2 Kings Disillusionment leads to exile Key Terms/phrases: Themes:  Baal-zebub (1:2)- god of Ekron  Disobedience and judgment: 1:16-17; 17:16-  Molech (23:10): Ammonite god who was 20; 25:1-20 worshiped by human sacrifice  Grace: 19:14-34; 20:1-11; 25:27-30  Elijah: “my God is the Lord”  Elisha: “God his salvation”  Angel of the Lord 1:15; 19:35  Baal: Principal male god of the Phoenicians Historical Context: Chapter Divisions/summaries:  Divided from 1 Kings to form two books  1:1-18: Elijah rebukes Ahaziah  1 and 2 Kings covers 455 years from 1015 to  2:1-25: Elijah taken & Elisha launches into 560 BC when the king of Babylon overthrew ministry Jerusalem  3:1-27: Moab rebels st nd  3 periods to 1 and 2 Kings: 1) 1015-975  4:1-5:27: Elisha’s ministry & Gehazi’s greed BC- Solomon’s reign 2) 975-722 BC-  6:1-7:20: Elisha & defeat of Syrians at Division of the kingdom and subjugation of Samaria northern kingdom/10 tribes 3) 722-560 BC- Remaining years of Kingdom of Judah till  8:1-6: Shunammite’s land Babylonian exile  8:7-29: Hazael, Jehoram & Ahaziah  9:1-10:36: Zeal of Jehu  11:1-12:21: Jehoash, King of Judah  13:1-16:20: Death of Elisha and various kings rise and fall  17:1-41: Fall and resettlement of Israel  18:1-20:21: Reign of Hezekiah  21:1-26: Manasseh & Amon reject God  22:1-23:30: Reign of Josiah  23:36-25:30: Evil kings & fall of Judah Literary Devices:  Allusion: 17:36  Narrative suspense: 2:9-12; 6:8-17  Narrative Applications:  Even in our most desperate moments God has a means for caring for the needs of his people (4:1-7)  We must always recognize God’s overwhelming power in our various circumstances (6:16-17)  We must be patient when we see unjust leaders in government because God will deal with them swiftly (9:30-36-death of Jezebel)  The Word of God can convict us and direct our actions (22:11-13)

Righteous kings of Judah in 1 Kings: Jehoash (12:2); Amaziah (14:3); Azariah (15:3); Jotham (15:34); Hezekiah (18:3); Josiah (22:2)

Reference: Merrill, Eugene H. Kingdom of Priests. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic 2008 English Standard Version Bible. Wheaton, IL: Crossway 2002 Easton, M. G. (1893). In Easton’s Bible dictionary. New York: Harper & Brothers.