Junior Trip to Fredericton and Gagetown

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Junior Trip to Fredericton and Gagetown

01 Oct 15

OPERATIONS ORDER 02/15 Junior trip to Fredericton and Gagetown


The Sqn is committed to enhancing the cohesiveness and esprit de corps of the cadets. Level one and two cadets have limited knowledge of the program and as such may not have obtained the needed experience in a practical sense to fully appreciate what the program can offer.


Members of the Sqn staff will accompany level one and two cadets on a trip to Fredericton, NB and CFB Gagetown the weekend of 21-22 November 2015. Along with completing various PO/EOs, listed in annex A, the cadets will be exposed to a broader sense of what the cadet program is in a practical setting.

3. EXECUTION a. General Outline

Level one/two cadets and their parents/guardians will be informed of the trip and will be required to complete a consent form prior to departure. The OPI (Office of Primary Interest) will liaise with the ACO (A) in Gagetown and arrange with outside agencies for transportation, accommodations, meals, and suitable tours. The trip will be conducted to familiarize cadets with Provincial Government, National Defence, and other areas of interest in the areas to be visited. b. Tasks and Timings

(1) The Sqn sponsoring committee will be briefed and a letter of support obtained ASAP, see copy at annex B.

(2) An information package will be prepared and submitted to the ACO (A) NLT than four weeks prior to departure by the OPI. Once submitted the OPI will liaise with the ACO (A) to confirm availability of required service support.

(3) Cadets to be notified and a letter of consent provided NLT three weeks prior to departure. This letter of consent (see annex C) must be returned to Sqn staff NLT one week prior to departure. This letter of consent will also include a list of items to bring for the cadets. A final briefing will be conducted by the OPI with the cadets and parents/guardians one week prior to departure.

(4) The trip will be conducted as indicated in annex D.

(5) An after action report will be provided to the Sqn sponsoring committee NLT two weeks after completion of the trip.


a. Participants will be traveling by bus requested through the cadet detachment in Gagetown. b. Participants will be staying in military accommodations at the Argonaut Cadet Camp.

c. Dinner on the first day and breakfast/lunch on the second day will be planned to happen at the Argonaut Cadet Camp dining hall. Lunch on the first day will be provided by the Sqn in Fredericton, the cost for this meal will be submitted for reimbursement IAW mandatory training allotments.

d. Tours at CFB Gagetown, based on availability and unit participation to consist of:

(1) 403 Sqn, if possible with familiarization flights in CH-146 Griffon helicopter. (2) Military History Museum (3) Combat arms unit (TBD)

e. Any medical concerns will be handled by the OPI. There is a first aid kit on the bus and officers are trained in emergency/standard first aid. Once on base, medical issue not covered on site will be referred to base medical staff. A list of all participants Medicare numbers, allergy/medical instructions, and emergency contact information will be readily available to trip staff.

f. The OPI will ensure there is sufficient funds available to cover expenses (entrance to events and lunch on day one), if required an advance will be obtained from the sponsoring committee prior to departure. The total expenditure is estimated to be $500 or less.


a. Maj Peter Hebert will be the OPI in charge of the exercise; he can be contacted at (506) 871- 8742 if there are any questions. Capt Leblanc will be the female chaperon.

b. Registered participants will be emailed NLT 2000hrs Friday, 20 November 2015 if the trip is to be postponed or cancelled. Information will also be included on the Sqn website.

c. Parents/guardians will be called by the cadets 30 minutes prior to arrival back at the drop off location.

Peter Hebert Major Commanding Officer

ANNEXES Annex A – List of PO/EO covered on trip Annex B – Copy of Sponsoring Committee letter of support Annex C – Letter of consent including: medical information, emergency contact, and kit list Annex D – Trip Itinerary

DISTRIBUTION LIST OPI Exercise Officers and Participants ACO/ACA File ANNEX A to OP Order 02/15 List of PO/EO covered on trip

PO X40 – Participate in Aerospace activities PO X36 – Identify Meteorological Conditions M240.01 – Explore Current Advancements in Aerospace Technology M436.01 – Explain Winds C436.02 – Describe Severe Weather Conditions M440.01 – Identify Aerospace Materials C540.01 – Reflect of Canada’s Contribution to Aerospace Technology

PO X01 – Identify the role of an Environmentally Conscious Canadian Citizen C201.02 – Tour a Provincial Political Institution C201.05 – Participate in a Presentation by a Government Representative C301.01 – Discuss the 3 branches of the Canadian Government

PO X20 – Participate in CF Familiarization Activities PO X30 – Participate in Aviation Activities PO X60 – Participate in Aerodrome Operations Activities M120.01 – Discuss the roles of the CF M120.02 – Discuss Opportunities in the CF C120.01 – Participate in a Presentation by a Member of the CF C120.02 – Tour a CF Installation or Unit M121.01 – Discuss Aviation Opportunities C260.03 – Participate in a Presentation given by an Employee of an Aerodrome M320.01 – Describe the Role of Canada’s Air Force C320.01 – Discuss CF Careers in Aviation C320.02 – Tour a Canadian Forces Facility C320.03- Participate in a Presentation given by a Guest Speaker of a Local Air Force Unit C331.05 – Participate in a Presentation given by a Guest Speaker from the Local Aviation Community

PO X20 – Participate in CF Familiarization Activities PO X30 – Discuss Aviation History M120.01 – Discuss the roles of the CF M120.02 – Discuss Opportunities in the CF M230.01 – Discuss Aircraft Flown During WWI WWII M230.02 – Discuss Significant Event in 20th Century Canadian Military History M320.01 – Describe the role of Canada’s Air Force C420.02 – Identify Honours and Awards of the CF ANNEX B to OP Order 02/15

Sponsoring Committee Letter of Support ANNEX C to OP Order 02/15 Letter of consent and kit list

To parents/guardians: please return this form filled in and signed to the Unit.


1. To parents/guardians of cadets who are participating in the trip to Fredericton, NB and CFB Gagetown between 21 and 22 November 2015.

2. The purpose of this letter is to formally advise you of details of this trip and make you aware of the roles, responsibilities and liability of the Air (Navy) Cadet League, the Department of National Defence/Canadian Forces, cadets and yourself. Your signature at the end of this letter will indicate that you have read and understood this letter and accept the conditions and risks to your son/daughter/ward and yourself under which this trip is being conducted.


3. Within the Canadian Cadet program, this activity is NOT part of the normal training program and is described as an "Optional Activity" not funded by the Department of National Defence/Canadian Forces. Cadet attendance is voluntary only and failure to attend has no effect on a cadet's career, promotion or selection for other training opportunities.

4. As an "Optional Activity," the Department of National Defence/Canadian Forces neither sponsors this activity nor provides support for it. The local sponsoring committee that supports the squadron is the official sponsor for this activity.


5. Within the Canadian Forces (CF):

a. only an officer of the Cadet Instructor Cadre may be appointed as an officer in charge of Royal Canadian Air (Sea) Cadets; and

b. only appropriately trained CF Regular and Reserve personnel and Civilian Instructors (CIs) are authorized to supervise Royal Canadian Air (Sea) Cadets.

For this activity, the official escorts are:

- Major Peter Hebert (Officer in Charge) and other Sqn staff members.

6. It is government policy to indemnify and provide legal assistance to members of the CF (which includes officers of the CIC) and CIs for certain risks arising from the performance of their duties, including the supervision and escorting of cadets if:

a. they acted honestly;

0 b. they did not act maliciously;

1 c. they worked within the normal scope of their duties and responsibilities; and

2 d. they met reasonable departmental expectations in the performance of their duties. ACTIVITIES AND ITINERARY

7. A detailed itinerary for this trip is attached. It outlines daily activities, locations, methods of transportation and accommodations that will be used.


8. In accordance with cadet policies, cadets are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages or using illegal drugs. If these rules are broken, the following may occur:

0 a. the cadet may be sent home at the parent's/guardian's expense;

1 b. the cadet may be prohibited from taking part in any further trip activities;

2 c. the cadet may lose cadet training and cadet membership privileges; and

3 d. if injured while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, medical insurance MAY NOT apply and any resulting expenses could be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.


9. Cadets shall have the following documentation in their possession before leaving home:

0 a. their provincial health card. (A photocopy of the card or its number written down could be refused by medical facilities who may see it as inadequate proof of identification)


10. The supervising officers will be travelling with over-the-counter medications that may be administered if necessary and with prior parent’s/guardian’s consent. Only the officer in charge or another designated officer will administer these medications. Dosage instructions will be followed as per package instructions. On the consent form below, parents/guardians are requested to initial if they agree or disagree to have certain medications administered to their son/daughter/ward during the course of the trip.

11. Prescribed medications MUST be carried by the cadet in a pharmacy-labelled bottle with current doctor's orders clearly typed. Your son/daughter/ward should bring only enough medication for the trip (plus a little extra in case of spillage).

12. Medical Alert Bracelets. Please arrange for your son/daughter/ward to wear a medical alert bracelet as recommended by your physician or pharmacist for life threatening allergies or for complicated medical conditions. Complicated or multiple issues may require a written, detailed explanation be kept on the cadet's person while travelling, in case he or she is separated from the escorts. WAIVER OF CLAIMS, ASSUMPTION OF RISKS AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT

13. By my signature, I, ______(print full name), the parent or legal guardian of ______(print full name), a member of the Royal Canadian Air (or Sea) Cadets, realizing the potential hazards associated with traveling away from the cadet squadron locality and taking part in cadet activities and training, on behalf of myself and him/her (cross out non applicable), and my and his/her (cross out non applicable) heirs, devisees, successors, assigns, executors and administrators, in consideration of him/her (cross out non applicable) being permitted to participate in a trip to Fredericton and CFB Gagetown, NB, between 21-22 November 2015, including activities related to this trip, hereby:

0 a. acknowledge having read the terms and conditions of this optional activity not funded by the Department of National Defence and indicate my understanding and acceptance;

1 b. give the officer in charge or other designated officer permission to authorize emergency medical treatment if required for my son/daughter/ward;

2 c. waive all claims of any nature or kind whether in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise, against Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, Her officers, servants, agents, employees and members of Her Canadian Forces and the Air Cadet League its officers, servants, agents, employees and members, all in their employment and private capacities, in any manner arising out of, based upon, occasioned by or attributable to the activities of them, including negligence on their part, or any action taken or things done or maintained by virtue thereof;

3 d. having determined that the activities involve potential hazards and may result in physical harm and wishing in any event him/her (cross out non applicable) to carry out the activity voluntarily assume any risks that may be associated with the activity;

4 e. at all times indemnify and save harmless Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, Her officers, servants, agents, employees and members of Her Canadian Forces and the Air Cadet League its officers, servants, agents, employees and members from and against all claims and demands, loss, costs, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, or other proceedings by whomsoever made, brought, or prosecuted in a manner, related to any loss, property damage, personal injury or death, resulting from, occasioned by or attributable in any way to his/her (cross out non applicable) presence on this trip; and

5 f. covenant that I will not commence or maintain against any person, any action or proceeding which will give rise to a claim against Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, Her officers, servants, agents, employees and members of Her Canadian Forces and the Air Cadet League its officers, servants, agents, employees and members for contribution or indemnity.

Signature of parent/guardian: ______

Signature of witness: ______


During this activity, there may be occasions where it is necessary for the escort officers to contact parents/guardians. Please provide business, home and alternate contact phone numbers and names that can be used throughout the duration of this trip.

Name Relationship Phone Number Other Phone Number




14. Parents/Guardians are requested to initial if they agree or disagree to have the medications listed below administered if necessary by the officer in charge or other designated officer to their son/daughter/ward during the course of the trip.

TYLENOL 325 mg tablets for pain or fever will be administered according to package directives.

Agree: ______Disgree: ______(initial applicable)

IBUPROPHEN tablets for pain relief, muscle pain and to reduce fever will be administered according to package directives.

Agree: ______Disgree: ______(initial applicable)

GRAVOL 50 mg tablets for travel nausea will be administered according to package directives.

Agree: ______Disgree: ______(initial applicable)

DIPHENHYDRAMINE (Benadryl) for symptoms of allergic rhinitis, motion sickness and insect bites and stings will be administered according to package directives.

Agree: ______Disgree: ______(initial applicable)

ROBITUSSIN DM syrup for cough suppression will be administered according to package directives.

Agree: ______Disgree: ______(initial applicable)

15. Cadets travelling with prescription drugs are requested to list them below.

Prescribed Medication Reason ______16. Cadets are requested to provide a list of their known allergies.

______Kit List – This is a suggested list only (uniform, if issued with one, is MANDATORY).

1. Uniform, including shirt and tie, tunic, etc... Don’t forget your belt and boots! 2. Underwear 3. Socks (civilian + cadet) 4. Running shoes and/or casual shoes 5. One set of civilian clothing (i.e. no jeans or t-shirt if at all possible) 6. Sports clothes for gym 7. Pajamas, gym pants, etc… for evening. 8. Shoe polish, kiwi cloth 9. Towel 10. Facecloth 11. Toothbrush and toothpaste 12. Other toiletries 13. Pillow (if you want one for the bus and to sleep with) 14. Book, board game, etc… 15. MP3 player, iPod – These are for the when riding on the bus and in the evening only. Please don’t spend your vacation with headphones on your head! 16. Camera, film or memory card(s), batteries, charger, etc… If you wish to share your photos, we can copy them and post them on the Sqn website. 17. Spending money – It is a full itinerary so there will be very limited opportunities to shop, you can bring some money for this, just in case. All meals, activities, and accommodations will already be covered. 18. Medications, if any – please turn these in to the officer in charge of medications. They should be in the original bottles with a pharmacy label. Bring just enough for the trip plus for an extra few days in case you drop some. 19. Cell phone and charger (optional see point 15 above) 20. Etc… Anything else you can think of that you might need. 21. Medicare card – Bring the original. Photocopies will not be accepted at some clinics or hospitals. You will not be allowed on the bus if you do not have your actual Medicare card. Make sure you look after it while on the trip, the staff will not be responsible for lost cards. ANNEX D to OP Order 02/15 Parents/Guardians – Please keep this page at home for your information

Planned Itinerary for the Trip (subject to change)

Accommodations – Cadets will be staying at CFB Gagetown. Transportation – All transportation will be on a coach bus. Locations – All activities will take place in the city of Fredericton or on the Base at Gagetown.

Itinerary (subject to change)

Saturday – 21 November 2015 0800hrs Depart Moncton (Base Gym) In uniform, shirt and tie 0945hrs Arrive in Fredericton 1000-1145hrs Sciences East 1200-1245hrs Lunch in Fredericton 1300-1400hrs NB Legislature tour 1430-1630hrs Tour of 403 Squadron (possible Familiarization flights) 1645hrs Check into Argonaut Barracks and assign rooms to cadets 1700-1800hrs Supper at Argonaut mess hall 1830-2030hrs Military History Museum 2030-2230hrs Free time 2230-2300hrs Lights Out

Sunday – 22 November 2015 0730-0815hrs Breakfast at Argonaut mess hall 0830-1015 Rock climbing wall and team sports 1030-1115hrs Pack and clean 1130-1230hrs Lunch at Argonaut mess hall 1300-1400hrs Tour of base fire hall 1400hrs Depart for Moncton 1545-1615hrs Parental Pick-up (CFB Moncton Gym)

Emergency Contact Information

In the event that there is an urgent need to contact a cadet or an officer on the trip, you may contact:

Major Peter Hebert Cell Phone: (506) 871-8742

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