious injury or heat exhaustion. I will monitor the course as much as possible in a golf cart, my personal vehicle or on bike. I, or my managers, will be at specific check-points to monitor each runner for condition alerts. 12. At the end of each practice we will debrief and any questions, concerns, unusual aches or pains will be discussed and if necessary the Athletic Trainer will be involved. 13. Running is meant to be fun and exhilarating. If any athlete is negative, distracting, unsafe, careless or a detriment to our team and our goals they will be asked to leave practice immediately and if behavior is persistent a runner may be asked to leave the team for the season. 14. SLEEP! Each runner needs to get a minimum of 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Runner’s bodies need this time to rebuild and recover. Missing this rest increases chance of injury and slows personal improvement. 15. Coach Dalfrey’s website will have a full meet schedule (once confirmed) along with other important information and links. Please check this source regularly. Hard copies of meet schedules will not be given out as standard procedure unless last minute changes are made to meet plan.

*Nutritional Guidelines-2016 Season-During the XC season ALL athletes need to: - Avoid alcohol, non-prescribed drugs and all forms of tobacco. (OTC medicines are fine if used as per label) - Avoid carbonated beverages, sodas and “energy” drinks of any kind. - Eat three hearty, balanced meals a day minimum. Lunch during the school day should be very healthy and balanced so you can be ready for practice- don’t be afraid to bring your own lunch from home. - Avoid refined sugars and saturated fats in excess- white bread, sugar, pastries, candy, fried foods, french fries, cookies, etc. - Drink water all day- carry a water bottle throughout the day and drink! The water you drink today will hydrate you for tomorrow. - After practice, rehydrate with a balanced sport drink or another method. - Snack during the day on fruit, nuts, jerky, vegetables or other healthful food choices. - Make sure you eat plenty of lean protein and complex carbohydrates to fuel your athletic engine.




ATHLETE: I have read and understood all the guidelines and regulations set above and agreed to abide by them and to approach this season with a positive attitude and a desire to be the best XC runner I can be. I accept any consequence that may be assigned to me if I fail to follow the team policies and guidelines.

Printed runner’s name(s): ______

Runner’s cell number(s): ______TEXT? Y N

Runner’s email(s): ______

student driver? Y N DL# ______

______Signature Date

PARENT: I have read the above regulations and guidelines and agree to support my child in all aspects this season in XC. I understand I need to collect my child at the end of each practice promptly. Failure to due so repeatedly may result in consequences for my child. I will remain informed by using the team website and communicating with Coach Dalfrey on a regular basis. It is my responsibility to ask or research if I feel unaware. I will be an academic advocate for my child and assist them in maintaining passing averages throughout the year. I will contact any Heath HS Cross Country- 2016 Season teacher of a class my child is failing and work with my child and his/her instructor to resolve any failing grades. I will provide current and correct contact information below and notify Coach Dalfrey of any changes to this information. I release coach Dalfrey of any personal liability in relation to any injury or accident that may befall my child as they participate in this sport.

______Signature Date

Printed parent/Guardian name(s): ______

Parent’s cell number(s): ______text? Y N

______text? Y N

Parent email(s): ______

Person(s) allowed to pick-up student : ______

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