Survey Monkey Data Analysis and Comments As

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Survey Monkey Data Analysis and Comments As

Survey Monkey Data Analysis and Comments as Recorded By ICT2LRN Cluster Staff.

Term four 2010. Year One of the ICT Contract.

Question one: What has been the most helpful support for your teaching and learning development within the contract this year? (only one option could be selected)

Event Response Percentage Response Count 1. Kath Murdoch Day 25.6% 22 2. QLC Day 2.3% 2 3. 1:1 Facilitator Support 7.0% 6 4. Facilitator Modeling Lessons and 12.8% 11 Strategies 5. Own School Staff Meetings 12.8% 11 6. Grouped School Staff Meetings 5.8% 5 (Meetings combined with other schools) 7. Techie Sessions 20.9% 18 8. Access and Use of the Cluster 0.0% 0 Wikispace 9. Team / Syndicate Meetings with 2.3% 2 the Facilitator 10. School ICT Lead Teachers Run 10.5% 9 Meetings and Support Total: 100% 86

Comments and Elaborations from Staff: Teckie sessions and hands on with facilator and lead teachers also great Kath Murdock day was great for overview of inquiry

Was not here for Kath Murdoch day and fell I missed a lot because of this.

I would also tick Kath Murdoch day, grouped staff meetings and facilitator modelling sessions and strategies, if the survey had allowed more than one choice

i have also found support from ICT lead and Techies, a hands on approach.

This brought everyone to a similar understanding of where we were at collectively in how we were going to approach the development of the inquiry process at our school and what else was needed to be developed in our own school curriculum.

Kath Murdoch day and QLC were both very valuable for ideas and practicalities. Sarah's in-class support and modelling was also fantastic Really enjoyed the Kath Murdoch day - great for inquiry and the techie day using Kid Pix . Sarah visits were also great examples of the 'how to' in the classroom

qlc day also very valuable

I really enjoyed all the support but I felt like it clicked more when we discussed it in staff meeting. The power of discussion. I also liked the QLC Online learning through the conferences I've joined. Collaborative learning and networking online through a range of communities. would have preferred more school based infor sessions internally. came to teach partway thru year and feeling a lot behind.

It was good to have one of our school ICT leaders elaborate on the ideas that Kath presented and go over them at Staff meetings.

Staff meetings held within our school were extremely helpful. Also I was lucky enough to go to Kath and Jennny in Melbourne and this has given me some good base understandings.

Difficult to make this decision as I found all aspects listed above very useful for my own learning and teaching.

School ICT lead teacher was fantastic

Having Facilitator support has been valuable, especially for lead teacher. Having someone to keep us on track, checking in and guiding us in a positive direction has been very helpful

Craig has been a great help

The development/discussion around our school model and the key competencies was most valuable, however, other aspects listed above were of great value too - especially Kath Murdoch. It put everybody on the same page. Support form School ICT lead has also helped hard to choose as several things have helped, especially Kath Murdoch giving us clear direction and the pd at our own school has been essential.

This day got me understanding, to a greater depth an inquiry learning model which I am sure to utilize when I got back into the classroom.

Having Sarah model the lessons really helps me to see it in action and be able to do it for myself.

I need lots of techie help.Things are being rushed and not thought out properly.

QLC Day was brilliant.

In school support from ICT team leaders and other staff members

having time to use new technology and experiment was the most useful time or experimenting with partners to try new things and having that time with equipment

Techie sessions very practical and something that I elected to got to.

It is very practical support/learning that I need so this met my needs well in a non-threatening way because I was with people who had also nominated the particular skills being taught as a current need of theirs. I enjoyed the hands on approach (watch then do) really helpful. The things I learned in these sessions are the things I still use. By techie session I really mean being at home squandering hours of my life endlessly trawling the depths of the Mariana Trench that is the online ICT community. e.g. googling things like "how to mask your IP address" etc.

Own school meetings great - hands on. Really enjoyed Kath Murdoch session and techie session (blog pages)

I also felt the Techie sessions were well worthwhile. More would be great.

having other ideas that work and that you can see is a great help

Colleagues giving 1 to 1 help Interaction where we are all working on similar goals enables whole staff to hit ideas off each other

As lead teacher, a combination of support from facilitator, our discussions, and modelling tools have been more beneficial to me. The QLC day was great too

Summary: Staff clearly indicate that practical opportunities and discussion are the most successful professional learning systems for them. Seeing ideas, discussing them and sharing with others. The follow on discussions and exploration that followed in staff meetings after Kath Murdoch day were also powerful learning opportunities for staff especially with shared language and understanding.

Question Two: I challenge students to do their own thinking, build their own answers and interpret information. (Multiple choice – one response only)

Option Response Percentage Response Count Never 0.0% 0 Monthly 0.0% 0 Weekly 16.9% 14 2-3 times a week 27.7% 23 Daily 55.4% 46 Total: 100% 83

Comments and Elaborations from Staff: Has always been part of personal philosophy.

I feel I cover this in all curriculum areas especially reflecting on learning each day

I am beginning to use thinking keys and tools, especially the hats.

Whenever possible i use different types of thinking strategies in all areas and in my questioning

"Why do you think that?" De Bono Thinking Hats, justify and explain ideas.

One example is ,By commenting on each others work or their own and rating it against a rubric and say why they think that.

Through a range of thinking skills and strategies. Allowing them to lead the learning.

Working with others and to share their ideas has been valuable because it generates more questions they may have.

I have only started my class so have had limited times to use these but have done so in the past with previous classes in previous years. I hope more often. Getting the class to use skills across all learning areas

I try to build it into my daily programme in some curriculum every day, and use every opportunity to bring it up ad lib

I try to integrate into all curriculum areas

Am not in classroom

I think this in done naturally within the the classroom across all curriculum areas often. It is not necessarily to a great depth, but it is encouraging the children to think for themselves.

Some activities lend themselves so well to curiosity and the developing of children's questioning to find answers.

As I do not have a class, I can only do this whenever I take/work with groups of chn.

I don't like to give students answers and always encourage to give an answer weather it be right or wrong. At least if it is wrong they are able to discover why and possibly change any misconceptions.

Encourage children to justify their thinking. in inquiry yes i do but as this is meant be about ict and using it as a tool i try to as often as possible and make sure that we are working with ict but is a struggle with such a small amount ict equipment Integrated as part of the reading programme daily but less often as part of inquiry which happened less frequently in my room

We have two to three blocks of inquiry a week.

Learning is all about thinking!

Depends on the students. Some I encourage just to turn up to school with lunch.

I ensure that I provide children with questions to get them thinking. When they answer I try and tease out their understanding and get them to justify their answers.

This should be part of almost every curriculum area - from Current Events to Maths.

may not be the best at this yet but try everyday

Using Thinkers keys

I am more aware of asking open ended questions and getting children to repeat what they need to do. I do this by providing graphic organisers to suit learning and providing opportunities to share back use thinking tools-keys, hats individually and groups.

Encourage deeper thinking and understand, always asking questions so that students can come to their own answers They have the opportunity to share their thinking on a regular basis

Summary: The expectations that teachers have on their students for using thinking skills and strategies varies considerably across the cluster. It is great to see that over half the respondents are now using tools ad strategies on a daily basis if not 2-3 times per day. A few of the responses indicate a lack of understanding about the contract and what it is about, this will need to be addressed and worked on next year so that staff can see a tie and connection across the use of ICT, Inquiry and Thinking Tools in all curriculum areas.

Question Three: I have students working in groups to solve problems, make decisions and explore their ideas and thinking. (Multiple choice – one response only)

Option Response Percentage Response Count Never 0.0% 0 Monthly 4.8% 4 Weekly 24.1% 20 2-3 times a week 42.2% 35 Daily 28.9% 24 Total: 100% 83 Comments and Elaborations from Staff: Runs through entire days programme.

I need to do more of this. group work is fantastic, especially for students who don't like sharing their ideas in the large group, ESOL students

Especially during inquiry sessions, maths and reading rotations.

Planning video's, working out whether statements are true or false.

A skill I'm gradually building with my juniors- A session with Sarah was really helpful for me let the kids have more opportunities for this

In all areas of the curriculum across a range of situations and levels. construction activity in pairs

I use group individual and class for all curriculum areas. This happens in most group sessions e.g. numeracy, reading, writing anyway am not in classroom

I try do this as much as I can, however, due to some behavioural problems and personality clashes in the classroom it is often a huge effort for me to facilitate this. I usually try pairs or very small groups.

We have been doing testing for end of year reports but the problem solving and exploring ideas has continued often as a whole group initially perhaps in response to something in the reading groups work for the day.

As I do not have a class, I can only do this whenever I take/work with groups of chn.

I am a huge fan of peer/share and always encourage students to work together to solve any issues among their groups. have to use groups to work through ict

I use Think Pair Share in particular every day.

Especially in Inquiry

Depends on topic In maths children usually work in groups of 2 or 3. This allows for children to share ideas or different strategies that they have used. Often children are asked why they have used a certain strategy and they need to justify their answer. My daily teaching programme allows the children to work in groups in most learning experiences.

Lots of new students learning how to listen to each other ! i use cooperative learning groups daily because they work

I haver introduced Groups with point system to encourage children to work more co-operatively. Through oral language activities with provided contexts. topic time collaboration is important to develop creativity and innovation. Summary: The biggest barrier to group work in classes appears to be that of behaviour. By working through, spending time on and setting up these routines from the beginning and then reinforcing and reminding regularly these can soon become much easier and rewarding for students learning. Those people who are using groups regularly highlighted their successes and the benefits of using groups clearly in their comments and elaborations. Using ICT to support the successful teaching and learning of working in groups can also support the students in their group work skills. (I wonder what all the contestants who take part in ‘Survivor’ think of their group skills when they get to watch the actual programme afterwards?) Preparation and organization will support teachers and students in learning these skills necessary for life. Question Four: I am making more time now than I used to for students to do more of the thinking - analysing, interpreting, inferring and synthesizing (Multiple choice – one response only)

Option Response Percentage Response Count Strongly Agree 13.3% 11 Agree 66.3% 55 Disagree 16,9% 14 Strongly Disagree 3.6% 3 Total: 100% 83

Comments and Elaborations from Staff: As I have used this in my teaching programme not a big change, although looking at 6 hats more.

Especially in reflection time at end of day.

I am more aware of when this is in my programme and making more time conciously

always placed importance on children developing thinking skills in my programme

I have always worked this way since beginning teaching. It is part of my pedagogy.

Have become more aware of thinking strategies and use were possible

I actively plan for this now

still the same, but not in classroom

It is the way I taught before the ICT started I have still some improving to do in this area. I am still on this journey as the children I teach are younger and these are higher order thinking.

As I do not have a class, I can only do this whenever I take/work with groups of chn.

i do with inquiry but i was led to believe this was an ict cluster not inquiry.

Not yet.

I don't think I'm giving more time but the time the students do have is more focused.

This was a big part of teaching in my last school so I have brought this thinking with me in my teaching.

I'd like to think I was already doing this!! He he In numeracy groups i am trying to get the students to recognise the strategy being taught rather than me telling them. They need to look at what is happening with the materials and link this to the number sentence.

Not ready yet for these skills. Just getting some of them to contribute is a major. Some of my older, better readers were doing this as reading activities but they have moved on to next room. with new ideas i have got its easier and the students love it I provide more time for Partner prattle, whole class discussions to provide more opportunities for children to gain further understanding. Using a range of thinking tools instead of just hats has allowed me to understand thinking process better and help children to use

Summary: It is great to see a large number (well over half) of the respondents who agree with this and are allowing their students more opportunity and time to use these thinking skills. Again we have respondents who have not made the connection between the ICT contract and the development of thinking, learning strategies and inquiry. A few people have also indicated that these are higher order thinking strategies and their children are too new or young, these skills are found at all levels of the curriculum and it could be the terms themselves that have put these teachers off or the association of them with senior school thinking strategies. Children of all year levels need and use these skills, therefore we all need to include and plan for them in our teaching and learning programmes. Definitions and discussions of what these terms mean and how they work at each level of the school needs to be worked through for staff to fully understand and use them. As a number of respondents already have been using these strategies in their programmes we have a number of disagree and strongly disagree – how can you be doing this more if it is part of your everyday teaching and learning pedagogy? Question Five: I am able to plan for and implement a range of appropriate thinking skill strategies and graphic organisers to support the student’s idea development, questioning and thinking. (Multiple choice – one response only)

Option Response Percentage Response Count Strongly Agree 17.9% 15 Agree 76.2% 64 Disagree 6.0% 5 Strongly Disagree 0.0% 0 Total: 100% 84

Comments and Elaborations from Staff: It is great to have these on the interactive whiteboard. Took some time getting them so i can locate them easily

Part of programme

I am trying my best and students have a few graphic organisers under their hat, it helps students see information more clearly and for myself to see their thinking more clearly.

fairly basic though for new entrant children

Have always done this and have an absolute passion for it.

I am still learning them myself

We often plan as a syndicate of 4, so make sure we can use each other's skills in this area to ensure this is planned for

More aware of them now, but am still learning them myself.

am not in classroom but do encourage children to use appropriate thinking strategies in different context from the classroom I try to select thinking tools and graphic organisers that are useful to not only the task but tools that the children may use in the future as adults. This is still the beginning of using some of these tools with younger children and so I have experience with only a few so far.

As I do not have a class, I can only do this whenever I take/work with groups of chn.

I believe i am capable of planning it however I still think I could learn more

There is not enough time to do this work.

Ict is a great tool to use in all subjects not just inquiry

Not yet at age appropriate level. I find the chn get restless and fidgety when I try to do this.

I have some great 'trusted ones' and am beginning to add more!

I haven't use any graphic organisers

I use a selecton of graphic organisers more regularly in most of our learning - maths, reading, social sciences to name a few. I am still developing my questioning skills to assist the children to being able to think of their own questions. Use these quite a bit as reading activities to challenge the more able readers. they work for everything so once you know one you can use it in different subjects

I am developing a better understanding of and using better techniques to improve students understanding and learning. Thinkers tools are written in each plan Summary: It is great to see staff and teams really thinking about and including these into their planning, teaching and learning. Many have indicated they are still learning themselves but are using ones they are becoming more familiar with and then introducing others as they develop confidence. Staff working in teams to plan and prepare has been supportive for many as the discussion and sharing of ideas has supported staff in how to use these successfully. Access to templates on the interactive whiteboards has also proven successful and helpful for many staff and they can see the benefits of using these for the students as well as themselves. Question Six: Which learning areas do you now plan and integrate ICT meaningfully into? (Multiple choice – multiple answers could be selected)

Option Response Percentage Response Count Maths (all strands) 73.5% 61 / 84 Reading 85.5% 71 / 84 Writing 77.1% 64 / 84 Oral Language 42.2% 35 / 84 Visual Language 48.2% 40 / 84 Physical Education 10.8% 9 / 84 Music 19.3% 16 / 84 Inquiry 88.0% 73 / 84 Theme / Topic Study 51.8% 43 / 84 Visual Arts 33.7% 28 / 84 Total: 440 Comments and Elaborations from Staff: Comment - I am a part time teacher so don't teach all areas



Maori language teaching

I work part time and therefore don't teach all subject areas.

Most of my contact with children is using an oral context. Am not in a classroom.

Using Activboard for a range of activities

As I do not have a class, I can only do this whenever I take/work with groups of chn.

current events where ever is possible use in others but meaningfulness not high enough yet

Summary: Inquiry, reading, writing and maths are the stand-outs as far as having ICT integrated meaningfully into them, however none of these had the full 84 respondents who took part in the survey. Despite Inquiry having 73 respondents select it as an option theme / topic studies only had 43 despite the teaching techniques, strategies and ideas being somewhat similar. Oral language also had a low number of respondents select it despite there being huge benefits in using ICT to support oral language development whether through recording students voice during oral language news, their poem or even just reading aloud so that students can hear themselves for expression, volume, actual sounds and pronunciation and so on in words. ICT is a very powerful tool to support the development of oral language especially for children who have difficulty with their speech and speech sounds. As the confidence and knowledge of staff grows so too will the ability to identify (and that of the students) meaningful contexts across all areas of the curriculum including PE, music and visual art.

Question Seven: If I run into a new task requiring software or technology skills I do not already possess, I have become quite good at teaching myself the new skills, finding someone to help me learn them and using the wiki or internet as a support resource. (Multiple choice – one response only)

Option Response Percentage Response Count Strongly Agree 28.9% 24 Agree 62.7% 52 Disagree 8.4% 7 Strongly Disagree 0% 0 Total: 100% 83

Comments and Elaborations from Staff: Sometimes technology lets me down just when I need it to work. Flip video softward not compatible with Windows media player so have not made my movie that I was going to

Only issue is when link does not work.

I tend to rely on other people to show me rather than teach myself

I find I use technology if it is there and it works. This is not always the case, especially with access to computers.

haven't used the wiki, tend to get support from colleagues

awesome support available, I do not want to lose the availability of this wikispace!

Not strong on the problem solving front but others very willing to help/teach me

Through UNconference and other online learning situations and forums.

i prefer to ask someone to show me one thing at a time as needed. too much at once is too much! I ask ICT person at school I often use the skills of my students to help me learn new skills and help me teach others.

I tend to ask someone who knows how to do it rather than work it out for myself.

I try various ways myself and try to problem solve, but usually end up seeking the help of someone.

We have staff at NRP who I feel are very approachable and are able to help me with this, if needed

The word now implies I have only started to do this since the ICT started but that is what I have always done when I don't know what to do.

If I want to use it - I will perserve and figure it out. Maybe not at that instant but it will happen.

All staff are extremely busy and are unable to help immediately. With technology you always need a plan B which is often used. Learning something new takes time.

Am getting better at doing a google search to find out how to do things. Just lack the time to do this as much as I would like to.

I would say I'm not too bad at this but not really any better than before. I've become better and perservering! Prefer to have someone teach me, then have a go myself as time is very precious.

I am an ICT geak so this was never a problem I have always been self managed when finding and locating new information/skills to support my own and students learning. Summary: It is great to see staff who have always been self managing with troubleshooting and gaining support when they need it. The word ‘persevere’ has been used by many of the respondents in this survey, which shows that staff are having a go themselves and using their knowledge to try and work out the problem and transfer the skills and ideas over from one problem to the next. It is great that people are asking for support when they need it and many have identified that time is the factor in this as they don’t have the time to try and work it out or it is much quicker to call on some one – this in-turn has a ripple effect to the people they are asking as they are using their time to support others which is not necessarily supportive of them. It would be interesting to canvas staff to ask who they go to for support to see if it is the same people continually and then to find out how much planning and preparation time or how much of their teaching time is taken up sorting problems out for others. Question Eight: I encourage and model smart choices about the tools students might use to achieve tasks such as using books, internet and various specific applications as appropriate to their learning. (Multiple choice – one response only)

Option Response Percentage Response Count Never 1.2% 1 Monthly 8.6% 7 Weekly 32.1% 26 2-3 times a week 32.1% 26 Daily 25.9% 21 Total: 100% 81

Comments and Elaborations from Staff: Building tool box of GO this year.

This depends on what we are covering - since I teach a limited range of subjects, mostly maths, this doesn't always apply..

Have only been teaching a class for 4 days this year.

ICT is becoming a part of daily thinking children will look to use different forms of ICT to help them

I show where they are bookmarked too

am not in classroom, but encourage children in their endeavours.

Modelling for the students in my class is very important as I have some low level learners who learn best visually and by example. For a term, our shared reading was based around "google".

As I do not have a class, I can only do this whenever I take/work with groups of chn.

Not really sure what this means. Students probably don't have to make a choice every day as to what tool they could use. I use a range of tools and resources on a daily basis and also have them readily available for students to use to develop their own learning when they demonstrate a genuine purpose and skill requirement for using it. i.e. flip mino, digital camera, easy speak, scanner, computers, laptops and software applications

Summary: Despite the increasing number of teachers who are using ICT meaningfully to enhance teaching and learning the choices about what tools to use are more often being made by teachers for the students. Teachers are modeling these choices to students but are they talking about and discussing why a particular tool is being used and why? The next step is to have teachers discussing with students about the tools they are choosing and why they are choosing them so that the students can then tell the teacher which ones would be appropriate and then the even further step of making these decisions for themselves for their own learning and presenting of thinking. Great to see some teachers already allowing students the choice from the range of resources available to them and the frequency of this happening increasing.

Question Nine: What does e-learning mean to me now? (Paragraph response)

Looking up the website/wiki to find help/information

An opportunity to utilise a range of ict tools to assist with students thinking. It is an area that can be integrated within a wide range of learning areas and can be adapted to suit all age levels and abilities.

Using technologies to enhance learning

Many aresa of the curriculum can have ICT input. The technologies are a great motivation for learning especially the hand on students. So many wonderful resources out there.

It means learning through thinking, questioning, finding, evaluating, sorting using ICT /Thinking tools to help in this process.

I am becoming more confident to use and experiment with technology in my program.


integrating ict into every curriculum area

A range of learning strategies, interactive and allows all students to be engaged in their learning one way or another. Use of thinking skills used more ICT integrated mor einto my programme I am excited and a bit bamboozled by the sheer range of possibilities with ICT and e-learning; it is a valuable support to my teaching and children's learning

e-learning is using a variety of technologies and programmes that require thinking tools and strategies that promote in-depth thinking

Using global resources to support learning and teaching in my room. Love it!

another tool - a very efficient tool - in my teaching and learning programme. A time saving, up to date, fun and exciting way to get a message across to chrn

authentic and integrated digital learning opportunities that enhance everyone's learning experience.

It is a fun and challenging way to teach. It is open ended. Can be included in all areas of learning. It is less teacher directed.

E Learning to me means being able to incorporate meaningful ICT into everyday school life. Through the tools children are able to learning about their learning.

Global, community, class and individual.

An opportunity to work collaboratively with others to enhance teaching and learning for myself and students. Complete integration in relevant contexts and situations. Explicit links to real-world contexts to stimulate critical thinking and questioning. Branching out and using wide range of resources and ideas to find answers. It is not as scarey as i orginally saw it!

an exciting aspect of daily teaching and learning using more technology more naturally in the classroom programme

it's going to be continuous learning its exciting and the way of the future

I am more aware of the various ways I as well as children can use the Search engines to research and record information.

I have new ideas to support my current teaching practice

Using digital / internet etc to find information etc

I have always used but I found new ways to use it in the classroom to help with children's learning.

child centered, independence, technology, thinking Not as scary but still a lot of work. Need to make the effort and try new ideas etc It is still daunting at times, but am making an effort.

Using the internet and computer to find or share information.

I have learned a lot but feel I still have a long way to go so I am looking forward to continuing to work on this.

Using whatever tools available and necessary to help my children become questioning and independent thinkers. Being prepared to change as technology changes and to constantly upskill.

Integration of ICT, web2 tools etc into as many areas of learning as possible.

Integrating ICT within learning experiences. It is not the driving force of the learning but depending on how you use it it could be a tool to locate information or to show what has been leant.

incorporating technology into my teaching programme. Although I have found this difficult with unreliable technology in my classroom. I also feel we need access to more computers, digital computers etc. to really incorporate it technology effectively.

An exciting way to raise student achievement and engage students in learning

It should mean less paper work. However, we are still expected to print things off. Also when you do not have the technology within in the school it is hard to keep the children up to date and I feel that our children are being left behind because of this. It seems to involve heaps of paper work, which I really don't want to get into Using different applications and technologies in our classroom learning.

e-learning is using electronic forms and processes to assist teaching and learning within particular contexts.

Having trained in the e-learning environment my views have probably not changed a whole lot. I have certainly learnt more, have a larger skills base and have more confidence in incoporating e-learning across a larger range of curriculum areas.

Much more than playing games! Teaching students to research, video and interview engages them more and they retain much more knowledge and learn lots of skills

e- learning is something the younger the person, the easier it is to understand and use. Especially as this relates to new technology. Being a capable reader is important to sorting information but using thinking tools helps this happen especially in group situations.

e-learning means fun and innovative ways to encourage and teach in my classroom. It is not so scary now.

I have embraced the use of e-learning mainly for my own up skilling at this stage but I am keen to incorporate it into my classroom programme when I return to the classroom.

using all forms of technology to support childrens learning

It means a whole new way of interaction and learning through a accessible media. Finding information on- line to help me with my teaching and learning. Including ICT(at my level) where and when appropriate in my daily programme to enhance childrens learning.

I have learnt to use new computer programs and have change my teaching and class programs to include these. I use online activities more and use digital tools with students across all areas.

Naturally integrating all the different forms of ICT into classroom practice Being able to integrate inquiry learning, technology and graphic organisers to challenge students thinking and learning.

part of my everyday teaching

Using ICT as a tool to enhance existing teaching.

using !CT to challenge the students learning

E learning is a tool that I can integrate into all areas of my programme.

A vital tool for students learning in today's world I can use a variety of tools for teaching different curriculum areas i feel more confident about using it as a tool to teach in all subjects but feel the contract has been high jacked by inquiry not letting us see broad range over all subjects

I feel more confident about using it the classroom but i feel that this has been more about inquiry rather than actual ict.

The way of the future. I feel as if I couldn't teach without it now. Is a big part of my programme , particularly when I have access to the laptops.


I think it is an important part of the class learning and enjoy being able to use it to keep learning engaging for students.

a list 8 misspelt word.....

Using ICT in every aspect of your learning - it happens everywhere!

wow Can relate and use it my programme

Having the opportunity to further students and their learning in an exciting way! I think it is an important part of the classroom and needs to be integrated into the classroom programme where appropriate. using modern tools / strategies to support children in their learning. Taking the good parts of age old teaching and merging them with 21st century tools.

E-learning is a valuable tool to have for education. It can be integrated into any part of teaching and learning and provides many different opportunities for both teachers and children to learn. This is the future and children of today will need to understand and know how different forms of ICT work. E-

Can be overwhelming. A great tool when it can be accessed quickly. Have to be careful to use it meaningfully.

the future and makes life easier

Using ICT to support teaching and learning

More time on the computers for me and the children.

Progress and up skilling my learning

Using electronic technology in class and in planning

Working smarter and using tools that challenge and encourage students to ask questions and find solutions to authentic contexts. A creative and thinking process that allows children to extend knowledge and understanding about their environments. Ensuring that ICT is used more meaningfully in the classroom

e-learning to me is the array of digital tools students are exposed to and the opportunities they now have of exploring information. eLearning shifts learning to a new paradigm and opens a world of opportunity. I see it as our job as teachers to embrace it, to support students with the use all these tools and to help them manage and learn how to process the information.

An opportunity not to be missed to enthuse your children to learn new skills and work together The integration of ICT modes into all areas of learning. Question Ten: What do I need support with now in order to move my teaching and learning further? (paragraph response) Still need continued support to keep on going with the inquiry process etc. Its good to have the inquiry book which the children like referring back to

Further support with various applications as to how to set these up, and how to use them in appropriate areas of the curriculum.

Time to complete tool box of GO's

More PD wit videos and movie making

Working on integration of the above through my whole programme.

Ways that you can teach children to independently source information and answers to questions.

now that i am getting my head around the whole inquiry process i now need to integrate more ICT into my teaching

Taking the inquiry model further - going deeper, making conclusions and consoildating waht we have done. Finding out about more of the graphic organisers and creating a 'tool kit'. Having more techie workshops. Working more with the ICT we already have - IWB, apple computers, flip video etc.

More of the same, PD and being able to use these in the classroom straight away More IWB training Observation of best practice and time to discuss/try things out.

observations of best practice and time to discuss how to implement this.

Developing ways to teach uploading (from cameras), saving work etc to young students without interuptting class programme- It's teacher intensive checking things are in the right place. More adult or older student help?

continued collaboration with staff - bouncing ideas off each other and keeping passionate about it

just continue the great teamwork and sharing of expertise!

I would like more readings about why ICT

For where I am at now I feel I have enough resources (staff, links etc) that I could challenge myself with teaching and learning. I really loved the days with Craig were we were learning in groups with him.

Time to play and experiment.

Continued PD and examples of best practise. Going further to develop online collaborations across a wider range of countries. Still ict and my use of interactive whiteboard technology.

increasing my use of interactive whiteboard

to learn to use the technology as I need it and actively plan for it in my teaching

more iwb training

Still need to improve my use of the computer and to use the Inquiry model with a class.

Continued support to use the interactive board

Time to play with things

I am unsure but more ICT for advance people

Keeping updated with new resources and technologies, interactive whiteboard up dates. Continued support with Thinking Tools and the Inguiry process. Time! Continued support with thinking tools and the inquiry process. Time to play with it.

Continue to use what I know and extend when possible.

Continued support to use IWB to a fuller extent. Would like to continue along the same path as this year as I feel I still have much to learn To keep as up to date as I can with technology. I have a personal goal this term of wanting to learn how to make and edit imovies to a high standard.

Several areas but will start with continuing to build on my understanding of the inquiry process and growth in confidence and skill in this area.

Continued development in the use of ICT software and what it can be used for. Knowing what would be beneficial for the age group I teach. Management of it in the classroom.

Am confident with the first three stages, tuning in, finding out, and sorting out. I feel I need more knowledge about the final stages of inquiry. And also more thinking strategies.

I need to be able to get into Google Doc!!

Better technology Craig has been a great help in coming and showing me what I need when I need it so I will continue to use that as my way of moving forward How to incorporate e-learning (practical observations/modeling) into all aspects of my day-to-day teaching and learning.

Continue to gather stills within the area of ICT and Inquiry via integration of ict tools and continue improving the teaching of Inquiry using our school model.

My classroom computers really need updating and need some care and attention. They run very slow, they sometimes don't run all programmes. I think we need to invest in better technology - perhaps a school pod of laptops???

Support and modelling to implement new skills is always helpful

More observation of working classrooms at my level where it is intergrated as a part of the programme. Some more modeling of things with younger learners.

More experiences ie: techies and observations etc would be very helpful.

Continued up skilling / exposure to new ideas and applications. Continued support and sharing of ideas from colleagues.

video editing, fresh inquiry ideas and tools (maybe have people share their inquiry units on the wiki?)

Practicing any new learning within the ICT cluster. Some up-to-date equipment would be a huge advantage also. More time.More release time to practice what i've learned and work with students. Continued support to extend/reinforce skills Time to practice the skills introduced this year. Continuing to find ways to manage ICT inclusion in the daily programme.

Continue to need support for integrating ICT into program so it makes for smooth daily routines.

More computers in my classroom

Just making sure that I am using these things and challenging students all the time. Keep on developing my own knowledge and try new things.

learning new programs

Continue to widen practical knowledge relating to useful software.

using different programmes eg comic life

I still have some issues with resources in my class that involve technology and their reliability.

More practice with applications I'm still uncomfortable with. Greater access to IT equipment fr my students. I feel that I would benefit from more techie workshops rather than focussing on Inquiry TECHIES!

i would like to attend more techies and explore applications that are relevant and can be sustained in a classroom programmes

Practical skills as in techies. Linking with other Year 1 teachers. I would like more Techie sessions.

Having the time to implement new things in the class, keep seeing new ideas from others to try in my class.

finding the time to make activities group and individual friendly. make each ability level activities that are within their zone of proximal development.

Some applications I could use better. Google Docs

to keep practicing what i have learnt

Keep updated with technology. Constantly use my skills so they are not forgotten. ideas on how to continue to integrate into the classroom programme in exciting ways. Time. Time to up-skill, to trial new practice in the classroom, and time to work collaboratively with my peers so that i can get feedback on what is working or not working.

Ongoing ICT support as new software packages arise that are appropriate for learning. Support to understand the more complicated software packages or the next steps. For e.g. if I know the basics of garage band then I want to learn the next steps to understand it more.

Using the IWB, with the students as familiar with it as myself.

more ideas, more support for other staff in my school so i can develop myself more and not just help them

Still in need of more understanding of inquiry

More practical tasks, using the computer and sites more.

Continued Professional Development

Lots of practice!

Connecting with other classrooms and other schools through appropriate applications. further my ICT skills More ideas for using ICT meaningfully and not just as a flashy way of doing something I could have done on paper

eAwareness - Cybersafety, safe communities to support my students while they are developing elearning skills. Time to explore, play and create learning opportunities with eLearning tools

I need more time to upskill myself in certain areas Becoming more organised!

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