Review Lifespan Examination II Carolyn R. Fallahi, Ph. D.

1. Baumrind’s (1991) parenting styles – know the different types. What type will make for a competent child later? What is the most common pattern of parenting around the world? What did Scarr’s research say about “good enough parents?” What are the results of the “Grading Mom” study?

2. Attachment: Know the different theorists (e.g. Bowlby, Ainsworth) & characteristics that promote attachment. What the infant characteristics that promote attachment? What are the caregiver characteristics that either promote or hinder attachment? What did Freud have to say about attachment? Has his theory been proven one way or another? How about learning theory? What are the different types of attachment and the characteristics of each type? What is reactive attachment disorder? What are the symptoms? How might you intervene for this diagnosis with an infant, a young child, adolescent, adult?

3. Understand the issues with Gay and Lesbian Parenting. What does the research have to say about these issues?

4. Intelligence: Know about the history of intelligence tests, e.g. Binet & Wechsler. Understand how we define intelligence and how that definition may change given a different theory of intelligence. What does Piaget, Vygotsky, and Wechsler have to say about intelligence? Understand the normal curve and how IQ falls within the normal curve. Understand the diagnosis of Gifted and Talented, Learning disabled, and Mental Retardation. Understand the different theories of intelligence, especially Gardner & Horn and Cattell.

5. Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning. Know all of the terms associated with learning. Be sure to understand schedules of reinforcement, the difference between positive/negative reinforcement and punishment, and be able to diagram classical conditioning. Understand the issues with infant intelligence – how do infants learn and can we measure infant learning? What is the evidence for infant memory?

6. Language – know the story of Genie & specifically, the notion of sensitive or critical periods & language. Know Chomsky’s theory with an understanding to what the LAD is as well as possible proof for his theory & arguments against his theory.