Morning Watch Training Review Exodus (4) July 18-24, 2016

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Morning Watch Training Review Exodus (4) July 18-24, 2016

Morning Watch Training Review – Exodus (4) July 18-24, 2016

Monday 7/18 and transgression and sin; but He will by no means clear the worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children truthfulness, for the Father also seeks such to worship Him. and upon the grandchildren, to the third and fourth 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Heb. 6:19-20 generations. in spirit and truthfulness. 19 Which we have as an anchor of the soul, both secure and 8 And Moses made haste and bowed to the ground and firm and which enters within the veil, worshipped. 20 Where the Forerunner, Jesus, has entered for us, having Exo. 23:14-17 (read only) become forever a High Priest according to the order of 14 Three times a year you shall hold a feast to Me. Melchisedec. Psa. 103:7a 15 You shall keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread; as I 7a He made His ways known to Moses; commanded you, seven days you shall eat unleavened bread at the appointed time in the month of Abib, for in it you Heb.13:13 John 17:3 came out from Egypt. And no one shall appear before Me 13 Let us therefore go forth unto Him outside the camp, empty. bearing His reproach. 3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Him whom You have sent, Jesus Christ. 16 And you shall keep the Feast of the Harvest, of the firstfruits of your labors from what you sow in the field, and Exo. 33:7-11 (9, 11) the Feast of Ingathering, at the end of the year when you 7 Now Moses would take the tent and pitch it outside the Job 42:5-6 gather in your labors out of the field. camp, some distance from the camp; and he called it the 5 I had heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my 17 Three times a year all your males shall appear before the Tent of Meeting. And everyone who sought Jehovah went eye has seen You; Lord Jehovah. out to the Tent of Meeting, which was outside the camp. 6 Therefore I abhor myself, and I repent In dust and ashes. 8 And whenever Moses went out to the tent, all the people Gen. 1:26 would rise up and stand, every man at the entrance of his 1 John 5:20 26 And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, tent, and gaze after Moses, until he entered the tent. 20 And we know that the Son of God has come and has according to Our likeness; and let them have dominion over 9 And whenever Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud given us an understanding that we might know Him who is the fish of the sea and over the birds of heaven and over the would descend and stay at the entrance of the tent, and true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing Jehovah would speak with Moses. Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. that creeps upon the earth. 10 When all the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance of the tent, all the people would rise up and Message 1 – Going Outside the Idolatrous Camp and Exo. 25:8-9 (9) worship, every man at the entrance of his tent. Entering within the Veil 11 And Jehovah would speak to Moses face to face, just as 8 And let them make a sanctuary for Me that I may dwell in Message 2 – Knowing God and His Ways their midst. a man speaks to his companion. And Moses would return to Footnotes: Exo. 20:62; Heb. 4:161; 13:131; Job. 42:51, 61 the camp, but his attendant Joshua the son of Nun, a young 9 According to all that I show you, the pattern of the man, would not depart out of the tent. tabernacle and the pattern of all its utensils, even so you Tuesday 7/19 shall make it. Exo. 20:6 6 Yet showing lovingkindness to thousands of generations Exo. 7:16 Psa. 84:1-11 (1, 3-4, 10-11a) of those who love Me and keep My commandments. 16 And you shall say to him, Jehovah, the God of the 1 How lovely are Your tabernacles, O Jehovah of hosts! Hebrews, has sent me to you, saying, Let My people go that 2 My soul longs, indeed even faints, For the courts of Jehovah; My heart and my flesh cry out To the living God. Heb. 4:16 they may serve Me in the wilderness. But until this very moment you have not listened. 3 At Your two altars even the sparrow has found a home; 16 Let us therefore come forward with boldness to the And the swallow, a nest for herself, Where she may lay her throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace young, O Jehovah of hosts, my King and my God. for timely help. Exo. 5:1 4 Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; They will yet 1 And afterward Moses and Aaron came and said to be praising You. Exo. 33:13 Pharaoh, Thus says Jehovah the God of Israel, Let My 5 Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, In whose 13 Now therefore if I have found favor in Your sight, please people go that they may hold a feast to Me in the heart are the highways to Zion. let me know now Your ways, that I may know You, so that wilderness. 6 Passing through the valley of Baca, They make it a I may continue to find favor in Your sight. Consider also spring; Indeed the early rain covers it with blessings. that this nation is Your people. John 4:14, 23-24 7 They go from strength to strength; Each appears before 14 But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him God in Zion. Exo. 34:6-8 (7-8) shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will 8 O Jehovah God of hosts, hear my prayer; Give ear, O God 6 Then Jehovah passed by before him and proclaimed, give him will become in him a fountain of water gushing up of Jacob. Jehovah, Jehovah, God compassionate and gracious, long- into eternal life. 9 Behold our shield, O God; And look upon the face of suffering, and abundant in lovingkindness and truth, Your anointed. 7 Keeping lovingkindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity 23 But an hour is coming, and it is now, when the true 10 For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand; I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God Eph. 4:2-3 37a And for the screen you shall make five pillars of acacia Than dwell in the tents of the wicked. 2 With all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, and overlay them with gold; 11 For Jehovah God is a sun and a shield; Jehovah gives bearing one another in love, grace and glory; He does not withhold anything good From 3 Being diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the 2 Cor. 5:20-21 those who walk uprightly. uniting bond of peace: 20 On behalf of Christ then we are ambassadors, as God entreats you through us; we beseech you on behalf of Christ, Deut. 10:12 John 17:11, 21-23 Be reconciled to God. 12 And now, O Israel, what does Jehovah your God ask of 11 And I am no longer in the world; yet they are in the 21 Him who did not know sin He made sin on our behalf you except that you fear Jehovah your God so that you world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father, keep them in that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. would walk in all His ways and love Him and serve Your name, which You have given to Me, that they may be Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your one even as We are. Exo. 27:20-21 soul; 20 And you shall command the children of Israel to bring to 21 That they all may be one; even as You, Father, are in Me you pure oil of beaten olives for the light, to make the Message 3 – Serving God and I in You, that they also may be in Us; that the world lamps burn continually. Message 4 – The Three Tabernacles may believe that You have sent Me. 21 In the Tent of Meeting, outside the veil which is before Footnotes: Exo. 5:11; John 4:243, 4; Exo. 23:141, 151, 161; 22 And the glory which You have given Me I have given to the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall set it in order from Psa. 84:11, 31, 2, 3, 51 them, that they may be one, even as We are one; evening to morning before Jehovah; it shall be a perpetual 23 I in them, and You in Me, that they may be perfected statute to be observed throughout their generations by the into one, that the world may know that You have sent Me children of Israel. Wednesday 7/20 and have loved them even as You have loved Me. Exo. 28:1-5 (read only) Exo. 25:8-9 (8) Exo. 26:15, 29 (read only) 1 And bring near to yourself Aaron your brother, and his See Tuesday 15 And you shall make the boards for the tabernacle of sons with him, from among the children of Israel, that he acacia wood, standing up. may serve Me as a priest - Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Matt. 16:18 Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron's sons. 18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this 29 And you shall overlay the boards with gold, and make 2 And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall their rings of gold as holders for the bars; and you shall brother, for glory and for beauty. not prevail against it. overlay the bars with gold. 3 And you shall speak to all who are wise in heart, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they make 1 Pet. 2:4, 5, 9 Message 5 – The Tabernacle and the Priesthood Aaron's garments to sanctify him, that he may serve Me as a 4 Coming to Him, a living stone, rejected by men but with priest. Message 6 – The Oneness in the Triune God Typified by the 4 And these are the garments which they shall make: a God chosen and precious, Tabernacle 1 1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 6 breastplate and an ephod and a robe and a tunic of Footnotes: Exo. 25:9 ; Matt. 16:18 ; 1 Pet. 2:5 ; checkered work, a turban and a girding sash. So they shall 5 You yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up as John 17:111, 211, 221, 2; Exo. 26:151, 2, 291, 2 a spiritual house into a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual make holy garments for Aaron your brother and for his sons sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. that he may serve Me as a priest. Thursday 7/21 5 They therefore shall take the gold and the blue and the purple and the scarlet strands and the fine linen, 9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people acquired for a possession, so that you may Exo. 26:31-32a (read only) tell out the virtues of Him who has called you out of 31 And you shall make a veil of blue and purple and scarlet 1 John 1:5 darkness into His marvelous light; strands and fine twined linen; it shall be made with 5 And this is the message which we have heard from Him cherubim, the work of a skillful workman. and announce to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 2 Cor. 5:14-15 32 And you shall hang it upon four pillars of acacia overlaid 14 For the love of Christ constrains us because we have with gold; judged this, that One died for all, therefore all died; Eph. 5:8 15 And He died for all that those who live may no longer Heb. 10:19-20 8 For you were once darkness but are now light in the Lord; live to themselves but to Him who died for them and has 19 Having therefore, brothers, boldness for entering the walk as children of light been raised. Holy of Holies in the blood of Jesus, 20 Which entrance He initiated for us as a new and living Psa. 36:9 Eph. 2:21-22 way through the veil, that is, His flesh, 9 For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see 21 In whom all the building, being fitted together, is light. growing into a holy temple in the Lord; Exo. 26:36-37a (read only) 22 In whom you also are being built together into a 36 And you shall make a screen for the entrance of the tent, Psa. 119:130 dwelling place of God in spirit. of blue and purple and scarlet strands and fine twined linen, 130 The opening of Your words gives light, Imparting the work of an embroiderer. understanding to the simple. sanctuary, for a memorial before Jehovah continually. Eph. 5:13 30 And you shall put in the breastplate of judgment the Rom. 5:2 13 But all things which are reproved are made manifest by Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be on Aaron's heart 2 Through whom also we have obtained access by faith into the light; for everything that makes manifest is light. when he goes in before Jehovah, and Aaron shall bear the this grace in which we stand and boast because of the hope judgment of the children of Israel on his heart before of the glory of God. Message 7 – The Veil, the Screen, and the Two Aspects of Jehovah continually. Reconciliation Rom. 8:14 Message 8 – Lighting the Lamps in the Sanctuary of God Psa. 73:16-17 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are by Serving as Priests Clothed with the Expression of God 16 When I considered this in order to understand it, It was a sons of God. Footnotes: Exo. 26:311, 322; 361, 2, 371; Heb. 191, 202; Exo. troublesome task in my sight, 27:202, 211, 2, 3; 17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God; Then I perceived 1 Pet. 1:18-19 their end. 18 Knowing that it was not with corruptible things, with Friday 7/22 silver or gold, that you were redeemed from your vain 1 Cor. 3:10-12a (11-12a) manner of life handed down from your fathers, 10 According to the grace of God given to me, as a wise Exo. 28:15-30 (read only) 19 But with precious blood, as of a Lamb without blemish master builder I have laid a foundation, and another builds and without spot, the blood of Christ; 15 And you shall make a breastplate of judgment, the work upon it. But let each man take heed how he builds upon it. of a skillful workman; like the work of the ephod you shall 11 For another foundation no one is able to lay besides that make it; of gold, of blue and purple and scarlet strands, and Message 9 – The Breastplate—the Central and Ultimate which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Point of the Priesthood of fine twined linen you shall make it. 12a But if anyone builds upon the foundation gold, silver, 16 It shall be square and doubled; a span its length and a Message 10 – The Eightfold Significance of the Tabernacle precious stones, 2 1 1, 2 1 1, 2, 3 span its width. Rom. 12:2-3 Footnotes: Exo. 20:6 ; 28:15 , 17 , 21 , 30 ; Psa. 17 And you shall enclose in it enclosures of stones, four 73:171; 1 Cor. 3:121, 2; 2 Cor. 3:31 ,2 ,3 ,4; Exo. 26:191; John 2 And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be 14:32; rows of stones: the first row shall be a row of a sardius, a transformed by the renewing of the mind that you may topaz, and an emerald; prove what the will of God is, that which is good and well 18 And the second row, a carbuncle, a sapphire, and a pleasing and perfect. Saturday 7/23 diamond; 3 For I say, through the grace given to me, to every one 19 And the third row, a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst; who is among you, not to think more highly of himself than 20 And the fourth row, a chrysolite, and an onyx, and a Exo. 31:1-11 (3) he ought to think, but to think so as to be sober-minded, as 1 And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, jasper; they shall be set in gold in their enclosures. God has apportioned to each a measure of faith. 21 And the stones shall be according to the names of the 2 See, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son sons of Israel, twelve, according to their names; they shall of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. be like the engravings of a signet, each according to its 2 Cor. 3:3 3 And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom name, for the twelve tribes. 3 Since you are being manifested that you are a letter of and with understanding and with knowledge and with all 22 And you shall make on the breastplate twisted chains, a Christ ministered by us, inscribed not with ink but with the kinds of workmanship, cordage work of pure gold. Spirit of the living God; not in tablets of stone but in tablets 4 To fashion skillful designs, to work in gold and in silver 23 And you shall make on the breastplate two rings of gold of hearts of flesh. and in bronze, and shall put the two rings on the two ends of the 5 And in the cutting of stones for setting and in the carving breastplate. Exo. 26:19 (read only) of wood, to work in all kinds of workmanship. 24 And you shall put the two cords of gold in the two rings 19 And you shall make forty sockets of silver under the 6 And now, I Myself have appointed with him Oholiab the at the ends of the breastplate. twenty boards, two sockets under one board for its two son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and in the heart of 25 And you shall put the two other ends of the two cords on tenons and two sockets under the next board for its two all who are wise in heart I have put wisdom, that they may the two settings, and put them on the shoulder pieces of the tenons. make all that I have commanded you: ephod at the front of it. 7 The Tent of Meeting, and the Ark of the Testimony and 26 And you shall make two rings of gold, and you shall put John 14:2-3 the expiation cover that is on it, and all the utensils of the tent, them upon the two ends of the breastplate upon its edge, 2 In My Father's house are many abodes; if it were not so, I which is toward the ephod on the inside. 8 And the table and its utensils, and the pure lampstand would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. with all its utensils, and the altar of incense, 27 And you shall make two rings of gold and shall put them 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming on the bottom of the two shoulder pieces of the ephod on 9 And the altar of burnt offering with all its utensils, and the again and will receive you to Myself, so that where I am laver and its base, the front of it, close to the place where it is joined, above you also may be. the skillfully woven band of the ephod. 10 And the finely worked garments, both the holy garments 28 And they shall bind the breastplate by its rings to the for Aaron the priest and the garments of his sons for them rings of the ephod with a cord of blue strands, that it may be 2 Pet. 1:4 to serve as priests, upon the skillfully woven band of the ephod and that the 4 Through which He has granted to us precious and 11 And the anointing oil, and the incense of fragrant spices breastplate may not come loose from the ephod. exceedingly great promises that through these you might for the sanctuary. According to all that I have commanded 29 So Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel in the become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the you, they shall do. breastplate of judgment on his heart when he goes into the corruption which is in the world by lust. 1 Cor. 3:10-12a (10) Message 12 – The Erecting of the Tabernacle and the See Friday Tabernacle, the Cloud, and the Glory Being a Full Type of the Triune God 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cor. 15:10 Footnotes: Exo. 31:3 , 4 , 5 ; 1 Cor. 3:10 ; Exo. 31:13 ; 40:2 , 341, 2, 361; 1 Tim. 3:152, 3, 4, 5 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am; and His grace unto T h e C h u r c h i n N e w Y o r k C i t y me did not turn out to be in vain, but, on the contrary, I labored more abundantly than all of them, yet not I but the grace of Lord’s Day 7/24 God which is with me. Queens Psa. 84:1-11 87-60 Chevy Chase St. 135-20 39 Ave. 7th Floor Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 Flushing, NY 11354 Eph. 4:12, 15-16 See Tuesday 12 For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the (718) 454-1826 (646) 515-7045 ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ, * For expanded version of morning watch. Please go to Manhattan Brooklyn & 446 W. 34th St. 387 State St. 15 But holding to truth in love, we may grow up into Him in all New York, NY Brooklyn, NY 11217 things, who is the Head, Christ, (212) 268-5795 (718) 666-1343 16 Out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit together through every joint of the rich supply and through the operation in the measure of each one part, causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love.

Exo. 31:13 13 Speak also to the children of Israel, saying, You shall surely keep My Sabbaths; for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am Jehovah who sanctifies you.

Exo. 40:2, 34-36 (read only) 2 On the first day of the first month you shall raise up the tabernacle of the Tent of Meeting.

34 Then the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of Jehovah filled the tabernacle. 35 And Moses was not able to enter the Tent of Meeting, because the cloud settled on it, and the glory of Jehovah filled the tabernacle. 36 And whenever the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the children of Israel set out on all their journeys;

1 Tim. 3:15-16 15 But if I delay, I write that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and base of the truth. 16 And confessedly, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the nations, Believed on in the world, Taken up in glory.

Col. 2:2-3 2 That their hearts may be comforted, they being knit together in love and unto all the riches of the full assurance of understanding, unto the full knowledge of the mystery of God, Christ, 3 In whom all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden.

Message 11 – The Workers of the Tabernacle and the Sabbath in Relation to the Building Work

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