Mandatory Knowledge + Section 1 of the Exam Paper

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Mandatory Knowledge + Section 1 of the Exam Paper

Mandatory knowledge + Section 1 of the Exam paper

Revision Materials Kyle Academy

This is your bread and butter content and you cannot afford to have gaps in your knowledge. If core knowledge is secure you can interpret the information and tackle higher order questions.

Describe Explain Evaluate/Analyse skills Fitness Command words

Sub Factors Sub Factors Can you  Skill Repertoire  Analyse  Agility  Evaluate  Explain  Compare to a model (Skills, fitness and tactics) The impact of Physical sub factors on performance. Data Collection Data Collection Can you

Recognised fitness Tests  Describe two methods of data collection.  Observation Schedules  Explain Benefits and limitations of each. Consider * Illinois agility test validity, reliability, and objective and subjective Stroke Repertoire Observation nature, timing format, environment, mental state Schedule (Open) quantitative or qualitative. Technique analysis Observation Schedule (Closed)  Evaluate one benefit and limitation.  Why is it important to collect data before carrying  Video analysis out a programme of work? (Coaching eye, open and  closed) Training approaches Training Approaches Can you  Agility circuit training  Shadow Practice  Describe two training approaches.  Repetition Drills  Explain the benefits and limitations of each.  Target Practice  Evaluate the limitations of applying these  Combination Drills approaches prior to performance.  Pressure Drills  Evaluate one benefit and one limitation of the  Sequence approaches. (Predictable and  Evaluate the impact of these approaches on unpredictable) performance.  Conditioned games Monitoring and Recording Monitoring and Recording Progress Can you Progress  Describe one method to record and one to  Re-visit Testing monitor progress in the Physical factor.  Re-visit Observation  Coach Feedback Schedules  Can you evaluate the issues encountered when  Training Dairy monitoring the Physical factor?  Coaching eye  Explain the benefits and limitations of one approach.  Why is it important to monitor a programme of work? MENTAL Command words

Sub Factors  Level of Arousal  Decision making  Concentration

Can you  Analyse  Evaluate  Explain  Comparing to a model The impact of mental sub factors on performance.

Data Collection

 Mental Toughness Questionnaire  Coach Feedback Can you  Describe two methods of data collection.  Explain Benefits and limitations of each. Consider validity, reliability, Timing , environment, format, mental state, and objective and subjective, qualitative and quantitative nature.  Evaluate one benefit and limitation. Training approaches

 Mental Rehearsal /Imagery  Pre Performance routines

Can also be used for Emotional factor Can you  Describe two training approaches.  Explain the benefits and limitations of each.  Evaluate the limitations of applying these approaches during/prior to performance  Evaluate one benefit and one limitation of the approaches.  Evaluate the impact of training approaches on performance.  Describe training and performance goals for the mental factor.

Monitoring and Recording Progress

 Re – visit mental toughness Questionnaire  Coach feedback

Can you  Describe one method to record and one to monitor progress in the mental factor.  Can you evaluate the issues encountered when monitoring the mental factor.  Explain the benefits and limitations of one approach.

SOCIAL Command words Sub Factors  Team Dynamics  Communication  Roles and Responsibilities  Co-operation Can you  Analyse  Evaluate  Explain  Compare to a model your own strengths and weaknesses the impact of Social sub factors on performance.

Data collection

 Focus Group Questions  Team Dynamics Questionnaire  Coach Feedback Can you  Describe two methods of data collection.  Explain Benefits and limitations of each. Consider validity, reliability, and objective and subjective nature, timing, environment, format, quantitative and qualitative, mental state.  Evaluate one benefit and limitation Training approaches

 Co-operative Drills  Team building Exercises  Simulation Exercises

Can you

 Describe two training approaches.  Explain the benefits and limitations of each.  Evaluate the limitations of applying these approaches during training.  Evaluate one benefit and one limitation of the approaches.  Evaluate the benefits of these approaches on your performance.  What are some of the social goals you set?

Monitoring and Recording Progress

 Focus Group Questions/Team Dynamics Questionnaire.  Coach Feedback

Can you  Describe one method to record and one to monitor progress in the Social factor.  Can you evaluate the issues encountered when monitoring the Social factor?  Explain the benefits and limitations of one approach.

EMOTIONAL Command words Sub Factors  Fear (Anxiety)  Self-Control (Anger) Can you  Analyse  Evaluate  Explain  Compare to a model The impact of Emotional sub factors on performance.

Data Collection

 Sports Competition Anxiety test (SCAT)  Disciplinary Record Can you  Describe two methods of data collection.  Explain Benefits and limitations of each. Consider validity, reliability, objective and subjective, timing, format, environment, mental state etc.  Evaluate one benefit and limitation. Training Approaches

 Positive Self Talk  Relaxation Techniques (Centreing, Quick set routine) Can you

 Describe two training approaches.  Explain the benefits and limitations of each.  Evaluate the limitations of applying these approaches during or prior to performance  Evaluate one benefit and one limitation of the approaches  Describe emotional goals set during training and performance.

Monitoring and Recording Progress

 Re-visit SCAT test/Disciplinary  Coach Feedback Can you  Describe one method to record and one to monitor progress in the Emotional factor.  Can you evaluate the issues encountered when monitoring the Emotional factor.  Explain the benefits and limitations of one approach. Question Rules

In this section you can work through each of the questions in preparation for your exam. I would recommend you do not attempt the questions in order. Work through questions from each of the sections:

 Data Collection Questions  Performance Development Questions  Monitoring and Evaluating Questions

In some of the questions you will see (MESP), you should replace this with one of the four factors from Mental, Emotional, Social or Physical. This should be clearly stated in your answer.

Remember, you should be trying to work within the time constraints you will have in the exam . 1 mark = 2 minutes

Once you have done the questions you can change the factor and do them again – there are plenty questions to work through. Mandatory Knowledge Checklist

SECTION 1 – Question Paper

Methods of collecting information to analyse factors impacting on performance

Reliability, validity, practicability, Accuracy, Appropriateness and Organisation issues. Application of recognised tests or analytical tools for collecting information (Speed endurance test, SCAT test, illinois agility test)

appropriateness of methods for collecting information — Consider Timing, environment, nature of data collection (Objective/subjective), repeatability, format,(Notes in all data collection booklets for all three activities)

use of model performances (Benefits for reviewing for all 4 factors) Be able to compare yourself to them in MEPS (Notes in mandatory knowledge book)

interpretation of qualitative, quantitative, objective and subjective information — receiving/accepting/giving/timing of feedback

Identification of strengths and areas for development (Could you collate the info on your strengths and weaknesses to set development plans?)

Approaches to performance development

purpose of performance development planning (Principles of Effective practice, Goals setting (SMART) etc

prioritising of development needs for four factors impacting on performance: mental, emotional, social and physical

potential impacts of mental, emotional, social and physical factors on performance development (Sub Factors note booklets, all three activities)

performance development goals (Short, medium and long term goals, SMART) (Notes in mandatory knowledge booklet)

approaches to meet performance development goals — specificity in the performance development process (Training approaches notes booklets for all three activities)

Recording, monitoring and evaluating performance development

purpose and value of recording, monitoring and evaluating performance development (Notes in recording and monitoring section of main booklet for badminton and volleyball)

key planning information (Read Principles of effective practice, stages of learning, social development stages, principles of training , goal setting etc) notes

recording methods or tools(Notes in recording and monitoring booklet for badminton and volleyball)

production of performance development plans

implementation of performance development plans

monitoring methods, tests or tools

adapting performance development plans (Consider factors block)

future performance development planning Mandatory Knowledge Glossary


Where possible a combination of quantitative, objective data, with some qualitative/subjective information provides a good starting point for planning performance development. This is because it gives a wide, detailed picture of the whole performance/factor.


Goal setting




Explain some of the limitations impacting the validity, reliability and appropriateness of subjective/qualitative data collection. (4)

Evaluate the benefits and limitations of Objective/quantitative data collection. (4)

Explain the benefits of comparing your performance to a model performer? (4)

Explain the difference between objective and subjective data. (4) Describe the ways in which a model performance could be used to gather information on performance. (4)

Analyse how a ‘model’ of performance can help in planning your performance improvements. (4)

Explain the importance of data collection before creating a programme of work. (4)


Describe how the mental factor might influence a performer who suddenly becomes aware of the audience during an important event. (4)

Explain the importance of the social factor before and during performance. (4)

Evaluate the impact of Emotions on performance. (4)

Describe how the physical factor might impact a performer’s ability to sustain a consistent performance throughout a whole game, match, swim or routine. (4)

Explain the considerations you would make when planning a development programme. (4)

Analyse how team or individual strengths and weaknesses can impact performance (4)

Explain reasons why you need to react early to cues in a performance or game. (4) Describe some of the decisions you made during performance linked to one of the four factors. (MESP) (4) Describe performance development goals that a performer could set for one of the four factors (MESP). (4) When training to develop any of the 4 factors you will have set personal goals. Give examples of the goals you set. Explain the fundamentals you considered when setting these goals. (SMART) (6) Explain the importance of goal setting when developing one of the four factors (MESP). (4) Aspects such as:  Unrealistic goals  Too many goals (Goal conflict)  Inappropriate time frame, no flexibility  Outcome goals overtaking performance goals can affect your performance. Choose 2 aspects above and explain how you would overcome this? (4) Explain the importance of different types of feedback when developing performance (4)


Explain why you need to monitor and evaluate performance. (4) Explain why a performer might use each of the following when monitoring the development of one of the four factors: Qualitative information Quantitative Information (4)

Describe the monitoring tools a performer could use to keep track of progress for one of the four factors. (4)

Please remember that you have a vast array of notes; paper copies, power points and the wiki to aid you in the completion of mandatory knowledge revision exercises.

On the next pages I have listed specific questions linked to our higher course relating to the 4 factors impacting performance and then followed this up with how this content could appear in Section one of the exam paper produced by the SQA. Know specific course content and become familiar with SQA terminology and command words and transfer your knowledge across.

Social Factor:

Data Collection – Question 1 Pecific xam Question

1(a) Describe how data was collected on the social factor using Focus group Questions with the aid of video and a Team Dynamics Questionnaire. (4) 1 (a) Describe 2 different methods that could be used to collect information about social factors impacting on performance. (4)

1 (b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using focus group questions to collect information on the potential impact of social factors. (4) 1 (b) Select one of the methods described in part (a) and explain the advantages and disadvantages of using this method to collect information on the social factor. (4) 1 (b) Look at the statements below and evaluate the effectiveness of using Focus Group Questions to collect information on the social factor. Benefit Trigger Limitation Trigger Group subjective feedback? Personalities (Dominance, freeriders) in the group? Listening + communication skills ? Validity of approach linked to Evaluative skills? Accuracy -Mental State + Knowledge of participants? (4) 1(b) Select one of the methods described in part (a). Evaluate the effectiveness of a method to collect information about the potential impact of social factors on performance. (4) 1 (b) Analyse what the data tells you about your performance. (4) Approaches + Factors - Question 2 2 (a) Explain how communication and team dynamics can impact on your performance. (4)

2 (a) Choose two social sub factors that impact on performance. Explain the impact these factors can have on your performance. (4)

2 (a) Describe a co-operation drill used to improve the social factor. (4) 2(a) Choose an activity and a social sub factor that impacts performance. Describe an approach you could use to develop this factor. (4)

2 (a) Explain the benefits of using Team building exercises to develop the social factor. (4) 2 (a) Explain the benefits of one approach to develop the social factor. (4)

2(b) Evaluate one advantage and one disadvantage of co-operation drills during training. Advantage triggers Disadvantage Triggers Time for what? Closed environment? Roles and Responsibilities? (4)

2 (b) Evaluate one benefit and one limitation of an approach used prior to a performance to develop the social factor. (4) 2(b) Explain the differences between co-operation drills and simulation drills. (4)

RECORDING, MONITORING AND EVALUATING PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT – Question 3 3 (a) Describe how Focus group questions and coach feedback could be used to monitor and Record progress regarding the social factor. (4) 3 (a) Describe how performance can be monitored and recorded with regards to the social factor. (4)

3 (b)Referring to the following monitoring tools (coach feedback, focus group questions or team dynamics questionnaire) explain at least two difficulties you might encounter when revisiting these approaches to monitor and evaluate the impact of the social factor. Challenges  Access/timing of feedback * Mental state of participants * Environment  Repeatability * Inconsistent views * Subjective? (4) 3 (B) Explain at least two difficulties that might be encountered when monitoring and evaluating the impact of social factors on performance. (4) 3 (b) Evaluate the benefits of using Coach Feedback when monitoring and evaluating the impact of social factors on performance. (4) 3 (b) Evaluate the benefits of one method used to monitor and evaluate the impact of the social factor on performance. (4) Physical Factor:

Data Collection – Question 1

Pecific xam Question

1(a) Describe how data was collected on the Physical factor using Observation Schedules (Be specific) and Recognised fitness Tests. (4) 1 (a) Describe 2 different methods that could be used to collect information about Physical factors impacting on performance. (4)

1 (b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using Observation Schedules or recognised tests to collect information on the potential impact of Physical factors. (4) 1 (b) Select one of the methods described in part (a) and explain the advantages and disadvantages of using this method to collect information on the Physical factor. (4) 1 (b) Look at the statements below and evaluate one benefit and one limitation of using recognised tests to collect information on the Physical factor. Benefit Trigger Limitation Trigger Repeatability (written/quantitative)? Environment (Closed)? Appropriateness/recognised test? Reliability? (Mental state, energy, prior experience etc) Objective Nature? Vailidity? (people involved, equipment, timing etc) (4) 1(b) Select one of the methods described in part (a). Evaluate one benefit and one limitation of using this method to collect information about the potential impact of Physical factors on performance. (4) 1 (b)Video analysis (Coaching eye) is frequently used to collect data on the physical factor. Explain the benefits and limitations of this tool. (4) Approaches + Factors Question 2 2 (a) Explain how Skill Repertoire and Agility can impact on performance. (6) 2 (a) Choose two Physical sub factors that impact on performance. Explain the impact these factors can have on a performance. (6)

2 (a) Describe two training approach for the physical factor (4) 2(a) Describe approaches used to develop the Physical factor. (4)

2 (a) Choose one Physical sub factor. Evaluate the benefits of using Agility training(within the activity) to develop this factor. (4) 2 (a) Choose one Physical sub factor. Evaluate the benefits of one approach to develop this factor. (4)

2 (b) Describe a performance where you made use of your strengths to achieve success within your performance. (4) 2(b) Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using repetition drills during training. (Example only- change rep for one of your drills if not part of your programme) Advantage triggers Disadvantage Triggers Closed environment? Closed environment? Repetitive element Challenge Feedback potential quality of equip,feedback,feeds (4) 2 (b) Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of an approach to develop the Physical factor. (4) 2(b) Explain the benefits and limitations of sequence drills. (4) 2 (b) Evaluate the advantages of applying pressure drills prior to a performance. (4) 2(b) Evaluate the advantages of applying an approach prior to performance to develop the physical factor. (4) 2(A) Describe some of the goals you set for the physical factor during training and performance (4) 2(b) Evaluate how these training approaches impacted your performance . (4)


3 (a) Describe how video analysis (Coaching eye) and a Training Diary could be used to monitor and record progress regarding the Physical factor. (4)

3 (a) Describe how you monitored and recorded your performance with regards to the Physical factor. (4) 3 (b)Referring to the following monitoring tools (coach feedback, Observation Schedules, training diary or video) (Coaching eye) explain at least two difficulties you might encounter when revisiting any of these approaches to monitor and evaluate the impact of the Physical factor. Challenges  Access/timing of feedback * Mental state of participants * Environment  Repeatability *Reliability (Observer, opposition) * Objective/subjective?  Validity - Knowledge (4) 3 (B) Explain at least two difficulties that might be encountered when monitoring and evaluating the impact of Physical factors on performance. (4)

3 (b) Evaluate performance improvements made as a result of adaptations and changes made throughout the monitoring process. (4)

3 (b) Evaluate two benefits of one method used to monitor and evaluate the impact of the Physical factor on performance. (4)

Mental Factor:

Data Collection – Question 1

Pecific xam Question

1(a) Describe how data was collected on the Mental factor using a mental toughness Questionnaire and coach feedback. (4) 1 (a) Describe 2 different methods that could be used to collect information about mental factors impacting on performance. (4)

1 (b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using the mental toughness questionnaire to collect information on the potential impact of Mental factors. (4) 1 (b) Select one of the methods described in part (a) and explain the advantages and disadvantages of using this method to collect information on the Mental factor. (4)

1 (b) Look at the statements below and evaluate one benefit and one limitation of using the Mental toughness questionnaire to collect information on the mental factor. Benefit Trigger Limitation Trigger Subjective /qualitative? Subjective issues? Evaluative/reflective skills ? Validity of approach linked to Evaluative skills? Repeatability Accuracy -Mental State + Knowledge of participant? Environment issues? (4) 1(b) Select one of the methods described in part (a). Evaluate one benefit and one limitation of using this method to collect information about the potential impact of mental factors on performance. (4) Approaches + Factors Question 2 2 (a) Explain how Level of arousal and concentration can impact on performance and training. (6)

2 (a) Choose two Mental sub factors that impact on performance. Explain the impact these factors can have on a performance and training. (6) 1 (b) Explain the importance of decision making to performance. (4)

2 (a) Explain the benefits of using mental rehearsal/imagery to improve the mental factor. (4) 2(a) Choose an activity and a mental sub factor that impacts performance. Explain the benefits of an approach used to develop this factor. (4) 2 (b) Select an alternative approach. Explain how pre performance routines can be used to develop the mental factor. (4) 2(b) Explain an alternative approach to develop the mental factor. (4)

2(b) Evaluate one advantage and one disadvantage of applying mental rehearsal /imagery during performance. Advantage triggers Disadvantage Triggers * Vivid picture * New to approach * Crucial times * Nature + importance of event *Impact on Nerves, concentration etc * Emotions cloud thoughts, mind set *Re group, refocus etc * Clarity of picture, picture unrehearsed (4)

2 (b) Evaluate one benefit and one limitation of an approach to develop the mental factor. (4)

2(b ) Explain two difficulties of applying mental rehearsal in training. (Consider, when, how often, knowledge, imagery setting, setting, mind set, importance) (4) 2(b) Evaluate how these training approaches impacted your performance . (4)

RECORDING, MONITORING AND EVALUATING PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT – Question 3 3 (a) Explain how Coach Feedback and mental toughness questionnaire could be used to monitor and record progress regarding the Mental factor. (4) 3 (a) Exaplain how you monitored and recorded your performance with regards to the Mental factor. (4)

3 (b)Referring to the following monitoring tools (coach feedback,or mental toughness questionnaire) explain at least two difficulties you might encounter when revisiting these approaches to monitor and evaluate the impact of the mental factor. Challenges  Access/timing of feedback * Mental state of participants * Environment  Repeatability * Subjective? (4) 3 (B) Explain at least two difficulties that might be encountered when monitoring and evaluating the impact of Mental factors on performance. (4) Emotional Factor:

Data Collection – Question 1

Pecific xam Question

1(a) Describe how data was collected on the Emotional factor using a discipline Record and SCAT Test. (4) 1 (a) Describe 2 different methods that could be used to collect information about emotional factors impacting on performance. (4) 1 (b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using a SCAT test to collect information on the potential impact of Emotional factors. (4) 1 (b) Select one of the methods described in part (a) and explain the advantages and disadvantages of using this method to collect information on the Emotional factor. (4) 1 (b) Look at the statements below and evaluate one benefit and one limitation of using a SCAT test to collect information on the Emotional factor. Benefit Trigger Limitation Trigger Subjective /qualitative? Subjective issues / Emotional intelligence? Evaluative/reflective skills? Validity of approach linked to Evaluative skills? Repeatability Accuracy -Mental State? Test results (Objective) Recognised test Environment issues? (4) 1(b) Select one of the methods described in part (a). Evaluate one benefit and one limitation of using this method to collect information about the potential impact of mental factors on performance. (4) 1(b) Explain the benefits and limitations of a disciplinary record when collecting information on the emotional factor. (4) Approaches + Factors Question 2

2 (a) Explain how anxiety and a lack of self-control can impact on performance and training. (4)

2 (a) Choose two Emotional sub factors that impact on performance. Explain the impact these factors can have on performance and training. (4) 1 (b) Explain the reoccurring stressors during competition. (4)

2 (a) Explain the benefits of using Positive Self talk to improve the Emotional factor. (4) 2(a) Choose an activity and an emotional sub factor that impacts performance. Explain the benefits of an approach you could use to develop this factor. (4) 2 (b) Select another approach. Explain how Relaxation Techniques can also be used to develop the Emotional factor. (4) 2(b) Explain an alternative approach to develop the Emotional factor. (4)

2(b) Evaluate one advantage and one disadvantage of applying Positive self talk during performance. Advantage triggers Disadvantage Triggers * Recognise triggers -Prevent catastrophe * New to approach, do they believe * Crucial times -specificity * Nature + importance of event *Impact on confidence, self control and concentration * Emotions cloud thoughts, mind set *Re group, refocus and centre etc *Time (4) * Experience 2 (b) Evaluate one benefit and one limitation of an approach to develop the Emotional factor. (4)

2(b) Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of applying Relaxation techniques in the build-up and during performance. (4) 2(b) Evaluate how these training approaches impacted your performance . (4) RECORDING, MONITORING AND EVALUATING PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT 3 (a) Describe how a SCAT test could be used to record the impact of Emotional factors on performance. (4) 3 (a) Describe one method to record performance improvements for the emotional factor. (4)

3 (b)Referring to the following monitoring tools (coach feedback, Training Diary or SCAT) explain at least two difficulties you might encounter when revisiting these approaches to monitor and evaluate the impact of the emotional factor. Challenges  Access/timing of feedback * Mental state of participants * Environment  Repeatability * Subjective? (4) 3 (B) Explain at least two difficulties that might be encountered when monitoring and evaluating the impact of Emotional factors on performance. (4) 3 (b) Explain the different types of feedback a performer could receive to indicate changes in emotional control. (4)


SECTION 1 24 marks Attempt ALL questions

1. (a) Describe the ways in which a model performance could be used to gather information about the impact of physical factors on performance. 4 MARKS

(b) Explain the limitations of using a model performance to gather information about the impact of physical factors on performance. 4 MARKS

2. (a) Explain why a performer should consider the impact of emotional factors during performance development. 4 MARKS

(b) Evaluate the effectiveness of an approach used to manage the impact of emotional factors on performance. 4 MARKS 3. (a) Describe performance development goals that a performer could set for mental factors.


(b) Explain why a performer might use each of the following when monitoring the development of mental factors: • qualitative information • quantitative information 4 MARKS SECTION 2 — 16 marks

Read the scenario below and attempt the question which follows.

Reflecting on a recent performance, a performer did not feel that their potential was realised: “That wasn’t good enough — it’s back to the drawing board.”

4. (a) Explain the actions that could be taken to identify problem areas within the performance. In your answer, you must refer to the following factors impacting on performance: social and one other from mental, emotional or physical. 6 MARKS

(b) For each of the factors (social and your chosen factor from mental, emotional or physical), analyse an approach a performer could use to enable them to reach their full potential.


SPECIMEN PAPER 2 SECTION 1 – 24 marks Attempt ALL questions

1. (a) Describe two different methods that could be used to collect information about the potential impact of PHYSICAL factors on performance. (4) 1. (b) Select one of the methods described in part (a) Evaluate one benefit and one limitation of using this method to collect information about the potential impact of physical factors on performance. (4) 2. (a) Choose one Mental sub factor that impacts on performance. Explain one approach to develop this factor. (4) 2. (b) Evaluate one advantage and one disadvantage of applying this approach during a performance. (4) 3. (a) Explain the purpose of planning performance goals. (4) 3. (b) Explain how you may encounter at least two difficulties when developing performance in the SOCIAL factor. (4) SECTION 2 – 16 marks

Read the scenario below and attempt the question which follows.

Emotions influence peoples’ goals and motivations. Emotions can be functional, for example, the emotions of anger and fear can motivate individuals to deal with the causes of those emotions (the ‘fight or flight response’). However, emotions can be dysfunctional, for example, an athlete might be angry about an official’s decision, but recognise that an aggressive response might result in a penalty.

4. (a) Analyse which strategies/approaches could be employed to enable a performer to reach their full potential. (6) 4. (b) Explain how the EMOTIONAL factor and one other (choose from SOCIAL, PHYSICAL or MENTAL) can impact on your performance. (10)


A pupil has been selected to represent the authority. They are a good performer, however, they have been defeated on 3 successive occasions by their fiercest rival and risk not being selected for national level. Their coach has highlighted the following weaknesses within their performance when competing against elite opponents.

 Anger management  Confidence issues  Decision making  Tactical awareness  Fitness levels a. In relation to The Emotional Factor, describe approaches that could be used to develop the performance weaknesses identified by the player’s coach. (6 MARKS) b. Utilising the coach’s feedback, explain the reasons for poor performance against this particular rival. (10 MARKS)

You must refer to The Emotional Factor and one other from – Physical, Mental or Social.

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