Midland Park Public Schools
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District policy states that anyone wishing to speak on an agenda item prior to its vote by the full Board will have an opportunity to do so without prior notice.
"Adequate notice of the meeting was provided as specified in the Open Meeting Act. Notices of the Meeting were sent to the HERALD-NEWS, BERGEN RECORD, RIDGEWOOD NEWS, and to the Midland Park Borough Clerk for the 2006 elective year. A notice was also posted outside the office of the Midland Park Board of Education in a place reserved for such announcements."
Board Secretary’s Certification
Approval of Minutes
Approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled public meeting held on January 16, 2007.
Curriculum Committee presentation of district test scores by Mrs. Jennifer Kendall Board resolutions related to hiring for the 2006-2007 school year will be on an emergency basis, pursuant to N.J.S.A.18A:6-7.1, N.J.S.A.18A:39-17 and or N.J.S.A.18A:6-4.13, as applicable.
A. Personnel - (A. DePreker)
1. Accept the resignation of Lisa Damiano as a Building Aide in the elementary schools, effective retroactive to January 26, 2007 (support material attached).
2. Approve the appointment of Helen Hagerty as a Building Aide in the elementary schools. She will be paid at the approved rate of $14.21 per hour, effective February 7, 2007 through June 26, 2007 (or the last day of school) (support material attached).
3. Approve the increase in salary for the following teacher:
Michael Kilgallen from MA 7 (Experience Level 8) ($52,046) to MA +7 (Experience Level 8) ($57,965), effective retroactive to February 1, 2007
4. Approve both the Memorandum of Agreement and Sick Leave Plan and authorize the Board President and Secretary to execute the opening of Article XVIII B of the collective bargaining agreement and said Sick Leave Plan, as contained in the attached appendix. A
5. Approve the following changes to the list of Advisors at the high school, for the 2006-2007 school year (support material attached): Stipend Delete: David Marks Musical Assistant Director – Instrumental Add: Donna Halliwell Musical Assistant Director – Instrumental $ 487 Donna Halliwell Musical Assistant Director – Choral $ 487 Brian Ersalesi Environmental Club $ 88.75 Joann Manicone Environmental Club $ 88.75 (New Club, split prorated stipend, effective retroactive to February 1, 2007)
Feb. 6, 2007 Agenda, Page 2 6. Approve the following changes to the list of Coaches at the high school, for the 2006-2007 school year (support material attached): Stipend Delete: Craig Rush 7th & 8th Grade Intramural Basketball Advisor Add: Craig Rush 7th & 8th Grade Intramural Bowling Advisor $ 550 Robert Esposito Assistant Softball Coach $4,001
7. Approve the appointment of the following high school teachers for the Midland Park Continuing Education program (support material attached):
GEPA Review – Sharon Stemple, Math - Maureen Kelley, English HSPA Review – Tracy Saltwick, Math - Sarah Berninger, English
8. Approve the appointment of Santiago Salme as a Spanish instructor for the Midland Park Continuing Education Spring 2007 semester (support material attached).
9. Approve the Rutgers Summer Enrichment program, held at Midland Park High School, sponsored by the Midland Park Continuing Education program (support material attached).
10. Approve the appointment of Debra Bendett as a .5 Instructional Aide in the A.M. at the Godwin School. She will be paid a prorated salary of $5,590.72 (Category V, Step 1 of the MPESA salary guide), effective February 7, 2007 through June 30, 2007 (support material attached).
11. Approve the appointment of Debra Bendett as a .5 Instructional Aide in the P.M. at Highland School. She will be paid a prorated salary of $5,590.72 (Category V, Step 1 of the MPESA salary guide), effective February 7, 2007 through June 30, 2007 (support material attached).
12. Approve an additional .25 position for Nancy Ganguzza as an Instructional Aide in the P.M. Kindergarten class. She will be paid an additional salary of $2,907.22 (Category V, Step 2 of the MPESA salary guide), effective February 7, 2007 through June 30, 2007 (support material attached).
13. Approve an additional .25 position for Sherri Lange as an Instructional Aide in the P.M. Kindergarten class. She will be paid an additional salary of $2,907.22 (Category V, Step 2 of the MPESA salary guide), effective February 7, 2007 through June 30, 2007 (support material attached).
14. Approve the extended payment of daily salary for Michael Montelbano, Custodian at the high school, minus the substitute rate of pay, effective February 7, 2007 through February 28, 2007 as per Title 18A: 30-6 (support material attached).
Feb. 6, 2007 Agenda, Page 3 15. Approve the following additions to the list of Substitute Teachers for the 2006-2007 school year (support material attached):
(s) Kelly Braunius (s) Stephanie Carpenter (s) James Fernandez (s) Michael Goodell (s) Kylie Horney
(s) = Bergen County Substitute Certificate
B. Finance Committee - (R. Schiffer, Chairperson)
1. Approve the following resolution:
RESOLVED: That pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(e), we certify that as of December 31, 2006, after review of the Secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section), and upon consultation with the appropriate District officials, to the best of our knowledge, no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13 (b), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the District’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year, subject to the conditions of P.L. 1701.
2. Approve the following block motion:
a. December 2006 cafeteria direct pays in the amount of $980.13. b. January 2007 direct pays in the amount of $360,707.86. c. January 2007 cafeteria direct pays in the amount of $2,840.62.
3. Approve the following block motion:
a. January 2007 cafeteria claims in the amount of $14,184.70. b. February 2007 claims in the amount of $289,214.95.
4. Approve the financial reports of the Board Secretary and the Treasurer of School Moneys for the period December 1, 2006 – December 31, 2006, which are attached as an appendix. B
5. Approve the transfers among accounts, according to prescribed accounting procedures, for the period July 1, 2006 – January 31, 2007, which are attached as an appendix. C
C. Curriculum Committee - (A. Polhemus, Chairperson)
1. Approve the Music in the Park date for October 7, 2007 (support material attached).
2. Approve the proposed over night Broadcasting Department trip to Disney World
Feb. 6, 2007 Agenda, Page 4 from November 7, 2007 – November 13, 2007 (support material attached).
3. Approve the retroactive attendance of Christine McReynolds, Media Specialist at the high school, at a workshop entitled, “Using Photoshop”, held at Bergen Technical Training Center, Hackensack, NJ on January 31, 2007 (support material attached).
4. Approve the retroactive attendance of Maureen O’Hara, elementary school teacher, at a workshop entitled, “Direct Instruction Program Training”, held at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ on January 31, 2007 (support material attached).
5. Approve the attendance of Craig Rush, Student Assistance Counselor, at a workshop entitled, “Student Drug Testing Regional Summit”, to be held in Newark, NJ on February 27, 2007 (support material attached).
6. Approve the attendance of the following elementary school teachers at a workshop entitled, “An Insider’s Perspective on Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome”, to be held in Saddle Brook, NJ on March 2, 2007 (support material attached):
Rachel Grotsky Patricia Sicree Patty Zarpaylic
7. Approve the attendance of the following administrators and teaching staff at a workshop entitled, “Alfie Kohn, The Homework Myth”, to be held at Bergen Tech High School, Hackensack, NJ on March 8, 2007 (support material attached):
Nancy DeRitter Jennifer Kendall Jacqueline Goodell Patricia Terraciano Maureen Kelley Elizabeth Veneziano
8. Approve the attendance of Matthew Arroyo, high school teacher, at a workshop entitled, “The Working Woman and American Family: Civil Rights Movement”, to be held at The Hermitage, Ho Ho Kus, NJ on March 16, 2007 (support material attached).
9. Approve the attendance of the following administrators at a workshop entitled, “Models And Exemplars of Quality Curriculum”, to be held at Kean University, Union, NJ on March 22, 2007 (support material attached):
Jennifer Kendall Elizabeth Veneziano
10. Approve the attendance of the following administrators at a workshop entitled, “Curriculum Design and Renewal for Alignment to NJCCCS”, to be held in Monroe Township, NJ on March 30, 2007 (support material attached):
Jennifer Kendall
Feb. 6, 2007 Agenda, Page 5 Elizabeth Veneziano
11. Approve the attendance of Bonnie Platter at the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, to be held in New York, NY on April 13 and 14, 2007 (support material attached).
12. Approve the attendance of Matthew Arroyo, high school teacher, at a workshop entitled, “W.E.B. DuBois and MLK, Jr.”, to be held at The Hermitage, Ho Ho Kus, NJ on April 19, 2007 (support material attached).
13. Approve the attendance of Rachel Grotsky, elementary school teacher, at a workshop entitled, “Strategies for Supporting Instruction Across the Content Areas for Students With Disabilities”, to be held in North East Orange, NJ on April 20, 2007 (support material attached).
D. Policy Committee - (M. Acito, Chairperson)
E. Legislative Committee - (M. Acito, Chairperson)
F. Buildings & Grounds Committee - (R. Venditti, Chairperson)
G. Negotiations - Teachers/Secretaries - (R. Venditti, Chairperson)
Approve the settlement agreement of the grievance between the Midland Park Board of Education and Mrs. Christine McReynolds, in the amount of $1,152 (support material attached).
H. Negotiations - Administrators/Custodians - (M. Anders, Chairperson)
I. Public Relations Committee - (W. Sullivan, Chairperson)
J. Personnel Committee - (J. Vandervliet, Chairperson)
Feb. 6, 2007 Agenda, Page 6 K. Liaison Committee:
High School PTA - (M. Acito)
Elementary School PTA - (M. Anders)
Booster Club - (W. Sullivan)
Performing Arts Parents - (R. Venditti)
Special Education - (J. Vandervliet)
Board of Recreation – (W. Sullivan)
Education Foundation – (A. Polhemus)
Continuing Education Program – (J. Vandervliet)
L. Town Council Special Projects Committee - (J. Vandervliet, Chairperson)
M. Service Review Committee – (P. Lein, Chairperson)
N. New Jersey and/or Bergen County School Board Delegates – (A. Polhemus)
Feb. 6, 2007 Agenda, Page 7 O. Old Business
P. New Business
Motion to go into closed session before the meeting of February 27, 2007 for the purpose of
Open to the Public
Motion to Adjourn
Feb. 6, 2007 Agenda, Page 8