THE STEAMER "EXPLORER" •.•....•••••••••••••••. Frontispiece D . E. CONNER .••••••••••••.•••••••.•.....•••.••. Facing Page 145 PETER KITCHEN .••...•••••••.•••••• • ..••.••.•. Facing Page 195 SAMUEL C. HUGHES .... • ••••••.•••.• •.•.• .•••.. Facing Page 210 THOMAS JONATHAN JEFFORDS .••••••••••.• •••. .• Facing Page 228 COPYRIGHT 1915, CHARLES H . MEYER ••••••••••••.••••••••••••••• Facing Page 240 BY SAMUEL C. MILLER .••..••••.••.••..••....•••••. Facing P age 258 THOMAS EDWIN FARISH, ED. G. PECK ..•••••••••••.••.•.•..••..•..••••. Facing Page 2,62 HISTORIAN JACKSON MCCRACKEN •.••.•••.•..•••••••.•••..• Facing Page 266 WILLIAM SANDERS OURY •.•••••••••.•...•.•••.. Facing Page 269 PETER R. BRADY .•••••.•.••..•• •• ..• •••• •••••.• Facing Page 283 MICHAEL GOLDWATER ...... Facing Page 287



CHAPTER I. STAGE LINES AND NAVIGATION. PAGE Silas !:It. John- and Stage Line-James E. Birch-Isaiah C. Woods-First Mail-Wagon Road opened> by Leach and Hutton-First Stage-Butterfield Stage Line, afterwards Overland Mail Line-Massacre of Employees by Mexicans-Butterfield Route abandoned-Heintzelman and Mowry Mines-Lieutenant J. C. Ives' exploration up the Colorado-Explorat.ion by Captain Sitgreaves and Lieuten· ant Whipple-Captain Johnson-Lieutenant Ives' boat, the "ExpJorer"-Lieutenant Ives' report-Captain Johnson's an­ ticipation of Lieutenant Ives' exploration-Captain Rodgers -Early expedition by the Mormons-Jacob Hamblin...... 1

CHAPTER II. INDIANS-MASSACRES-OUTRAGES-RAIDS. Yumas, Cocopahs and Maricopas-Amojaves-Pimas-Fight, Yumas and -Mohaves with Maricopas, Pimas and Papagoes-Indian Agents-John Walker-Abraham Lyons­ Expedition by Captain Bonneville- on warpath­ -Arrest of by Lieutenant Bascom and escape-Re­ taliation- Killing of H. C. Grosvenor and, Mexicans-Escape from country of men-Bill Rhodes' fight with Apaches -Results of outrages on Cochise-Killing of Lumbermen at Canoa-Mohaves unfriendly-Change of attitude attributed to Mormons-Subjugation of Mohaves by Hoffman­ E'stablishment of Fort Breckenridge-Conditions in Arizona, 1857 to 1860-Apache murders and robberies-Arizona a haven for renegades-Fight at Stein's Pass-Free Thomp- son Party-Killed by Cochise and Mangus Colorado-With­ drawal of Federal troops from Arizona-Resulting raids by Indians-Skill of Apaches in running off stock.. . . . • • ...... 26

CHAPTER III. EARLY MINES AND MINING. Repor~ of F. Biertu-Patagonia. (Mowry) mine-Discovery­ FIrst owners-The Eagle Mme-The San Pedro Mine­ Empire or Montezuma Mine-Santa Rita Mining Company­ Maricopa Mining Company-Sonora Exploring and Mining (iii) iv CONTENTS. CONTENTS. v PAGE Company-Cahuabi Mining Company-Arizona Copper Min- CHAPTER VI. ing Company-Sopori Land and Mining Company-Arizona THE LABORS OF THE CALlFOR.'>UA OOLUMN (Continued). PAGE Land and Mining Company-Colorado River Copper Mine­ Stevenson Mine Company-Harris Mine-St. Augustine Min- Attack upon Village of Pinoe Altos-Arizona Guards-Mangus ing Company-Jackson, Quartz Vein-Santa Rita del Cobre Colorado-Whipping of-Union of Mangus Colorado and -AbandoRment of mines caused by withdrawal of United Cochise-Massacre of Miners by Apaches-Battle of Apache States troops ..••.•. _...... ••••••...• _ • _ •••. _ 64 Pass-Description by Captain Cremony-Escape of John Teal-His shooting of Mangus Colorado-Introduction of Artillery io the Indians-Recovery of Mangus Colorado ...• 123 CHAPTER IV. CONFEDERATE OCCUPATION OF ARIZONA-ARRIVAL OF COLUMN. CHAPTER, VII. Peonage in -Slave Territory-Abolishment of slavery INDIAN HOSTILITIES. in New Mexico-Attempt to attach New Mexican troops to Confederate cause-Arrival of Lieut-Col. John R. Baylor, Feeling towards Indians-Killing of Mangus Colorado-Personal C. S. A.-Organization of military government by him­ characteristics of Mangus Colorado-Killing of Mr. White and others-Outrages on the Indians-Election of Cochise Officials-Surrender of Union Troops to Baylor~Confed­ erate Convention at Tucson-Granville H. Oury elected as chief-His vow-Raids by Cochise-Major McCleve's ex­ Delegate to Confederate Congress-Baylor deprived of posi- pedition-Treaty with Indians by Commissioner John T. tion in Confederate Army-Confederate Texans take posses- Usher-Attack on Charles T. Hayden's train-Captain T. T. sion of Tucson-Arrival of -Fight be­ Tidball's campaign-Samuel Butterworth's experience with tween Confederates under Lieut. and Federals Indians.•••••• _ •. " ...... " ...... " ...... 143 under Lieut. James Barrett-Killing of Lieut. Barrett­ Stars and Stripes raised at Tucson-Evacuation of Terri- CHAPTER VIII. tory by Confederates-Fort Barrett established-Forts Buchanan and Breckenridge reoccupied-Camp L

PAGB Indietment, arrest, trial aud release of participants in massacre-First President of Arizona Pioneers' Soeiety­ Granville H . Oury-Commanded expedition out of Tucson to join Crabb-Sent as Delegate to Confederate Congress at Richmond-Return to Arizona-Twice Delegate to Con­ gress from Territory of Arizona ..••.•••.•.•....•.•..•.•• 268

CHAPTER XIV. EARLY PIONEERS AND SETTLERS (Continued). Peter R. Brady-Graduate of Annapolis-Member of surveying party-Farmer, miner and stockman-Candidate for Delegate to Congress-Defeated by R. C. McCormick-Assists Gov­ ernment in detecting Peralta-Reavis land fraud-His part­ ing with H. F. Ashurst-Death of'-:"'Michael Goldwater­ E'arly business man in Arizona-Lays out townsite of Ehrenberg-Many business ventures-Mayor of Prescott­ Death of--'Charl es Trumbull Hayden-Early Santa Fe Trader-Rides first Overland to Tucson-First Probate Judge at Tucson-Established: first ferry and first store at Tempe-Extensive mercantile and other interests- Death of .•••.•.•...... •...... • ...... • • • 283

CHAPTER XV. HISTORY OF ARIZONA FORMATION OF MINING DISTRICTS. VOLUME II Gold Placers on Colorado-Eureka Distriet--'Castle Dome-La Paz-Weaver and Walker Diggings-Planet Mine-Antelope Peak-Lynx Creek-Big Bug-Vulture Mine-Castle Dome Mining District-Weaver Mining District-Pioneer Mining District-Yapapei Mining District-Walker Mining Dis­ trict-Quartz Mountain Mining District ...•••.•••...•.•.. 291

CHAPTER XVI. CREATION OJ' TERRITORY. Real Causes for Creation Elf Territory-Efforts of Chas. D. Poston -Introduction of Bill for Creation by Mr. Ashley-Passage of Same Through House and Senate-Signing of Same by President Lincoln-Description of Passage of Bill by Ohas. D. Post.on-Appointments of Officials of Territory-Starting of Officials for Territory ••.•...... ••...• 321 fIISTORY







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