ASC P&F Meeting - AGM

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ASC P&F Meeting - AGM

Minutes ASC P&F Meeting - AGM 6pm Tuesday 10th November 2015


Meeting Opened: 6.12pm

Attendance: Sharyn Jenkins, Chris Jackman, Peter Miller, Mark Darling, Rosie Bayliss, Liz Moller,

Benjamin Jenkins, Donna Hope, Josie Sutton, Stewart Ross, Tracey Finau.

Note: Quorum not present for AGM.

Apologies: Scott Hewitt, Mel Geyer

Business arising from previous meeting

 Minutes to be accepted from previous Annual General Meeting dated 11 November


Moved: Donna Hope Seconded: Sharyn Jenkins Motion Carried.

 Changes going forward:

- meetings are now 5pm on Mondays 3rd Monday of the month

- children welcome or after school care available

- all meetings now in library

- treasurers report at every meeting

- other reports welcome but not compulsory

- “wish list” from both senior and junior school to be received at first meeting to allow

fundraising planning.

Correspondence in  Letter from Michelle O Brien requesting funding for outdoor space  Cliff Dykes Photography promotion material  Cheque from Play on Wheels  Letter from Navy re: Helicopter at Spring Fair Motion: That the P&F write thanking them for their support Moved: Kim Siede Seconded Donna Hope Motion Carried  Australian fundraising catalogue  Price buster promotions catalogue  Invoices from following: - Regional publishers for yearly subscription

Correspondence out:

 Letter to Fair Trading enclosing:

- Bank Account closure documentation

- Financial Statement for 2014

- Fee for incorporation 2014

Treasurer’s Report

As tabled. Moved Josie Sutton, Seconded Rosie Bayliss, carried.

Head of College Report

As tabled. Moved Chris Jackman, Seconded Liz Moller, carried.

Head of Senior School Report

As tabled. Moved Chris Jackman, Seconded Liz Moller, carried.

Head of Junior School Report

As tabled. Moved Donna Hope, Seconded Tracy Finau, carried.

Boarding P&F Sub Committee Report

Not received

Spring Fair Report As tabled. Moved Josie Sutton, Seconded Chris Jackman, carried.

Art Show Report

As tabled. Moved Liz Moller, Seconded Chris Jackman, carried.

President Report

As tabled. Moved Liz Moller, Seconded Rosie Bayliss, carried.

General Business

 Final fundraiser for the year, national trust morning and afternoon tea on 24th November,

goods can be dropped at school on Friday – reminder in VIM and REVS this week.

 Role of P&F, and transparency of council raised. Peter Miller to provide diagram to member

to show interaction of school bodies. Noted P&F wider than fundraising but has no role in

commenting on council. Noted council changed composition of its board in 2012 and no

longer has a P&F member.

 Noted no quorum, and no nominations for vice president or JS reps despite open

advertising and approaches to previous members. General discussion. Could make

meetings more friendly, with drinks and nibbles. Some members felt that JS parents don’t

come to whole school meetings and need their own subcommittee. Some members felt

there are not enough reminders for meetings, despite website and calendar. Resolved to

postpone elections until 15th February 2016, and to place regular reminders in VIM and

REVs, as well as on the website, including position descriptions and JS subcommittee.

Noted under clause 32 of the current ordinance any subcommittees must only be appointed

for a specific time to carry out specific tasks. This requires further discussion.

 Motion to communicate to wider school community that the P&F is currently not well

supported, and we need parents to attend. To encourage class parents to attend, and to

distribute position descriptions. Moved: Josie Sutton Seconded Liz Moller, Motion Carried.

Election of Office Bearers: Postponed until 15th February 2016.

Meeting Closed: 7.25pm.

Next Meetings:

General Meeting: 5pm 15th of February 2016, Library. MINUTES 2014 AGM

Meeting Opened: 6.10pm

Margaret Gaal conducted a Remembrance Day reflection in memory of those connected to the College.

Attendance: Jayne Miller, Melanie Geyer, Kristie Thorne, Polly Goodlet, Rev Tony Card, Rosie Bayliss, Gavin Douglas, Mark Darling, Catherine Garment, Tracey Finau, Margaret Gaal, Sharyn Jenkins, Stewart Ross, Peter Miller, Donna Hope, Brad Allen, Stacy Whittaker.

Apologies: Chris Jackman, Michelle Gough, Catriona Roach, Kystie Withers, Shannon Rendall, Ruth Crampton.

Motion “That the minutes from P&F Meetings dated 12 November 2013 and 9 September 2014 be accepted and endorsed as read”

Moved: Gavin Seconded: Brad CARRIED

Business Arising:  Nil

Correspondence In:

 Letter from Fish Rivers Rosters regarding change of business address  Letter from Michelle O Brien thanking P&F for audio books  Express catering equipment catalogue  Email from Peter regarding 140th Anniversary celebrations  Request for loan of chairs and tables for Grease production  Letter from the Bishop regarding college clinic refurbishment  Invoices from following: - Regional publishers for yearly subscription - Country fruit distributers

Correspondence Out:

 Letter to parents regarding fundraising committee

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer’s report presented as tabled please see attached.

Mark discussed the option of the P&F using a 4000 bank account which has account keeping fees. Another advantage for the P&F is that the committee would save approximately $3000 per year in auditing fees as the books would be audited as part of the Colleges’ audit. The P&F’s funds will remain separate and all be accounted for. The Junior school funds can be kept separate within the same account. All procedural things will remain the same. Mel requested that this change be clearly communicated to the Junior School Parents. Motion: “To authorise the Treasurer to set up a 4000 account at All Saints’ College for use by the All Saints’ College P&F association and to authorise Mark Darling and Margaret Gaal to close the P&F’s Association bank account at Westpac Bathurst Branch and transfer the monies to All Saints’ College P&F Association 4000 account at All Saints’ College.”

Moved Adopted: Mark Seconded: Mel CARRIED

Head of College Report:

Peter Miller presented Margaret Gaal, the outgoing president with flowers as a thank you gift

All Saints’ College P&F Tuesday 11 November 2014 Head of College Report

General matters

1. Outgoing P&F Executive – thank you very much for the support for our College and all that has been achieved. It has been a very productive year due to the ability of the Executive to bring people together. The leadership and commitment by our outgoing Year 12 parents such as Margaret Gaal, Rosie Bayliss, Heather Cozens, Brian Plummer and Gavin Douglas has been outstanding over an extended period of time.

2. Congratulations and thank you – for a wonderful year of functions and activities. Most activities raised funds but all provided opportunities for the College community to become stronger.

3. Strategic planning – The College Council has engaged Mark Vincent of Insight Plus to undertake a consultative strategic planning process for the College. This is under way and will be completed ahead of next year.

4. 2015 Enrolments – the student population will increase slightly in 2015. Each Year group in the Senior School will be over 50 students producing the largest Senior School in many years (around 325 students). The Junior School population is stable at around 150 (K-6).

5. Clinic refurbishment – a request has been made from the College Council to various entities to support the refurbishment of the Clinic. This project has been planned for a number of years and has regularly featured in reports to the P&F. It is time to see it to completion. The Clinic uses have extended considerably in recent years with regular vaccinations as a key part of its function. Support from the P&F and the College Foundation to see the completion of this project in the coming Christmas break is important and greatly appreciated.

6. 140th Anniversary celebrations – Thank you to everyone involved in the Ball held recently at the Carrington Restaurant in Bathurst. This was followed by a Chapel service on Sunday morning (10am) at the College. Both events enjoyed enthusiastic support and were excellent.

7. End of Year Activities: a. Infants Thanksgiving Service – Friday 21 November b. Junior School Musical – 27 & 28 November c. College Foundation AGM – Wednesday 3 December (3:45pm Richardson Library) d. Christmas Carols Service – Wednesday 3 December (6:00pm All Saints’ Cathedral) e. College Foundation Cocktail Party – Wednesday 3 December (7:30pm Kemmis) f. Junior School Presentation Day – Thursday 4 December (9:00am Bickerdike) g. Senior School Presentation Day – Thursday 4 December (1:00pm Bickerdike)

8. Staff Changes – at the end of this year we will farewell two long serving members of the Junior School staff. Mark Hines and Ruth Clements are retiring from a distinguished service of teaching. Sophie Hanigan will be moving to Sydney at the end of this year. We wish them all well in their lives beyond All Saints’ and thank them for their commitment to our children.

PDM 11 November 2014

Moved Adopted: Mel Seconded: Kristie CARRIED

Head of Senior School Report:


 Valedictory Dinner – The dinner which celebrates the end of 13 years of schooling for Year 12 was held at the conclusion of term three. It was a fitting ending for our HSC students and the evening was enjoyed by all. Thanks to Mrs Moller for her organisation. Earlier in the day, we also celebrated the Year 12s end to school as well as the role that the Benefactors have played in the formation of ASC and the investiture of the new Prefects.  Early entry to University – We have received information from CSU that 10 of our students have gained early entry into courses of their choosing – some in a number of courses. Three more are conditional on obtaining a specific ATAR. As part of the process CSU requires information from either Dr Miller (Principal’s Report Entry Program PREP), or myself (Schools recommendation Scheme SRS) on a student’s ability to handle university and information/ profile of a student’s co-curricular activities. The student’s final school report is also required. This was the first year that many applications were through UAC and has taken a little getting used to .There are other students who have applied to other institutions but we may not necessarily initially be informed of success.

 Yearly Examinations. Year 9 and 10 commenced last week and will finish today. Years 8 – 7 commence tomorrow. Timetables were issued to students and Years 8 /7 should be well into a study routine. As a lead up to exams, Mrs O’ Neill held information nights on How to study and prepare for examinations.

 Equestrian Dinner – The Equestrian dinner will be held this Friday up at Barton House with a BBQ and awards.

 Grease – We are well underway with rehearsals for next year’s production of Grease which will take place in the BMEC. It is a massive undertaking. Rehearsals and prop making will be part of Activities week this year. Also we decided that the PASS camp will take place during this time as well. Students should have received choice sheets for Activities Week.

 Graham Hyman – Graham will be working with our Year 10 students on Thursday 20th November. He will hold a parent seminar the night before (Wednesday 19th). You may recall the P and F did support this activity in the past with a donation to cover costs. More information about the night will follow.


Moved Adopted: Stewart Seconded: Jayne CARRIED

Head of Junior School Report: Read by Stacey Whittaker

P & F Annual General Meeting

11th November 2014

Head of Junior School Report

1. Thank you for the support – a special thank you to the Parents and Friends Association and the Junior School Sub Committee for both the financial support and the community building that they have provided this year. 2. Farewell of two long serving Junior School Staff members – Mr Mark Hines and Mrs Ruth Clements are retiring at the end of the year. Both have made a considerable contribution to the Junior School over many years and will be properly farewelled at a number of functions at the end of the school term.

3. National Curriculum – 2015 will see the implementation of the new National Curriculum in Mathematics and Science and Technology. The Junior School staff have been busy planning for this over the past semester.

4. Junior School Class Teachers for 2015

Pre K 2 Deb Porter Jacinta Rivett (Aide) Pre K 3 Deb Porter Jacinta Rivett (Aide) Pre K 5 Sally Parsons Jane Parkinson (Aide) Kinder Gabrielle Darlington Year 1 Sally Allcorn (Mon – Wed) – Jodie Allen (Wed-Fri) Year 1 Maggie Walsh Year 2 Jo Nicholls Year 3 Phil Cant Year 4 Lisette Hoskins Karen Maher (Aide) Year 5 Kay Murray Year 6 Jodie Shurmer

Moved Adopted: Stacy Seconded: Jayne CARRIED

Junior School P&F Sub Committee Report: 2014 Junior School P&F Chair’s Report 2014 was another great year for the Junior School P&F. We started the year with our picnic on the lawn, which as always was a great success.

The Junior School P&F raised $10,461.90 throughout the year through the following successful activities, picnic on the oval, Cadbury fundraiser, the WAS athletics carnival and also Junior School Trivia night.

We committed $4200.00 for storage cupboards for the 28 new iPad’s (14 for yrs 3&4 and 14 for yrs 5&6)

$3500.00 for an apple TV box for each class that helps the iPad talk to the smart boards.

Due to the restructure next year of the P&F and the closing of the JS P&F bank account we have ensured the remainder of the JS P&F money has been committed towards the purchase of multiple Maths and Science kits to help the children with the new curriculum coming in 2015.

We also made contributions to the Teachers Fund and also towards the Year 6 Val Dinner.

Our Junior School parents were enormous contributors to whole school functions such as the Festival of Art and Spring Fair. In the Junior School our committee has been lucky enough to have an abundance of keen and willing parents who have helped all year – cooking barbecues, baking cakes, manning stalls etc. I would like to thank you all very much.

I would finally like to thank the wonderful girls that make up our committee – Jayne Miller, Michelle Gough, Sharyn Jenkins and Donna Hope. A big thank you also to Mr Chris Jackman and Mrs Leonie Keogh for all their help and support this year.

It has been my pleasure being Chair of the JS P&F for the past 3 years and I wish the incoming committee of 2015 every success.

Mrs Stacey Whittaker (Chair)

Moved Adopted: Stacey Seconded: Mel CARRIED

Boarding P&F Sub Committee Report: Read by Margaret Gaal ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE BOARDING P&F SUB-COMMITTEE


SATURDAY 18th October, 2014



Meeting Open: 11.05

Motion: “That the Minutes from AGM Meeting dated Saturday26th October 2013 be accepted and endorsed as read ”

Moved: Scott Hewitt Seconded: Maree Plummer

Business arising from previous minutes:


President: Scott Hewitt-Canberra

Vice-President: Hayley Bradley-Grenfell

Secretary: Kim Stokes- Nyngan

P&F Representative: Scott Hewitt- Canberra

Meeting closed: 11.23

Moved Adopted: Gavin Seconded: Rosie CARRIED

Spring Fair Report:

Spring Fair 2014

Catriona, Kristie and I are very grateful for the support we received this year, being our first year organising this event.

This year we introduced some new stalls such as Dad’s Corner, hoopla, haunted house, treasure and books and of course the bar.

Dad’s corner was a favourite, the dunking machine and bucking bull proved to be very successful and we look forward to new additions to Dad’s Corner next year. Thank you to the amazing Dads that organised the stall and made it such a fun day.

Kristy and Polly’s hoopla stall looked fabulous and did well for its first year. We have big plans for next year with an Incy Interiors corner for kids. Thank you must also go to Skye who did the last minute run out for more fish. I would like to add we still have ours. Thank you to Bathurst Real Estate for sponsoring the Haunted House. Thank you also to Kristy, Leigh, Jaqui and Jacinta for running the house and setting it up for the day. The little children loved it and we hope it will be bigger and better next year.

We wanted to combine treasure and books, this proved difficult and next year will keep them separated. This stall is massive and we appreciate so very much Christine and Josie’s hard work on this stall.

The bar looked inviting and was for its first year very successful. It was lovely to have so many stall holders enjoy a drink and cheese and biscuits at the end of the day. Some fathers have requested we have some local beer available next year. It will remain an adult’s only area, secured and RSA holders running it. I would like to thank very much Tracey and Margie for all their support and efforts in making the bar a lovely place to be.

The cafes were busy on the day and I would like to thank Fish River Roasters who were amazing! Jayne, Graham, Zoe, Bin and the list goes on. A big thank you must go to Peter for being a barrister for the day.

The Garden stall was beautiful as always! Catriona does an incredible job on a stall that starts being organised a year in advance. I would like to also thank Raelene and Catriona’s mother for their support leading up to the day and on the day.

We appreciated the boarding parents help with setup and the amazing bottle stall. It was lovely to meet a lot of them and have their help.

What can we say about the incredible job done by Lorna, Linda, Kristie and Jayne with the chocolate wheel and chocolate coin toss? They did an incredible job! It looked sensational. Special mention must go Peter Van Rouyan and his new and improved chocolate wheel.

Jo made herself the official Pavlova queen with the stall almost doubling previous years! Thank you Jo!

Peter was a little concerned with his hot chip hat but you wore it well Pete. Next year we will make sure we have double the chips and the fryers. Thank you Pete and all the hot chip helpers. The drink stalls were incredibly successful on a hot day. I would like to thank you Suzie, Claire and Shannon for making sure we didn’t run out and had a successful day.

The BBQ is an enormous job and we would like to acknowledge Rosie’s tireless contribution to the BBQ stall (and the school for that matter). Thank you to all the year 12 parents who supported and helped Rosie on the day.

Deon was amazing at Face Painting. We are so grateful Deon to you for running this stall and making it so successful. The Lolly stall looked incredible and gorgeous! Thank you Nicki and Amanda for making it such a success.

As always the cake stall is a huge job. Lucky we had Olga, Catherine and Linda to help keep it the success it has always been.

I must also thank Michael Goddard for being the knight in shining armour with setup and pack up and Donna Hope who stayed almost until dark on Saturday monitoring Lionel. Chris Jackman for his entertaining microphone skills and raising enough money to get me in the dunking machine. Ian Redpath for giving up his Sunday to be our resident train driver. Felicity for spending her Sunday in the sun looking after everyone in first aid. The equestrian committee for providing such a lovely display of what our school has to offer. The school houses who provided parents and students to run the rides, gate, setup and pack up. The treasury office who did an amazing job particularly Mark Darling and our runners! The music department for displaying the schools talented musicians, choirs and bands. Last but not least Peter, Trevor, Felicity, Melissa and all the workman at the school who provided us with enormous support and help prior to the day and on the day.

Next year some areas that we will be focusing on are:

• More food options, with Al Dente being more involved and the dining hall providing some alternatives. The option of two BBQ’s will be discussed.

• The wrist bands and Eftpos machine will be in a shed and easily accessible with a teacher/parent in charge.

• We are hoping to secure a new ride company. This will mean paying up front and dealing with a professional company from Sydney and getting a bulk deal, which Kristie has secured.

• Kristie and I have discussed purchasing a fairy floss, popcorn and slushy machine for next year.

• Forming a committee earlier and stall coordinators. • I am sure the list will continue…

On a personal note I would like to thank Catriona, Kristie and the committee. As much as it is an enormous job you all made it fun and enjoyable and all contributed in so many ways.

Mel Geyer

Spring Fair Co-Ordinator, 2014

Moved Adopted: Mel Seconded: Kristie CARRIED

Art Show Report:


 Hello Everyone,  I have been involved with the Art Show for a long time now but only in the background doing different tasks. I have never done it from start to finish before. Now I can say I have, and I am really proud of how it turned out this year. I loved every minute of it and it was a great experience.

 I could not have done it without Liz Moller. I value her friendship very much. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK LIZ!!!! Margaret Gaal who I also value her friendship and advice, gave us great support for the art show. Like Liz, Margaret was there all the weekend, looking after all of us. A big squeeze to you both.

 A lot of work goes into the preparation of the art show with writing invitation letters, re-typing the delivery and entry forms to all artists which in total there are over 100 mailings. We always have a lovely number of artists who come back each year with their works being of a very high standard.

 Then we have our great maintenance/cleaning staff who, over many years have brought in all the art boards, tables and chairs, only to take them away again after the event. Putting up black curtains to hide the basketball nets and cleaning the polished floor has become part of their job description for many years now. You only have to ask and it is done. Amazing work, thank you all for your time and patience. Peter would you please pass on my heartfelt thanks to your staff.

 The Saturday before the art show weekend, lovely volunteers of men came and helped put up the boards, which are really quite heavy. Trevor Maher is always first on the scene, thankfully after doing it now for a couple of years he has it down-pat. I would like to thank him and the volunteers who gave up their Saturday morning to help.

 On that same morning Liz and I took delivery of all the art work, so it was quite a busy day.

 I want to thank those volunteers who helped label the artwork and distributed it around to the relevant art boards. Matching the label name to the art work is a very detailed job. When talking about the labels, Gavin has done such a great job over the years entering all the artists’ details from the entry forms on to the computer. Gavin has entered more names onto the computer data base and printed hundreds of labels. More than I care to remember. These labels must match each artist’s work so when they come in on the Saturday we match them all up.

 We were also blessed with great publicity. This was in the capable hands of Michael Hissey and Kath Parnell (who has since left the College). Their great advertisements in the local newspapers and the radio were well received. Not to forget advertising in the school’s Vim and Revelations.

 To Bob Poole for giving up his time to take photos on opening night and over the weekend, he has put the Art Show on the Things To Do Calender of Bathurst. Thank you Mr Poole. I must also mention Cherylene Anderson as she has always been there to help me. I appreciate your efforts.  The support from the Western Advocate in the Snapshot Photos this year was fantastic. It was great to see the lovely reporters and photographers coming in and writing interviews and stories about the artists who were displaying their work at our college.

 We were absolutely amazed at the crowds that came through the doors on the Friday evening as well as all over the weekend. They were standing at the door ready to come in before opening time, especially on the Sunday. The beautiful people from the Bathurst community have always been great supporters of the Art Show. I cannot thank them enough for their patronage this year.

 We had lovely support with music from Mrs McLeod and her students on the Friday evening, showing off the college’s beautiful talent.

 We were privileged to have Mrs Fudeko Reekie give a lovely speech on her history with the college as well as opening the art show.

 We were very thankful to have 2 local artists like Ros Rees and Dean Mobbs volunteering their time to hang our art work. This takes a full week and this year we totalled more than 300 pieces.

 We had a lovely raffle this year with great prizes. All prizes were kindly donated. We were given one painting from Dean Mobbs and one from Fudeko Reekie. 2BS generously donated a weekend away for two at Shoal Bay Resort, and Fudeko Reekie gave two beautifully hand painted silk scarves. Thank you for your kind generosity.

 A BIG thank you to Felicia Shannon. Felicia was maitre de of the RT Café and cooked up a wide range of delicious foods for the Friday night and over the weekend. To all the parents who volunteered their time in cooking beautiful cakes and slices and who helped serve the food over the weekend a BIG THANK YOU.

 To Melissa Wilson, Mark Darling and Gavin Douglas you worked tirelessly in the back room looking after the sales and money. They were cooped up for two full days but we did let them out every now then to get food and drink. I cannot thank you enough.

 To Heather Cozens and her bartenders who did a great job looking after the bar on the Friday night. Thank you to all.

 The boarding boys who directed traffic and guided the patrons to the art show, great job. Hope you enjoyed the pizza snack afterwards.

 Thank you Min McClelland for bringing in the lovely water feature and plants which put the final touches to the art show.  To all the lovely volunteers who came and helped at the front desk, greeting people and taking their money. Thank you.

 Also, to the people who helped pack up on the Sunday afternoon, this was a huge job. Taking down the boards and stacking them against the wall, shifting tables and chairs, and amongst all that the artists were coming in to collect their unsold artwork, as well as the people coming to collect their purchases. I can honestly say it was chaos, but organised chaos. Everybody was great and kept a level head.

 Last but not least I would like to thank all the artists who participated in the show with their works. Some of the artists even came and had a look over the weekend themselves. We could not have had an art show without these great artists.

 Can I say since the art show finished I have had numerous calls from new artists who would like to show next year. YAHOO!!!!!!

 Thank you to Dr Miller, the College, and the P & F for entrusting myself and Liz with the 2014 Art Show.

Rosie Bayliss

Art Show Co-ordinator


Moved Adopted: Rosie Seconded: Tracey CARRIED

General Business

 Contribution to Refurbishment of college clinic Discussion regarding the P&F’s contribution of $85 000.00 to the refurbishment of the college clinic. An over view of the design including a sound proof room was discussed. Peter thanked the P&F for the donation. Motion: “The P&F contribute $85 000.00 to the refurbishment of the College Clinic” Moved Adopted: Margaret Seconded: Rosie CARRIED

 Fundraising Committee Fundraising Committee discussed briefly and the responsibilities tabled. Establishment of committee to be discussed at the next general meeting.

 ASC Pool Mel asked Peter what the progress on the repair of the pool. Peter reported that the pool technicians had been to inspect the pool. They have suggested a way to fix the pool temporarily until major capital works are undertaken. Swimming events will be held at other schools in Bathurst. Negotiations are under way with Stannies for the use of their swimming facilities. More information later when plans are finalised.

 Rides for Spring Fair A new company has been sourced to provide the rides for the Spring Fair next year. The company is called ACE Attractions and will travel to Bathurst. A deposit is required to secure the booking for the Fair of $2650.00. Motion : “That the P&F pay the deposit of $2650.00 to secure ACE Attractions for the Spring Fair.” Moved Adopted: Mel Seconded: Jayne CARRIED  Art Show Dates Stewart noted that the 2015 calendar has different dates listed for the Art Show. Stewart to confirm and report to the next meeting.

 Presidents Message Margaret gave her best wishes for the incoming committee. She asked that they reserve their discussions for the meetings and not the car park. She asked that any outgoing correspondence be submitted to the Head of College before being sent out and provided a copy of the constitution for the new committee.

Election of Office Bearers for 2015: All positions declared vacant Dr Miller took Chair for the election.

• President Jayne Miller • Vice-President Stacey Whittaker • Secretary Sharyn Jenkins • Treasurer Mark Darling • Art Show Co-Ordinator Rosie Bayliss • Spring Fair Co-Ordinator Mel Coote Geyer • Foundation Representative Rosie Bayliss • Boarding Representative Scott Hewitt

Meeting Closed: 7.59pm Next Meeting: AGM 10 November 2015 General Meeting 10 February 2015 All Saints’ College P&F Tuesday 10 November 2015 Head of College Report

General matters

1. School Zone on Eglinton Road – it has been confirmed there will be a 40km/h School Zone in front of the College on Eglinton Road. We have two entrances (one for pedestrians and one for motor vehicles). The RMS has undertaken an extensive survey before approving this change. The time frame is not clear but flashing lights will not be installed until sometime later 2016

2. Simplot land lease – we are in the final stages of confirming a lease arrangement with Simplot for the land facing Eglinton Road adjoining the College (eastern fence line). The land has been recently re-fenced by Simplot but it needs tidying up. The land can be used to assist the provision of the Agriculture programme and possible equestrian activities. This is an exciting extension of our footprint.

3. Congratulations P&F Executive – thank you very much for the support for our College and all that has been achieved. It has been a very productive year due to the ability of the Executive to bring people together for a wonderful year of functions and activities. Most activities raised funds but all provided opportunities for the College community to become stronger.

4. 2016 Enrolments – the student population will stabilise in 2016. Each Year group in the Senior School remains comfortably over 50 students. The Junior School population is stable at around 140 (K-6).

5. End of Year Activities - a. Infants Thanksgiving Service – Friday 20 November b. Year 6 Valedictory Dinner – Friday 20 November c. College Foundation AGM – Wednesday 2 December (3:45pm Richardson Library) d. Christmas Carols Service – Wednesday 2 December d.1. Junior School at 5:30pm - All Saints’ Cathedral d.2. Senior School at 7:00pm - All Saints’ Cathedral e. Junior School Presentation Day – Thursday 4 December (9:00am Bickerdike) f. Senior School Presentation Day – Thursday 4 December (1:00pm Bickerdike) 6. Thank you – many thanks to the P&F for the enormous support provided to the College in the years I have been Head of College. I am forever grateful for the contributions of the volunteers who build our school community and sustain it with such passion.


Valedictory Dinner – The dinner which celebrates the end of 13 years of schooling for Year 12 was held on the 17th September. It was a fitting ending for our HSC students and the evening was enjoyed by all. Earlier in the day, we also celebrated the Year 12s end to school as well as the role that the Benefactors have played in the formation of ASC and the investiture of the new Prefects.

Sports Dinners – Rugby, Netball and Hocket held presentation dinners at the conclusion of Term 3. Players and coaches were recognised for their contribution to the season.

HSC Major works – We have just recently been informed that Gabby Mitton work has been nominated for Art Express. While there is not guarantee that the art work will make the final selection, just to be nominated is a great achievement. Particular thanks must go Fiona Hayward. She regularly has students nominated.

Early entry to University – We have received information from UNE that 4 of our students have gained early entry into courses of their choosing. We have had around 23 students make an application through UAC for other Universities through the SRS scheme which requires information from myself on a student’s ability to handle university and information/ profile of a student’s co-curricular activities. The final school report is also required. Some other universities have their own schemes. This is a growth industry.

Orientation Day Our K -12 Orientation Day took place last Friday with most of the 2016 Year 7s present and a number of other studnets from other years also attending. There was a presentation to parents and students enjoyed a class lesson, dodgeball, an ASC style treasure hunt and finished with chapel. Thank you to Mr Hissey and Mrs Ellery for organising the day. For our new Year 7s, the day is part of our “Stepping into Year 7” program.

Yearly Exams . Year 9 and 10 concluded their exams today and Years 8 – 7 start tomorrow.. A copy of the Year 8 – 7 timetable can be found on our web.

Equestrian Dinner – A dinner and awards night will be held for both the junior and senior students who have represented the school in equestrian events this Friday. Thanks must go to Mr Whitfeld for its organisation

Farewell to Dr Miller – A reminder that a cocktail party is planned for aDr Miller on Friday 27th. Please RSVP to reception.


10/11/15 P & F Annual General Meeting

10th November 2015

Head of Junior School Report

1. Wish List – as requested the Junior School staff have provided a number of items that they would like the P & F to purchase if possible. A significant item/project on the list is a structure in the Pre Kinder play area which will utilise the slippery dip that Liz Rolfe donated to the school when she retired.

2. Junior School P & F Sub Committee – This has been the first year without a Junior School sub- committee. I feel we have lost a significant community building opportunity by losing this group. If it is not re-instated then something needs to be provided that gives Junior School parents the opportunity to be more involved.

3. I would like to thank all members of the P & F for their support in 2015.

4. Staffing for 2016

Pre K 2 and 3 Deb Porter and Jacinta Rivett

Pre K 5 Sally Parsons and Jane Parkinson

Kindergarten Gabrielle Darlington

Year 1 Maggie Walsh

Year 2 Jo Nicholls

Year 3 Jodie Allen

Year 4 Lisette Hoskins

Year 5 Kay Murray

Year 6 Jodie Shurmer

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