Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Munis Version 10

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Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Munis Version 10

Module: HR/Payroll Topic: State Specific Reporting - Ohio Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Munis Version 10

1. Objective This document provides instructions for Ohio organizations to produce three reports for the Ohio Department of Education EMIS: Staff Demographics, Staff Employments, and Contractor Staff Employment.

The Ohio Department of Education is the primary resource of EMIS reporting for the state of Ohio. For the most up-to-date information, access their website at Ohio Department of Education.

2. Overview The Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Report program creates the Ohio DOE Staff Demographics, Staff Employment, and Contractor Staff Employment reports. Records are generated and stored as Staff Demographic, Staff Employment and Contractor Staff Employment records based on fiscal year and report period. These records may be adjusted if necessary, and are used as the basis for printed reports and electronic files.

The program has five main functions.  Create the report and electronic file as needed.  Maintain the records for state-specific employee information (state staff information).  Maintain the records for state demographics.  Maintain the records for staff employment.  Maintain the records for contractor staff employment.

3. Prerequisites Before you can successfully use this feature, you must ensure that the necessary settings and codes are in place. If settings and codes are not set up, or not set up correctly, you may need to contact your Munis system administrator or department manager to have them updated or added into the Munis system.

 Education level must be defined for the Degree Code on the PR Employee Education record.  Crosswalk records must be created that allow Munis location codes to convert to state accepted location codes. The crosswalk type is OHB.  The DOE race/ethnicity codes must be entered on the Demographics tab on Employee Master records.  Job class master records must have the State Position box completed with state approved val- ues.  There must be a State Staff Info record for each employee.  There must be Employee Education and Employee Years of Service records for employees.

4. Procedure The OH DOE EMIS Report program generates records to an electronic file as well as a printed report. The Staff Demographics and Staff Employment screens generate period records that are used for reporting as well as allowing maintenance of the period records prior to creating and submitting the

Page 1 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting state file. The Contractor Staff Employment screen allows maintenance of the period records prior to creating and submitting the state file.

To create a report: 5. Open the OH DOE EMIS Report program.

6. Click Define. 7. Select the report processing time from the Execute This Report list. 8. Select the type of report to create from the Report Option list: Staff Demographics, Staff Employ- ment, or Contractor Staff Employment. 9. In the Report Year box, identify the year for which to generate the report. The year is defined as the concluding year of the report period; for example, if the report period is from July 1, 2013, to June 20, 2014, the report year is 2014. 10. From the Report Period list, specify the report period: October or Year End. 11. In the District IRN box, enter the information retrieval number (IRN) for the district submitting the re- port. 12. Use the Location and Org ranges to limit the records included in the report to specific locations, org codes, or both. To include all locations or org codes, leave the default values of blank to all Z’s in the boxes. 13. Click Accept. 14. If the value of the Execute this Report list is Now, click the Print, Preview, PDF, or Text File output buttons to print, view, or save the report; if the value of the Execute This Report list is In Back- ground (now) or At a Scheduled Time, complete the Munis Scheduler screen with processing de- tails.

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15. State Staff Information The State Staff Information screen maintains Ohio state-specific employee information used to gener- ate the staff demographic and staff employment records. Use the ribbon buttons to add, update, or maintain staff data.

State Staff Settings State Staff ID This box contains the unique state ID that matches a staff member's data to EMIS date from previous reporting periods and to the state certification and li- censure database. This identifier format is two-letter, seven-number: XX0000000. This value is included in the Staff Demographics (CI) record. High Quality Professional This list indicates if the employee has participated in high quality professional Development development during the reporting period. This value is included in the Staff Em- ployment record. This value is included in the Staff Employment (CK) record.

To synchronize the employee records in the OH DOE State Staff Information with the employee records in the Employee Master program: 1. Click Synch. The program prompts you to continue. 2. Click Yes to Continue. If there are records in Employee Master that can be added to OH DOE State Staff Information, the program prompts you to add them. 3. Click Yes to continue. If there are employees who have been terminated in Employee Master who can be removed from OH DOE State Staff information, the program displays a remove query message. 4. Click Yes to continue. The program displays a dialog box indicating that the synchronization is complete.

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16. Staff Demographics The Staff Demographic Records option generates and maintains the staff demographic records. These records are based on fiscal year and report period and are used as the basis for reporting.

Use the ribbon buttons to add, update, or maintain demographic data for employees. Use the Education Crosswalk button to access the Global Crosswalks program, where you can maintain cross-reference fields for state-specific and Munis values. Use the Generate button to generate records. The program displays the OH DOE EMIS Staff Generate screen, where you can define the settings for the generate process. Use the Purge button to purge a single record or an active set of records. (This option requires superuser permissions.)

Field Description General Report Settings Fiscal Year This box specifies the fiscal year for which you are creating the report. Report Period This list defines the report period. Employee Education/Experience Education Level This list identifies the highest degree achieved by the employee. This value is specified in the Highest Degree list on the Demographics tab in the Employee Master program. Ohio Department of Education val- ues are:  0-Nondegree  1-Associate  2-Bachelors  3-Masters  4-Education Specialist  5-Doctorate

Page 4 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Field Description  6-Other  7-Less than High School Diploma  8-High School Diploma  9-GED Diploma Since local districts may have more detailed values than what the state allows, a crosswalk provides data association. The value reported defaults to what is returned from Employee Education’s most recent graduation degree if no crosswalk value is found. The crosswalk type for this is OHE. Semester Hours This box specifies the total number of credit hours of recognized college training the employee has completed. When the record is generated, this is reported as the sum of the values specified in the Credits Earned field for each record for this employee in the Em- ployee Education program. Early Childhood Education Qualifica-This list identifies how the teacher instructing an Early Childhood tions Education Entitlement program meets the requirements under 3301-37-04 or 3301.311. When the record is generated, the value is set by whether the employee is a teacher and if the training they have received as a teacher qualifies them for the specified require- ments. Any value other than *-Not Applicable, which is the default value, is specified as follows:  The employee record must include a primary job class value on the Main tab in the Employee Master program;  This primary job class, as defined in the Job Class Master program, must have the Teacher check box selected.  At least one of the employee's records in the Employee Education program must have an Area Code 2 value within the range specified in the Staff Demographics Generate Options screen, which serve as indicators of an approved related field. For the value reported:  A blank Graduation Date value in the Employee Education program indicates the education is still in progress; otherwise, the date indicates completion of training.  If multiple employee records in the Employee Education program indicate training of the employee in approved related fields, the highest degree, either achieved or being worked toward, will be reported.  The degree level reports (achieved or in progress) is reported based on the use of the Degree Code box in the Employee Education program. The values used to report for Associates, Bachelors, and Masters or above degrees must match those in the Education Level list.

Valid options as specified by the Ohio DOE are as follows:  Not applicable  1 Associate’s in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or approved related field

Page 5 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Field Description  2 Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or approved related field  3 Enrolled in an Associate’s degree program in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or Approved Related Field  4 Enrolled in an Bachelor’s degree program in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or Approved Related Field  5 Enrolled in a Master’s or higher degree program in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or Approved Related Field  6 Master’s or higher degree program in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or Approved Related Field Authorized Teaching Experience This box identifies the total years of authorized teaching experi- Years ence. This does not include teaching service in a college, universi- ty, or related institution such as the Peace Corps. When data is generated, this is calculated by subtracting the value of the In-State box in the Employee Years of Service program from the value of the Overall box in that program. This is only calculated for those employees whose primary job class specified in the Employee Master program is defined as teacher. Total Experience Years in EducationThis box identifies the total years of certified/licensed educational ser- vice (authorized and unauthorized) in public elementary schools, sec- ondary schools, colleges, universities, and any other public or non- public educational institution. The default value is the value entered in the Authorized Teaching Experience Years box, but you can change this. Valid options are 00 to 99. Employee Attendance Attendance Days This box specifies the total number of days the staff member was in attendance during the period from July 1 through June 30. Valid op- tions are 000.0 to 999.9. Attendance is calculated by taking the scheduled work days for that employee in their primary job and subtracting the days taken off for anything other than mandated vacations, holidays, or professional meetings. To accurately calculate this during the generate process, the following conditions must exist:  The employee must have a primary job class value on the Main tab in the Employee Master program  The primary job class must exist in the Employee Job/Salary program with the Days/Year field identifying the number of days that the employee works at that position annually and identifying the base pay type.  If a job-based accruals are being used (as defined in the Payroll Control Settings file), then accruals must be done using that primary job class, or if job-based accruals are not being used, then all accruals for that employee during the specified period will be used. Days Absent This box specifies the number of days that the staff member was ab- sent during the period from July 1 to June 30 due to all causes except

Page 6 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Field Description professional meetings, vacations, or holidays. Valid options are 0000 to 999.9. To calculate this, all the conditions specified for the Attendance Days apply. Additionally, accrual history for this employee must be set up for whatever types of accruals the employee may be allowed. Time-off is calculated based on the UOM value for that accrual type identified in the Employee Accrual History program. If the value is H-Hours, the employee's time-off is calculated as follows: If the employee has a primary job class specified on the Main tab in the Employee Master program and this job class is identified in the Employee Job/Salary program with a nonzero value in the Hours/Day box, the time is divided by the value of the Hours/Day box divided by the value in the FTE% box; otherwise, the time-off is divided by 8 as the default hours. Days Absent - Long-Term Illness (> This box specifies the number of days, greater than fourteen consecu 14 Days) tive days, when the employee missed work due to their own illness or the illness of a spouse, child, or parent. The default value is zero; this box requires manual update. Valid options are 000.00 to 999.9. Data Creation Method Manual Record This check box, if selected, indicates that this record was manually added or modified. If selected, the record will not be overwritten dur- ing the import process.

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Staff Demographic Records – Generate The Generate screen allows you to define the settings for generating the DOE Staff Demographics records for groups of employees at one time. When you select the Generate screen, the fields are active; click Accept to save entered data or click the Cancel button to return to the main screen without saving data.

Field Description General Report Settings Fiscal Year This box specifies the fiscal year for which you are creating the report. Report Period This list identifies the report period: October or Year End. Location These boxes define the range of location codes for which to include records. To include all locations, leave the default values (blank to all Z's) in the boxes. Org These boxes define the range of organization codes for which to include records. To include all org codes, leave the default values (blank to all Z's) in the boxes. Valid Job Classes/Obj Tab Staff Position Type/Job Class Affiliation Retrieve State Position This option directs the program to retrieve the report information using data From from the Job Class Master program or the Position Control program. Regular Job Classes These boxes provide the range of job class codes for regular position types. You can enter up to three ranges of job class codes for regular positions. Temporary Job These boxes provide the range of job class codes for temporary position types. Classes You can enter up to three ranges of job class codes for temporary positions. Supplemental Job These boxes provide the range of job class codes for supplemental position Classes types. You can enter up to three ranges of job class codes for supplemental

Page 8 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Field Description positions. Staff Appointment Type/Obj Affiliation Certificated/Licensed These boxes provide the range of object codes for the certificated/licensed Obj appointment types. Appointment types are identified in the Group/BU fields in the Employee Job/Salary program. Classified Obj These boxes provide the range of object codes for the classified appointment types. Appointment types are identified in the Group/BU fields in the Employee Job/Salary program. Internship Obj These boxes provide the range of object codes for the internship appointment types. Appointment types are identified in the Group/BU fields in the Employee Job/Salary program. Six-Hour Lay Teacher These boxes provide the range of object codes for the six-hour lay teacher Obj appointment types. Appointment types are identified in the Group/BU fields in the Employee Job/Salary program. Veteran Obj These boxes provide the range of object codes for the veteran appointment types. Appointment types are identified in the Group/BU fields in the Employee Job/Salary program. ECEQ Degree Fields Tab Degree Fields Degree field values determine if a teacher has an early childhood education qualification. These fields specify the ranges of Area Code 2 values that indicate that a teacher has, or is worked toward, qualification. An unlimited number of Degree Field ranges can be created.

Education Crosswalk The Global Crosswalks program defines crosswalk information, which cross-references Munis program values to field values from third-party programs. It is used to maintain the Education crosswalk values that are used when converting the value of the most-recently-achieved degree for the district to the single character value to be reported to the state. The crosswalk type is OHE - Ohio Education Codes.

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17. Staff Employment The Staff Employment option generates and maintains the OH DOE EMIS Employment records. These records are based on fiscal year and report period and are used as the basis for reporting.

If a staff member has more than one position, for example, someone who teaches and also serves in an administrative position, it is reported with a separate Staff Employment record for each position. If a staff member has multiple position assignments, for example, coaching or advising, then each position is reported on a separate Staff Employment record. In addition, a separate Staff Employment record is reported when a teacher has multiple teaching positions.

Use the ribbon buttons to add, update, or delete staff employment records. Use the Building IRN Crosswalk button to create cross-reference values for state-specific values and Munis values. Use the Generate button to generate staff employment records. Use the Purge button to purge all records in the active set. Use the Mass Change button to update multiple records at one time.

Field Description General Report Settings Fiscal Year This box specifies the fiscal year for which you are creating the report. Report Period This list identifies the report period: October or Year End.

Page 10 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Field Description Position Identification Position Code This list identifies the code associated with the position assignment of the employee. When generating records, this is reported from the State Position box on the Main tab of the Job Class Master program, where the employee has a position in the Em- ployee Job/Salary program during the designated report period. Note: When generating records, if a record already exists for this employee in the database with the same position code as the record about to be generated (that is, it was manually created or updated), the program does not generate a new record. If the records for this employee/position combination already existing in the database are inaccurate or incomplete for this employee and this position, the existing records must be deleted and regenerated, or manually adjusted and new records added manually. Assignment Area This box provides a six-digit code that more completely defines a position. When generating data, an assignment area is specified by associating with a low grade/high grade, and a range of job classes defined on the Staff Generate screen. All positions found for an employee in the Employee Job/Salary program with a job class within the specified range have the specified assignment area as the default value. All positions that do not fit the criteria defined by the user have 000000 as the default assignment area value.

Valid options as specified by the Ohio DOE are as follows:  000000 No assignment area applies  999050 Art Education K-8  999140 Title I Programs  999350 Food Services  999365 LEP Instructional Program  999370 General Education  999380 Gifted and Talented  999412 Preschool Special Education -Early Education of the Handicapped  999414 Special Education K-12  999418 Physical Education K-8  999520 Maintenance/Construction/Grounds  999570 Music Education K-8  999725 Vocational Special Education Coordinator Services  999790 Transportation Services  999800 Career-Technical Programs/Career Pathways  999805 Career-Technical Education-Apprenticeship Program  999895 Career Assessment Specialist Services Local Contract CodeThis box stores the unique number assigned by the school district, which differenti- ates between multiple contracts of a staff member with the same position code. When generating records, the local contract code is created by the program using a combination of the character string CK and a single automatically-indexing digit from 0 to 9. If a single Employee Job/Salary record for this position code exists for this employee, then the local contract code for this employee/position combination is CK0. If more than a single Employee Job/Salary record for this position code exists for this employee, then each subsequent record has a greater numeric value, that is, CK1, CK2, and so on. This value cannot be updated once the record is created, so to

Page 11 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Field Description change it, you must delete the record and then manually recreate it with the new lo- cal contract code. Building IRN This box identifies the information retrieval number (IRN) for the employee build- ing. The IRN can contain up to six digits. Since Building IRN can have six digits, and the Location value in the Employee Job/Salary program from which it is re- ported only allows four characters, use the Crosswalk option to create a cross-ref- erence using crosswalk type OHB – Ohio DOE Building IRN. Work Periods Scheduled Work DaysThis box provides the total number of days the staff member is scheduled to work in the position during the year. When generating data, it is reported from the Days/Year box on the Main tab of the Employee Job/Salary program. Length of Work Day This box provides the total hours worked during a normal day, excluding lunch. Valid options are 00.00 to 99.99. When generating data, it is reported from the Hours/Day box on the Main tab of the Employee Job/Salary program. Position Information Position Type This list indicates the type of employment for this position with the school board. When generating data, it is reported based on the job class for that position in the Employee Job/Salary program using user-specified job class values on the Staff Generate screen. Valid options as specified by the Ohio DOE are as follows:  R - Regular  T - Temporary Temporary employees are different from individuals holding temporary licenses. These are individuals who hold a position of employment that is designated temporary by the local district. These individuals could also hold temporary licenses, if the position requires certification/licensure that the individual does not hold. Classified positions can also be designated as temporary.  S - Supplemental Employees who are hired under a supplemental contract to provide services such as coaching, advising, and student activities. Type of Appointment This list identifies the classification of the staff member’s position. When generat- ing data, it is reported based on the Group/BU for that position in the Employee Job/Salary program using user-specified Group/BU values on the Staff Generate screen. Valid options as specified by the Ohio DOE are as follows:  1 - Certificated/licensed  2 - Classified  3 - Internship  4 - Six-hour lay teacher  5 - Veteran (ORC §3319.283) Position FTE This box specifies the full-time equivalency of the position expressed as a percent- age. Valid options are 0.0 to 9.99. When generating records, it is reported from the FTE % box in the Employee Job/Salary program. Special Ed FTE This box specifies the full time equivalency of the position related to special educa- tion expressed as a percentage. There is no Munis equivalent field from which to report this, so this value is always zero (0), except:  When the Position Code is 230 and the Area Assignment is either 99412 or 99414.  When the Position Code is 101, 120, 202, 212, 304, 318, 320, 323, 325,

Page 12 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Field Description 326, 327, 329, 331, 332, 333, 334, 415 or 909. When either of these exceptions is met, the default value for the Special Education FTE is the Position FTE value. You must manually enter any other values, for any other circumstances. Position Start Date This box provides the date the staff member began to work in this position. When generating records, it is reported from the Start Date box in the Employee Job/Salary program. Position Status This list indicates the employee's current employment relationship with the school board in that particular position. When generating records, this is reported from the Status box in the Employee Job/Salary program. Option specified by the Ohio De- partment of Education are:  C-Current position in the district  A -Contracted agency person  I - Contracted individual personnel  P-Leave of absence  U-No longer employed by the district in this position Position Separation This box provides the last date of employment of a staff member for a specific posi- Date tion. Position Separation This list provides the reason that the employee left the position. Munis does not re- Reason port this on a per-position basis; as a result, when generating records, this default value is asterisk (*) and you must manually update this box if the employee has left the position. Position Pay/Funding Pay Amount This box provides the position pay. This is either the annual salary amount or the hourly pay rate of the position, according to the staff contract. When generating data, if the pay type is annual, the Pay Amount/Rate Element represents the Posi- tion FTE value times the value from the Annual Pay box on the Main tab of the Employee Job/Salary program. If the pay type is an hourly rate, the value of the Pay Amount is the value of the Hourly Rate box on the Main tab of the Employee Job/Salary program for the position. Pay Type This list indicates the type of pay: hourly rate or annual salary. When generating data, it is reported from the Pay Basis box on the Main tab of the Employee Job/Salary program. Valid options as specified by the Ohio DOE are:  H - Hourly Rate  A - Annual Salary Extended Service This box specifies the number of days or the full-time equivalency for which the supplemental salary is claimed. There is not equivalent Munis field; this value is al- ways zero (0). Position Fund Source These lists indicate the funding sources for the position. You must select at least 1 to 3 one source. When generating records, the values in these sources can be drawn in two ways:  If the Allocation box in the Employee Job/Salary program on the Main tab for this position is completed with a value that is not zero, then the Position Fund Source values are completed from the allocation.  If the Account box in the Employee Job/Salary program on the Main tab for this position is completed, then only that account is reported as a source in Position Fund Source 1. When generating records, the funding sources are user-specified based on

Page 13 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Field Description different account elements in the Staff Generate screen. Ohio DOE options:  A - State Auxiliary Funds  B - Other State Funds  F - Special Education Part-B IDEA Federal Grant Funds for school-age students with disabilities  G - Title I Funds  I - State Poverty-Based Assistance Funds (formerly DPIA)  J - Federal Early Learning Initiative Program Funds  L - Local Funds and/or State Foundation Funds  N - TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)  O - Other Federal Funds  P - Special Education Part B IDEA Federal Grant Funds for preschool students with disabilities  S - State Funds – Early Childhood Education Programs (formerly Public Preschool Programs)  T - Private/Tuition  U - State Unit Funding (use fund source “Z” for preschool special education unit staff)  X - Reading First Federal Grant Funds  Z - Preschool State Unit Funding (use for preschool special education unit staffs) Fund Source Percent This box specifies the percentage of the funding provided by the associated source. The total of funding sources for position fund sources 1 to 3 must be 100 percent. When generating records, the values can be drawn in two ways:  If the Allocation box on the Main tab of the Employee Job/Salary program for this position is not blank and not zero, then the Position Fund Percent values are completed from the allocation, affiliated value-wise with their associated position fund sources.  If the Account box on the Main tab of the Employee Job/Salary program for this position is completed, then the value is 100 in Position Fund Percent 1. Employee Assignments/Qualifications Grade Levels As- This list indicates the lowest grade level this employee is assigned to teach. signed Low When generating records, you specify Low Grade or High Grade values, along with job class ranges, to affiliate with a particular assignment area in the Staff Generate screen. All positions found for an employee in the Employee Job/Salary program with a job class within the specified range have the default value of Low or High, as specified. All positions that do not have a job class within a specified range have the default value **. Valid options:  ** Not applicable  PS Preschool  KG Kindergarten  01 First Grade  02 Second Grade  03 Third Grade  04 Fourth Grade  05 Fifth Grade  06 Sixth Grade

Page 14 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Field Description  07 Seventh Grade  08 Eighth Grade  09 Ninth Grade  10 Tenth Grade  11 Eleventh Grade  12 Twelfth Grade Grade Levels As- This list indicates the highest grade level this employee is assigned to teach. signed High When generating records, you specify Low Grade or High Grade values, along with job class ranges to affiliate with a particular assignment area in the Staff Generate screen. All positions found for an employee in the Employee Job/Salary program with a job class within the specified range have the default value of Low or High, as speci fied. All positions that do not have a job class within a specified range have the de- fault value **. Valid options:  ** Not applicable  PS Preschool  KG Kindergarten  01 First Grade  02 Second Grade  03 Third Grade  04 Fourth Grade  05 Fifth Grade  06 Sixth Grade  07 Seventh Grade  08 Eighth Grade  09 Ninth Grade  10 Tenth Grade  11 Eleventh Grade  12 Twelfth Grade Highly Qualify Profes-This list specifies if the employee if the employee has participated in highly quali- sional Development fied professional development during the defined fiscal year. When generating records, this value is completed from the High Quality Professional Development list on the Staff Information screen. Qualified ParaprofesThis- list specifies if the employee is a qualified paraprofessional. This indicates if the sional staff member is a qualified paraprofessional under the No Child Left Behind Act. When generating records, it is completed from the Qualified Paraprofessional list on the Staff Information screen. Data Creation Method Manual Record This check box, if selected, indicates that this record was manually added or modi- fied. If selected, the record will not be overwritten during import process.

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Staff Employment Records – Generate

The Generate screen defines the settings for generating the DOE Staff Demographics records for groups of employees at one time. When you select the Generate screen, the fields are active; click Accept to save entered data or click the Cancel button to return to the main screen without saving data. If a manually maintained record already exists for an employee with the same position code as the record about to be generated, the new record is not generated. If the records for this employee/position

Page 16 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting combination already existing in the database are inaccurate, the existing records either have to be deleted and regenerated or manually adjusted. This is because the Local Contract code is created during the generation process, so if records are manually updated and then the new generation of records is done, there is no way of knowing whether the records now being generated for this employee/position combination are duplicates of records already existing.

Field Description General Report Settings Fiscal Year This box specifies the fiscal year for which you are creating the report. Report Period This list identifies the report period: October or Year End. Location These boxes define the range of location codes for which to include records. To include all locations, leave the default values (blank to all Z's) in the boxes. Org These boxes define the range of organization codes for which to include records. To include all org codes, leave the default values (blank to all Z's) in the boxes. Generate Contractor Staff This checkbox, if selected, provides the option for generating contract staff Employment Records employment (CJ) records in parallel with the staff employment records. The contractor records can be viewed and maintained using the Contractor Staff Employment Records option. Typically, schools have few employees they contract to other districts and in this case, it is more efficient to generate contractor staff employment records manually. For Education Service Centers (ESCs), who contract education professionals as their primary function, it is likely more efficient to generate Contractor Staff Employment records in parallel with the Staff Employment records. Assignment Areas Tab Assignment areas are created through an association with job classes (Job Class From/To) and employee assignments (Employee Assignment Form/To). Every possible allowed assignment area can be assigned to one or more ranges of job classes; each of them can also be assigned simultaneously to one or more ranges of employee assignments. Employee Assignment ranges can be blank, but when completed, they must have a value within a specified range and a value found within a specified range must have a location the same as the location of the position being considered.

Possible outcomes when matching an employee’s position using job classes and employee assignments to an assignment area are:  If an employee’s position’s job class matches a job class range, and an unexpired employee assignment’s value for this employee is within an employee assignment range with the location for that employee assignment matching the location for the current position, then this position receives the assignment area specified by the Job Class/Employee Assignment range combination.  If an employee assignment record within a range of valid employee assignments is not found for a particular employee, even if valid job class ranges for the position exist, the position is not reported.  If an employee assignment record within a range of valid employee

Page 17 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Field Description assignments is found, but one containing the same location as the position under consideration is not found, the position is not reported.  If an assignment area has a blank Employee Assignment range, and employee assignments for the employee being considered exist for the location for this particular position, the assignment area is not considered a valid match.  If an assignment area with a valid Employee Assignment range (value and location) cannot be found, but at least one is found with a blank Employee Assignment range and a valid Job Class range, if the employee is found to have an employee assignment record with a location matching the location of the current position, the position is not reported (since the Employee Assignment value would not be within the blank range of the assignment areas with the matching job classes.

Additionally, you must define values for Grade Level Assigned High and Grade Level Assigned Low. If these fields are blank, their default values is ** - Not applicable. Every position being reported with a job class within a range specified on the Assignment Areas tab will report with the value of the Grade Levels Assigned Low (Low Grade) and Grade Levels Assigned High (High Grade) affiliated with that job class. For every position being reported that does not have a job class in one of the user-specified ranges, the default value is ** – Not applicable.

The restrictions for creating assignment areas are as follows: Any Assignment Area can be defined an unlimited number of times with different job classes and grade levels assigned High/Low values. Different assignment areas cannot have any job class range overlap with each other. Assignment Area values 999050, 999140, 999365, 999370, 999380, 999412, 999414, 999418, 999570, 999725, 999800, 999805 and 999895 all require grade levels assigned Low/High values other than ** - Not applicable as these are teaching assignments. Funding Sources Tab Position fund sources are affiliated with accounts using Account Segments. The available account segments and the order in which they appear in the account ID are defined in General Ledger Settings. Position/Appointment Types Staff Position Type/Job Class Affiliation Retrieve State Position This option directs the program to retrieve the report information using data From from the Job Class Master program or the Position Control program. Regular Job Classes These boxes provide the range of job class codes for regular position types. You can enter up to three ranges of job class codes for regular positions. Temporary Job Classes These boxes provide the range of job class codes for temporary position types. You can enter up to three ranges of job class codes for temporary po- sitions. Supplemental Job Class- These boxes provide the range of job class codes for supplemental position es types. You can enter up to three ranges of job class codes for supplemental

Page 18 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Field Description positions. Qualified Paraprofessional Job Class Affiliation Qualified Paraprofession- These boxes provide the ranges of job class codes for paraprofessional job al Job Classes classes that are qualified. You can enter up to four ranges of job class codes. Appointment Type/Obj Affiliation Certificated/Licensed Obj These boxes provide the range of object codes for the certificated/licensed appointment types. Appointment types are identified in the Group/BU fields in the Employee Job/Salary program. Classified Obj These boxes provide the range of object codes for the classified appointment types. Appointment types are identified in the Group/BU fields in the Employ- ee Job/Salary program. Internship Obj These boxes provide the range of object codes for the internship appoint- ment types. Appointment types are identified in the Group/BU fields in the Employee Job/Salary program. Six-Hour Lay Teacher These boxes provide the range of object codes for the six-hour lay teacher Obj appointment types. Appointment types are identified in the Group/BU fields in the Employee Job/Salary program. Veteran Obj These boxes provide the range of object codes for the veteran appointment types. Appointment types are identified in the Group/BU fields in the Employ- ee Job/Salary program.

Sep Reason Crosswalk This button opens the Global Crosswalks program. It is used to maintain the Separation Reason crosswalk values. The crosswalk type is OHS – Ohio DOE Separation Reason.

Building IRN Crosswalk This button opens the Global Crosswalks program. It is used to maintain the Building IRN crosswalk values that are used when converting the Location on Employee Master to a six-digit Building IRN code. The Crosswalk Type is OHB – OHIO DE Building IRN.

Mass Change Use the Mass Change button to update multiple records at one time.

Purge The Purge option on the Employment Records screen allows you to delete all records in the active find set. The user is prompted before any records are deleted. This option is available only to superusers.

Page 19 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting

18. Contractor Staff Employment The Contractor Staff Employment Records screen maintains contractor details. Contractor staff employ- ment records are based on the reporting time frame. These records will be used as the basis for report- ing.

Use the ribbon buttons to add, update, or delete details; click Purge to permanently delete a single record or an active set of records.

Field Description Employee This box contains the employee number. The number must exist in the Employee Master program. When you are adding a record and you complete this box, press Tab and the program completes the remaining employee detail fields from the employee master record. When you click Search and complete this box, press Enter and the program completes the re- maining employee detail fields from the employee master record. SSN This box contains the Social Security number for the employee. When you click Search and complete this box, press Enter and the program completes the Employee and Names boxes. Last Name These boxes contain the employee’s last name, first name, and middle initial. The program First Name completes these boxes when you enter a Social Security or employee number during the MI Search or Add process. General Report Settings Fiscal Year This box specifies the fiscal year for which you are creating the report. Report Period This list identifies the report period: October or Year End. Position Identification Position Code This list identifies the code associated with the position assignment of the employee. When generating records, this is reported from the State Position box on the Main tab of the Job Class Master program, where the employee has a position in the Employee Job/Salary program during the designated report period. Note: When generating records, if a record already exists for this employee in the data- base with the same position code as the record about to be generated (that is, it was man- ually created or updated), the program does not generate a new record. If the records for this employee/position combination already existing in the database are inaccurate or in- complete for this employee and this position, the existing records must be deleted and re- generated, or manually adjusted and new records added manually. See the Ohio Depart-

Page 20 Ohio (OH) DOE EMIS Staff Reporting Field Description ment of Education’s website for up-to-date codes. Local Contract This box stores the unique number assigned by the school district, which differentiates be- Code tween multiple contracts of a staff member with the same position code. When generating records, the local contract code is created by the program using a combination of the char- acter string CK and a single automatically-indexing digit from 0 to 9. If a single Employee Job/Salary record for this position code exists for this employee, then the local contract code for this employee/position combination is CK0. If more than a single Employee Job/Salary record for this position code exists for this employee, then each subsequent record has a greater numeric value, that is, CK1, CK2, and so on. This value cannot be up dated once the record is created, so to change it, you must delete the record and then manually recreate it with the new local contract code. Contracting Dis-This box identifies the state-assigned information retrieval number (IRN) for the district- trict IRN ing contracting the services. This is a six-digit number. Position FTE This is the full-time equivalency of the position expressed as a percentage. When gener- ating records, it is reported from the FTE % field in the Employee Job / Salary program. Data Creation Method Manual RecordThis check box, if selected, indicates that this record was manually added or modified. If selected, the record will not be overwritten during import process.

19. Results When a report is complete, the program displays the file name and path in the Electronic File Path group on the program screen.

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