Brynmawr Town Council
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Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Council held on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 in the Council Chamber, Orchard Street at 6.15pm.
Present:- Councillors M. Morgan (Presiding). B.I. Nash I.R.K. Jenkins D. Lyn Elias Mrs. O.M. Swales H.J. Swales W. K. Hodgins J.M. Gardner
In Attendance:- Mrs. A. C. Davies (Town Clerk/RFO). Ms. N.J. Williams (Asst. Town Clerk).
7391 Apologies were given on behalf of Councillors Peter G. Morgan, Mrs. M. Morris, T.S. Hughes, B.M. Sutton, Mrs. D. Brown.
7392 The Chair welcomed members to the September Meeting.
7393 Members expressed how pleased they were to see Angela (Town Clerk) back in work after her recent illness.
7394 The Chair and members welcomed Councillor Julian Gardner to his first meeting of the Town Council.
7395 Declaration of Interest & Dispensations. The Chair reminded members to make declarations of interest at appropriate points on the Agenda.
7396 Monthly Meeting of the Council held on 27th July 2016.
Corrections – P.2 item 7364. The sentence stating “The member said as Brynmawr Town Council does employ the Clerks”. Item should have read “Brynmawr Town Council does not employ the Clerks”. P.3 item 7351 – Cuts from the LAC (Learning Action Centre) Budget. A member stated it should read “Cuts from the ALC Budget (Adult Learning Centre).
7397 Matters Arising from the Minutes held on 27 July 2016.
Item 7362 – Co-option on North Ward. - 2 -
Two members asked whether Mr. Darren Foote's letter had gone forward for co-option. The Clerk informed the members that all correspondence relating to Council is kept on file and the onus was on Mr. Foote to notify the Clerk of his intent to put his name forward for second co-opted position. . A member said that the notice was put out to the public during the Council being in recess. The Clerk pointed out that the notice for co-option had been advertised from 1 September 2016 until noon 20th September 2016. A member said that the notice was incorrect as Mr. David Waggett had left the employment of the Council and has not been a Returning Officer since February 2016. The Clerk pointed out to the member that each member had received a copy of ALL notices concerning the Co-option/Election and that the information given to the Clerk was via the County Borough Council. A member said that some members may have misinterpreted the reading of the minutes of the July Meeting.
Item 7348 – CCTV Cameras within Brynmawr. A member informed Council that two Cameras are missing from Brynmawr Town Centre (opposite Barclays Bank and another in Station Road). The member had spoken to Mr. Matthew Stent and Mr. Chris Herbert, Street Lighting, County Borough Council asking them to investigate the disappearance of the Cameras. It was agreed a letter be sent to both gentlemen regarding the missing Cameras.
Item 7351 – Response from Mr. Anthony Hughes, CEO of the Aneurin Leisure Trust. A member asked whether a there had been any response to the letter sent to Mr. Anthony Hughes regarding the retention of the Brynmawr Library. The Clerk informed Council that no response have been received as yet from Mr. Anthony Hughes and agreed to resend the letter requesting a reply.
Item 7372 – Brynmawr Amateur Operatic Society. Councillor Julian Gardner declared an interest. A member asked whether a response had been received from the Brynmawr Market Hall Cinema Trust with regard to the BAOS using the Cinema for future performances. The Clerk informed members that no response have been received from the Marked Hall Cinema Trust and agreed to resend the letter requesting a reply.
Item 7375 – Aparajita Surgery. A member informed Council that the Aparajita Surgery will remain open and two female Doctors will continue to practice there. A member said that due to the closure of Essendene Surgery, Worcester Street, Brynmawr patients will now use Aparajita Surgery together with Nantyglo and Blaen-y-Cwm surgery. Due to the lack of parking facilities at the Aparajita - 3 -
Surgery and no bus service close-by, the elderly will have to walk up hills to get there. It was agreed that a strong letter be sent to the Aneurin Bevan Health Board regarding the proposed new Health Centre adjacent to Blaen-y-Cwm School requesting confirmation on when the work will begin on the site as the parking facilities at the Aparajita Surgery are minimal and the fact there would be a great increase in parking requirements to accommodate extra patients.
Item 7381 – Police & Crime Commissioner for Gwent Meeting. Councillor Wayne Hodgins attended the meeting on behalf of the Council and informed members that the occurring problems Brynmawr Town has regarding anti-social behaviour, parking, drugs etc are problems all towns in the Borough are experiencing. A report of the Police Commissioners Meeting is available in the Council Chamber if any member wishes to have a copy.
Item 7385 – Presentation Evening for Mr. Sam Cross (Silver Medal in the Rio Olympic Games) Rugby 7's. A member said another member had phoned him on two occasions regarding the forthcoming Presentation Evening for Sam Cross. This particular member discussed a possibility of an extra special Presentation Evening. The Clerk informed members that she was not aware of any changes to the agreed Presentation for Sam Cross which had already been determined by the Finance Committee. This matter should have been bought to the attention of the Council by the member concerned.
7398 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 27 July 2016, having been circulated, were accepted as a true record.
Orders & Requisitions.
7399 Broadband, Line Rental and Call Charges. Council moved payment of £176.08.
7400 BDO LLP – External Audit 2015/2016. The Clerk informed the meeting that the invoice for the External Audit 2015/16 would be sent out shortly. Payment to be made on receipt of invoice.
7401 Earl Haig Poppy Appeal. Council moved payment of £100.00.
7402 Financial Correspondence – None.
7403 Thank you letter was received from the Young Dimensions Dance Troupe for Councils kind donation towards their trip to Disney Land Paris. Letter noted. - 4 -
7404 Declaration of Vacancy – Brynmawr North Ward. Prior to the meeting each member received copies of: Notice of request for a vacancy. Notice of vacancy to be filled by co-option. Notice of member vacancy in the North Ward. A member asked had there been any response to the vacancy. The Clerk stated there had been interest for the vacant seat of Brynmawr Town Council – North Ward. The Chair stated that his sister applied for the vacant seat. Notice of Vacancy moved.
7405 The Brynmawr Town Council's Annual Return 2015/2016. The Clerk informed members that the Notice of Conclusion of Audit (Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004, Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014) for Brynmawr Town Council that notice was hereby given that the audit for the year ending 31 March 2016 was completed on the 9th August 2016 by BDO LLP. The Annual Return for 2015/2016 was approved and accepted by the Council. Issues Arising Report – BDO LLP. Each member received a copy of the Issues Report prior to the Council meeting. Matters listed below : (a) Additions in year not included in Annual Return (Fixed Assets). (b) Budgetary Process. (c) Expenditure Powers – S137 power incorrectly used. (Item a) that the assets which are held as community assets such as playing fields, war memorials etc. should be included in the accounts at their historical cost or given a £1.00 value. The Clerk explained to BDO LLP that she did not know the historical cost of the war memorial or the furniture made by Brynmawr Furniture Company. The total in Section 12 of the Annual Return is the figure insured by Zurich Insurance Company. If the Town Council should purchase any new items in the future then this would be added to the total figure in Section 12. Council agreed to this procedure. (Item b). The Clerk informed the meeting that a Budget Monitoring Report is presented to Council on a quarterly basis. A copy of the above report is available in the Council Chamber for members who were not present at this meeting. Council agreed to this procedure. (Item c).BDO LLP queried the purchase of shrubs, plants etc. for the Town Centre. The Clerk explained to the External Auditors that the Town Council award monies towards the cost of flowers, planters etc. to a local organisation within the town. The Town Council is not responsible for planting, watering or maintaining this project. In her opinion this is a donation under S137. - 5 - BDO LLP requires this this item be placed under the power of the LGA 1972 s.144 Council agreed this procedure. A member said that the Town Clerk had done a thorough accounting for the Internal and External Auditors.
7406 Correspondence received from Mr. Richard Crook, BGCBC re: Beaufort Ballroom/Theatre. Each member was issued with a copy of the response regarding the closure of the facility. A member said that if an organisation should take on this responsibility, should they take on the Community Asset Transfer, would they be unable to put on similar performances staged in the Metropole Theatre. Letter noted.
7407 Correspondence was received from Mr. Mark Howland, BGCBC – Re: Orchard Street Community Centre – Community Asset Transfer. Each member was issued with a copy of the response prior to the meeting. The Asst. Town Clerk read out a further email received from Mr. Mark Howland stating that Mr. Howland can confirm that the user agreement between the Town Council and the Borough remains in place. What has been done is that the obligations under the agreement have been passed onto the Academy with regard to areas like maintenance, care taking and cleaning. Technically this would mean that any issues the Town Council has with maintenance, care-taking and cleaning should be conveyed to Mr. Howland, or Mr. David Watkins, who would then inform The Academy. A more local solution would be for the Town Clerk to speak directly to Mr. Shaun Brace at the Academy with any issues the Town Council might have. The Town Clerk informed the Council that she had spoken to Mr. Shaun Brace informing him that the Town Clerk and the Asst. Town Clerk would be happy to clean their Office and The Council Chamber on the first floor of the Community Centre. Letter noted.
7408 Each member was issued with a copy of the grant allocation for the BNB Festival Brynmawr from Ms. Sarah Jeremiah, BGCBC. The Asst. Town Clerk read out a further email received from Ms. Jeremiah stating that two identified projects to date which can be put forward to Welsh Government for approval were: Brynmawr Business Forum – Scare on the Square event. Brynmawr Rotary – Formation of a second Interact Club; Brynfarm. Based on the WG approval of the identified projects, there will remain a potential grant fund of approx £5,000. The TCP group will need to approve the above projects as part of the process in putting the proposals forward to WG. If there is no objections from the TCP group to the above projects by Friday 23rd September 2016, the projects will be submitted to WG. Letter noted. - 6 -
7409 Request by Councillor Mrs. M. Morris to include in the Agenda parking issues in the main street and adjacent car park. It was agreed to leave this matter on the table due to Councillor Mrs. M. Morris being absent from the meeting.
7410 Amended Planning Application – Jane Walters, Citizen Advice Caerphilly Blaenau Gwent, Former District Offices & Fruit & Veg shop, 18 – 19, Beaufort Street Brynmawr. Change of use of former Council District Office and Fruit and Veg shop to Citizen Advice Bureau. The Town Council had no objection to this application.
7411 Planning & Urgent Matters Meeting held on 07 September 2016. Report accepted as read.
Finance Committee Meeting held on 07 September 2016.
Matters Arising from the Finance Meeting.
7412 Item 3 - Purchase of Brynmawr Town Plaques. The Clerk informed Council that the price for each plaque would cost £49.66 plus VAT. A member asked whether “Bills Trophies” were in a position to supply the plaques as they are local and it would give them business The Clerk explained that the Town Plaques are hand painted by Shaws, Crayford in Kent and has especially been made for the Town Council for decades. It was agreed to purchase10 Brynmawr Town Plaques from Shaws of Kent.
7413 Item 4 – Presentation for Dr. Sinha and Dr. Datta. The Clerk informed Council that Dr. Sinha and his wife are able to attend a Presentation Evening on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 but Dr. Datta is unavailable for this date. It was agreed that the Presentation Evening will remain as agreed on 23 November 2016 for Dr. Sinha and wife.
7414 Item 5 – Presentation Evening for Mr. Sam Cross. The Clerk informed Council that Mr. Sam Cross would be attending the Presentation Evening on Wednesday, 26 October 2016 to be held in the Council Chamber at 6.30pm. It was agreed that the Town Clerk and Asst. Town Clerk arrange the buffet and presentation gift already recommended by the Finance Committee. The Clerk asked Council could they confirm their attendance one week prior to the Presentation Evening for buffet purposes. A member suggested to enquire whether it would be possible to purchase a tankard embossed with the Olympic Rings. - 7 -
7415 Item 14 – Mr. Warren Richards informed the Asst. Town Clerk that he could no longer continue to maintain the War Memorial. During the Finance Committee Meeting it was agreed that Councillor Sutton would inquire with the Royal British Legion Branch whether they had a member who would volunteer to take on this role and the Clerk seek another avenue. It was also agreed to send Mr. Richards a letter thanking him for all his help maintaining the War Memorial over the years and for his dedication to the Earl Haig Poppy Appeal.
7416 Item 15 – Purchase of a laptop. The Clerk informed Council that the cost of a new laptop would be £279.00 including VAT plus £30 - £45 to programme the laptop. It was agreed to purchase a laptop for the Town Clerk and Asst. Town Clerk. Report accepted as read.
7417 Brynmawr Town Council’s Financial Risk Assessment 2016/2017 was accepted.
7418 Town & Country Planning.
(a) Chief Planner’s Report – noted.