Global Marketing: Fall 2012

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Global Marketing: Fall 2012

Marketing Essentials (Communication in Business) Mrs. Falatko

Email: [email protected]

Grading Procedures: 1. Tests count for 50% of your nine weeks grade. (4 tests, 3 projects, and 1 bellringer grade will make up this category.) 2. Daily work counts for 30% of your nine weeks grade 3. Exam counts for 20% of your nine weeks grade. (You must have an average of 85 or better, not missed more than one day, and not been suspended or sent to DCAC. See your handbook for all the rules to being exempt.) 4. Extra credit will be offered periodically throughout the nine-weeks.

Daily supplies: 1. Paper 2. Pen/pencil

Classroom Rules: 1. Do not speak unless given permission.

2. Stay in your seat unless given permission to leave.

3. Bring all supplies to class: pen/pencil, paper, and assignments.

4. Respect other students and others’ property.

5. Take care of classroom materials and return them to the proper spot.

6. Absolutely no cell phones are allowed in the classroom unless being used for instructional purpose with permission being given. (Cell phones that are seen or being used will be confiscated and given to the office.)


1. Verbal Warning

2. Loss of privileges

3. Parental conference 4. Conference

5. Written referral

(These are the consequences, but this is not necessarily the order used for all problems. The consequence will depend on the infraction.)

Daily Routine:

1. Use the restroom on your way to the classroom, but enter the classroom before the tardy bell finishes ringing.

2. When you get to the classroom, get your bellwork folder and begin working on the bellringer on the board.

3. Read the objective for the day so you know what will be discussed in class that day.

4. Interact, comment, and ask questions during class discussions. This class is designed for both student input and teacher lectures.

5. Before you leave, drop off homework/classwork assignments in the designated area.

Basic Etiquette:

1. There is no sleeping or putting your head down in class.

2. Respect other students’ questions and comments. 3. Pick up all trash around your seat before you leave the classroom.

4. If you bring a drink, it must have a lid or cap. No open containers.

5. If you eat a small snack, you must clean up after yourself.

6. If you chew gum, it must go in the trash when you are finished.

7. Return all classroom materials to the proper spot.

8. The classroom should be clean and orderly when you leave.

9. You get one bathroom pass per nine-weeks. Use it wisely.

10. Cell phones are to only be used when given permission.

Extra Notes:

1. If you are absent, please see me prior to the first bell to get missed assignments. You have one day per day missed to make up work. It is your responsibility to get your work. If you know you are going to be absent, get your work before you miss class. 2. When working in pairs or groups, everyone is expected to participate. 3. If working on an individual assignment (classwork, test, or project), I expect an individual effort. Cheating will result in a zero for the assignment and a write-up. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, looking on someone‘s paper, copying someone’s work, or writing verbatim from a source.

Expectations: 1. You are expected to participate in class discussions and group projects. 2. You are expected to turn in your assignments before you leave the classroom. 3. You are expected to be responsible for your work and grades. 4. You are expected to treat other students with respect. 5. You are expected to complete all assignments. 6. You are expected to ask for make-up work after returning to school. (If you know you are going to be out ahead of time, get your work prior to missing.) 7. You are expected to follow all rules at all times. 8. You are expected to follow the proper procedures at all times You are expected to follow the student handbook guidelines and rules.

Wish List: 1. Kleenex- one box of Kleenex is worth one bonus point (on a test grade) 2. Hand sanitizer- one container is worth three bonus points (on a test grade) 3. White poster board- one full size piece is worth one bonus point (on a test grade) 4. Construction paper- one pack is worth three bonus point (on a test grade) 5. Colored Pencils- one package is worth three bonus points (on a test grade) 6. Markers- one package is worth three bonus points (on a test grade) 7. Glue Sticks- one glue stick is worth one bonus point (on a test grade)

Late Work:

1. Each day work is late, the starting value will drop a letter grade (For example- The first day it is late, the best a student can get is an 89.)

2. Late work will not be accepted after it is five days late.

3. Classwork will not be accepted late. (small activities, not projects, which are assigned in class and given plenty of time to complete) Bellringers: 1. Every day when you walk in, there will be a bellringer assignment on the board. 2. Each entry needs to have the date. 3. If you are absent or miss a day due to a school activity, you need to write the date you missed and “Absent” or “School Activity” so you do not lose points for missing an assignment. 4. It is your responsibility to complete the bellringer daily. 5. Bellringers will be counted as a test grade at the end of the nine weeks.

Bellwork Examples: Entry 1: What I’d Like To Learn 8/7/17 In this class, I would like to learn about… I would like to learn about this because… Another thing I would like to learn about is… These topics would be interesting because…

Entry 2: Anywhere in the World 8/8/17 If I could visit anywhere in the world, I would go… I want to visit here because… While I was there, I would want to do… This would be such an amazing trip because…

Entry 3: School Activity- Case 21 8/9/17

Entry 4: Absent 8/10/17

Entry 5: One Thing 8/11/17 If I could change one thing about myself, it would be… I want to change this because… If I could change this, then I could… I would be much happier because…

Important Dates: Test 1: January 17th Test 2: January 25th Test 3: February 8th Test 4: February 22nd

Candy Tradeshow project due- February 9th (before you walk in class) Dream Team project due- February 26th (before you walk in class) International Drink project due- March 5th (before you walk in class)

Bellwork due- March 2nd (will not be accepted late)

**Dates are subject to change due to snow days.

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