Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 5 Good to Be Me Blue Book Year 2 Class s1

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Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 5 Good to Be Me Blue Book Year 2 Class s1

Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 7 Changes Revised Early Years Foundation Stage Red Set Booklet 30-50 Months

Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with Small group Whole School Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning SEAL) activities The Assembly: begin theme Circle games Look what I can do – game All cross curricular work is introduced through the This theme tackles the issue of with whole school assembly story focussing on demonstrating and following See Silver Booklet Core Activity of A baby visit to the class to be change and aims to equip (see p4 for key points from story) actions (see p6) fed or have a bath (see p24) children with an understanding (see p8 – 13 of TOB for Ongoing Whole of different types of change, introduction, actual story and Warm feeling – passing a warm feeling along Class activities Personal, social and emotional development positive and negative, and variations, also see website for (see p6) Discuss how to care for a baby. When the baby common human responses to additional assemblies) Emotional visits the class, watch how it behaves. What do it. The theme seeks to develop Rounds ‘When I was a baby I ….’, ‘When I barometer babies like and dislike? How do we know what they children’s ability to understand Whole school focus for feel sad sometimes I…’, ‘I like my…because it Find a visual are feeling? (see p24) and manage the feelings noticing and celebrating makes me feel…’ (see p6) method for your associated with change. It achievement (see p5) To notice children to show Communication, language and literacy: Devise aims to develop knowledge, and celebrate (using usual Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / how much they are questions to ask the visiting mother or father. understanding and skills in means – certificates / calls home Core Activities feeling (see Whole Read Jojo’s revenge and discuss baby skills in three key social and emotional etc) children and adults who are School Resource feeding. Make up your own story about what a aspects of learning: observed: file) baby might do. Write text to go with baby visit . Motivation How we change over time Recognising that photographs. Read and discuss Daisy thinks she we have changed since we started nursery Week 1 Calming down is a baby, talk about what the baby might be feeling and that when we feel bad it helps to do Coping with unexpected change routines Think and thinking, and what it might say if it were older something different (see p6) about establishing and able to express its feelings in words. Then Week 2 one if you don’t read and discuss Daisy is a mummy talking about Making change happen Telling others how Getting better at their learning have one the changes in Daisy’s life now she has grown up . Managing feelings change makes us feel and knowing how to and has puppies (see p24) help others who feel upset because of change Week 3 Peaceful Problem (see p9) Changing their behaviour for the Solving Process Problem solving reasoning and numeracy better Use this whenever Measure clothes that you wore as a baby and Assessment appropriate as well compare with the clothes you wear now. Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ statements. Week 4 as when part of Order clothes or shoes from smallest to largest. Identify how they will know when a child ‘can . Social Skills Making the best of an planned Set up a shoe shop for role-play and include baby do’ (see p1) unwelcome change programme (see shoes. Encourage measuring feet, etc (see p24) whole school Vocabulary Follow-up assembly End theme resource file) Knowledge & understanding of the world Think with children presenting their Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for their about what babies eat and why. Make baby class. Share with others in the key stage as School identified transition best work (see p13 of TOB) food. Discuss how the materials change as you issues and plans appropriate (see p4) make milk shakes and fruit purées. Set up a role- Note: For children in the Early play baby clinic to give opportunities to learn about Years Foundation Stage you will Key resources babies (see p24) want to use your own judgement  Assembly key points for follow-up as to whether a whole-school discussion (see p4) Physical development Explore through movement assembly, class/group gathering,  SEAL resources what it is like to move like a baby: crawling, or a mixture of these, is the more standing, wobbling, and walking as toddlers do appropriate place to introduce (see p24) the theme. Creative development Make and display pictures of yourself as a baby and now. Create your own SEBD Team - Children’s Services lullaby for a baby to go to sleep to (see p24)

NB All page references concern the Changes Early Years Foundation Stage booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet)

SEBD Team - Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/Early Years Foundation Stage Revised Red set booklets

Creative Development Personal, Social and Problem solving reasoning Emotional Development and numeracy Make and display Discuss how to care for a Measure baby clothes pictures of yourself as a baby and clothes children wear baby and now now Create own lullaby Order smallest-largest Use graphic techniques Set up a shoe shop for to record and present role-play pictorial calendar Identify change through Imagine different measurement, similarity sequences of events and difference Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Make baby food Discuss how materials Personal, Social and change Emotional Development Set up role-play clinic Explore life cycles and Create a pictorial Changes stages of growth calendar Notice weather changes Explore the range of Use digital camera changes Discuss impact changes have on us

Communication language and literacy Physical Development Other Read story Write text to go with Explore what it is like to Work with parents photographs move as a baby Record an oral or written Create a dance or mime narrative of changes they about the changes have selected to accompany the pictorial calendar

Disposition and Attitudes Confidence, self-esteem, Behaviour, Self-control Self-care and relationships, community Independence

30-50 Months 30-50 Months 30-50 Months 40-60+ Months 40-60+ Months 40-60+ Months 40-60+ Months

SEBD Team - Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 7 Changes Red Book Later Foundation Stage Class______

Focussed Class Work (PSHE links Whole School Small group activities Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning with SEAL)

The Assembly: begin theme Circle games ‘Pass the smile’ How do See Silver Booklet All cross curricular work is introduced through the This theme tackles the issue of with whole school assembly story we affect people when we smile? (see Core Activity of Creating a pictorial calendar of change and aims to equip (see p5 for key points from story) p17) Ongoing Whole Class change where children create a pictorial calendar of children with an understanding (see p8 – 13 of TOB for activities the changes over time (see p26) of different types of change, introduction, actual story and Rounds ‘Something I remember about positive and negative, and variations, also see website for my first day at school was…’, ‘Today I Emotional barometer Personal, social and emotional development common human responses to additional assemblies) am feeling…’, ‘Sometimes I get worried Find a visual method for Explore feelings associated with the changes, it. The theme seeks to develop about’ (see p17) your children to show express awe and wonder at the change processes, children’s ability to understand Whole school focus for how much they are think about how change affects others (see p26) and manage the feelings noticing and celebrating feeling (see Whole associated with change. It achievement (see p 6) To notice School Resource file) Communication, language & literacy Record a aims to develop knowledge, and celebrate (using usual Focussed Class Learning narrative of the changes they have selected to understanding and skills in means – certificates / calls home Opportunities / Core Activities Calming down accompany the pictorial calendar (see p26) three key social and emotional etc) children and adults who are routines Think about aspects of learning: observed: Mathematics Children identify change through . Motivation How we change over time Knowing establishing one if you measurement, similarity and difference, and how we have changed since starting don’t have one Week 1 sequencing (see p26) nursery. Remembering old feelings. Coping with unexpected change Thinking how change makes us feel Peaceful Problem Knowledge and understanding of the world (see p17) Solving Process Week 2 Use this whenever Explore life cycles and stages of growth, seek Getting better at their learning explanations for the changes. Notice how the Dealing with change and making appropriate as well as . Managing feelings weather changes from day to day, discuss what change happen Knowing how change when part of planned Week 3 impacts these changes have on us, for example, our can sometimes make us feel bad. programme (see whole Changing their behaviour for the clothing (see p26) People are sometimes not very nice school resource file) better when they feel bad inside. Helping Physical development Children are given stimulus someone who is feeling bad (see p17) Week 4 for creating a dance or mime about the changes . Social Skills Making the best of an recorded in their calendar (see p26) Assessment Teacher to think about Links with Birth to 3 unwelcome change the ‘I can’ statements. Identify how they matters and Stepping Creative development Children are encouraged to will know when a child ‘can do’ (see Stones Follow-up assembly End theme use a range of graphic techniques to record and p1) with children presenting their present their pictorial calendar. They are also School identified transition best work (see p13 of TOB) See P2 - 4 encouraged to imagine different sequences of events Vocabulary Teacher to recognise the issues and plans and consequences of changes: for example, by vocabulary for their class. Share with Note: For children in the Early stopping the sequence at any point and providing others in the key stage as appropriate Years Foundation Stage you will alternative scenarios (see p26) (see p5) want to use your own judgement as to whether a whole-school Other – Work with parents Parents/carers are Key resources assembly, class/group gathering, encouraged to participate in the compilation of the  Assembly key points for follow-up or a mixture of these, is the more pictorial calendar through taped appropriate place to introduce discussion (see p5) child-led interviews, selecting photographs, recording the theme.  SEAL resources video footage, and providing information to support the child’s chosen focus of change. NB All page references concern the Changes Foundation Stage Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet) SEBD Team - January 2007 - Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Foundation Stage Red set

Creative Development Personal, Social and Mathematical Emotional Development Development Make and display Discuss how to care for a Measure baby clothes pictures of yourself as a baby and clothes children wear baby and now now Create own lullaby Order smallest-largest Use graphic techniques Set up a shoe shop for to record and present role-play pictorial calendar Identify change through Imagine different measurement, similarity sequences of events and difference Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Make baby food Discuss how materials Personal, Social and change Emotional Development Set up role-play clinic Explore life cycles and Create a pictorial Changes stages of growth calendar Notice weather changes Explore the range of Use digital camera changes Discuss impact changes have on us

Communication language and literacy Physical Development Other Read story Explore what it is like to Work with parents Write text to go with move as a baby photographs Create a dance or mime Record an oral or about the changes written narrative of changes they have selected to accompany the

Disposition and Attitudes Confidence, self-esteem, Behaviour, Self-control Self-care and relationships, community Independence

Yellow Stepping Stones Yellow Stepping Stones Yellow Stepping Stones Green Stepping Stones Blue Stepping Stones Blue Stepping Stones Green Stepping Stones Green Stepping Stones Green Stepping Stones Early Learning Goals Early Learning Goals Early Learning Goals

SEBD Team - Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 7 Changes Blue Book Year 1 Class______

Focussed Class Work (PSHE Small group Whole School Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning links with SEAL) activities The Assembly: begin Circle Game All change - Children See Silver Literacy Writing poems about memories of the past. Investigate tradition theme with whole hop, jump, walk or tip toe round the Booklet tales based on transformations e.g. Cinderella. Discuss books that focus on This theme tackles the issue school assembly story circle. When the leader says a need for change such as those with themes such as bullying, lying, of change and aims to equip (see p3 for key points ‘Change’ they reverse direction Ongoing Whole showing off. Look at books where the character needs to get better at children with an from story) (see p8 – 13 (see p5) Class activities something (see p13) understanding of different of TOB for introduction, Emotional types of change, positive actual story and The balloon game (see p5) barometer Help children prepare for the changes they will experience as they move to and negative, and common variations, also see Find a visual a new class with a non-fiction unit of work that enables them to research human responses to it. The website for additional Rounds ‘If I want to I could method for your their new class - see SEAL exemplar lesson plan (see p15) theme seeks to develop assemblies) change…’, ‘Even if I wanted to I children to show children’s ability to couldn’t change…’(see p5) how much they Speaking and listening Group discussion and interaction: Y1 T3 11 and understand and manage the Whole school focus Focussed Class Learning are feeling (see Y2 T3 23 (see p2) feelings associated with for noticing and Opportunities / Core Activities Whole School Children present parts of the stories based on the literacy work above (see change. It aims to develop celebrating Resource file) p13) knowledge, understanding achievement (see p 4) How we change over time - Use freeze-frames, thought tracking or hot-seating to explore the thoughts and skills in three key social Identifying things that will change To notice and celebrate Calming down and feelings associated with change (see p13) and emotional aspects of and those that will not. Saying how (using usual means – routines Think learning: I might change in the future. certificates / calls home about Science and Mathematics Unit 2A Health and Growth, Unit 1A Ourselves, . Motivation Knowing some changes are natural etc) children and adults establishing one Unit 1B Growing Plants, - comparing and contrasting things that grow. Unit (see p5) who are observed: if you don’t have 1F Sound and Hearing – how can we make sounds change? Unit 2D one Grouping and Changing Materials - look at how materials change: melting Week 1 Making change happen – ice, fruit going brown, cakes cooking. Take digital photographs before and Knowing which changes we can Coping with unexpected Peaceful after (see p13 and p14) make and that some are easy and change Problem some are hard and take time.(see . Managing feelings Solving Process History QCA Unit 1 and 2 Looking at toys and homes from the past and p6) Week 2 Use this see how things have changed (see p14) Getting better at their whenever Assessment learning appropriate as RE Look at important changes in religion such as bar and bat mitzvah in Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ well as when part Judaism, and the khalsa ceremony in Sikhism (see p14) statements. Identify how they will Week 3 of planned know when a child ‘can do’ (see . Social Skills Changing their programme (see Geography Influencing a change – looking at making the local environment p1) behaviour for the better whole school safer by writing to the council to bring about a change (see p14) resource file) Week 4 Vocabulary PE and Mathematics Observing and recording how our bodies change Teacher to recognise the Making the best of an during exercise (see p14) School identified unwelcome change vocabulary for their class. Share with others in the key stage as transition issues and Art & design & music QCA Unit 1A Revisit earlier portraits and observe plans Follow-up assembly appropriate (see p3) perceptions of change – use imaginative work to achieve this. QCA Unit 2 End theme with children Sounds interesting – how can we change sounds? (see p14) presenting their best Key resources work (see p13 of TOB)  Assembly key points for follow- ICT Think about moving to a new classroom – use a floor turtle to map route up discussion (see p3) to new classroom or use graphic software to make a map of the school and  SEAL resources guide turtle to new classroom (see p14)

NB All page references concern the Changes Years 1 and 2 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet)

SEBD Team - January 2007 - Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 1 and 2 Blue set

Geography Science and Literacy Mathematics

QCA Unit 2 Y2 T3 Non-Fiction 1 QCA Unit 2A Health and NLS T1, 2, 9, 13, 14, 20 Growth. See exemplar S1, 4, 6 lesson plan pages 17-18

See exemplar lesson Link to speaking and plan pages 15-16 listening Y2 T3 1 Unit 1A Ourselves Section 6 Growing Older

Unit 1B Growing Plants Section 5

Unit 2D Grouping and Changing materials Section 4 Art and Design and Music See exemplar lesson plan pages 17-18

QCA Art and Design Unit Changes 1A Self Portraits

QCA Music Unit 2 History

QCA Unit 1 Unit 2


Years 1 & 2 Speaking and listening Units 1C, 1D & 1E Unit 2A, & 2C Unit 4A & 4C Year 1: T3 11 RE Year 2: T3 1 Year 2: T3 23

Unit 1A

SEBD Team - Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 7 Changes Blue Book Year 2 Class______

Focussed Class Work (PSHE Whole School Small group activities Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning links with SEAL) Literacy Writing poems about memories of the past. Investigate The Assembly: begin Circle Games Leaders - See Silver Booklet tradition tales based on transformations e.g. Cinderella. Discuss books This theme tackles the issue of theme with whole children elect a secret leader that focus on a need for change such as those with themes such as change and aims to equip school assembly story to follow (see p9) Ongoing Whole Class bullying, lying, showing off. Look at books where the character needs children with an understanding (see p3 for key points activities to get better at something (see p13) of different types of change, from story) (see p8 – 13 Rounds ‘I bet you didn’t positive and negative, and of TOB for introduction, know…’ – children reveal a Emotional barometer Help children prepare for the changes they will experience as they common human responses to actual story and ‘secret’ about themselves (see Find a visual method for move to a new class with a non-fiction unit of work that enables them to it. The theme seeks to develop variations, also see p9) your children to show research their new class - see SEAL exemplar lesson plan (see p15) children’s ability to understand website for additional Focussed Class Learning how much they are and manage the feelings assemblies) Opportunities / Core Activities feeling (see Whole Speaking and listening Group discussion and interaction: Y1 T3 11 associated with change. It School Resource file) and Y2 T3 23 (see p2) aims to develop knowledge, Whole school focus Children present parts of the stories based on the literacy work above understanding and skills in Changing our behaviour for noticing and Calming down (see p13) three key social and emotional Planning to overcome habits. celebrating routines Think about Use freeze-frames, thought tracking or hot-seating to explore the aspects of learning: Making choices about our achievement (see p 4) establishing one if you thoughts and feelings associated with change (see p13) . Motivation behaviour (see p9) To notice and celebrate don’t have one (using usual means – Science and Mathematics Unit 2A Health and Growth, Unit 1A Assessment certificates / calls home Peaceful Problem Ourselves, Unit 1B Growing Plants, - comparing and contrasting things Teacher to think about the ‘I etc) children and adults Solving Process that grow. Unit 1F Sound and Hearing – how can we make sounds can’ statements. Identify how who are observed: Use this whenever change? Unit 2D Grouping and Changing Materials - look at how they will know when a child appropriate as well as materials change: melting ice, fruit going brown, cakes cooking. Take ‘can do’ (see p1) . Managing feelings Week 1 when part of planned digital photographs before and after (see p13 and p14) Coping with unexpected programme (see whole Vocabulary` change school resource file) History QCA Unit 1 and 2 Looking at toys and homes from the past Teacher to recognise the and see how things have changed (see p14) Week 2 vocabulary for their class. Share with others in the key Getting better at their RE Look at important changes in religion such as bar and bat mitzvah . Social Skills learning stage as appropriate (see p3) in Judaism, and the khalsa ceremony in Sikhism (see p14)

Week 3 Key resources Geography Influencing a change – looking at making the local Changing their  Assembly key points for environment safer by writing to the council to bring about a change (see behaviour for the better follow-up discussion (see p14) p3) School identified transition issues and plans Week 4  SEAL resources PE and Mathematics Observing and recording how our bodies change Making the best of an during exercise (see p14) unwelcome change Art & design & music QCA Unit 1A Revisit earlier portraits and Follow-up assembly observe perceptions of change – use imaginative work to achieve this. End theme with children QCA Unit 2 Sounds interesting – how can we change sounds? (see presenting their best p14) work (see p13 of TOB) ICT Think about moving to a new classroom – use a floor turtle to map route to new classroom or use graphic software to make a map of the school and guide turtle to new classroom (see p14) NB All page references concern the Changes Years 1 and 2 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet) SEBD Team - January 2007 - Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 1 and 2 Blue set

Geography Science and Literacy Mathematics

QCA Unit 2 Y2 T3 Non-Fiction 1 QCA Unit 2A Health and NLS T1, 2, 9, 13, 14, 20 Growth. See exemplar S1, 4, 6 lesson plan pages 17-18

See exemplar lesson Link to speaking and plan pages 15-16 listening Y2 T3 1 Unit 1A Ourselves Section 6 Growing Older

Unit 1B Growing Plants Section 5

Unit 2D Grouping and Changing materials Section 4 Art and Design and Music See exemplar lesson plan pages 17-18

QCA Art and Design Unit Changes 1A Self Portraits

QCA Music Unit 2 History

QCA Unit 1 Unit 2


Years 1 & 2 Speaking and listening Units 1C, 1D & 1E Unit 2A, & 2C Unit 4A & 4C Year 1: T3 11 RE Year 2: T3 1 Year 2: T3 23

Unit 1A

SEBD Team – Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 7 Changes Yellow Book Year 3 Class______

Focussed Class Work (PSHE links Small group Whole School Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning with SEAL) activities

The Assembly: begin Circle games Changing places – See Silver Booklet Literacy, speaking and listening Explore feelings when adapting This theme tackles the issue of theme with whole ‘change places if you have…’ (see p6) to change. See SEAL exemplar lesson plan (see p23 - 26) change and aims to equip school assembly story Ongoing Whole children with an understanding (see p4 for key points Rounds ‘When I change places in the Class activities Explore issues and dilemmas by looking at books about imposed of different types of change, from story) (see p8 – 13 circle I feel…’, ‘Something that has changes in books aimed at a younger audience (see p21) positive and negative, and of TOB for introduction, changed in school since I have been Emotional common human responses to actual story and here is…’, ‘Something that has changed barometer Science and Mathematics QCA Unit 4A – look at how we move it. The theme seeks to develop variations, also see in my life since last year is…’ (see p6) Find a visual has changed since being babies by looking at videos. Use children’s ability to understand website for additional method for your software to predict limb length. Children predict what they might and manage the feelings assemblies) Focussed Class Learning children to show look like in the future and use morphing software to make images associated with change. It Opportunities / Core Activities how much they are of themselves in the future. Think about changes in materials (see aims to develop knowledge, Whole school focus feeling (see Whole p21) understanding and skills in for noticing and School Resource three key social and emotional Positive Changes Knowing that celebrating file) History QCA Unit 6A on Roman Britain SEAL exemplar lesson aspects of learning: achievement (see p 5) change can be really good and plan thinking about what changed for the Celts when Romans . Motivation identifying changes that have made our To notice and celebrate Calming down occupied Britain (see p27 – p29) lives much better (see p6) (using usual means – routines Think certificates / calls home about establishing Other study units will also lend themselves to the approach in the Change is normal Knowing that etc) children and adults one if you don’t exemplar – thinking about how changes can have good and bad change is normal and even change we who are observed: have one sides (see p21) want can feel uncomfortable (see p7) . Managing feelings Week 1 Peaceful Problem Think about how society is in a constant state of flux due to Making a plan to bring about a Coping with unexpected Solving Process numerous invasions (see p21) change Thinking about planning to change Use this whenever overcome obstacles to change (see p9) appropriate as well Geography QCA Unit 21 How can we improve the area we can Week 2 as when part of see from our window? Read Window by Jeannie Baker and write a Assessment Getting better at their planned diary entry from someone living in the town and one living in the Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ . Social Skills learning programme (see country statements. Identify how they will know whole school QCA Unit 10 A village in India, use materials on Chembakolli to when a child ‘can do’ (see p1 and p2) Week 3 resource file) consider how children feel who leave their village to find work in Changing their the town and end up living on the streets. behaviour for the better Vocabulary See also the exemplar lesson plan on changing our environment to Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for School identified transition make it accessible for disabled people (see p30) issues and plans Week 4 their class. Share with others in the key Making the best of an stage as appropriate (see p3) PE Create a dance which shows feelings and thoughts associated unwelcome change with change, perhaps linked to one of the texts in the exemplar Key resources literacy lessons that follow (see p22) Follow-up assembly  Assembly key points for follow-up End theme with children discussion (see p4) Art & Design QCA Unit 3C Can we change places? (see p22) presenting their best  SEAL resources work (see p13 of TOB) RE QCA Unit 3E What is faith and what difference does it make? Consider the lives of religious leaders and how their example has changed the world. (see p22) NB All page references concern the Changes Years 3 and 4 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet) SEBD Team - January 2007 - Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 3 and 4 Yellow set

Geography Science and Mathematics

QCA Unit 10 & 21 QCA Science Unit 4A & Link to Citizenship QCA 4D Unit 6

See exemplar lesson plan pages 30-32

Art and Design

QCA Unit 3C



QCA Unit 6A

Link to speaking and listening Y4 S & Dr Citizenship

Year 3 QCA Speaking and listening Unit 1B &1C Unit 2E & 2I

Year 4 Year 3: T3 35 QCA RE Unit 1A & 1C Year 4: T3 46 Unit 2E Unit 4A &4C QCA Unit 3E Unit 6

SEBD Team - Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 7 Changes Yellow Book Year 4 Class______

Focussed Class Work (PSHE links Small group Whole School Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning with SEAL) activities See Silver The Assembly: begin Circle Games The belonging game Booklet Literacy, speaking and listening Explore feelings when adapting to This theme tackles the issue of theme with whole (see p13) Ongoing change. See SEAL exemplar lesson plan (see p23 - 26) change and aims to equip school assembly story Whole Class children with an understanding (see p4 for key points Rounds ‘When I am accepted I activities Explore issues and dilemmas by looking at books about imposed changes of different types of change, from story) (see p8 – 13 feel…’, ‘When I am accepting of in books aimed at a younger audience (see p21) positive and negative, and of TOB for introduction, others I feel…’, ‘When I am rejected I Emotional common human responses to actual story and feel…’, ‘When I am rejecting others I barometer Science and Mathematics QCA Unit 4A – look at how we move has it. The theme seeks to develop variations, also see feel…’, ‘When I am left out I feel…’ Find a visual changed since being babies by looking at videos. Use software to predict children’s ability to understand website for additional (see p14) method for limb length. Children predict what they might look like in the future and and manage the feelings assemblies) your children use morphing software to make images of themselves in the future. Think associated with change. It Focussed Class Learning to show how about changes in materials (see p21) aims to develop knowledge, Whole school focus Opportunities / Core Activities much they are understanding and skills in for noticing and feeling (see History QCA Unit 6A on Roman Britain SEAL exemplar lesson plan three key social and emotional celebrating thinking about what changed for the Celts when Romans occupied Britain aspects of learning: Imposed or unwelcome change – Whole School achievement (see p 5) Resource file) (see p27 – p29) . Motivation To notice and celebrate Identifying how we feel when we don’t want change (see p14) (using usual means – Calming Other study units will also lend themselves to the approach in the certificates / calls home exemplar – thinking about how changes can have good and bad sides Our responses to change – down etc) children and adults routines (see p21) who are observed: Thinking about our behaviour when we find change difficult. Knowing Think about establishing Think about how society is in a constant state of flux due to numerous . Managing feelings Week 1 ways of dealing with uncomfortable invasions (see p21) feelings associated with change (see one if you don’t Coping with unexpected have one change p20) Geography QCA Unit 21 How can we improve the area we can see from our window? Read Window by Jeannie Baker and write a diary entry from Assessment Peaceful Week 2 Problem someone living in the town and one living in the country Getting better at their Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ QCA Unit 10 A village in India, use materials on Chembakolli to consider statements. Identify how they will Solving . Social Skills learning Process how children feel who leave their village to find work in the town and end know when a child ‘can do’ (see p1 up living on the streets. and p2) Use this Week 3 whenever See also the exemplar lesson plan on changing our environment to make Changing their appropriate as it accessible for disabled people (see p30) behaviour for the better Vocabulary Teacher to recognise the vocabulary well as when School identified transition part of planned PE Create a dance which shows feelings and thoughts associated with issues and plans Week 4 for their class. Share with others in change, perhaps linked to one of the texts in the exemplar literacy the key stage as appropriate (see p3) programme Making the best of an (see whole lessons that follow (see p22) unwelcome change Key resources school resource file) Art & Design QCA Unit 3C Can we change places? (see p22) Follow-up assembly  Assembly key points for follow- End theme with children up discussion (see p4) RE QCA Unit 3E What is faith and what difference does it make? presenting their best  SEAL resources Consider the lives of religious leaders and how their example has work (see p13 of TOB) changed the world. (see p22) NB All page references concern the Changes Years 3 and 4 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet)

SEBD Team - January 2007 - Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 3 and 4 Yellow set

Geography Science and Mathematics

QCA Unit 10 & 21 QCA Science Unit 4A & Link to Citizenship QCA 4D Unit 6

See exemplar lesson plan pages 30-32

Art and Design

QCA Unit 3C



QCA Unit 6A

Link to speaking and listening Y4 S & Dr Citizenship

Year 3 QCA Speaking and listening Unit 1B &1C Unit 2E & 2I

Year 4 Year 3: T3 35 QCA RE Unit 1A & 1C Year 4: T3 46 Unit 2E Unit 4A &4C QCA Unit 3E Unit 6

SEBD Team - Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 7 Changes Green Book Year 5 Class______

Focussed Class Work (PSHE Small group Whole School Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning links with SEAL) activities

The Assembly: begin Circle games Changes – spot the See Silver Booklet Literacy, speaking and listening Children write a quest story where This theme tackles the issue of theme with whole change (see p6) the reader chooses the route through the story. See SEAL exemplar change and aims to equip school assembly story Ongoing Whole lesson plan (see p32) children with an understanding (see p4 for key points Rounds ‘If I ran this school for a Class activities of different types of change, from story) (see p8 – 13 day I would change,,,’, ‘If I were NLS transition unit Kensukes’s kingdom which shows how a boy copes positive and negative, and of TOB for introduction, king for a day I would change…’, ‘If Emotional with a dramatically changed situation (see p26) common human responses to actual story and I could change the world I would…’ barometer it. The theme seeks to develop variations, also see (see p6) Find a visual Science Unit 5A Keeping Healthy – children investigate changes cause children’s ability to understand website for additional method for your by exercise. They consider people who experience imposed change and manage the feelings assemblies) Focussed Class Learning children to show due to ill-health or disability and the similarities/differences in lifestyle associated with change. It Opportunities / Core Activities how much they are that result (see p26) aims to develop knowledge, Whole school focus feeling (see Whole understanding and skills in for noticing and School Resource History, art and design Consider how people might feel when have to three key social and emotional Common responses to change celebrating file) move countries. They investigate others using book and the internet aspects of learning: achievement (see p 5) Reactions to change are and produce a report of their family history, background, upbringing and . Motivation sometimes similar to loss. To notice and celebrate Calming down the early experiences. Children create traditional Ghanaian Adinkra’ Understanding negative reactions (using usual means – routines Think symbols which represent aspects of a person’s personality or position. to change. Knowing that certificates / calls home about establishing See SEAL exemplar lesson plan (see p28 – p31) sometimes something positive can etc) children and adults one if you don’t come from something we initially who are observed: have one Geography Children look at changes they can make to their thought was negative (see p6) environment with a particular focus on accessibility (see p26) . Managing feelings Week 1 Peaceful Problem Understanding individual Coping with unexpected Solving Process RE Looking at how particular religions mark important changes in the differences in our responses to change Use this whenever lives of children and adults (see p27) change Knowing and appropriate as well understanding our sore spots (see Week 2 as when part of Citizenship Think about privileges, roles and responsibilities that come p8) Getting better at their planned with being at the top of school. How will things change in secondary? . Social Skills learning programme (see (see p27) Assessment Teacher to think whole school about the ‘I can’ statements. Week 3 resource file) ICT Set up e-mail links with partner secondary schools to support Changing their Identify how they will know when a change. Create a multimedia presentation or role-play/story-boarding child ‘can do’ (see p1 and p2) behaviour for the better software to explore feelings during a period of change (see p27) School identified transition issues and plans Week 4 Vocabulary Teacher to re/cognise Art and design Unit 9 Visiting a museum, gallery or site Making the best of an the vocabulary for their class. Children will visit their new school and produce images of the people unwelcome change Share with others in the key stage and the place. Digital images could be used for a digital slide show (see as appropriate (see p3) p27) Follow-up assembly End theme with children Key resources presenting their best  Assembly key points for follow- work (see p13 of TOB) up discussion (see p4)  SEAL resources

NB All page references concern the Relationships Years 5 and 6 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet) SEBD Team - January 2007 Education Bradford SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 5 and 6 Green set

ICT Science RE

Link with work done with QCA Unit 5A Keeping Link to non-statutory children on multimedia Healthy national framework presentations or role- AT1 play/storyboarding AT2 software See exemplar lesson plan page 34

Literacy, speaking and listening

Extended Narrative NLS Y6 T10, T11, T14, History, Art and Design S4, W1, W2, W3

Linked to speaking and Changes listening Y6 T3 S65 Unit 1 Art and Design

See exemplar lesson Unit 2 History plans pages 32-33 QCA Unit 13

Link to speaking and Art and Design listening Y6 T3 S65

QCA Unit 9 Visiting a museum

Speaking and listening

Citizenship Year 5 T3 56 Geography

Year 5 & 6 Year 6 T3 66 QCA Unit 1B & 1C QCA Units 12, 15 & 20 Unit 2E Unit 4A, 4B, 4C & 4F

SEBD Team - Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 7 Changes Green Book Year 6 Class______

Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with Small group Whole School Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning SEAL) activities

The Assembly: begin Circle Games Swapping places (see p16) See Silver Booklet Literacy, speaking and listening Children write a quest This theme tackles the issue of theme with whole story where the reader chooses the route through the story. change and aims to equip school assembly story Rounds ‘I feel … about going to secondary Ongoing Whole See SEAL exemplar lesson plan (see p32) children with an understanding (see p4 for key points school’, ‘I hope …’, ‘I am worried that …’ (see Class activities of different types of change, from story) (see p8 – 13 p16) NLS transition unit Kensukes’s kingdom which shows how a positive and negative, and of TOB for introduction, Emotional boy copes with a dramatically changed situation (see p26) common human responses to actual story and Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / barometer it. The theme seeks to develop variations, also see Core Activities Find a visual Science Unit 6A QCA Interdependence and adaptation: children’s ability to understand website for additional method for your How do humans change the environment? What are the and manage the feelings assemblies) children to show repercussions for the environment? Research and collect associated with change. It Understanding feelings about change how much they are data, representing this data in a variety of ways, using ICT aims to develop knowledge, Thinking about and identifying strategies to Whole school focus feeling (see Whole where appropriate (see p26) understanding and skills in help with uncomfortable feelings associated for noticing and School Resource three key social and emotional with a move to secondary school (see p17) celebrating file) History, art and design Consider how people might feel aspects of learning: achievement (see p 5) when have to move countries. They investigate others . Motivation Understanding how thoughts feeling and To notice and celebrate Calming down using book and the internet and produce a report of their behaviour are linked Recognising how we (using usual means – routines Think family history, background, upbringing and the early react to change (see p18) certificates / calls home about establishing experiences. Children create traditional Ghanaian Adinkra’ etc) children and adults one if you don’t symbols which represent aspects of a person’s personality Assessment Teacher to think about the ‘I who are observed: have one or position. See SEAL exemplar lesson plan (see p28 – can’ statements. Identify how they will know p31) when a child ‘can do’ (see p1 and p2) . Managing feelings Week 1 Peaceful Problem Coping with unexpected Solving Process Geography Children look at changes they can make to their Vocabulary Teacher to recognise the change Use this whenever environment with a particular focus on accessibility (see vocabulary for their class. Share with others in appropriate as well p26) the key stage as appropriate (see p3) Week 2 as when part of Getting better at their planned RE Looking at how particular religions mark important Key resources . Social Skills learning programme (see changes in the lives of children and adults (see p27)  Assembly key points for follow-up whole school Week 3 discussion (see p4) resource file) Citizenship Think about privileges, roles and Changing their  SEAL resources responsibilities that come with being at the top of school. behaviour for the better How will things change in secondary? (see p27) School identified transition issues and plans Week 4 ICT Set up e-mail links with partner secondary schools to Making the best of an support change. Create a multimedia presentation or role- unwelcome change play/story-boarding software to explore feelings during a period of change (see p27) Follow-up assembly End theme with children Art and design Unit 9 Visiting a museum, gallery or site presenting their best Children will visit their new school and produce images of work (see p13 of TOB) the people and the place. Digital images could be used for a digital slide show (see p27)

NB All page references concern the Changes Years 5 and 6 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet) SEBD Team - January 2007 - Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 5 and 6 Green set

ICT Science RE

Link with work done with QCA Unit 5A Keeping Link to non-statutory children on multimedia Healthy national framework presentations or role- AT1 play/storyboarding AT2 software See exemplar lesson plan page 34

Literacy, speaking and listening

Extended Narrative NLS Y6 T10, T11, T14, History, Art and Design S4, W1, W2, W3

Linked to speaking and Changes listening Y6 T3 S65 Unit 1 Art and Design

See exemplar lesson Unit 2 History plans pages 32-33 QCA Unit 13

Link to speaking and Art and Design listening Y6 T3 S65

QCA Unit 9 Visiting a museum

Speaking and listening

Citizenship Year 5 T3 56 Geography

Year 5 & 6 Year 6 T3 66 QCA Unit 1B & 1C QCA Units 12, 15 & 20 Unit 2E Unit 4A, 4B, 4C & 4F

SEBD Team - Children’s Services

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