Request for Proposal (RFP) For s1

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Request for Proposal (RFP) For s1

Request for Proposal


1. Train-the-Trainer

2. Coaching for Excellence

Human Capital Development Centre Bank Negara Malaysia 12 May 2014


This Request for Proposal (RFP) is organised into 2 parts as follows:

Part 1: Introduction and General Requirements; and Part 2: Proposal Requirements 1.


1. Introduction 1.1. Bank Negara Malaysia (the Bank) would like to invite your company to participate in this RFP for both or any of the following Programmes:  Train-the-Trainer  Coaching for Excellence

1.2. Target audience is First Level Executive, Manager and Deputy Director Level.

1.3. As the enabler of learning in the Bank, the Human Capital Development Centre (HCDC) nurtures a competent and progressive workforce so that the Bank continues to be a high performing organisation.

1.4. This document serves as a broad requirement of the learning programmes for the learning provider to submit a proposal for the Bank’s evaluation and consideration.

2. Confidentiality and Rights

2.1. Maintenance of confidentiality and rights of the information provided by the Bank is pertinent. Information contained in this RFP document shall not be 3 disclosed and distributed directly or indirectly to any party without the prior written approval by the Bank.

2.2. Learning provider is also responsible for safekeeping of this document, which remains the property of the Bank, at all times.

2.3. The Bank has the right to change and/or make amendments to the RFP where appropriate.

2.4. The proposal and its responses from the learning provider will be treated as strictly confidential.

3. Notice of Personal Data Protection

3.1. The Learning provider is advised to read the Notice of Personal Data Protection and respond accordingly as per APPENDIX 1.

4. Evaluation of Proposal

4.1 The evaluation of the proposal will be based on, but not limited to, the following factors:

 Compliance with all requirements detailed in this RFP document;

 Comprehensiveness of the solution in meeting our learning needs; and

 Company’s and facilitator’s experience, clientele and expertise in implementing similar learning programme.

4.2 The Bank does not bind itself to accept the lowest priced proposal or any

4 proposal that is submitted.

4.3 The Bank is not obliged to give any reason for the acceptance or rejection of any particular proposal.

5. General Information about the Programmes

5.1 Learning Needs

No. Programme Learning Needs 1. Train-the-Trainer  Ability to pitch, organise content and Tentative date: 23 – 24 June deliver an effective learning session by 2014 internal staff who conduct Bank’s learning programmes.

2. Coaching for Excellence  Ability to coach effectively, manage Tentative date: 25 - 26 June difficult conversation and resolve 2014 conflicts.

5.2 The learning sessions will be held at Sasana Kijang, 2 Jalan Dato’ Onn, 50480 Kuala Lumpur unless specified otherwise.

5.3 The proposal must be submitted in the form of a CD or thumb drive using Microsoft Word 2010, sealed in an envelope and labelled with the “ORIGINAL” and titled “2014 COURSES FOR BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA’S PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES – TRAIN-THE-TRAINER/COACHING FOR EXCELLENCE”.

5 5.3 The proposal document is to be submitted in a Tender Box located at the following address:

Level G, Sasana Kijang 2, Jalan Dato’ Onn 50480 Kuala Lumpur

5.4 The closing date and time for this RFP is 19 May 2014 at 5.00 p.m. (Malaysian time).

6. Enquiries

6.1 Should the Learning Provider need to seek clarification, please contact the following officer-in-charge:

 Juraidah Baki Tel: 03-91792550 e-mail: [email protected]

 Siti Haizara Ismail Tel: 03-91792549 e-mail: [email protected]


7. Programme Requirements

 Learning Provider must submit all requirements to qualify for consideration in the evaluation exercise.

8. Company/Sole Proprietor Overall Credentials 6  Top 5 clientele in the past 3 years (please provide name of client, contact persons and contact details)

 Company/sole proprietor specialization in learning and training (please submit Memorandum & Articles or documented evidence)

9. Facilitator’s Profile and Clientele

 At least 3 years experience in teaching the learning subject (please provide qualification and experience in subject matter e.g. certified, accredited)  At least 3 reputable clientele in the past 2 years e.g. multi-national companies, public listed companies or Government Linked Companies (GLCs) (please provide name of client, contact person and contact details)  The facilitator must have conducted similar programme and target audience (please provide name of the programme, name of client, evaluation rating of the programme and contact details)  Other qualification and experience, if any

10. Design and Development of Learning Solution

Proposed solution must address the learning needs as stated in 4.1 and pitched at the target audience. The scope of the proposal should cover the following:  Articulate the understanding of our needs  Propose approach to address the learning needs  Learning Objectives  Learning Content  Delivery Methodology  Evaluation Methodology  Other value-added service, if any (coaching, books, follow-up action etc.)

11. Proposal must include proposed fee for the targeted number of participants and other

7 related costs, such as learning materials, follow-up session, any taxes, duties or other additional charges.




Purpose of notice

1. This notice is issued pursuant to the requirements under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) to all individuals who are vendors of goods/services or the individual 8 employees of the vendors of goods/services –

(i) engaged by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM); or

(ii) who submits any RFI/RFP/tender/proposal to BNM for such purpose, (referred to as “vendors”).

Tujuan Notis

1. Notis ini dikeluarkan selaras dengan keperluan-keperluan Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (APDP) kepada semua individu yang menjual/ membekal barangan/perkhidmatan atau pekerja penjual/pembekal barangan/perkhidmatan yang –

(i) dilantik oleh Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM); atau

(ii) menghantar apa-apa RFI/RFP/tender/tawaran untuk tujuan tersebut (dirujuk sebagai “pembekal”).

Processing of personal data

2. During the course of its dealings with you, BNM processes personal data of the vendors which include, but is not limited to, your name, IC/passport number, address and other contact details.

Pemprosesan Data Peribadi

2. Sepanjang tempoh urusan BNM dengan anda, BNM data peribadi pembekal, termasuk, tetapi tidak terhad kepada, nama, nombor kad pengenalan, alamat dan maklumat hubungan lain.


Purpose of processing personal data

3. The personal data is collected for, amongst others, the following purposes:

(a) assessing your suitability to be awarded the contract for which you have applied;

(b) enforcing the rights and obligations in the contracts, including but not limited to, making payments for the goods/services and maintaining the list of key personnel who will be responsible to carry out the rights and obligations of the vendors under the contracts;

(c) providing access to BNM’s premises; and

(d) complying with any legal or regulatory requirements, including but not limited to, compliance with the withholding tax requirements, or as permitted by law or authorised by any order of court.

Tujuan Pemprosesan Data Peribadi

3. Data peribadi dikumpul bagi, antara lain, tujuan-tujuan berikut:

(a) menilai kesesuaian anda mendapat kontrak yang telah anda pohon;

(b) melaksanakan hak-hak dan obligasi dalam kontrak-kontrak, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada, membuat pembayaran untuk barangan/ perkhidmatan dan menyimpan senarai kakitangan utama yang akan bertanggungjawab untuk menjalankan hak dan obligasi pembekal menurut kontrak-kontrak tersebut;

(c) memberi akses kepada premis BNM; dan

(d) mematuhi mana-mana keperluan undang-undang peraturan, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada pematuhan terhadap keperluan cukai pegangan, atau

10 seperti yang dibenarkan oleh undang-undang atau diberi kuasa oleh perintah mahkamah.

Disclosure of personal data

4. The personal data held by us shall be kept confidential. However, in order to exercise our rights and obligations under the contracts or to evaluate your RFI/RFP/tender/proposal to BNM, we may disclose your personal data to:

• Departments within BNM;

• Financial institutions;

• Other parties authorised by you;

• Regulatory and governmental agencies as permitted or required by law, authorised by any order of court or to meet obligations to regulatory authorities.

Pendedahan Data Peribadi

4. Data peribadi yang disimpan oleh BNM akan disimpan secara sulit. Walau bagaimanapun, bagi melaksanakan hak-hak dan obligasi di bawak kontrak atau untuk menilai RFI/RFP/tender/cadangan anda kepada BNM, BNM mungkin akan mendedahkan data peribadi anda kepada:

• Jabatan-jabatan di dalam BNM;

• Institusi kewangan;

• Pihak lain yang anda benarkan;

• Agensi penguatkuasa dan kerajaan sepertimana yang dibenarkan atau dikehendaki oleh undang-undang, dibenarkan oleh mana-mana perintah mahkamah atau untuk memenuhi obligasi kepada mana-mana pihak

11 penguatkuasa.

Protection of personal data

5. The security of your personal data is ensured by BNM as we shall take all physical, technical and organisational measures needed to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal data. If we disclose any of your personal data to any entities, we will require them to appropriately safeguard the personal data provided to them.

Perlindungan data peribadi

5. Keselamatan data peribadi anda adalah dijamin oleh BNM kerana kami akan mengambil semua langkah fizikal, teknikal dan organisasi yang diperlukan bagi memastikan keselamatan dan kerahsiaan data peribadi anda. Sekiranya kami mendedahkan data peribadi anda kepada mana-mana pihak, kami akan memastikan bahawa pihak tersebut mengambil langkah yang sepatutnya bagi memastikan keselamatan data peribadi yang diberi kepada mereka.

Retention of personal data

6. It is BNM’s policy to destroy personal data of the vendors within 7 years after the contract has been awarded or after the conclusion of the contract, whichever is applicable.

Penyimpanan data peribadi 12 6. Ianya merupakan polisi BNM untuk memusnahkan data peribadi pembekal dalam tempoh 7 tahun selepas kontrak telah diberi atau selepas kontrak telah selesai, di mana ia terpakai.

Access of personal data

7. Under the PDPA, you have the right to access your personal data to ensure that the personal data we hold about you is accurate, complete, not misleading and up-to-date. If you wish to exercise such rights and request access to your personal data, please contact us by completing our “Personal Data Access/Correction Request Form”.

Akses kepada data peribadi

7. Di bawah PDPA, anda mempunyai hak untuk mengakses data peribadi anda untuk memastikan data yang kami simpan mengenai anda adalah tepat, lengkap, tidak menyeleweng dan terkini. Jika anda ingin menggunakan hak tersebut dan memohon akses kepada data peribadi anda, sila hubungi kami dengan mengisi “Borang Akses/Pembetulan Data Peribadi”.

13 Kindly sign and acknowledge the Notice and submit with the proposal by 19 May 2014 at 5.00 pm that you have read and understood the Notice and you consent to the processing of your personal data by BNM.

Sila tandatangan dan maklumkan kepada kami penerimaan Notis ini bersama dokumen RFP anda sebelum 20 Mei 2014, 5.00 petang bagi menyatakan bahawa anda telah membaca dan memahami Notis ini dan anda membenarkan pemprosesan data peribadi anda oleh pihak BNM.

To: Bank Negara Malaysia

I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood this Personal Data Protection Notice and by signing this, I consent to the processing of my personal data by BNM in accordance with the terms of this notice.

Saya dengan ini mengakui yang saya telah membaca dan memahami Notis Perlindungan Data Peribadi ini dan dengan menandatangani dokumen ini saya membenarkan pemprosesan data peribadi saya oleh BNM berdasarkan syarat-syarat di dalam Notis ini.


Name / Nama :

I/C/Passport No :

Date/ Tarikh :

14 15

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