UNIT 1: Getting Around

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UNIT 1: Getting Around

Total English Starter Teaching Programme



1 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter UNIT 1: ARRIVALS

OBJECTIVES  Introducing the student to the language  Making the student comfortable in the learning environment  Learning the numbers 0-9  Learning the alphabet and talking about countries  Learning how to greet people at the airport  Learning how to introduce someone and use conversational phrases when meeting people  Learning how to find out a phone number from directory enquiries

CONTENTS  Communication skills o Reading structurally basic sentences regarding daily life (introducing people, countries and nationalities, numbers, letters) o Listening to vocalic and consonantal sounds, numbers, word stress, and short basic dialogues o Writing common phrases in simple conversations o Writing basic sentences with the verb “to be” o Practising brief exchanges checking into a hotel

 Language reflection o Grammar . Use of the Simple Present Tense of the verb “to be” in positive and interrogative. Contracted uses and forms . The Subject Pronouns . Subject-Verb inversion in questions (yes/no and wh-questions) o Vocabulary . Common phrases . The numbers 0-9 . The alphabet . Countries and nationalities . Greetings . The telephone o Pronunciation . Introducing students to the listening techniques . Word stress . The vowels /@U/, /ö/ . The numbers . The letters . Names of countries

 Social and cultural aspects o Comparing cultural aspects of daily life: introducing oneself o Mrs vs Ms o Telephone country codes; international calls

2 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter EVALUATION CRITERIA  Communication skills o Reading how to introduce people and then practise in pairs. Reading, Students’ Book, page 14 o Listening for specific information to complete the basic pattern of the verb to be. Students’ Book, exercises 6a and 6b, page 13 o Take part in a conversation to exchange information with a classmate. Speaking, exercise 9, Students’ Book, page 13 o Writing the correct forms of the Simple Present interrogative of “to be”. Grammar, exercises 8a and 8b, Students’ Book, page 15

 Language reflection o Use the numbers 0-9 in appropriate contexts (phone numbers, hotel rooms and flight numbers). Lead-in, exercises 3a (page 10 Students’ Book), 7b (page 11 Students’ Book) and 3 (page 12 Students’ Book) o Show command of the Simple Present (affirmative and interrogative) of “to be” in the abbreviated forms. Review and Practice, exercise 4-1 and 4-2, Students’ book, page 18 o Show command of vocabulary learnt in the unit on common phrases. Review and practice, exercise 5, Students’ book, page 18 o Practise pronunciation of isolated words emphasizing the stress. Pronunciation, exercise 9a, Students’ Book, page 15

 Social and cultural aspects o Introduction in the social aspects of international life by means of jobs, travel, hotels, etc. through the social and cultural information provided in the unit. DVD Saying hello. Students’ Book, exercises 1 to 4, page 116

3 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter UNIT 2: MY LIFE

OBJECTIVES  Speaking about family relationships and personal details  Practising exchanging information  Reading a short e-mail, using comprehension strategies to guess the meaning of unknown words through context, one’s own knowledge and other linguistic aspects  Constructing simple wh-questions  Reading information from a website and discussing personal details, e-mail addresses and jobs  Discussing students’ favourite restaurants, singers, CDs, books, films, etc.  Writing a personal profile

CONTENTS  Communication skills o Reading an email containing personal information o Listening comprehension of people’s descriptions and then deciding who is who o Constructing dialogues family relationships o Writing a personal profile for email friends

 Language reflection o Grammar . The possessive adjectives . Wh-interrogatives and wh-pronouns . The indefinite article a/an o Vocabulary . Family and personal details. . Numbers 0-99 . Age . Addresses . Basic adjectives . Jobs . Email addresses o Pronunciation . The numbers 0-99 (13 vs 30; 14 vs 40 …)

 Social and cultural aspects o Comparing cultural aspects of daily life: the world of jobs o Family relationships o Postal addresses; its parts

EVALUATION CRITERIA  Communication skills o Reading an email about personal information. Reading, exercise 1a, Students’ Book, page 24 o Listening for specific information about family relationships. Listening, exercise 1a and 1b, Students’ Book, page 20 4 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter o Interviewing a partner asking and answering questions about family relationships. Speaking, exercises 8a and 8b, Students’ Book, page 21 o Writing a personal profile for a website. Writing, exercise 10a, Students’ Book, page 25

 Language reflection o Transfer knowledge of syntax, morphology and semantics of Simple Present Tense of to be (interrogative) in a writing activity. Review and practice, exercise 3. Students’ book, page 28 o Show command of vocabulary learnt in the unit in an activity using words from the two units. Review and Practice, exercise 5, Students’ book, page 28 o Practise pronunciation of the numbers 0-99, emphasizing the difference between 13-30, 14-40, etc. Pronunciation, exercise 7, Students’ Book, page 21

 Social and cultural aspects o Further knowledge of British and American culture through cinema, literature and cities. DVD Favourites. Students’ Book, exercises 1 to 4, page 117

5 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter UNIT 3: TRAVEL

OBJECTIVES  Writing a simple holiday email  Saying what’s in one’s suitcase and talking about their holidays  Asking for tourist information and reading leaflets.  Writing an email about a holiday

CONTENTS  Communication skills o Reading short texts about tourist attractions o Listening comprehension about pieces of clothes and other items in suitcases o Speaking activity about customs o Writing a personal profile about holidays

 Language reflection o Grammar . Simple Present Tense of to be: negative . Plural nouns . The possessives our and their . Yes/no questions with to be o Vocabulary . Tourist sights . Places in town . Adjectives for describing places . Holiday things . Days of the week . Here and there o Pronunciation . The possessive their and the form they’re . The plural ending /z/-/s/-/Iz/

 Social and cultural aspects o Holidays and travels o London as a cultural city: The British Museum, Hampton Court, Art Galleries…

EVALUATION CRITERIA  Communication skills o Reading (scanning) three texts about tourist attractions in London. Reading, Students’ Book, exercises 2a, 2b and 2c, page 34 o Listening for specific information about a couple. Listening, exercise 2. Students’ Book, page 36 o Taking part in a conversation, previously prepared, about the content of a suitcase. Speaking, exercises 5a, 5b and 5c, Students’ Book, page 33 o Writing a map route and then an email. Writing, exercises 10 a and 10b, Students’ Book, page 27

6 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter  Language reflection o Transfer knowledge of syntax, morphology and semantics of verb Present Simple tense (affirmative and negative) in a writing activity. Review and practice, exercise 1, 2 and 3. Students’ book, page 38 o Apply what has already been learnt about questions and answers. Review and practice, exercises 4 and 5. Students’ Book, page 38 o Show command of the vocabulary learnt in the unit. Review and practice, exercise 6, Students’ book, page 38

 Social and cultural aspects o Learning about Canada and its most outstanding cities. DVD A journey across Canada. Students’ Book, exercises 1 to 5, page 118 o Realising the importance of travelling and getting to know different places, peoples, foods, etc. Unit 3. Students’ Book, pages 29-38

7 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter UNIT 4: IN TOWN

OBJECTIVES  Ordering food in a café or coffee shop  Asking for and understanding prices  Asking about things and making simple transactions

CONTENTS  Communication skills o Reading a text about Portobello Market in London o Listening comprehension of three conversations about places in town o Speaking about prices of pieces of clothes o Writing a paragraph about one’s favourite shop or market

 Language reflection o Grammar . Modal Can and the expression can I have? . This, that, these, those . The Saxon Genitive ‘s o Vocabulary . Food and drink . Places in town . Clothes . Colours . Irregular plurals, buying tickets . Formulae at cafés . The market; prices o Pronunciation . The vowels /{/–/@/  Social and cultural aspects o Considering the cultural differences and similarities about markets, coffee and prices o Analyzing the charts at cafés

EVALUATION CRITERIA  Communication skills o Reading (scanning) a text about Portobello Market in London. Reading, Students’ Book, exercises 1a, 1b, and 1c, page 42 o Listening for specific information about prices. Listening, Students’ Book, page 43 o Ordering food at a café using appropriate formulae. Speaking, exercise 9, Students’ Book, page 41 o Writing a paragraph about one’s favourite shop or market. Writing, Students’ Book, exercise 9, page 43

 Language reflection o Transfer knowledge of syntax, morphology and semantics of affirmative and interrogative structures learnt in previous unit to use the modal can

8 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter and to order the lines of a dialogue. Review and Practice 4, exercises 1 and 2. Students’ book, page 48 o Show command of demonstrative pronouns. Review and Practice 4, exercise 3, Students’ book, page 48 o Show command of the Saxon Genitive. Review and practice 4, exercises 4 and 5, Students’ Book, page 48 o Show command of the vocabulary learnt in the unit. Review and Practice 4, exercise 6, Students’ book, page 48

 Social and cultural aspects o Analysing the differences of food and drinks in different countries through the whole Unit 4. Students’ Book, pages 39-48 o Analysis of appropriate presents for different types of people. DVD The flowers. Students’ Book, exercises 1 to 5, page 119

9 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter UNIT 5: PLACES

OBJECTIVES  Speaking about one’s country  Giving a simple description of a place  Asking for and understanding basic information about a new town  Talking about general abilities

CONTENTS  Communication skills o Reading a text about someone’s favourite place for a holiday o Listening comprehension of people asking for directions o Speaking with a partner to find one person for each job o Writing a description of one’s favourite place for a holiday

 Language reflection o Grammar . There is – there are . Some/any/a lot of . Is/Are there? . There isn’t/there aren’t . Can/can’t o Vocabulary . North, south, west, east, centre . Prepositions of place . Nationalities . Verbs (hobbies and abilities) . Telling the time o Pronunciation . The vowels /{/ and /@/ in the modal can . Strong and weak syllables

 Social and cultural aspects o Analyse the geographical features of different countries and continents (Europe-Australia) o B&B as a typical kind of accommodation in the Anglo-Saxon world

EVALUATION CRITERIA  Communication skills o Reading for the gist in a text about someone’s favourite place for a holiday. Reading, Students’ Book, exercises 1b and 2a, page 50 o Listening for specific information of people asking for directions. Listening, exercises 2a and 2b, Students’ Book, page 52 o Speaking to some classmates to find appropriate people for three different jobs. Speaking, exercise 9, Students’ Book, page 55 o Writing a paragraph about one’s favourite place for a holiday. Writing, Students’ Book, exercise 9b, page 51

10 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter  Language reflection o Transfer knowledge of syntax, morphology and semantics of there is – there are to write some sentences. Review and practice 5,exercises 2 and 3, Students’ book, page 58 o Show command of vocabulary learnt in the unit. Review and practice 5, exercise 5, Students’ book, page 58 o Show command of can-can’t studied in the unit Review and practice 5,exercise 4, Students’ Book, page 58

 Social and cultural aspects. o Identifying social and cultural elements, among others, which are different among groups of people from different countries and continents. Unit 5, Students’ Book, pages 49-58 o A general description of holiday places around the world. DVD Holiday places. Students’ Book, exercises 1 to 5, page 120

11 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter UNIT 6: PEOPLE

OBJECTIVES  Saying what one likes/doesn’t like  Starting and continuing a conversation with someone one doesn’t know  Talking about the routines of people one knows

CONTENTS  Communication skills o Reading for the gist in a text about best friends o Listening comprehension of an interview o Speaking about things one likes and things one doesn’t o Writing a letter to a friend telling him/her about oneself

 Language reflection o Grammar . Present Simple . Object Pronouns o Vocabulary . Likes and dislikes . Interests . Jobs and activities; related verbs . Verbs of routine o Pronunciation . Intonation of questions

 Social and cultural aspects o Knowing different people and their daily routines o Searching the web for nice presents

EVALUATION CRITERIA  Communication skills o Reading for the gist in a text about a woman who tells about her family. Reading, Students’ Book, exercises 2a and 2b, page 64 o Listening for specific information about people and jobs. Listening,, exercises 3a and 3b Students’ Book, page 62 o Telling about one’s likes and dislikes. Speaking, Students’ Book, page 61 o Writing a letter to a friend telling him/her about one’s life. Writing, Students’ Book, exercise 7b, page 65

 Language reflection o Transfer knowledge of syntax, morphology and semantics of the Simple Present tense to a writing activity. Review and Practice, 6, exercises 4 and 5, Students’ book, page 68 o Show command of the verb like studied in the unit. Review and practice 6, exercise 1, Students’ book, page 68 o Show command of the object pronouns. Review and practice 6, exercise 2, Students’ book, page 68

12 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter o Practise interrogative wh-pronouns. Review and practice 6, exercise 3, Students’ book, page 68  Social and cultural aspects o Use the correct form of the verb to describe people and relationships. Daily routines, exercises 3 and 4. Students’ Book, page 65 o A general view of famous musicians, singers, and bands. DVD The interview. Students’ Book, exercises 1 to 6, page 121

13 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter UNIT 7: WORK

OBJECTIVES  Speak about people and their jobs  Understand oral and written texts in which people, jobs and routines are described  Understand simple written and spoken instructions  Saying how often one does something  Welcoming a visitor to one’s place of work

CONTENTS  Communication skills o Reading a text about a teacher in the UK o Listening comprehension of jobs and frequency doing things o Speaking with a classmate about jobs o Writing a request note

 Language reflection o Grammar . Imperatives . Adverbs of frequency . Would like o Vocabulary . Telephone phrases . Months . Work phrases . Ordinal numbers . Food and drink o Pronunciation . Practising pronunciation and intonation

 Social and cultural aspects o Use of the correct expressions for describing people and jobs o Value the importance of different jobs

EVALUATION CRITERIA  Communication skills o Reading for the gist in a written text about a teacher in the UK. Reading, Students’ Book, page 71 o Listening for specific information in a conversation to guess who are the people talking. Listening, exercise 1a, 1b and 1c, Students’ Book, page 70 o Preparing a business phone call. Speaking, exercises 6a and 6b. Students’ Book, page 71 o Writing a request note. Writing, exercise 7b. Students’ Book, page 73

 Language reflection o Transfer knowledge of syntax, morphology and semantics of the Imperative to order words to make sentences. Review and Practice 7, exercise 1, Students’ book, page 78 14 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter o Show command of frequency adverbs learnt in the unit Review and Practice 7, Vocabulary, exercises 2 and 3, Students’ book, page 78 o Practise questions and answers about food. Review and Practice 7, Vocabulary, exercise 4, Students’ book, page 78 o Practise vocabulary studied in the unit Review and Practice 7, Vocabulary, exercise 6, Students’ book, page 78

 Social and cultural aspects o A general view of a company and aspects of the business world. DVD The company. Students’ Book, exercises 1 to 4, page 122

15 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter UNIT 8: LEISURE

OBJECTIVES  Explaining why one wants to do something  Saying what things one possesses  Suggesting and booking a restaurant  Ordering food in a restaurant

CONTENTS  Communication skills o Reading a text about one’s profile about technology o Listening comprehension of a couple deciding which restaurant will they go to o Saying the phone numbers and email addresses of some hotels o Writing an email to a hotel to ask for information

 Language reflection o Grammar . Like + -ing . Want + infinitive . Have got/has got . Question words o Vocabulary . Adjectives for describing activities . Rooms and furniture . Food o Pronunciation . Pronouncing I’ve, we’ve and she’s

 Social and cultural aspects o Differences and similitude in leisure o Differences between Anglo-Saxon and Spanish addresses

EVALUATION CRITERIA  Communication skills o Reading for the gist in three texts about restaurants. Reading, Students’ Book, exercise 2, page 84 o Listening for specific information in a conversation about somebody’s wedding and the things she has got. Listening, exercises 3a and 3b, Students’ Book, page 82 o Preparing and carrying out an interview about a hotel and finding some partners to travel with you. Speaking, exercise 8, Students’ Book, page 81 o Writing some addresses. Communication: Addresses. Exercise 3 Students’ Book, page 86

 Language reflection o Show command of the verb want + infinitive. Review and practice 8, exercise 1. Students’ book, page 88

16 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter o Show command of the verb to have in a filling in the gaps activity. Review and Practice 8, exercises 2 and 3, Students’ book, page 88 o Check through practice knowledge of vocabulary learnt in the unit. Review and Practice 8, exercise 6. Students’ Book, page 88

 Social and cultural aspects o Understand facts and information about people doing things for leisure. Unit 8. Students’ Book, pages 79-88 o A description of people’s leisure activities. DVD Change your life. Students’ Book, exercises 1 to 5, page 123

17 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter UNIT 9: THE PAST

OBJECTIVES  Making simple statements about people from history  Giving a short description of a past experience  Making a simple request  Asking permission

CONTENTS  Communication skills o Reading four texts about famous people o Listening to a radio game show o Writing a paragraph about one’s first teacher or about one’s last holiday o Speaking about one’s past experiences

 Language reflection o Grammar . The past of be: affirmative . The past of be: negatives and questions . Can/could you …? . Can/could I …? o Vocabulary . Celebrities and idols . Yesterday, last, ago . Housework o Pronunciation . Stress in words

 Social and cultural aspects o Getting to know some famous people o Comparing life yesterday and today

EVALUATION CRITERIA  Communication skills o Reading an article about housework in the ‘50s and today. Reading, Students’ Book, exercises 3a and 3b, page 94 o Listening for specific information in a radio game show. Listening, exercise 5, Students’ Book, page 91 o Speaking about games using the Present Simple Tense and adjectives learnt in the unit. Speaking, exercise 1, Students’ Book, page 92 o Writing a paragraph about one’s first teacher or about one’s last holiday. Writing, exercise 11, Students’ Book, page 93

 Language reflection o Show command of the forms of past tense of be. Review and Practice 9, exercises 1, 2, and 3. Students’ book, page 98 o Show command of vocabulary learnt in the unit: yesterday, ago, last. Review and Practice 9, exercise 6. Students’ book, page 98

18 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter o Show command of the structures can I/you and could I/you to complete some sentences. Review and practice 9, exercise 5, Students’ Book, page 98

 Social and cultural aspects o A general view of some outstanding facts that happened a century ago. DVD 100 years ago. Students’ Book, exercises 1 to 4, page 124

19 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter UNIT 10: STORIES

OBJECTIVES  Understanding a simple narrative of past events  Giving a simple summary of a news event  Talking about immediate and long-term plans

CONTENTS  Communication skills o Reading and understanding texts about past events and people o Listening comprehension of the story of Mona Lisa o Asking five people ‘How was last week for them?’ o Writing a story about a past event

 Language reflection o Grammar . The Past Simple Tense of regular verbs . The Past Simple Tense of regular verbs . Going to o Vocabulary . Art . High numbers . Future plans o Pronunciation . The past endings of regular verbs /t/-/d/-/Id/

 Social and cultural aspects o Comparing cultural aspects of present and past daily life o Stating the importance of the past to understand the present

EVALUATION CRITERIA  Communication skills o Reading (skimming) four texts about news events. Reading, exercises 2a, 2b, and 2c. Students’ Book, page 102 o Listening for specific information about immediate and long-term plans. Listening, exercises 2a and 2b. Students’ Book, page 104 o Interviewing a partner asking and answering questions about future plans. Speaking, Students’ Book, exercise 6, page 105 o Writing a paragraph about past events. Writing, exercise 10, Students’ Book, page 103

 Language reflection o Transfer knowledge of syntax, morphology and semantics of Past Simple Tense in some writing activities. Review and practice 10, exercises 1, 2, 3, and 4, page 108 o Show command of the going to structure in a writing activity. Review and Practice 10, exercise 5, Students’ book, page 108 o Show command of vocabulary learnt in the unit. Review and Practice 10, exercise 6, Students’ book, page 108 20 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter  Social and cultural aspects o Further knowledge of other people’s culture through the social and cultural information provided in the unit. Students’ Book, pages 99-108 o A general view of games around the world. DVD Cucumber sandwiches. Students’ Book, exercises 1 to 4, page 125

21 Teaching Programme – Total English Starter

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