ABC S of Kindergarten with Mrs.Wickman

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ABC S of Kindergarten with Mrs.Wickman

ABC’S of Kindergarten with Mrs.Wickman

A- Arrival time for the morning students is between 8:40-8:55 a.m. The school bell rings at 8:55 a.m. (If students are late, they will be required to go to the school office to receive a late slip for the classroom.) I will meet the students at the door for the first week, while the kindergarten patrols get trained. There are 2 sets of kindergarten patrols, which rotate from week to week. The patrols walk students to and from the school bus, as well as from the front of the school to the classroom.

B- Birthdays: if sending in treats for your child’s birthday, please check food item with me first, in case of allergies. Do not send any food containing nuts or nut products. Invitations should be left in your child’s mail can, and I will distribute them with your child into their friends mail cans.

C- Communication- please feel free to leave a note in your child’s mail can, call the school at 204- 663-5078 and/or email me at [email protected]. A classroom calendar will be going home each month with information about our learning, themes and important dates.

D- Discover healthy and nut free snacks, which can be sent daily with your child.

E- Encouragement-Your continuous positive support will encourage your child to take risks and try new things.

F- Fine motor skills are a big part of the kindergarten day. Please practice cutting and holding a pencil properly. Any small toys (Lego) or even play dough is great exercise for their little fingers.

G- Gym is a great time to run around and learn basic gross motor skills such as running, kicking, throwing. Play with a balloon at home to work on these skills. Change your direction (forward, backwards, and sideways) and how you move (run, skip, and gallop). Kindergarten students do not change for gym, but must have proper non-marking running shoes. Some days, gym will be outside. Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather at all times.

H- Homework is sent in November (Teddy Bear Picnic Float), January (All About Me Folder), April (environmental print) and May/June (letter show and tell). Certain things are sent home time to time to practice, if your child needs a little more practice at a certain skill. Please encourage them and help them with that skill.

I- Independence is a skill that is taught in kindergarten. It is hard sometimes to let go, and some parents ‘hover’. It takes a little longer, but have your child learn to dress themselves, by putting on their own jacket and trying to do it up. Putting on their own shoes and boots is just as important. Have your child carry their own backpack, and walk from the front door with the patrols. If anything is placed in their backpack or mail can, please let them know, so they can tell me themselves. J- Joy. Find joy in your day. It's easy to rush around, try to ask what your child learned today. Enjoy these moments, they pass by so quickly.

K- Knowledge is power. On each calendar, the themes will be written down as well as on the backside, what will be taught. Please talk to your children about what they are learning.

L- Library books and Home Reading books need a special place at home so they do not get lost or ruined. Please place them in a plastic bag in your child’s backpack to ensure they arrive without a spill from a snack. Please check the calendar to know when your books need to be returned.

M- Mail cans are important to return daily. I check the can daily for any notes and place notes in there for you as well.

N- Names should be printed in everything that comes to school (bag, lunch kit, shoes, sweaters, hats, mittens…etc.) I can help recover lost items if a name or initials are in it. You would be surprised that many students can’t recognize their own things. Practicing recognizing and printing name in both capital and lower case letters is beneficial.

O- Open. I am here to work with you and your child. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any information you think I need to know or any questions you may have. We are a team and working together is important to help your child grow and learn.

P- Parties happen on most holidays. A parent sign-up for a donation of supplies/snacks to the party will be available during our first meeting. Reminders of what you are bringing and when, will be on the calendar. (It is not necessary to stay and volunteer). You may drop off snacks/supplies either before school in the classroom or office, or have your child bring it to school with them.

Q- Questions about anything are welcomed. If you are a first time parent or this is your last child entering kindergarten, don’t be embarrassed to ask. I have heard it all!

R- Read to your child every day! Have your child see you read. Read signs together as well as license plates when you are in the car or on the bus. Have your child help with printing the grocery list or cutting out flyers to make a shopping list. Retelling stories or sequencing events is also a way of reading.

S- Scholastic book orders are sent in monthly. There is no need to purchase books, but if you do, please send money in a zip-loc baggie or an envelope with your child’s name.

T- Toys should be left at home. There are plenty of toys at school, and sometimes when personal toys get lost or broken, it makes learning that day very difficult.

U- Underwear and extra clothing are left at school, so that if there is an accident or spill, your child can change quickly and you do not need to be bothered. Boys should be taught how to use a urinal (not pull pants all the way down).

V- Volunteers are encouraged in kindergarten. There are always things to cut, sort, paste, organize and clean. If you wish to volunteer, a child abuse registry must be filled out at the office. W- Water is great to drink at school, but sometimes the lineup is too long. If you would like to send a small ‘easy to open and close’ water bottle with the daily snack in your child’s backpack, that would be great. Place it in a zip-loc bag, in case it leaks.

X- Extra-curricular activities are great for socialization, exercise and a great way to burn off energy! i.e. lessons, library trips, museums, zoo, ice rink and play dates…)

Y- Year long learning, laughing and growing not only happens in kindergarten, but at home as well.

Z- zzzz . Sleep is very important to kindergarten children. When children are well rested they are ready to work and learn!

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