Y7: Special Journeys (Islam, Christianity, Judaism)

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Y7: Special Journeys (Islam, Christianity, Judaism)

Y7: Special Journeys (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) About this unit Year: 7 Key Question: Why are some Journeys special? Unit: In this unit students will investigate the beliefs and rituals associated with Pilgrimage. They will explore the idea that some journeys are special and that the journey itself might be as important as the destination. They should develop an understanding of spirituality and reflect on the difference between an inner and outer journey. The main focus for development of knowledge will be Islam and the Hajj. Students will review the 5 Pillars as a foundation for belief and gain a detailed knowledge and understanding of Hajj – the importance of Makkah, aspects of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the importance of the Ummah, core beliefs – submission to the will of God, including Tawhid, Salah and Shaytan. They should compare the idea of an outer/inner journey with religious ritual – the outer action with an inner meaning.

Unit outcomes:  ALL pupils (including very weakest) must be able to identify places that are special to them and be able to give a simple reason for this. They should be able to state some of the core Islamic beliefs and some aspects of Hajj.  THE VAST MAJORITY will be able to raise thoughtful questions about the purpose of journeys and make thoughtful comparisons between special journeys of their own and religious pilgrimages. They should show an understanding of ritual and symbolic action and be able to use some technical terms in doing this. They must be able to describe the main beliefs and practices of Islam. They should be able to give a fairly detailed description of what is done during hajj and be able to make links between beliefs and actions.  IT WOULD BE BETTER IF they are able to explain and make comparisons between secular and spiritual journeys, taking into account their own experiences. They should be able to describe and explain how Islamic beliefs might influence a person’s sense of purpose and belonging. They should use technical religious terms consistently and accurately in their work and be able to make clear links between beliefs, teachings and actions. They should be able to describe and explain Hajj, including how completing Hajj might affect a Muslim.  EXCEPTIONAL STUDENTS MIGHT ALSO critically analyse and evaluate the importance of pilgrimage as part of religious/spiritual life. They will show a level of insight regarding the concept of an inner journey and considering how pilgrimage may be a source of spiritual refreshment and a journey which strengthens a sense of religious belonging.

Key Questions Learning Objectives/intentions Possible activities Possible resources Pupils should be able to: 1.  Raise and discuss questions about the Compare an account of secular ‘pilgrimage’ PPT: Special Journeys Why are some journeys purpose of journeys to Old Trafford to forms of religious special?  Give examples of journeys/places that expression http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/old- are special – including secular and Discuss examples of special journeys – trafford-a-place-of-pilgrimage/5945.html religious examples what makes them special? What do we  Reflect on the difference between learn/gain from going on a journey? Labyrinth information sheet inner and outer journeys What is a pilgrimage? What is the difference between a pilgrimage and a holiday? Investigate the use of labyrinths in the Christian tradition. Design activities that could be used in a contemporary Christian

1 Y7: Special Journeys (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) labyrinth to enable people to go on an ‘inner journey’ 2  Suggest similarities and differences Investigate the importance of Israel for PPT: The Holy Land What is so special about between Judaism, Christianity and Jews, Christians and Muslims the Holy Land? Islam Laptops for research  describe what is meant by the term Plan an interfaith visit to the Holy Land – Can people share a special ‘Abrahamic faiths’ aimed at promoting understanding of place?  explain why Israel (esp. Jerusalem) is shared heritage of the Abrahamic Faiths. seen as a holy place Design an information leaflet for the  name and explain the importance of key pilgrims. places that a pilgrim might visit in the Holy Land  consider the implications of 3 religions sharing a ‘Holy land’ 3  identify the basic beliefs of Muslims Investigate what is meant by the 5 pillars. PPT: Introduction to Islam What does it mean to be a  describe own understanding of the Five Each team to become an ‘expert’ on one of Muslim? Pillars the pillars. Designated expert remains at Information sheets for 5 Pillars  use key religious vocabulary to describe table whilst rest of team go out and hunt and explain core Islamic beliefs for missing information from other teams  analyse and evaluate the importance of to create information sheet on the 5 the Five Pillars to the Islamic pillars community and individual Muslims Evaluation – which is the most important of the 5 pillars and why? How might they unite the Islamic community? 5  Describe in some level of detail, using Investigate the Hajj – using information PPT: The Hajj What is the impact of specialist religious terms, the rituals of form PPT and clips A3 notes sheet Hajj? hajj Create a window display for ‘Holy Holidays’  Explain how performing hajj might Extension possibility: G&T students could watch strengthen the faith, identity and Participate in activities as part of virtual this an alternative h/w sense of belonging of a Muslim pilgrimage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz5duMfgkks  Explain how hajj reflects key Islamic (part of the Hidden Art of Islam BBC series) (2 lessons) beliefs  Make links between the outer action Virtual pilgrimage sheet – info for teachers and inner meaning of religious rituals Resources for activities (water, paper shredder, images of a devil, balls)

6 L3: Identify in words and pictures the main Write a diary entry for a pilgrim on their PPT: Hajj Assessment Assessment (AT1) features of Hajj first hajj. Hajj Literacy sheet (A3) L4: Describe the rituals of Hajj. Explain 2 Y7: Special Journeys (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) some of the symbolism behind the actions. Make simple links between Islamic beliefs and aspects of Hajj. (eg. the 5 Pillars, the oneness of God, Muhammad as the Last Prophet, equality, the importance of the Ummah, submission to the will of God and rejection of the Devil) L5: Detailed description and explanation of what is involved in Hajj and its importance within Islam. Clear, well explained links between beliefs and practices. Good use of religious terms. Explains the impact that completing the Hajj might have on a Muslim. (High level 5s might begin to consider how this might differ for a Muslim from the UK compared with one from an Islamic country.) L6: Enters into some form of evaluation of the meaning and importance of hajj – to individual Muslims and to the Islamic community. Shows insight – possibly by linking with own ideas and experiences.

Personal Learning & Thinking Skills to be focused on in this unit: Reflective Learner: evaluate their strengths and limitations, setting themselves realistic goals with criteria for success. They monitor their own performance and progress, inviting feedback from others and making changes to further their learning. RL1 assess themselves and others, identifying opportunities and achievements RL2 set goals with success criteria for their development and work RL3 review progress, acting on the outcomes RL4 invite feedback and deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism RL5 evaluate experiences and learning to inform future progress RL6 communicate their learning in relevant ways for different audiences.

Citizenship ~ Students will:  assess the impact of issues and problems on communities.  appreciate the impact of our connections and recognise the influences on values and beliefs of different communities  understand the value of diversity and the links between the UK, Europe and the wider world.

3 Y7: Special Journeys (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) Cross-curricular links

English/Literacy: writing for an identified audience, personal/reflective writing, genre – diary writing Art : Islamic art Geography: planning a route, travel and tourism, knowledge of place History: The Holy Land, links with the Crusades PE: physical fitness PSHE: well-being Key Terms

Spirituality Pilgrimage pilgrim religious tradition ritual symbolism religious expression the Holy Land sacred Abrahamic faiths Shahada Salah Allah Zakah Saum Hajj Ummah Tawhid Tawaf Muhammad (pbuh)


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