S. David Brazer

George Mason University College of Education and Human Development Education Leadership Program 4400 University Drive, MS 4C2 Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 703-993-3634 [email protected]


Stanford University, Stanford, California School of Education Administration and Policy Analysis Program, Ph.D., 1988 Dissertation: School-Site Implementation of District Teacher Evaluation Policy Academic minor: Sociology of Organizations

The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan A.B. with distinction and teacher’s certificate, 1979 Major—history; Minor—economics

HIGHER EDUCATION EXPERIENCE George Mason University College of Education and Human Development Fairfax, Virginia, 1999 – present Education Leadership Academic Program Coordinator, 2008 – present Associate Professor, 2007 – present Assistant Professor, 1999 – 2006

Scholarship Agenda  Exploration of professional learning communities and their effects on classroom practice  Building a leadership preparation model focused on instructional leadership  Development of an educational decision making model  Empirical study of decision making and problem solving strategies used by educational leaders  Investigation of principal isolation and its effect on job satisfaction and performance  Analysis of leadership preparation effectiveness  Analysis of unintended consequences from Virginia education finance decisions

Teaching  Master’s level courses in theory, research, resource allocation, and internship  Ph.D. level courses in organizational and decision theory, instructional leadership, and conceptual frameworks  Course development at both the master’s and Ph.D. levels  Created new Ph.D. concentration in Education Leadership Brazer, page 2  Accelerated licensure program in partnership with Fairfax County Public Schools, 2005 – 2007 Advising  Thirty Master’s students located on campus and in off-campus cohorts  Chair four Ph.D. students’ pre-candidacy committees  Member five Ph.D. students’ pre-candidacy committees  Chair 11 dissertation committees (seven complete)  Member 13 dissertation committees (12 complete)

Service  National Association of Elementary School Principals webinars on school improvement, summer/fall 2012 (www.naesp.org)  Organizational Theory SIG, AERA, Chair, 2012 - 2013  Ph.D. in Education Committee, 2011 – 2013  Organizational Theory SIG, AERA, Secretary/Treasurer 2010 – 2012  Tenure Track Annual Review Committee Co-chair, 2010 – 2011  GSE faculty secretary, 2010 – 2011; 2012 – 2013  Virginia Professors of Educational Leadership, President-elect and President, 2009 – 2011  Collaboration with FCPS: member FCPS/CEHD Collaborative, member Lab School development Green Team, advisor on committee examining admissions procedures for Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, 2011 – present  Administrative In-service for Cluster V, Fairfax County Public Schools, August 4, 2009  Faculty Evaluation Committee, 2008 – 2010  GSE Curriculum Committee, Co-Chair and Chair, 2006 – 2008

Awards  George Mason University Teaching Excellence Award, Finalist 2004

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Brazer, S.D., & Bauer, S.C. (conditionally accepted). Preparing instructional leaders: A model. Educational Administration Quarterly.

Bauer, S.C., Brazer, S.D., and Stephenson, L.E. (in press). The impact of isolation on the job satisfaction of new principals. Journal of School Leadership.

Brazer, S.D., & Bauer, S.C. (2011). Leading change to improve student achievement: Novice leaders take the reins. Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly, 5, 168 – 187.

Reybold, L.E., Brazer, S.D., Schrum, L., Corda, K.W. (2011). The politics of dissertation advising: How early career women faculty negotiate access and participation. Innovative Higher Education (36) DOI 10.1007/s10755- 011-9200-1, 1 – 16.

Brazer, S.D., Rich, W., & Ross, S.A. (2010). Collaborative strategic decision making in school districts. Journal of Educational Administration 48 (2) 196 – 217. Brazer, page 3

Bauer, S.C., & Brazer, S.D. (2009). Teaching leaders to use research. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 13 (2), 91 – 96.

Saxena, A., Brazer, S.D., & Gupta, B.M. (2009). A quantitative analysis of countries’ research strengths. International Journal of Policy and Leadership, 4 (3), 1 – 7. Retrieved from http://journals.sfu.ca/ijepl/index.php/ijepl.

Brazer, S.D., & Ferimeldi (2009). What happens in school committee meetings? Journal of Research for Educational Leaders, 4 (2) 43 – 72.

Brazer, S.D., & Peters, E.E. (2007). Deciding to change: One district’s quest to improve overall student performance. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 2 (5). Retrieved from http://www.ijepl.org.

Brazer, S.D. (2007). Teaching leaders to lead committees. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 11 (2).

Rich, W., & Brazer, S.D. (2007). Guided democratic inquiry: A case study in the redesign of local policy. Journal of Research for Educational Leaders, 4 (1). Retrieved from http://www.education.uiowa.edu/jrel/Current_Issue.htm.

Brazer S. D., & Keller, L.R. (2006). A conceptual framework for multiple stakeholder educational decision making. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership 1, (3). Retrieved October 6, 2006 from http://www.ijepl.org.

Brazer, S.D., & Ross, S.A. (2006). Who influences educational decisions? Academic Exchange Quarterly, 10 (2), 27 – 31.

Bauer, S.C., & Brazer, S.D. (2006). Redesigning leadership programs: 4 puzzles. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 10 (3).

Earley, P., & Brazer, S.D. (2005) Exploring state policy regarding teachers removing license endorsements: Short term and long term policy implications. Education Policy Analysis Archives 13 (47). Retrieved from http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v13n47/.

Brazer, S.D., Sparrgrove, B., & Garvey, P. (2005). Technology choices for leadership classrooms. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 9 (2), 76 – 80.

Brazer, S. D. (2002, April). Site-based management and the principal’s prerogative. The Journal of Leadership Research, 1. Retrieved from http://www.leadershipstudies.org/journal/Volume_2_apr_2002/SITE- BASEDMANAGEMENT.htm Brazer, page 4 Invited Articles Brazer, S.D. (2009). A review of Managing to change: How schools can survive (and sometimes thrive) in turbulent times. Teachers College Record. Retrieved from http://www.tcrecord.org/Content.asp?ContentID=15849.

Brazer, S.D. (2003). Collaboration and accountability: Achieving both by focusing on teaching and learning. Retrieved from http://gse.gmu.edu/centers/edpolicy/documents/brazer.pdf

Brazer, S.D. (2002, December 22). They have Brad’s name, class and phone number. The Washington Post, p. B2.

Brazer, S. D. (2001, February 4). Bush’s school choice proposal is small change. The Washington Post, pp. B1, B5.

Virginia Education Coalition, Blueprint for Virginia public schools: A long-range plan for the future of public education in Virginia, Spring 2001. (contributing author)

Books Bauer, S.C., & Brazer, S.D. (2012). Using research to lead school improvement: Turning evidence into action. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Invited Book Chapters Bauer, S.C., & Brazer, S.D. (2010). The impact of isolation on the self-efficacy of new principals. In S. Conley and B. Cooper (Eds.) Finding, preparing, and supporting school leaders: Critical issues, useful solutions. (pp. 89 – 112). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

Brazer, S.D., & Keller, L.R. (2008) A design research approach to investigating educational decision making. In A.E. Kelly, R.A. Lesh, & J.Y. Baek (Eds.), Handbook of design research methods in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics learning and teaching, (pp. 284 – 296). New York: Routledge, Taylor, and Francis.

Brazer, S.D. (2005). Listening to and presenting data: Surviving and thriving in a data-driven world. In J. Tate & D. Dunklee (Eds.), Strategic listening for school leaders (pp. 95 – 104). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Brazer, S.D. (2004). Principal choice and teacher participation in site-based management: Four schools implement one policy. In J. Chrispeels (Ed.), Learning to lead together: The promise and challenge of shared leadership (pp. 255 – 281). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Presentations (* indicates peer reviewed, + indicates invited) *Brazer, S.D. (2012, April). Organizational theory and instructional leadership. A paper presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia.

*Brazer, S.D. & Van Lare, M.D. (2012, April). An examination of how teachers make sense of data in professional learning communities. A paper Brazer, page 5 presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia.

*Brazer, S.D., & Bauer, S.C. (2011, November). Preparing instructional leaders: A model. A paper presented at the 2011 UCEA Annual Convention, Pittsburgh, PA.

*Brazer, S.D., & Van Lare, M.D. (2011, November). Bringing learning theory and organizational learning to professional learning communities: A conceptual framework. A paper presented at the 2011UCEA Annual Convention, Pittsburgh, PA.

+Bauer, S.C., & Brazer, S.D. (2011, April). The impact of isolation on the self- efficacy of new principals. Paper presented as part of a Working Group Roundtable for the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

* Bauer, S.C., & Brazer, S.D. (2010, October). The impact of isolation on new principals’ sense of efficacy. A paper presented at the 2010 UCEA Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.

*Bauer, S.C., Brazer, S.D., & Stephenson, L.E. (2009, November). The impact of social isolation on the job satisfaction of new principals. A paper presented at the 2009 UCEA Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA.

*Brazer, S.D., & Bauer, S.C. (2009, November). Meeting the leadership preparation challenge: Innovative ideas for rigor, relevance, and instructional leadership. A panel discussion at the 2009 UCEA Convention, Anaheim, CA.

*Reybold, E., Brazer, S.D., & Schrum, L. (2009, April) The politics of dissertation advising. A paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

*Bauer, S.C., & Brazer, S.D. (2009, April) Leading change to improve student achievement: Novice leaders take the reins. A paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

*Bauer, S.C., & Brazer, S.D. (2008, November) Preparing leaders to foster student success: Learning by leading change. A paper presented at the 2008 UCEA Convention, Orlando, FL.

*Brazer, S.D. (2008, November) Implementing a strategic decision: From collaboration to mandate. A paper presented at the 2008 UCEA Convention, Orlando, FL.

+Brazer, S.D. (2008, April) A comparative case study of collaborative strategic decision making in school districts. Invited paper presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York , NY. Brazer, page 6

*Bauer, S.C., & Brazer, S.D. (2008, April) Learning leadership through making change. A paper presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Educational research Association, New York, NY.

*Brazer, S.D. (2007, November) Strategic educational decision making: Three districts strive to improve instruction. Paper presented at the 2007 UCEA Convention, Alexandria, VA.

*Brazer, S.D., Jones, G., Lukacs, K., Montgomery, V., & Ross, S. (2007, November) Why a conceptual framework? A conversation about scholarship and practice. Conversation presented at the 2007 UCEA Convention, Alexandria, VA.

*Brazer, S.D. (2006, November) Deciding to change: One school district's quest to improve overall student performance. Paper presented at the 2006 UCEA Convention, San Antonio, TX.

*Bauer, S.C., & Brazer, S.D. (2006, April) Redesigning education leadership programs: Lessons from three partnership programs. Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

*Brazer, S.D., Rich, W, & Ross, S.A.. (2005, November) The messy process of educational decision making. Paper presented at the 2005 UCEA Convention, Nashville, TN.

*Earley, P., & Brazer, S.D. (2005, April) Teachers removing license endorsements: Short term consequences and long term policy implications. Paper presented at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec.

*Brazer, S.D., & Ferimeldi (2004, November) What happens in committee meetings? Exploring content, decision making, and roles in collaborative processes. Paper presented at the 2004 UCEA Convention, Kansas City, MO.

+Brazer, S.D., & Keller, L.R. (2004, July). The multiobjective multistakeholder decision making model: Revealing decision making as it happens. Paper presented at the University of California, Santa Barbara 2004 Summer Forum, Santa Barbara, CA.

*Brazer, S.D., & Earley, P. (2004, March). The challenge of site-based management in a family friendly school. Paper presented at the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

*Brazer, S.D. (2003, November). An educational decision making conceptual framework: Combining design-based research with a multi-objective multi-stakeholder model. Paper presented at the 2003 UCEA Convention, Portland, OR. Brazer, page 7

*Brazer, S.D. (2003, November). Leader for a day: Practicing and developing educational leadership in the graduate classroom. Innovative session presented at the 2003 UCEA Convention, Portland, OR.

+Brazer, S.D. (2003, October). Involving stakeholders without rolling over: Collaborative school leadership that makes sense. Focus group session at the Phi Delta Kappa Chapter 1144 Mini-Conference, Fairfax, VA.

*Brazer, S.D. (2002, April). Who’s managing what? Four case studies of schools implementing site-based management policy. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

*Brazer, S. D. (2002, February). Collaborative decision-making: Achieving consensus in a hostile environment. Paper presented at the 2002 Leadership Excellence: Integrity, Diversity, Community and Scholarship Conference, San Antonio, TX.

*Brazer, S.D. (2002, February). Site-based management and the principal’s prerogative. Paper presented at the 2002 Leadership Excellence: Integrity, Diversity, Community and Scholarship Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Grants  Spencer Foundation, Teachers’ Use of Evidence: Influence on Teaching Practice, $300,000, submitted September 2012.  Spencer Foundation, Data Use in Professional Communities: $36,255 grant awarded in July 2011.  FCPS/LEAD Fairfax Pilot Project: $59,966.00 grant awarded May 2005; $35,000.00 renewal, September 2006  Innovation and Organizational Change program of the National Science Foundation grant proposal, "Organizational Change in K - 12 Education: Applying a New Model of Decision Making," submitted August 2004. Amount requested: $225,000 (not funded)  Provost's Summer Research Funding, "Applying an Educational Decision Making Conceptual Framework," $4,687.00 grant awarded July 2004


Los Altos High School Principal, Los Altos, California, 1993 – 1999

Typical Responsibilities  Fostering innovation and risk-taking among faculty  Faculty and staff appointments and evaluation  Development of the school site budget, including high technology equipment  Designing staff development experiences for new and veteran staff  Planning of renovation and new construction Brazer, page 8  Contract negotiations

School Awards  California Distinguished School (1996)  California School Boards Association Golden Bell Award (1996)

Los Altos High School Vice-Principal, 1990 – 1993

Typical Responsibilities  Faculty and staff evaluation  Master schedule creation  Guidance and counseling supervision  Contract negotiations

Aragon High School Assistant Principal, San Mateo, California, 1987 - 1990

Typical Responsibilities  Faculty and staff evaluation  Guidance and counseling supervision  Major discipline grades 9 and 12  Articulation with feeder middle schools and community colleges


Cranbrook School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, 1980 – 1983

St-Theresa-Visitation School (K – 8), Detroit, Michigan, January – June 1980


 Organizational Theory SIG, American Educational Research Association  Virginia Professors of Educational Leadership  Fairfax County Public Schools/College of Education and Human Development Collaborative, 2011 – present  Stanford Teacher Education Program Advisory Board, 1995 – 1998  Stanford Educational Collaborative Steering Committee, 1994 - 1996