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City of Pendleton s2

File No. CITY OF PENDLETON Planning Department (541) 966-0204 Fax (541) 966-0251 500 SW Dorion Avenue, Pendleton, OR 97801

Boundary Line Adjustment Fee

NOTICE TO APPLICANT: On original application form, please print legibly using blue or black ink, or type. Applicants are advised to review the list of submittal requirements indicated on each application form prior to submitting an application. Incomplete applications will not be acted upon until the Planning Department receives all required submittal materials and fees.

APPLICANT/PROPERTY OWNER, lot to be reduced in size Mailing address Phone Fax Email Tax Map #(S) Tax Lot #(s) Zoning Frontage street or address Nearest cross street Site size (acres or square feet) Pre Adjustment Post Adjustment Pre-adjustment Setbacks: Front Side Side Rear Post-adjustment Setbacks: Front Side Side Rear

Signature Date

APPLICANT/PROPERTY OWNER, lot to be increased in size Mailing address Phone Fax Email Tax Map #(S) Tax Lot #(s) Zoning Frontage street or address Nearest cross street Site size (acres or square feet) Pre Adjustment Post Adjustment Pre-adjustment Setbacks: Front Side Side Rear Post-adjustment Setbacks: Front Side Side Rear

Signature Date The applicant bears the burden of proof to show that the application meets all standards and criteria contained in the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. Applicants should demonstrate compliance with all applicable criteria and standards as part of the application materials.

Failure to submit materials adequate to support approval of the request may result in delay or denial of the application. Although not required with the application, you will be required to submit a survey in order to record an adjustment with Umatilla County. A proper survey prepared as part of the application can save many headaches later on. Trust us on this.

OFFICE USE ONLY 120 day time limit Accepted as complete Final decision by DLCD 45-day notice required Y/N Date mailed Date of first hearing Planning Commission hearing date Notice mailed Notice to media Publication date Emailed Notice of Decision Date mailed Appeal deadline Associated applications SPECIFIC DETAILS FOR LOT TO BE REDUCED IN SIZE

STRUCTURES Please indicate the type and number of structures currently on the site, and proposed for construction Single Family Residence(s) Multi Family Residence(s) Manufactured Home(s) Travel Trailer(s) Other residential structure(s) Barn/other ag building(s) Commercial building(s) Industrial Building(s) Accessory buildings/structures Other

SERVICE PROVIDERS Please indicate which of the following services are provided on the property Water City of Pendleton Well Other/None Sewer City of Pendleton Septic Other/None Fire City of Pendleton RFD Other/None

Does the property have access to City streets? Yes No What and where? Does the property have access to County Roads? Yes No What and where? Are any businesses currently operating on the property? Yes No If yes, please describe.

If the property is subject to special assessment or debt from any special districts (fire, road, etc), please provide details.

LIVESTOCK Please list the number and type of all livestock currently present on the properties (horses, cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, etc. Do not include domestic pets such as cats and dogs)

BUSINESSES Are any businesses operating on the property? If yes, please describe. All businesses operating within the City of Pendleton must obtain a Business License.


STRUCTURES Please indicate the type and number of structures currently on the site, and proposed for construction Single Family Residence(s) Multi Family Residence(s) Manufactured Home(s) Travel Trailer(s) Other residential structure(s) Barn/other ag building(s) Commercial building(s) Industrial Building(s) Accessory buildings/structures Other

SERVICE PROVIDERS Please indicate which of the following services are provided on the property Water City of Pendleton Well Other/None Sewer City of Pendleton Septic Other/None Fire City of Pendleton RFD Other/None

Does the property have access to City streets? Yes No What and where? Does the property have access to County Roads? Yes No What and where? Are any businesses currently operating on the property? Yes No If yes, please describe.

If the property is subject to special assessment or debt from any special districts (fire, road, etc), please provide details.

LIVESTOCK Please list the number and type of all livestock currently present on the properties (horses, cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, etc. Do not include domestic pets such as cats and dogs)

BUSINESSES Are any businesses operating on the property? If yes, please describe. All businesses operating within the City of Pendleton must obtain a Business License.

City of Pendleton Boundary Line Adjustment Application fillable form 2 Ordinance No. 3250 – City of Pendleton Zoning Ordinance ARTICLE IV. RESIDENTIAL ZONES SECTION 22. LOT SIZE. In all of the residential zones, the minimum lot sizes shall be as follows: (all sizes are in square feet) Zone Average Existing Ground Slope 0-10% 10-20% Over 20% R-1 6,000 7,000 9,000 R-2 5,000 7,000 8,000 R-3 5,000 6,000 7,000 Exception: Attached Single Family 3,000 3,500 4,000

SECTION 23. MISCELLANEOUS LOT PROVISIONS. A. Building Lots Must Abut a Street. No residential, commercial, or industrial building shall be erected on a lot which does not abut at least one street. Where there is a residence constructed, as of the date of this Ordinance, on an interior lot not abutting on a public street, such property shall continue unaffected except that in the case of reconstruction of such a structure, as provided in Section 128 of this Ordinance, nothing more than a single family dwelling and accessory buildings may be constructed upon such interior lot, and then only when easements for ingress and egress are recorded. B. Nonconforming Lots of Record. (1) In any zoning district in which single family dwellings are permitted, a single family dwelling and accessory buildings may be erected on an single lot of record in existence on the date of this Ordinance, notwithstanding limitations imposed by other provisions of this Ordinance. Such lot must be in separate ownership and not of continuous frontage with other lots in the same ownership. (2) This provision shall apply even though such lot fails to meet the requirements for area that are applicable in the zoning district, provided that yard dimensions and requirements other than those applying to area of the lot shall conform to the regulations for the zoning district in which such lot is located. Variance of yard requirements shall be obtained only through action of the Planning Commission. (3) If two or more lots or combinations of lots and portions of lots with continuous frontage in single ownership are of record on the date of this Ordinance, and if all or part of the lots do not meet the requirements established for lot areas, the lands involved shall be considered to be an undivided parcel for the purposes of this Ordinance, and no portion of the parcel shall be used or sold in a manner which diminishes compliance with lot size requirements established by this Ordinance, nor shall any division of any parcel be made which creates a lot with a size below the requirements stated in this Ordinance. C. Parking, Storage or Use of Recreational Equipment. No equipment shall be used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes, nor connected to utilities, when parked or stored on a residential lot, or in any location not approved for such use. D. Parking and Storage of Certain Vehicles. Automotive vehicles or trailers of any kind or type without current license plates shall not be parked or stored on any residentially used property other than in completely enclosed buildings.

SECTION 24. YARD (SETBACK) REGULATIONS. The yard (setback) requirements in all residential zones shall be: A. Front Yard: twenty (20) foot minimum; B. Side Yard: five (5) foot minimum, except on corner lots, where ten (10) feet are required on the side abutting the street, and in the case of attached single-family dwellings, where a zero lot line is allowable (with the provision of common “party” wall construction); C. Rear Yard: five (5) foot minimum, except in the case of attached single-family dwellings, where a zero rear lot line is allowable (with the provision of common “party” wall construction).

SECTION 26. LOT COVERAGE. The lot coverage allowable for roofed structures on residential lots shall be: A. Low Density Residential (R-1) Zone: 35% B. Medium Density Residential (R-2) Zone: 40% C. High Density Residential (R-3) Zone: 45%


SECTION 43. LOT SIZE. In the Commercial zoning districts, there shall be no minimum lot size.

SECTION 44. YARDS. No yards shall be required in commercial zones, except when the property abuts or is less than sixty (60') feet from a residential zone, in which case the same yards shall be required as those in the abutting zone. The use of landscaped areas may be required by the Planning Commission to buffer commercial uses from residential uses.

City of Pendleton Boundary Line Adjustment Application fillable form 3 ARTICLE IX. GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL ZONES

SECTION 57. DEVELOPMENT PARAMETERS. Except as modified by Section 58-60, the following development standards apply within the M1 and M2 industrial zones: A. Lot size. In the Industrial Zones, minimum lot sizes shall be as set forth on Figure 8 of this Ordinance. B. Yards. No yards shall be required in industrial zones, except when the property abuts or is less than sixty (60') feet from a residential zone, in which case the same yards shall be required as those in the abutting zone. The provision of landscaped areas may be required by the Planning Commission to buffer industrial uses from residential and commercial uses unless topographical or other circumstances make such buffering impractical. C. Lot Coverage. There shall be no maximum lot coverage regulations for industrial zones.

APPROVAL CRITERIA – BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENTS Ordinance No. 3251 – City of Pendleton Subdivision Ordinance

ARTICLE VI. GENERAL PROVISIONS. SECTION 25. BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENTS. In the case where lot or parcel lines within a recorded land division are to be adjusted for any reason (without the creation of a new lot) such adjustment shall first be presented to the Department of Planning and Building. The proposed boundary line adjustment plan shall be reviewed for compliance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and implementation ordinances. Such adjustments shall not be made by the Umatilla County Assessor’s office until the written approval of such adjustment from the City is obtained.

SECTION 28. ACCESS TO LOTS OR PARCELS A. All lots in any land division shall have frontage on or access from an existing street on the official map or Comprehensive Plan or: (1) An existing State Highway, County Road, or City street; (2) A street shown upon a plat or map approved by the City Planning Commission and recorded in the Umatilla County Clerk’s office. Such street or highway must be suitably improved as required by the standards of the jurisdiction, or be secured by a performance agreement or bond as required by this Ordinance, with the width and right-of-way required by this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. B. Residential lots or parcels shall derive access other than from an arterial street. Where driveway access from an arterial may be necessary for several adjoining lots, the Planning Commission may require that such lots be served by a combined access drive, or not be served at all, in order to limit possible traffic hazards on such a street. Driveways shall be designed and arranged so as to avoid requiring vehicles to back into traffic on arterial and collector street. C. When a land division borders on or contains an existing or proposed arterial, the Planning Commission shall require that access to such streets be limited to the following means: (1) Lots shall be subdivided and parcels partitioned so as to back onto the arterial and front onto a parallel minor street. Screening shall be provided in a strip of land along the rear property line of such lots or parcels; (2) A series of cul-de-sacs, U-shaped streets, or short loop streets entered from and designed generally at right angles to such a parallel street, with rear lines of their terminal lots or parcels backing onto the arterial; (3) A marginal access street (separated from the arterial by a planting or grass strip and having access thereto at suitable points).

SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. The following items must be completed upon submittal of a boundary line adjustment application. If you need assistance completing the forms, please contact the Planning Department. If you do not have a copy of the deed to your property to verify ownership and/or a legal description of your property, contact the Umatilla County Office of County Records at (541) 278-6236 or 1. Original, signed Application form. This information is public record and must be reproduced so please type or write clearly using dark ink. Electronic submittals are encouraged. 2. Site Plan showing all lot lines (existing and proposed) and structures. Include utility and/or other easements, water ways, flood plain, and other items outlined in the approval criteria above. 3. Narrative specifically addressing compliance with each section listed above. 4. Please submit all plans to scale; use 1” = 20’ or 1” = 40’ unless plans are exceptionally large. 5. Any additional information you wish to supply to support your request. 6. The appropriate fee.

City of Pendleton Boundary Line Adjustment Application fillable form 4

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