Matching Quiz #1 – Chapters 1 & 2

Match the following terms on the left to their descriptions on the right.

_____ 1. spinal cavity a. membrane lining the abdominopelvic cavity

_____ 2. ventral b. organs

_____ 3. molecule c. diffusion of water molecules

_____ 4. viscera d. contains carbon and hydrogen

_____ 5. peritoneum e. powerhouse of the cell

_____ 6. mitochondrion f. toward the front

_____ 7. electron g. negative charge

_____ 8. base pair h. contains the spinal cord

_____ 9. organic compound i. cytosine – guanine

_____ 10. cilia j. transports lipids or carbohydrates

_____ 11. amino acids k. two or more atoms bonded together

_____ 12. osmosis l. create currents at the cell surface

_____ 13. ATP m. cellular engulfment of solid particles

_____ 14. phagocytosis n. high energy bonds

_____ 15. smooth endoplasmic o. build proteins reticulum