Member of the Year Contest

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Member of the Year Contest


Suggestions for Completing an Application

1. A copy of the Member of the Year application must be filled out neatly and accurately. The application should cover only the past four (4) years of membership.

2. A story of the Young Farmer’s development toward establishment in farming must include the following:

a. How you started your farming program b. Explanation of the trade agreement over the years (what was furnished by each party involved and how returns were divided) c. Description of the things that have contributed to your success d. Description of any problems, misfortunes, or hardships encountered in the years you have been farming

3. A story of how the applicant has contributed to the establishment of a home. It should include:

a. Your present family responsibilities b. A description of the farmhouse c. Improvements made to the farmhouse, lawn and surroundings d. Any other information contributing to your present status

4. A description of any honors received (Rural Leadership, Jaycees Outstanding Young Farmer, Farm Bureau’s Outstanding Young Farmer, etc.) what the award was based upon, and year received.

5. Section A Class Instruction - To be completed by the Vo Ag Instructor.

Section B Four (4) year participation in leadership development activities other than YFA - List participation (offices held, committees served on, other leadership roles) in farm classes, farm organizations, civic organizations, school, church, or community.

Section B-1 Ten (10) year leadership participation in Young Farmer Activities.

Section C Present Farm Program - List crops and livestock in this year’s farming operation. Do not place a value on crops being grown at the present time nor on any livestock born or purchased after January 1 of the present year.

Section D Significant changes or practices carried out in the farming program (4 years) - List such as: land improvements (tiling, clearing, etc.) and new production practices carried out. MEMBER OF THE YEAR CONTEST RULES KENTUCKY YOUNG FARMER ASSOCIATION

Sponsored by:

Farm Credit System, Challenger Division of Whayne Supply Cat and Kentucky Touchstone Energy Cooperatives

1. The applicant shall be in good standing in the Kentucky Young Farmer Association.

2. The candidate must have been a member in good standing in the Kentucky Young Farmer Association for four (4) consecutive years.

3. The four (4) year period shall end April 15 of the current year.

4. The candidate must have received the State Young Farmer Degree or be a candidate for the Degree.

5. The candidate’s farm records shall be available to support the application. It is suggested that the applicant use the Kentucky Farm and Home Record Book or other comparable farm and home record book.

6. The application shall include a descriptive story of his/her development toward establishment in farming. (See attached suggestions for writing the story.)

7. Each young farmer chapter shall be eligible to nominate one candidate annually.

8. Each vocational agriculture region shall select one candidate.

9. The State Winner shall be selected from the regional finalists by a state committee.

10. The applications of nominees should be mailed to the State Advisor by April 15th.

11. A member is ineligible for the contest after being selected state winner.

12. The following criteria shall be used by the judges:

a. Progress the nominee has made toward establishment in farming 40% b. Progress the nominee has made toward establishment of a home 10% c. Nominee’s participation in young farmer (YFA) activities 30% d. Other leadership activities 10% e. Neatness and accuracy of farm records 10%

13. Interpretations of rules by the Kentucky Executive Committee shall be final.

14. Regional candidates shall be present at the state meeting to receive the award. A reasonable explanation for absence may be accepted by the Kentucky YFA Committee.

15. Non-agricultural income will be identified but not considered in the judging process.


Name Age

Chapter Yrs. in YFA Region

Address Street/Route/Box City Zip Phone Number

Years Farming Grade Completed in School

Spouse’s Name

Parents’ Name

Farming Status of Parents

Children’s Names and Ages

Activity Records A. Class Instruction

YEAR COURSE INSTRUCTION Record of Attendance and Supervision Intensive Monthly Number of Visits

B. Four (4) Year Participation in Leadership Development Activities Other than YFA

Year Activity Participation (Officer, Chairman, etc.) MEMBER OF THE YEAR CONTEST PAGE 2

B-1. Ten (10 Year Leadership Participation in Young Farmer Activities

List all years Activity Level of Participation participated Loc. Reg. St. Nat.

Farming Program Records

C. Present Farming Program

Enterprise Acres or Head Percent Ownership

Explain Trade Agreement:


D. Significant Changes or Practices Carried Out in the Farm Program (4 Years)

Year Significant Practice Scope MEMBER OF THE YEAR CONTEST PAGE 4

Farming Program Summary

Farm Receipts & Farming Earnings (Round off figure to the closest $1.00)

Enterprises Total Your Your Your Total Your Non- Scope Percent-age Total Expenses Net Agricultural Year_____ Size Share Income Income Income $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ Totals for this year

$ $ $ $ Year_____ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ Totals for this year MEMBER OF THE YEAR CONTEST PAGE 5

$ $ $ $ Year_____ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ Totals for this year

$ $ $ $ Year_____ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ Totals for this year

Comments or notes regarding above information:


Financial Statement as of 4/15/XX

ASSETS...... TOTAL VALUE Land _____ acres at $_____ value/acre (fair cash value)...... $______


Barns Number Tobacco Barns _____...... $______Number Livestock Barns _____...... $______Machinery Buildings...... $______Grain Storage - Number of Bins _____...... $______Other Buildings (Describe ______)...... $______Tenant Houses...... $______Other Improvements or land-based assets (Describe ______)...... $______House (Your Dwelling)...... $______

Machinery & Equipment:

Tractor(s) - Number on Hand ______...... $______Kind & Size (Describe) ______Combine(s) Number on Hand ______...... $______Kind & Size ______Truck(s) Pickups ______...... $______Large Trucks ______...... $______Other Machinery & Equipment ______...... $______

Grain in Storage...... $______Feed...... $______Market Livestock Kind: ______Number Head ______...... $______Breeding Livestock Kind: ______Number Head ______...... $______Seed...... $______Other Supplies on Hand...... $______Cash (on hand and in bank)...... $______Stocks, Bonds, IRA’s (present value)...... $______Life Insurance (cash value & accumulated dividends (Do not include face value)...... $______Accounts Receivable...... $______Other Property...... $______Other Assets (non ag-related personal property such as cars, household, etc.)...... $______Total Assets...... $______MEMBER OF THE YEAR CONTEST PAGE 7

LIABILITIES: Principal & Interest Payment Per Year Mortgages on Real Estate $______...... $______Farm Machinery Loans $______...... $______Livestock Loans $______...... $______Other Notes to be Paid $______...... $______Interest Due...... $______Accounts Payable...... $______Rent or Leases Due...... $______Taxes (Property, income, etc.) Due...... $______Total Liabilities...... $______

NET WORTH: Assets $______minus Liabilities $______equals...... $______

Young Farmer Signature Date Submitted

Agriculture Instructor

Due August 1st.

Mail to: Bruce Metzger, KY YFA Advisor, KCTCS, 300 North Main Street, Versailles, KY 40383

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