Fall 2017 Math 112 Pre-Algebra
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Fall 2017 Math 112 Pre-Algebra Section # 19172 T 6:55PM to 10:05 PM NEA 227 http://www.creatingbytes.com/math112 email: [email protected] Instructor: Jack Muncherian
We will be covering chapters 1 to 7 with chapter 10 time permitting
Course Description: Review of arithmetic concepts and an introduction to elementary algebra concepts signed numbers, exponents mathematical sentences and linear equations.
Los Angeles Harbor College Mission: Los Angeles Harbor College promotes access and student success through associate and transfer degrees, certificates, economic and workforce development, and basic skills instruction. Our educational programs and support services meet the needs of diverse communities as measured by campus institutional learning outcomes. Final (20% of final grade) The final is mandatory in order to receive a passing grade. More will be said prior to the final.
Homework (5% of final grade) Homework will be assigned at the end of each class, but will be collected on the day of the test. They will be graded on effort and returned. Homework related questions will be answered during the first 15 minutes of each class meeting. Homework will be assigned from odd number problems where the answers are available in the back of the text.
Tests ( 7 or 8 tests total 75% of final grade) You will have a test according to the noted schedule. All tests will be taken in-class and limited to one hour. There is no make-up test whatsoever. In lieu of, I drop the lowest test score.
If you are found to be cheating on a test, you will be asked to forfeit the examination, assigned a test grade of zero and reported to the Dean of Students. Always keep your eyes on your own papers. Ref: Board Rule 9803.28
All tests will be closed book and notes and no calculators. Test questions will be similar to your homework. There is no partial credit on test questions.
You will be given a one-week notice for each test. See schedule:
Action Plan:
- Attend class - Take notes, listen and ask questions - Read text book Review text book examples Review class examples of related section(s) - Do homework problems. - Ask questions either during office hours or during questions period.
Test Schedule 1 Fall 2017 Math 112 Pre-Algebra Section # 19172 T 6:55PM to 10:05 PM NEA 227 http://www.creatingbytes.com/math112 email: [email protected] Instructor: Jack Muncherian
Test 1: Chapter 1 Test 7: Chapter 7 Test 2: Chapter 2 Test 3: Chapter 3 Test 4A: Chapter 4 sec 4.1 to 4.4 Test 4B: Chapter 4 sec 4.5 to 4.8 Test 5A: Chapter 5 sec 5.1 to 5.4 Test 5B: Chapter 5 sec 5.5 to 5.7 Test 6: Chapter 6
Final Grade Distribution 90 - 100A 80 - 89 B 67 - 79 C 55 - 66 D
Courtesy: Please no eating or drinking in the classroom. As approved by the Association Students Organization and by the Academic Senate. Also, need to have all pagers and cell phone devices turned off while class is in session.
Office Hours: - T 6:25PM to 6:55PM room NEA 227
All emails will need to follow the following format: Subject: Math 112 Fall 2017 Body: Full name as it appears in school records and last four digits of student ID.
Book: Title: Pre Algebra Authors: Elayn Martin-Gay Edition: 7th
Recommended Material: Class textbook
Standards of Student Conduct Each student is expected to abide by the Standards Of Student Conduct as stated on the college catalog.
Special Services: Students with disabilities should contact the Special Programs & Services Office for accommodation. Tel: 310 233-4629 or Webpage: www.lahc.edu/studentservices/sps/index
Refer to Fall 2017 Class Schedule for important dates under the section “LAST DAY TO””
2 Fall 2017 Math 112 Pre-Algebra Section # 19172 T 6:55PM to 10:05 PM NEA 227 http://www.creatingbytes.com/math112 email: [email protected] Instructor: Jack Muncherian
Drop Policy: If the student finds it necessary to drop the class, it is the student’s responsibility Under no circumstance should the student rely on the instructor to be dropped from class. Early Alert is here to help all Harbor College Students. Our goal is to create a safe and supportive learning environment. We care about and would like to address your needs and link you with the appropriate resource on campus to help you reach your goal. Your instructor will refer you to Early Alert to assist you. An Early alert staff will contact you to schedule an appointment and explore ways to help you. We encourage you to contact us if you need assistance on campus. We are located in SSA 118 or you can call 310- 233-4275.