Study Guide Chapter 13 – 12th Edition Written Language: Written Expression, Spelling, Handwriting

Study Guide Chapter 14 – 12th Edition Mathematics Difficulties

Pages 405-407 Written Expression – the last to be learned in the sequence of language development What does proficiency in written language require? How do students with LD perform in the area of written language? How does early literacy affect written expression?

Pages 420-423 Spelling What does proficiency in spelling require? Why is spelling more difficult than reading? How do LD students perform in the area of spelling? What is invented spelling? What does research indicate about the use of invented spelling?

Pages 428-431 Handwriting What is meant by dysgraphia? What does proficiency in handwriting require? What is manuscript writing? Cursive writing? What are the problems that the left handed student encounters in the area of handwriting?

Pages 447-452 Mathematics What is meant by dyscalculia? What percentage of LD students demonstrate problems in mathematics? What are the early number concepts that are necessary for mathematics learning? What are the characteristics of students with mathematics disabilities?