Christmas Cloze Fill in the blanks with words from the box: checks nice sing fills naughty beard Boxing Eve North Pole decorate elves workshop lap baked turkey lights cards presents under chimney sleigh holiday reindeer family coal toys merry spirit

Christmas: Christmas is a ______when people get together with ______. People give ______to each other or send ______wishing each other a ______Christmas. At Christmas, people ______carols to get into the Christmas ______. As well, people ______Christmas trees and put up ______around the house. A common Christmas dinner is ______. There are also lots of ______goodies for the kids. Christmas begins on the day before Christmas, or Christmas ______and continues until ______Day, when many people go shopping for sales.

Santa Claus: Santa Claus is an old man with a white ______that lives at the ______. Children sit on Santa’s ______and tell him what they want for Christmas. Santa ______his list to see if the children have been ______or ______. If the children are bad Santa brings them ______. If the children are good Santa brings them ______. The toys are made in Santa’s ______by ______. Santa travels around the world in his ______, which is pulled by flying ______. When he stops at a house, he goes down the ______and puts presents ______the tree and then he ______the stockings.

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