Leadership Lab Syllabus Winter 2009

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Leadership Lab Syllabus Winter 2009

Leadership Lab and Physical Training Syllabus Fall Semester 2011


Aerospace Studies 100, 200, 300, 400R

Instructor: Major Matthew S. Davis Office Phone: 422-7718 Commandant of Cadets Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies

Course Location: Crabtree Building, Room 214 Cadet Offices & Info-line: 422-7733 I. Course Composition

A. Course Description: Welcome to Leadership Laboratory (LLAB). AFROTC designed this program to enhance your leadership capabilities and prepare you for active-duty in the Air Force. The Cadet WG/CC and Wing Staff direct LLAB. As the COC, I will supervise all class sessions.

B. Purpose of Leadership Lab : LLAB provides you with practical command and staff leadership experiences. GMC (freshman and sophomores) will focus on Air Force customs & courtesies, drill and ceremonies, inspections and the life and opportunities available to commissioned officers. POC (juniors and seniors) will focus on planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating, directing, and controlling the military activities in the Cadet Corps.

C. Attendance Policy : Attendance at LLAB is MANDATORY. If you know you are going to be absent or you unexpectedly can’t show up, you must notify your Flight Commander and me within 24 hours before or after LLAB and tell me your excuse for missing. You can reach me by phone at 422-7718 or by email at [email protected]. If you miss LLAB, attend Excused Lab (X-LLAB) and make-up the work. AFROTC mandates a minimum of 80% attendance in scheduled classes or substitute activities. There are 13 scheduled sessions this semester. You can miss no more than 2 absences. If you miss 3 or more absences you will fall below the 80% mandated attendance AFROTC policy and will fail the course which could result in possible removal from AFROTC.

D. Course Goals: See Attachment.

II. Class Policies

A. Class Schedule : LLAB is every Thursday at 1100-1250. You can find information regarding LLAB by reading the Operations Orders published by the Cadet Wing Commander and approved by the CoC in the detachment by checking the announcement board on the first floorof the ROTC building, or on the cadet webpage under announcements. We will also send outemails regarding LLAB, so check your email often. If weather makes holding an outdoor LLAB impractical, Wing Staff will redirect you to the alternate location. B. Uniforms: You obtain uniforms from the supply office, located in the basement of the ROTC building. Your AFROTC records in the NCO office must be up to date with all required information and you must meet Air Force weight and grooming standards before uniforms can be issued. All Cadets will wear the designated uniform when on campus from 0800-1700 on the day of LLAB. You will know the uniform of the day by reading the Operations Order. If you leave the AFROTC program and the Cadet Corps for any reason (disenrollment, mission, etc.), you must return all uniform items. Show pride in your uniform by wearing it proudly and correctly.

C. Additional Help : Direct any questions you may have concerning corps activities, uniform wear, Air Force Standards, etc., to your flight commander or a POC member in your flight. Your Flight Commander and flight mates are excellent resources for you to use. If they can’t answer your questions, they will direct you to someone in the chain of command who can. Use your chain of command.

D. Excused Flight (X-LLAB) : If you cannot attend regular LLAB sessions due to class conflicts, contact myself for approval to attend X-LLAB. X-LLAB will meet on Fridays at 1700-1850, in the ROTC Building, room 261 small AF classroom. X-LLAB members will view the videotapes of indoor LLABs and practice the same drill taught at outdoor sessions..

E. Dual Enrolled Cadets : If you are concurrently enrolled in both AS 110 and AS 210, you must complete all the required objectives of both categories in the attachment.

F. Physical Fitness : Fitness training is held Tuesday and Thursday at the Smith Fieldhouse and is MANDATORY. The AFROTC program encourages you to adopt physical fitness as a lifestyle. We measure your level of fitness with the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA). The PFA consists of four events, sit-ups, pushups, 1 1/2-mile run, and a waist measurement worth a maximum of 100 pts (sit-ups-10pts, pushups-10pts, 1 1/2-mile run 60pts, and waist measurement 20 pts). All cadets must attempt the PFA to pass LLAB . All contracted cadets must pass an official PFA. NOTE: All cadets going to Field Training (FT) this summer must officially pass the PFA. This must occur before FT selection. You will be weighed at least twice during the semester and must meet Air Force weight and body fat standards. If you do not obtain a score of 90 points on the latest PFA or one of the administered PFDs, you will be required to attend remedial PT to help you improve your fitness. This is not a punishment, but an opportunity to workout with fellow cadets to meet your fitness goals. These sessions will be held on Monday and Fridays from 0600 to 0650. Although Tuesday and Thursday PT is mandatory, you may attend any of these days as makeup days if an absence from normal PT is excused by a cadre member.

G. Special Events : As part of your training, you must participate in several special events including a parade, Dining-Out, and awards ceremony (these events are mandatory). We will also have activities such as opening socials, base visits and monthly activities that you are encouraged to sign up for, as they become available (these are highly encouraged).

H. Customs and Courtesies : Take pride in your appearance in and out of the Air Force uniform. When indoors and a ranking active duty officer enters or leaves the classroom, it is customary for all to come to attention until the officer directs otherwise. The Kindred Cadet Lounge and the Wing Offices are the only rooms exempt from this requirement. Always report in and out in a proper military fashion when visiting one of the officers in their office. Although you are not required to report to the NCOs or civilian personnel, respect is always appropriate. When you are outdoors in uniform, salute all commissioned and cadet officers (i.e. Air Force, Army, and all other Services). Remember, if in doubt, SALUTE! III. Evaluation

A. Passing LLAB: I will assign a grade of pass or fail based on your LLAB performance. If you ever have a question, ask your Flight Commander, flight mates, or a higher-ranking cadet officer in the chain of command. Bottom line, to pass you must meet the following criteria:

1. Attend a minimum of 80% of scheduled LLAB classes and PT sessions. Participate in officially sponsored AFROTC activities that support LLAB goals, such as the parade, Dining-Out, and awards ceremony.

2. Accomplish LLAB objectives for your respective AS year. For this reason it is imperative you attend all LLAB sessions.

3. Take the PFA as described above.

B. Note: Your overall behavior, attitude, military bearing, appearance and adherence to military customs and courtesies will be taken into account for your grade.

IV. Other

A. Optional Events: Several optional events throughout the semester will be scheduled. Although they are voluntary, once you sign up to participate in an activity, your attendance is expected unless a dire situation occurs.

B. Completed Status Cadets, AS 700s and 800s: If you are a 700 or 800 cadet, (completed status) you are required to attend the LLABs as outlined in your syllabus. You must also take and pass the PFA each semester..

C. UVU Student Parking: UVU ROTC students may park for free in the visitor’s parking lot directly west of the detachment. If you have a UVU parking sticker then you are can park in the visitor’s lot about 200 yds directly west of the detachment. There are no limitations for when or how long a visitor can park in a stall at BYU. (NOTE: You are only allowed to park in this one specific lot! In all other lots UVU students are not permitted to park as visitors at BYU and will be fined!)

MATTHEW S.DAVIS, Major, USAF Commandant of Cadets Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies

Attachments: 1. Leadership Lab Course Objectives 2. Class Schedule Attachment 1. Leadership Lab Course Objectives

# LLAB LESSON OBJECTIVES All 100 200 300 400 1 Know the principles of the Holm Center Training Manual X 2 Know Air Force customs and courtesies X 3 Know Air Force dress and grooming standards X 45 Know the Air Force and AFROTC grade structure and insignia X Know the Air Force and AFROTC chain of command X 6 Know the AFROTC Honor Code X 7 Know the AFROTC weight and fitness standards X 8 Know the courtesies and procedures associated with the Unites Stated flag X 109 Know the individual and flight drill positions X 11 Know individual and flight drill movements X X X Know effective followership skills X X 1213 Know the benefits of teamwork and communication X X Demonstrate individual and flight drill movements X X 14Know the environment of an Air Force officer X X 15Apply the Holm Center Training Manual philosophy in instructing AS100s X X 1617Know guidon procedures X X Demonstrate guidon procedures X 1819 Demonstrate flag raising and lowering procedures for reveille and retreat X Know flight commander commands, positions, and movements X 20 Demonstrate flight commander commands, positions, and movements X 21 Know road guard procedures X X 22 Demonstrate road guard procedures X 23Know the procedures and requirements of field training X 2425Meet required AFROTC weight and fitness standards X Apply Air Force customs and courtesies X 26Apply Air Force dress and grooming standards X 27Participate in a unit formal reveille/retreat X 28 Participate in a unit formal parade X 29Participate in a unit formal dinner X 3031 Participate in a unit formal awards ceremony X Apply the Holm Center Training Manual philosophy in supervising the cadet corps X X 32Demonstrate leadership and management skills in supervising X X X the cadet corps or through advanced leadership experiences 33Comprehend the importance of adhering to Air Force Core Values X X X 34Comprehend the Expeditionary Requirements of Field Training Attachment 2. Class Schedule LLAB Schedule for Fall 2011

LLAB 1 Sep 11LLAB - Commander's Call, Mandatory Briefs, Promotion Ceremony 8 Sep 11LLAB – Drill and Ceremony 15 Sep 11Customs and Courtesies, Dress and Grooming, Mentoring 15 Sep 11 Opening Social 22 Sep 11LLAB – Combat Day/Army Cadet Briefings 29 Sep 11LLAB – LANDNAV/Combat Day 6 Oct 11LLAB – Dress Grooming (100)/ORI (FTP)/Mentoring (POC) 13 Oct 11 LLAB – Service Project, Advanced Drill 27 Oct 11LLAB – GMC Led (7 Oct initial plan/14 Oct Brf Maj Gregory) 3 Nov 11LLAB – LANDNAV/Combat Day 2 10 Nov 11LLAB – President’s Review/Patriot Day 17 Nov 11LLAB – Semester PFA SFH/West Parking Lot 1 Dec 11LLAB – Final Parade, Awards Ceremony 8 Dec 11LLAB – GLPs, Semester Continuity change over

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