Assumption of the Virgin Mary s5

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Assumption of the Virgin Mary s5


ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN MARY UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE OF CONSTANTINOPLE AND NEW ROME 1301 Newport Avenue Northampton, Pennsylvania 18067 V. Rev. Bazyl Zawierucha, Rector Proto-deacon Mychail Sawarynski Telephones: Church Office… (610) 262-2882 Church Fax/Kitchen/Hall… (610) 262-0552 Fr. Bazyl’s Residence… (610) 882-2488 Protodeacon Mychail’s Residence… (610) 262-3876 Websites: E-mail: Parish… [email protected] Fr. Bazyl … [email protected] Protodeacon Mychail… [email protected] Webmaster, John Hnatow… [email protected] ======15 (2nd) May, 2016 THIRD SUNDAY OF PASCHA. Tone 2 SUNDAY OF THE MYRRH-BEARERS. RIGHTEOUS JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA AND NICODEMUS. St. ATHANASIUS THE GREAT, archbishop of Alexandria (373). Translation of the relics of the Holy Passion-bearers BORIS and HLIB of Rus’, in holy baptism ROMANUS & DAVID (1072 & 1115) Acts 6, 1-7 Rom. 8, 28-39 Mk. 15, 43 – 16, 8 Jn. 15, 17 – 16, 2 2 TODAY’S BULLETIN IS SPONSORED in loving memory of +Michael Meashock by Mr. Darryl Meashock. VICHNAJA PAMJAT’ – MEMORY ETERNAL! ======

Tropar of the Resurrection, Tone 2 When You descended to death, Life Immortal, You slew Hades with the splendour of Your Divinity. And when from the depths You raised the dead, all the Powers of Heaven cried out: Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to You.

Tropar Tone 2 The Noble Joseph took Your Most Pure Body down from the Tree. Wrapping It in fine linen and anointing It with spices, he placed It in a new tomb. Your Third Day Resurrection, Lord, granted the world great mercy.

Tropar of the Passion-bearing Princes, Tone 2 Righteous passion-bearers and true fulfillers of the Gospel of Christ, chaste Boris and guileless Hlib, you did not resist the attacks of your brother, the enemy, when he killed your bodies but could not touch your souls. Therefore, let the evil lover of power mourn while you rejoice with the angels standing before the Holy Trinity. Pray that those who honour your memory may be pleasing to God, and that all Orthodox Christians may be saved.

Glory… Kondak of the Passion-bearers, Tone 3 Today your most glorious memory shines forth, noble participants in the passion of Christ, holy Boris and Hlib, for you call us together to sing praises to Christ our God! Praying to Him before your sacred images, we receive the gift of healing by your prayers, for you are indeed divine healers.

Now and ever… Kondak of Myrrh-bearers, Tone 2 Christ, You commanded the Myrrh-bearers to rejoice. By You Resurrection, God, You stopped the lamentation of Eve. You commended Your Apostles to preach: The Saviour is risen.

Prokimen of the Myrrh-bearers, Tone 6 Lord, save Your people and bless Your inheritance. Verse: To You Lord will I call. My God, be not silent to me. 3 Prokimen of the Passion-bearers, Tone 4 The Lord has been wondrous in the saints that are in His earth; He has wrought all His desires in them

Alleluia Verses, Tone 8 Lord, You have favoured Your Land; You have restored the well-being of Jacob. Kindness and Truth shall meet; Justice and Peace shall kiss.

Alleluia Verses, Tone 4 The righteous cried, and the Lord heard them, and He delivered them out of their tribulations. Many are the tribulations of the righteous, and the Lord shall deliver them out of them all.

Alleluia Verses, Tone 1 The heavens shall confess Your wonders, O Lord, and Your truth in the congregation of saints. God is glorified in the counsel of the saints.

Instead of “It is right in truth” The angel cried to the Lady Full of Grace: Rejoice, Pure Virgin. Again I say: Rejoice. Your Son is risen from His three days in the tomb. With Himself He has raised up all the dead: Rejoice, all peoples. Irmos: Shine, Shine, O New Jerusalem, for the Glory of the Lord has shone on you. Exult now and be glad, O Zion and rejoice, Pure Birth-Giver of God, in the Resurrection of your Son.

Communion Hymn Receive the Body of Christ; taste the Fountain of Immortality. Alleluia (3X). ======


Sunday, 15 (2nd) May Third Sunday of Pascha, of the Myrrh-Bearers. Tone 2 8:30 a.m. Third & Sixth Hours Holy Mystery of Repentance 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy 4 Third Week of Pascha Monday, 16 (3rd) May Martyrs Timothy and Maura (286). St. Theodosius, abbot of the Kyiv Caves Monastery and founder of coenobitic monasticism in Kyiv (1074). Acts 6, 8 – 7, 5, 47-60 Jn. 4, 46-54

Tuesday, 17 (4th) May Virgin-martyr Pelagia of Tarsus in Asia Minor (287). Acts 8, 7-17 Jn. 6, 27-33

Wednesday, 18 (5th) May Fast Day: Great-martyr Irene of Thessalonica (I-II cents.). Wine & Oil Acts 8, 18-25 Jn. 6, 35-39

Thursday, 19 (6th) May Righteous Job the Long-suffering. Ven. Job, abbot and wonderworker of Pochaiv (1651). Acts 8, 26-39 Jn. 6, 40-44

Friday, 20 (7th) May Fast Day: Commemoration of the Apparition of the Sign of the Cross over Wine & Oil Jerusalem in 351 A.D. Acts 8, 40 – 9, 19 Jn. 6, 48-54

Saturday, 21 (8th) May Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian (98-117). Ven. Arsenius the Great of Scetis (448). Venn. Arsenius the Lover of Labour (XIV cent.) and Pimen the Ascetic (XIII cent.) of the Kyiv Caves. Acts 9, 19-31 Jn. 15, 17 – 16, 2 5:00 p.m. Great Vespers

Sunday, 22 (9th) May Fourth Sunday of Pascha, of the Paralytic. Tone 3 8:30 a.m. Third & Sixth Hours Holy Mystery of Repentance 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy


ANNOUNCEMENT OF WEDDING BANNS: 5 John Pozzetta and Michelle Parchomenko are engaged to be united in the Holy Sacrament of Marriage in the church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Ukrainian Orthodox in Northampton, Pennsylvania on Saturday, 4 June, 2016. If anyone knows of any canonical of civil impediments to this marriage, please speak now or forever keep your peace.

NECROLOGY: 15 May… Fr. Vasyl’ Kushil (’72) 16 May… Anthony Pontician (’38), Fr. Andrew Dworakivsky (’76), Fr. Paul Darmoc (’77). 17 May… Semen Lubianecki (’39), Margaret Lelo (’51), Anthony Micio (’67). 18 May… Mary Ohotski (’70). 19 May… Tekla Zapryliuk (’48). 21 May… Wasyl’ Prus (’30), John Lelo (’46), Xenia Sawarynski (’90), Metr. CONSTANTINE Buggan (’12), Dn. Pavlo Pushkarenko (’91).


BIRTHDAYS: 19 May… Judy Ketterer, Lilly Vitushinsky

WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES: 17 May… Anthony & Patricia Mauser 21 May… Jerome & Anne Marie Kroboth


WE PRAY FOR THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF: Joan Molnar, Michael Smallen,Vladimir & Emma Krasnopera, Walter & Tessie Kuchinos, Stanley Teply, Brendan Phillips, Jessie Hnatow, Jessica Meashock, Patricia Jones, Mary Drenchko, Wasyl Hewko, Adam Hewko, Betty Hendrickson, Andrew Thaxton, Barbara Baird, Helen Sodl, Martha Dowling, Fr. John Harvey, Vladimir Zarayko, Nadine Savitz, Michelle Pierzga, Ahlam Betrous, Susan Ferretti.


WE THANK MR. RICHARD STETCH for his yearly baking and donation of the Artos for Pascha. 6 30th ANNIVERSARY OF THE NUCLEAR DISASTER IN CHORNOBYL’ - SECOND COLLECTION: $617.81. Many thanks.

MRS. LINDA WINTERS would like to thank the choir members who assisted in singing at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. George Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Minersville, Pa., on Saturday, 14 May.

MRS. MELANIE UNGER is collecting sponsors for our parish’s booster page in the 2016 UOL Convention Yearbook. This year’s convention is being hosted by Coatesville and the cost is $5.00 per individual name.

YOUTH OF THE PARISH will be collecting, during coffee hour – Sunday, 15 May – in support of St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. This effort is being sponsored by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Office of Youth and Adult Ministry. Please show the children that you care by making a contribution. Whatever funds are collected will be matched by the JR UOL of our parish. Thank you in advance.

SR UOL MEETING: following coffee hour on Sunday, 15 May. All UOL members are asked to be in attendance – election of officers for the 2016 – 2017 year will take place, as well as planning of future events.

U.S. WOMEN VETERANS – the 69th UOL Convention Committee of Holy Ghost UOL Chapter is sponsoring a service project to provide necessary personal grooming items for U.S. women veterans housed in the Mary E. Walker House at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Coatesville, PA. The women, the majority of whom suffer from post-traumatic stress disorders, are involved in a residential programme which provides medical assistance, psychological services and vocational training in order to reenter the workforce of the country they have defended. Our SR UOL Chapter is asking for your participation in collecting items – such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, hair conditioner, combs, tissues, bar soap, etc. The items will be packaged/delivered during the UOL Convention in July. Please see Linda Winters for further details.

MRS. WINTERS’ CHURCH SCHOOL SCHEDULE: May: 8th (9:00 a.m.); 15th (10:30 a.m.); 22nd (9:00 a.m.) June: 5th (10:30 a.m.); 12th (9:00 a.m.)

DATES FOR PYROHY PRODUCTION: 19 May, 2016, $7.00/dozen. Please call Helen Crayosky at (610) 261-4575 with your order by the Sunday before. Leave a message with your name, quantity (by the dozen) and phone number. 7 Pickup is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Cash or cheque payable to Sisterhood of Faith, Hope and Love. Please note: Volunteers needed for: peeling – Tuesday at 4:00 PM; pinching & clean-up Thursdays.

“GRIEF SHARE” – A grief support group: At St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Fullerton Ave., Allentown. Grief Share will begin April 5th, 2016 and continue every Tuesday thereafter. Each meeting is from 6:30 – 8:00 PM in the Library. This free, non-denominational ministry is open to everyone. For more information or registration, please call Joe Truchan at 610-262-3251

GIANT SUPERMARKET COUPONS: Martha Dowling has coupons for sale at $25.00, $50.00, $100.00. 5% of the profits will go to the church.

NORTHAMPTON FOODBANK DONATIONS: there continues to be a dire need for foodstuffs to assist our neighbors. As you know, our parish’ remit from the food bank is to contribute baby-food, but any other non-perishables will be accepted gladly. There is a cupboard for the collection of donations in the church hall. All non-perishable items are appreciated.

REDNER’S SAVE-A-TAPE PROGRAMME: Please continue to deposit receipts in the box in the church vestibule. Use Redner’s Pump Rewards/Save a Tape Card. Latest rebate: $178.76. 8

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