Timberline High School

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Timberline High School



PHONE: 854-6230 ATTENDANCE: 854-6235 FAX: 854-6232 SRO: 854-6236

Ted Hettinga, Principal

Tim Ellinghouse, Assistant Principal Ted Totorica, Assistant Principal Seniors Sophomores

Randy Lance, Assistant Principal Tol Gropp, Athletic Director Juniors

NAME ______



Our Mission

Timberline supports and educates all students to their highest level of academic ability in a caring, safe environment and encourages them to become committed, competent, reflective members of society and lifelong learners.

Rev: 04/27/15

Staff Email: [email protected] Website: http://timberline.school.boiseschools.org BELL SCHEDULE (Monday, Tuesday, Friday)

Zero Hour 6:53 – 7:45 (52min.) 1st Period 7:50 – 8:42 (52 min.) 2nd Period 8:47 – 9:42 (55 min.) Break 9:42 – 9:57 (15 min.) 3rd Period 9:57 - 10:49 (52 min.) 4th Period 10:54 – 11:46 (52 min.) Lunch 11:46 – 12:26 (40 min.) 5th Period 12:26 – 1:18 (52 min.) 6th Period 1:23 – 2:15 (52 min.) 7th Period 2:20- 3:12 (52 min.)

BLOCK SCHEDULE (Wednesday, Thursday) Zero Hour 6:53 – 7:45 (52 min.) 1st/2nd Period 7:50 – 9:37 (107 min.) Break 9:37 – 9:52 (15 min.) 3rd/4th Period 9:52 – 11:36 (104 min.) Lunch/Collaboration 11:36 – 12:31 (55 min) 5th /6th Period 12:31 – 2:15 (104 min.) 7th Period 2:20 - 3:12 (52 min) Teachers will be available for “help sessions” during designated office hours.

Early Release (Aug. 24; Dec.18) Zero Hour 6:53 – 7:45 (52 min) 1st Period 7:50 – 8:23 (33 min) 2nd Period 8:28 – 9:03 (35 min) 3rd Period 9:08 – 9:41 (33 min) 4th Period 9:46 – 10:20 (34 min) 5th Period 10:25 – 10:59 (34 min) 6th Period 11:04 – 11:38 (34 min) 7th Period 11: 43 – 12:07 (34 min) No School on these days: Sept. 7, Oct 1,2, Oct. 30, Nov. 23-27, Dec. 21-Jan. 1, Jan. 18, Feb. 12, Feb. 15, Mar. 21 – 25, May 30.

No Block on these days: 9/23, 9/24; 9/30,10/1; 10/28, 10/29; 1/6; 1/7; 5/18, 5/19 ; 5/25, 5/26 As of May 2, 2015.

2 Timberline High School Hall Passes

Date Time Destination Signature * Date Time Destination Signature > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Email: [email protected] Website: http://timberline.school.boiseschools.org 3 POLICIES & PROCEDURES 2015-16

ATTENDANCE REPORTING TRUANCY If a student misses a single class without an Parents are required to call the ATTENDANCE excuse, he/she will be considered truant. OFFICE, 854-6235, on the day a student will be Absences not cleared with attendance office absent from class and repeat this call EACH within 48 hours of the date will be considered DAY the student will not be in attendance. An truancy. Work missed while truant will be answering machine is available for your allowed to be made up for no less than half credit. convenience 24 hours a day. REMEMBER, ALL TRUANCIES ARE ABSENCES CUMULATIVE, grades ten through twelve.  Activity Absence is an absence for school First Truancy – A notice of truancy form will be sponsored programs in which classes will filed and sent home to parent/guardian. Students be missed. may be assigned In-house Detention and/or or Saturday School.  Pre-Arranged Absence is a process of Second Truancy - The student may be placed on making prior arrangements for In-House Detention for two days as well as assignments, homework, exams, etc. possible attendance in Saturday School. when the students knows that he/she will Third Truancy - The student will be placed on be absent from one or more classes for contract. three (3) or more consecutive school Fourth Truancy - As a result of this offense, the days. This includes Activity Absences. student may be withdrawn from Timberline High In the case of an absence for an extended for the balance of the semester. period of time, a student is required to fill Off- Campus – Students who fail to have out a prearranged absence contract. transportation to an off-campus class will be issued truancy on the third missed class and each TARDIES one missed thereafter. A student who is twenty or more minutes late to Appeal for Credit: Loss of credit for less than class will be considered absent. All students are 90% attendance. Parents and students need to expected to be in class on time. A student who follow guidelines in section II of District Policy intentionally loiters in the hallway or on campus and Procedures in this agenda. will be considered truant. Students who intentionally miss class to avoid being tardy will PERMIT TO LEAVE SCHOOL be considered truant. Students are required to obtain a PTL prior to the time they leave school. Students must check in Fourth Tardy - The student and parent will be with the attendance office upon return. notified (student signature required). NOTE: Any student who needs to leave after arriving at school must first check out with either Fifth Tardy - The student will be notified and the attendance office or the nurse's office. Failure will conference with an administrator (student to do so will result in truancy. signature required). RELEASE PERIOD Students who have a release period are required to Sixth Tardy - The student will be assigned to be off campus unless arrangements have been Saturday School or detentions, and the parent made with an assistant principal. notified. Failure to attend Saturday School will result in a grade of F for the particular class, loss CLASSES of credit, and the student will be removed from REQUEST FOR TEACHER CHANGE the class. Should a 7th tardy occur in the same Every effort will be made to resolve problems class, the student will lose credit and be removed through open communication. If it becomes from the class (student signature required). necessary to consider a teacher change, the procedure will be as follows:

4 1. Student must initiate conference with teacher student which is sent to the Assistant Principal. to resolve issue. From then on, the following action will be taken 2. A parent/student request must be submitted in by the Assistant Principal: writing to the appropriate assistant principal. The request should contain specific reasons why a 1st offense/referral - Student and/or change is desired. A conference may be necessary parent/guardian will conference with the Assistant with student, parent, teacher, counselor and Principal. assistant principal as the facilitator. 2nd offense/referral - Student and/or parent 3. The administrator will consider the request. guardian will conference with teacher. Student The following factors will be examined: may be assigned In-house detention from class for A. The best interest of the student one to three days, or until a conference with B. Merit of the written request parents is completed. C. Effect of the proposed changes on the 3rd offense/referral - Major Disciplinary student's schedule Violation issued, and student is removed from D. Any extraordinary circumstances class for the remainder of the semester. E. Available space in affected classes F. Counselor/teacher feedback All consequences for minor disciplinary Following this conference there will be a offenses are at the discretion of the teacher and recommendation that the student: the Assistant Principal. A. Stay in class B. Change to the new proposed class MAJOR DISCIPLINARY VIOLATION See Boise School District Policy

ANY EXCEPTIONS MUST BE APPROVED BEHAVIOR BY THE PRINCIPAL. STUDENT POLICIES SEMESTER TESTS Hall Passes - All students must be issued a hall pass (Agenda) if it becomes necessary for the Students will not be allowed to take semester tests student to leave during the class. early (District Policy). Vending Machines - Students are not permitted DISCIPLINE to use the machines during class time.

RE-ENROLLMENT Electronic Policy - Electronic devices or All students who have been suspended for the accessories (i.e. headphones, speakers etc.) are semester from Timberline High School must not allowed to be visible anywhere in the building schedule a parental conference with the grade- during class time and must remain turned off level Assistant Principal. A notification letter unless under the direct supervision of a classroom concerning re-enrollment will be sent home teacher for educational purposes. Electronic notifying parents/guardians. It is the student's devices that are used during class time without responsibility to schedule an appointment prior to teacher permission or used for non-educational the start of the following semester. No student purposes will be confiscated and picked up after will be re-enrolled without a parent/guardian school from the assistant principal. Parents will conference. need to pick up any electronic device if it is confiscated a second time. Third and subsequent LOWER DISCIPLINARY VIOLATIONS offenses will result in Saturday/Afternoon School, Minor disciplinary offenses are student offenses detention, or out of school suspension. Students that customarily occur within the classroom. If a who do not give the electronic device to a staff problem occurs between a student and a teacher, member will receive a MDV for insubordination. the problem can usually be solved by the teacher contacting the student's parent/guardian. Personal devices are the responsibility of the However, if this does not solve the problem, the student not the school. teacher may file a Discipline Referral form on the Email: [email protected] Website: http://timberline.school.boiseschools.org 5 Litter - All students are requested to help keep academic and emotional needs of your the Timberline High halls and campus litter free. son/daughter when we are informed. Food - Food or drink is not to be consumed in the academic hallways, gyms or library during the Parking Privilege day. Students must have a parking permit if driving a car to school and are to park in the designated Public Display of Affection - Excessive physical student parking areas. If a student violates the contact and public displays of affection are not parking privilege, the following could occur: acceptable on school grounds, on school buses, or 1st violation - Warning at school activities. 2nd violation - Ticket, $10.00 fine 3rd violation - Ticket, $10.00 fine and Lockers - Students will be held responsible and if conference with parents/student, warning necessary assessed for damage or clean up cost that next violation will result in denial of caused by neglect, vandalism or misuse. parking privileges. Decorations which are gang-related, obscene, and 4th violation - Ticket, $10.00 fine, and sexual or encourage the use of illegal substances parking denied for 30 days. are not permitted. No stickers allowed on lockers. 5th violation - Vehicle will be booted; $40 fine and parent conference. Cheating - Cheating in any form or manner will 6th violation - Vehicle will be towed and cause the offending student to lose credit for the parking privileges revoked for remainder assignment. A second instance of cheating in the of school year. same class may cause the student to be withdrawn MOVING VIOLATION NOTICE with an F from the course in which the cheating 1st violation - Ticket, $20 fine, parking occurred, and the student may be assigned a denied 2 weeks release period and required to be off campus. The 2nd violation - Ticket, $20 fine, offending student may receive no credit for the parent/student conference, and parking course for the applicable semester. denied 4 weeks 3rd violation - Ticket, $20 fine, citation Fine Cards - Students who have unpaid fine by SRO, parking privileges revoked for cards on file are advised of the school's policy remainder of year. which DOES NOT ALLOW STUDENTS TO REGISTER UNTIL SUCH FINES HAVE BEEN ACTIVITIES CLEARED. In order to avoid delay in registering, please return all missing books or STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT AND equipment or make payment of the fines in the REPONSIBLITY FOR PARTICIPATION IN ASB office of the school prior to registration. If EXTRA-CURRICULAR AND CO-CURRICULAR you have any questions regarding fines, please ACTIVITIES. call the ASB office at 854-6246. Students participating in extra-curricular and co- Posters and Advertisements curricular activities, which include elected All posters, announcements or advertising must positions, must realize these are special be approved by the building principal or his/her opportunities that in most cases will only happen designee. Approved posters and announcements during their junior and senior high school years. must be stamped in the lower right hand corner When students visit another school they represent and displayed only on unpainted surfaces. Posters everything that is associated with their activity or needing approval should be taken to the Main sport, including all the hard work and extra time Office. Posters need to be removed in a timely that goes into it. In some cases they will be fashion. wearing the school colors and uniform which represent the pride and tradition of our school, Telephone Calls coaches, and fellow participants. Co-curricular activity shall be defined as any Note to parents: Please notify the counselor if a activity held in conjunction with a credit-bearing family crisis arises. We can best meet the class but outside of the regular school day, including but not limited to activities such as 6 debate, drama, drill team, and music. Extra- Consequences for a student incident occurring at curricular activities shall be defined as those school or school-sponsored event may include: activities which take place outside of the regular First Offense— school day and do not involve class credit. a.1. 5 days home This code of conduct also applies to students suspension participating in cheerleading and student a.2. 3 days home suspension/2 days leadership classes as well as students who are in-school detention plus drug assessment involved in community activities for which school a.3. 2 days home suspension/2 days letters are awarded. in-school detention plus student enrollment in 6-week Survival Classes If a major disciplinary violation results in a.4. 1 day home suspension/2 days suspension from school, students will also be in-school detention plus student and parent suspended from participation in extra-curricular enrollment in district classes and/or co-curricular activities for the duration of Athletes and/or Activities students will face the suspension. additional game/participation suspension.

DANCE POLICY MUSIC REHEARSAL/PERFORMANCE POLICY For students bringing a guest to any Timberline dance, the guest must be approved by assistant Band, Choir, and Orchestra rehearsals, concerts, principal. There is a specific form to be clinics, festivals, and music performances outside completed prior to dance. Pick up form in main of scheduled class time are defined as an office and return for approval one week prior to extension of the district’s formal classroom dance. instructional program and as such, require reasonable student participation and attendance. INELIGIBLE PARTICIPATION SECURITY POLICY A student must attend at least five hours of class the day of an extra/co-curricular activity Timberline High School uses video cameras for when classes are in session. Failure to attend security purposes. The cameras are covert as well school will make a student ineligible for as visible and are found throughout the building. participation. A student who is truant one or Timberline may use police dogs in random more periods in a day will be ineligible to searches on school property. These searches may participate in extra/co-curricular activities that be conducted several times per year as determined day. All students whose athletic or activity by the administration. season overlaps the semester grading period must maintain credit in five classes in order to eligible ANCILLARY PERSONNEL for participation. COUNSELORS SUBSTANCE ABUSE (ADOPTED 2/28/94, Counselors are available to students for individual See Board Policy #3233BP) counseling in personal, academic, and vocational matters. Students who wish to meet with a It is the policy of the Boise Public Schools to counselor must sign up in the counselor's suite. In prevent and prohibit the possession, use, sale, extraordinary situations, students may request a distribution, and/or intent to distribute any illegal hall pass from the teacher and report directly to or controlled mood-altering chemical or alcohol their individual counselor. by any student. It is the responsibility of any member of the school’s faculty and/or staff who COUNSELORS (Based on student’s last name) ARE: witnesses or has evidence of a student being in possession of, or being under the influence of any Laura Cromwell A—F of the previously mentioned substances, either on Scott Warnock G—M or off campus, to report. Lisa Ennis N—Z Craig Arnzen Career Counselor Email: [email protected] Website: http://timberline.school.boiseschools.org 7 and referrals are provided in situations that Students desiring assistance in making decisions require long term attention. regarding colleges and career opportunities are encouraged to schedule an appointment with Mr. Arnzen and take advantage of the available programs and information. They can sign up in the Counselor’s Office with Counselor’s secretary. SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICE

The SRO provides assistance to ensure that students have a safe, orderly learning environment. He is also responsible for handling court cases that involve Timberline High students.


PROCEDURES FOR GOING TO THE NURSE’S OFFICE: 1. You need a pass from your teacher. (If you are going between classes, please check with your next period teacher.) 2. No pass is required at break or lunch. 3. If you have a minor problem and the nurse is not in the office, return to class and visit the Nurse’s Office at the time posted on the door. 4. If you have an emergency and the nurse is not in the office, please go to the Attendance Office for assistance. 5. IF YOU REST IN THE NURSE’S OFFICE LONGER THAN 20 MINUTES, IT WILL COUNT AS A CLASS ABSENCE.

PLEASE NOTE: With the completion of the Secondary Health Enrollment Form parents may give permission for their student to receive ibuprofen, acetaminophen, antacids, and cough drops. If you have serious medical conditions, especially those that require medication, please make the nurse aware of this condition.

Proof of immunization or signed exemption is required within 60 days of enrollment to comply with Idaho Immunization Law.


The psychologist and social worker are available to students who desire help in resolving personal or family problems. Resource recommendations 8 SECURITY OFFICERS acceptable. Shirts and tops should go below the belt line to cover stomachs. Low cut tops, The security officers assist in the enforcement of exposing cleavage, are also not acceptable. school rules and regulations, monitor the halls and Shorts and skirts should be at least mid-thigh in grounds, and regulate the student parking length. Pants should be high enough to cover program. underwear and the mid-section.

Pajamas and slippers are not appropriate for APPROPRIATE SCHOOL DRESS school.

Students are encouraged to use good judgment in Hats/head coverings are not allowed in the selecting their clothing. Inappropriate dress is building during the school day. defined as anything that detracts from or disrupts the educational process. LIBRARY Examples of inappropriate dress are: clothing, Open 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Monday - Friday jewelry, accessories, or other items that display Come to the library to get Home Access Cards obscene words, phrases, or illustrations; that with passwords for databases! promote the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or other illegal substances; that promote gangs; or Visit our website using the links on Timberline’s that could be used as weapons (ex. Mushroom home page. necklaces, wallet chains, depictions of people under the influence of alcohol or drugs). CITY BUS Students are eligible to ride the Valley Ride bus Shirts and tops should go over the shoulder, no system for free with school I.D. card. tube tops or halter tops. Spaghetti straps are not

Email: [email protected] Website: http://timberline.school.boiseschools.org 9

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