DRESSAGE CHAMPIONSHIPS INSTRUCTIONS TO SCORERS, ETC 1. Stewards will bring completed dressage sheets to ‘A’ only (there may be a need for a backup, if sheets come in spasmodically.) 2. “A’ will check to ensure that the sheet has been completed in all respects (i.e. each movement, collective, has a legible mark, faults penalties are entered, if any and that the sheet has been signed.) If NOT complete, a photocopy is to be taken and the original is to be returned to the judge concerned to complete. The photocopy is held by “A”, marked as to its incomplete details, and on return of the original (amended), is to be filed. 3. Fully-completed originals are to be passed to “B” who will photocopy all sheets, keeping the photocopies separate from the originals. 4. “B” will be responsible for the distribution as follows: - a) originals-to “C, D, E” for strip listing etc (refer para 6) and b) photocopies to DRD for entering into the computer (refer para 8) 5. Finally (for “A”) a schedule is to be marked off indicating the dressage sheets received and passed through to the scorers. 6. There will be a team of (up to) 3 persons, “C, D and E” who will be responsible for receiving the original sheets, calculating the collectives, etc strip listing and entering the total on the sheet. The strip list is to be stapled to the top right hand corner (of the sheet). 7. After 6, the total is to be entered on the appropriate “inside sheet” and the original dressage sheet filed by test and age group (in back number order). If at the time of entering on the ‘inside sheet’ the other judges score has already been entered, the total combined is to be calculated and entered. 8. Photocopies of the dressage sheets will be used by DRD to enter individual movement, etc scores into the computer. At the completion of each sheet, F9 is to be depressed to calculate the total for entering on the sheet. 9. The photocopy dressage sheets are to be similarly filed in test and age group- but NOT with the originals. 10. Periodically, the ‘inside sheets’ will be taken for entering scores on the external sheets. 11. Also on a periodic basis the manual and computer produced ‘inside sheets’ will be compared and in the event of a discrepancy(ies) will be investigated by the Technical Delegate and/or the Scorer only. PLEASE NOTE THAT OTHER THAN THE PERSONNEL SCORING (IE DRD, A, B, C, D AND E) AND THE TECHNICAL DELEGATE, NO OTHER PERSON IS TO BE ALLOWED ACCESS TO THE SCORING OFFICE. DRD At the briefing session for the judges and pencillers, it is important to impress on them that before handing dressage sheets to stewards- a) every movement, collective has a legible mark, b) fault penalties are correctly noted, and particularly at the bottom of the sheet (i.e. please insert the points deduction), and c) the sheet is signed. The Scoring Office will be under strict instructions not to accept any sheet that has not been completed in full. In the Scoring Office, we will NOT be making any mark on the sheets, other than entering the total. NOTE: Although not a ‘scoring’ function- the Zone will need to organise runners/stewards to bring the sheets to us!