CTC Agenda & Meeting Summary

Meeting Information

Meeting Title: Campus Technology Committee Date: 5/18/2011 Location: 7-Hills Conference Center Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am (optional 11:30 – 12:30 focus group) Meeting Called By: CTC Chairs Purpose: Monthly CTC Meeting

Meeting Attachments


Checkmark or “” indicates the attendee is present

Unit/College Primary (P)/ E-mail Attend Alternate (A)

Academic Technology Maggie Beers, co-chair [email protected] X Information Technology, Division of Phoebe Kwan, co-chair [email protected] X Academic Planning & Educational Effectiveness Kasra Varzaghani [email protected] Academic Technology Andrew Roderick [email protected] X Academic Technology Alex Keller [email protected] Advancement Debra Chaw [email protected] Advancement Services/Alumni Teresa Ono [email protected] Association/UCorp Associated Students Alejandro Rios [email protected] Athletics Program David Woo [email protected] Behavioral & Social Sciences Ken Piper (P) [email protected] Behavioral & Social Sciences Tomáš Furmánek (A) [email protected] Bookstore Fred Eskridge [email protected] Business Tony Chan (P) [email protected] Business Jeff O'Toole (A) [email protected] Capital Planning, Design & Construction Chia Tsai [email protected] X Career Center Anthony Robbins [email protected] Center for Teaching & Faculty Development Cesar Chavez Student Center Vernon Piccinotti [email protected] Creative Arts Dan Rosenthal (P) [email protected] X Development Hao Khuu [email protected] X Disability Programs & Resources Center Avi Chandiramani [email protected] X Education Jonathan Foerster [email protected] X Enrollment Management Tuan Do [email protected] X Enrollment Management Robert Maples [email protected] X Ethnic Studies So Trinh (P) [email protected] Extended Learning Magnus Rubin (P) [email protected] Extended Learning Rick Palazzolo (A) [email protected] Fiscal Affairs Michael Lam [email protected] Fiscal Affairs Philip Titus [email protected] Government Relations Derek Aitken [email protected] Graduate Studies Mary Menees [email protected] Graduate Studies Wynn Huynh [email protected] X Health & Human Services Lucas Ford (P) [email protected] Health & Human Services Dylan Mooney (A) [email protected] Human Resources, Safety & Risk Management Kamyar Marashi [email protected] Humanities Dan Wong (P) [email protected] X Humanities Alex Newman (A) [email protected]

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Information Technology, Division of Jack Tse [email protected] Information Technology, Division of Mig Hofmann [email protected] X Information Technology, Division of Julianne Tolson [email protected] X Information Technology, Division of Joellen Fung [email protected] Information Technology, Division of Lisa Ho [email protected] X Information Technology, Division of Deborah Ferguson [email protected] X Institute for Civic & Community Engagement Daniel Johnson [email protected] Library Thoreau Lovell (P) [email protected] Library Chris Novak (A) [email protected] Office of International Programs (OIP) Ray Kuan [email protected] Research & Sponsored Programs (ORSP) Arne Nordh [email protected] Science & Engineering Tina Easter (P) [email protected] Science & Engineering Khanh Mai (A) [email protected] Student Health Stacey Thompson [email protected] X Undergraduate Studies David Parker [email protected] University Communications Dave Reddy [email protected] University Property Management Andy Stockton [email protected] X University Property Management - DTC John Palme [email protected] University Police Department Mike Cramer [email protected] X

Guests: Health & Human Services Bill Blunden [email protected] X

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# Agenda Topic Meeting Materials / Led By Time Comments Allotted

1.0 Approval of Minutes from 4/18/11 Meeting wcm.sfsu.edu/campus/ Maggie Beers 5 min /techcommunity 10:00 – 10:05 2.0 CCCC Meeting Andy/Jonathan 15 min 10:05 10:20 3.0 CTC Year-End Report for July Maggie/Phoebe 10 min 10:20 – 10:30 4.0 Business Continuity / SF State Ready Linda Medina-Sam 20 min IT Disaster Recovery Audit Taver Chong 10:30 – Lisa 10:50 5.0 Blocking outbound SMTP Mig 20 min 10:50 – 11:10 6.0 Announcements 10 min Chevy’s Party Wednesday June 1st, 5:00pm Andrew 11:10 – Share Point Community of Practice Lisa 11:20 Drupal Community of Practice Jo CIO update Lisa CTC / Governance Evaluation Survey Andy Planned PG&E Weekend Power Outage Maggie June 3-5 or 10-12  Mailman Distribution Lists Jo 7.0 Working Group Updates: (2 min each) 10 min Faculty Workstation Standards (Andrew) 11:20 – Uniprint (Thoreau) 11:30 Network Sec Enhancements & Arch itecture (Mig) Ticketing (Julianne) Meeting adjourns

8.0 No proposed focus group

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Meeting Summary Meeting commenced 10:11 AM

1. Agenda review and approval of minutes from 4/18/11 meeting – Maggie (10:11 – 10:11 Approved

2. CCCC Meeting – Andy/Jonathan (10:11 – 10:19) Proposal to formally disband CCCC and not continue meeting given the creation of CTC. Requested comments. Motion passed to approve proposed resolution.

3. CTC Year-End Report – Maggie/Phoebe (10:20 – 10:25) Deborah read a list of items covered during the year to be included in year-end report.

4. Business Continuity / SF State Ready / IT Disaster Recovery Audit – Lisa/Linda/Taver (10:30 – 11:04) Audit starts Monday, May 23, 2011, lasting 2-3 weeks. Surveys requested by Taver will be provided to auditors. Internal Audit is available to be present during the audit.

5. Blocking outbound SMTP – Mig (11:04 - 11:14) To stop the campus from getting blacklisted, port 25 to be blocked except for authorized senders. Request for simulated performance testing (ability to handle a significant load, e.g., quick mail for AT iLearn). Details to be discussed at next NetSec working group meeting.

6. Announcements (11:14 – 11:25)

6.1 Chevy’s Party Wed June 1, 5:00pm. Andrew to call for reservation options. Toast to end of CCCC.

6.2 Share Point Community of Practice -- Lisa The Community of Practice continues meeting every other Thursday at 2pm in ADM 117 (next 5/26). The SharePoint Governance plan is being reviewed. MySites are now available in SharePoint to store documents for individual use, or to share with other SharePoint users. Join the cp-sharepoint

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distribution list for updates (Options> Groups in OWA, or contact Deborah Ferguson [email protected])

6.3 Drupal Community of Practice – Phoebe Upgrade in summer, update to rich text editor. Meeting tomorrow.

6.4 CIO Update – Lisa Leroy did not invite any of last round of candidates to return. No future plans have been announced.

6.5 CTC / IT Goveranance Evaluation Survey – Andy Input on evaluation of the governance process to be solicited (probably in the form of an online survey).

6.6 Planned PG&E Weekend Power Outage June 10, 9pm through June 12, around 5pm is targeted for a power outage to rectify power system issues.

Recommendation to check with events (Torbin) whether there are any contractual obligations that weekend.

6.7 Mailman Distribution Lists Planned summer implementation and migration of Majordomo lists to Mailman. Lists in Mailman will be of @mail.sfsu.edu format. Existing lists will get an @sfsu.edu alias.

7. Working Group Updates (11:25 – 11:34)

7.1 Faculty Workstation Standard - Andrew Roderick Final specifications have been sent to Steven Smith’s office. Final pricing is not yet known. A&F is going forward with a limited refresh, other

7.2 Uniprint -- Thoreau Deferred to next meeting

7.3 Network Security Enhancements and Architecture – Mig Beyond change request

Piloting NAC with DoIT student assistants. Plan for students on wireless for this summer. Wired users will be several years into the multi-phase project.

7.4 Ticketing – Julianne Question have been submitted and responded to by all vendors, responses will be evaluated.

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Decisions and Action Items

Action # Action Item Date Expected Status Assigned To Originated Completion Develop CTC charter, 8/25/2010 In process Andy Stockton, Jonathan Forester, communication plan, working group Andrew Roderick, roles/logistics Lisa Ho, Maggie Beers, Phoebe Kwan Produce framework for CTC vision 8/25/2010 In process Phoebe Kwan and document Maggie Beers Send out Robert’s Rules of Order 10/20/2010 In Jonathan Forester progress Cheat Sheet to CTC members – Changed to process for submitting agenda/action items Provide suggestions to maintain data 11/17/2010 In process Jack Tse, CTC members jack labeling (Standardizing labeling) Propose a planning group (activity 12/15/2010 In process Alex Keller, CTC members proposal) for future Security Day events. Send out formal communication to 12/15/2010 In process Joellen Fung; Andrew Roderick the list regarding Shibboleth implementation and logout requirements. Post ctc-m and ctc lists on Drupal; 12/15/2010 Revised Joellen Fung; Andy Stockton take a look at who is on CCCC and compare Jo to send message to cccc inviting all members to subscribe to itannounce Define what messages will be 12/15/2010 In process Joellen Fung; Andy Stockton restricted to the ctc list that cannot be reported out to the informal group Determine how distribution list 1/19/2011 In process Charter working group membership will be managed Post copy of the NAC RFP into CTC 1/19/2011 In Mig Hofmann Drupal site progress Draft and submit to chairs an activity 2/16/2011 In Ken Piper, Thoreau, proposal for Phoaroh printing progress Julianne upgrade

Thoreau to revise and upload to site

Work with John/work control re: 4/20/2011 Andy sending notifications to itannounce list.

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Action # Action Item Date Expected Status Assigned To Originated Completion Discuss phone tree with Zee for 4/20/2011 completed Phoebe Kwan notification during power outages

[PP&D will work with DoIT to implement a phone tree for emergency notification]

CTC Year End Report 5/12/2011 6/30/2011 Lisa Ho / Deborah Ferguson

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