Ms. Wilson S English IV ESOL Class

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Ms. Wilson S English IV ESOL Class

Ms. Wilson’s English IV ESOL Class 2015-2016

SchoolInformation : WinterPark School Ms. Wilsons ’ Information : Room284 2100SummerfieldRd . Phone: 4076223200ex - - . 6182309 WinterPark , FL 32789 Email: CharityWilson@ocpsnet . . Phone: 407 - 6223200Fax - : 4079752434 - - Website : teacherpressocpsnetcharitywilson . . /

Welcometo EnglishIV ESOLwith Ms . Wilson ! Duringthis schoolyear , wewill be focusingongoingover all 12th gradeLanguage Arts FloridaStandards , whichwill be addressedandmasteredby all students . Our lessonswill be challengingandcreative , ensuring that everystudentis successful .

Supplies: (Pleasebringtheseitemson a daily basis .) - pencils andpens ( coloredpensare acceptableas longas theyare easily visible . Noyellowor neonpens .) - interactivespiral notebook ( 1 subject , collegerule … youll ’ needoneper semester , so buy2 nowwhile theyare onsale .) - 2 highlighters ( differentcolors ) - glue ( several sticksor a small bottle to attachinteractivenotebookdocuments ) - indexcards ( 3x5linedwhite cardsfor researchandvocabulary ) - coloredpencils andpersonalhandheldsharpener ( I do not havea sharpenerfor coloredpencils in the classroom .) - scissors - homelanguagedictionary- ( PLEASErememberto bringthis to ALL of your classes !)

Daily ClassroomProcedures : 1. Uponenteringthe classroom , studentswill takeout necessarymaterials for classandwill placebookbagsbesidetheir - chairs . Pencils are to be sharpenedat this timeandplannersshouldbe filledout , as well . 2. Studentswill be giventhe first 3 - 5 minutesof classto write a brief responsein their Daily Journals ; journal entrieswill be basedon LAFSthemes . Daily Journals will be gradedeachweek . 3. Classactivitieswill beginafter attendanceis taken ; studentsare expectedto actively participate . 4. Studentswill be giventhe last 3 - 5 minutesof classto write a brief reflectionundertheir Daily Journal entry eachday . This is a chancefor studentsto reflect on their learningin regardsto LAFSexpectations . 5. Studentswill wait for Ms . Wilsonto dismissclassbeforeleaving .

ClassroomRules : 1. Be Polite - saying , “ please ”, “ thankyou ”, andphraseslike “ excuseme ” canhelp createa positiveclassroomenvironment . 2. Be Prepared - cometo class ONTIMEwith necessarymaterials ( interactivenotebook , writingutensil , homework , novels , etc .) 3. Be Clean - throwyour trashandgumin therubbishor recyclingbin — noleftovers , wrappers , or crumbsleft behind ; keepyour languageclassroomappropriate ( no foul tonguesin anylanguage !) 4. Be Respectful - treat othersas youwouldlike to be treated … youdont ’ haveto like everyone , but youneedto be respectful .

** Theserules alsoincludeturningoff andputtingawayyourtechnology ( cell phones , MP3players , eReaders , laptops …) whenyou enter theclassroom . Checkingyour texts andsocial mediaduringclassis very disruptiveto your learningexperienceanddistracts theteacheror speaker . Therewill be timeswhenMs . Wilsonwill allowcell phoneusagefor educationalpurposes , but this will be a privilegebasedon polite , respectfulstudentbehaviorandparticipation . Abusingthis policywill result in a loss of Life Skills points. Continuedabusewill leadto disciplinaryactions , whichcanultimatelyincludeloss of cell phoneprivilegeson the WPHS campus.

DisciplineProcedures : Studentswill followWinterPark HighSchooldisciplineprocedures , whichfollowthe OrangeCountyCodeof Conduct . 1  All Level 1 andor / 2 behaviorconcernsconsequenceswill / be documentedon ProgressBook , reflectedin a loss of Life Skills points . Step1 : verbal correction Step2 : Life Skills point deduction - 2pt loss for eachdisruption (studentswill haveopportunitiesto earn backlost points throughoutthequarterfor positive , ontaskbehavior - ) Step3 : call home Step4 : detention - takehomeassignment Step5 : disciplinereferral  Extremebehaviorswill be dealt with on an individualbasis .

Plagiarism: As welearnto pull evidencefromarticlesandstories , it is importantto cite sourcesandparaphraseappropriately to give credit to the original author for his or her WORDSand IDEAS . If the wordsare not your ownor you did not developthe idea yourself , you must cite where the informationcamefromusingMLAformatting . Assignmentsthat are plagiarizedwill not be acceptedand studentswill earna 0 % until the assignmentis revisedandincludespropercitations .

AbsenceMakeUpWorkPolicies/ : 1. Excusedor unexcusedabsences : Youhave “ the numberof daysabsentplusone ” to makeupanymissedwork . This is only applicablefor workassignedon the day youwere absent. For example , if youmiss Monday , andI assignworkthat day , you will haveuntil Thursdayto submit it to mewith no penalty . 2. If your absenceis unexcused, youwill receivea 20 % deductionon the assignment . After this allottedtime , I will not accept late work . 3. For all tests , papers , andprojectsscheduledaheadof time , I expectyouto takethetest or handin thepaperprojecton / the date assigned . EVEN IF YOU WERE ABSENTTHE DAY BEFORE THE DUE / TEST DATE . For example , I assign a test for Thursday, but on Wednesday , youweresick , expectto takethe test on Thursdaywhenyoureturn . 4. If youskip myclass , school policy statesthat youwill receivea disciplinereferral . Youmaymakeup the work the following day, andyourgradewill be reducedby 20 %. 5. If you were present in class , but did not have your work , you may submit the assignment within 24 hours for a 20 % deduction. 6. If a paper or project is due and you miss myclass but are on campusany other periodduringthe day , I expect you to turnthe paperin that day . Failureto submit workon the day it is duewill result in a 20 % deduction .

**Ms . Wilsonstaysafter schoolon THURSDAYSfrom230330if : - : youneedhelp or to makeupanymissingassignmentstests / .

Grades: Gradeswill be basedontheOrangeCountypolicy : 100 % - 90 %= A ; 89 % - 80 %= B ; 79 % - 70 %= C ; 69 % - 60 %= D ; 59% - 0 %= F . All assignmentswill be givena point value ; points receivedby a studentcanbe addedup anddividedby the total possibleat theendof eachnineweekperiodto - findtheoverall grade ( note that assignmentsare brokeninto 5 separate categoriesbelow ).

GradeCategories :

Category: Percentage: Daily JournalNotebooks / 10% Classwork/ Homework 20% Quizzes 20% Exams/ Projects 40% 2 Life Skills 10%

TextBooksandResources : FloridaCollectionsBookandCloseReader *Gradeappropriatenovels - will be selectedbasedon studentlanguageproficiencyandwill vary withinthe classroom .

Communication: Email ( CharityWilson@ocpsnet . . ) is thebest wayto communicate ; however , voicemailswill be answeredwithin2448hoursas - well . Our classwebsitecanbe viewedby visiting teacherpressocpsnetcharitywilson. . / Updatedgradescanbe viewedat ProgressBook , whichcanbe foundat wwwparentaccessocpsnet. . .

StudentSignature :______

ParentSignature :______


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