Volume 9 . July 1998 . Number 3
Volume9 . July 1998 . Number3 Mnternational Lost in the Xlondike? North Camllna Gold The organizersof the IV InrematioDal Looking for an arcestor who Jollowed In 1999,Nonh Ca.olinawill observerhe Minirg History Conferenceate putting the gold rushesro lhe Far Nonh? The bicentennialof the first gold ru6hin what the firishing toucheson ihar event to be AlaskaCold RushCenternial Task Force w,s lhen the United States. Cold was held in Guanajuato, Mexico between rerehdy published Hote to Fint your discoveredin Cabalus Counry, ihe filst Novemberl0th atrd 13rh, 1998. The GoM Rush Relalive: Sourcet on the of the Appalachiangold 6elds. Flom Congressis supportedby the Imtiluro Klondike and AlLtl@ GoA Ruthes,1896- September l7 !o 19, 1999, the Nacional de Arthropologia y Histoda J9J4, compiled by R. Bruc€ Parham. Univelsity of North Carolinaat Chado$e (INAH), theAsociacioo de Ingenieros de The reDpage guide is a good reference will serve as host for 'Gold irl Calolina Minas, the Mehlurgistitas y Geologosdo t9ol for aDy researcher; it includcs and America: A Bicenrennial Mexico, A. C., and o&er minillg information on arcbives, intemet Perspective,'a sympGium sponsoredin compsnier and academic institutions. sourc€s,CD-ROMS, newspaper indercs, pan by the Universiry, ReedCold Mine The Congresswill be sinilar to the III etc, For mor€ information contact the StateHistoric Site, surounding couniies, Intemaaionalheld in Golden,Cololado in Stare of Alaska Office of History aDd atrd the Nonh Carolina Division of 1994 wirh professional papers, Archeolos/,360i C Sr., Suite 1278, Archives ard History. Sessioaswill rcceptiorE,and tours, The agendais set Anchorage, AK 99503-5921 or phone examine the history of gold in Nonh and the program drated.
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