Retina International General Assembly 2016 - Taipei, Taiwan

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Retina International General Assembly 2016 - Taipei, Taiwan

Retina International General Assembly 2016 - Taipei, Taiwan

Thursday, July 7th, 2016 Location: Taipei International Convention Centre (TICC) Room: 401, 4F Start: 09.00 a.m. end: 05.30 p.m.

Appendix 03-2 3.2 Financial reports 2014 – 2015

Motion: The MC moves to accept the accounts 2014 and 2015 as recommended by the auditors in 2015 and 2016.

Retina International balance sheet 2014


1001 Bank account 137'545.22 1002 Cash account 404.90 1003 Debitors 14'821.00 1003A Doubtfull Debitors - 1004 Post 3'497.30 1005 Prepaid expenses and other assets 1'058.55


2001 Creditors 9'133.00 2002 Capital 148'193.97 Total 157'326.97 157'326.97

Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 1 appendix 03-2, Financial reports 2014/2015 - 16.05.25 Expenditure

3010 Staff salary 32'152.05 3001 Photocopies 600.00 3002 Postage 765.60 3003 Telephone, fax 352.35 3009 Bankfees 329.00 3005 Sundry 2'374.40 3007 Exchangerate loss 229.20 3012 Unrecoverable Fees 11'464.25 Office and administrative expenses 48'266.85 3004 Surplus Income 1'644.28 Surplus Income 1'644.28 3004-1 Travel 15'138.45 3004-2 Management Committee 303.60 3004-3 SMAB Meeting 3'345.15 Travel expenses 18'787.20 3011 Internet 5'122.25 3006 RI Newsletter 14'000.00 IT - Information Technology 19'122.25


Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 2 appendix 03-2, Financial reports 2014/2015 - 16.05.25 Income

4001 Membership fee 85'480.00 4002 Interest 16.10 4003 Donations 2'320.93 4015 EuroVisionNet 3.55 TOTAL INCOME 87'820.58

Expenditure/Income balance

Income 87'820.58 Expenditur e 86'176.30

Capital per 1.1.2014 146'549.69 Surplus Income 1'644.28 Capital per 1.1.2015 148'193.97

Final accounting per 31.12.2014

Surplus Income - Capital CHF1'644.28 3008 - 2002


Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 3 appendix 03-2, Financial reports 2014/2015 - 16.05.25 Auditors report 2015

RETINA INTERNATIONAL Retina International balancesheet per 31.12.2014

1. Report of auditors to the members of Retina International

We, Claudia Kerland and Peter Schläpfer, appointed as auditors by the General Assembly 2014 of Retina Suisse according to articles 21, paragraph b and 33 of its constitution (revised 2010), have audited the above balance sheet and annexed income and expenditure accounts for the period of 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014 and certify that they are in accordance with the books and records of Retina International. We certify that the surplus income was of CHF 1'644.28 resulting in a capital per 1.1.2015 of CHF 148'193.97. We recommend the General Assembly of Retina International 2016 to accept the accounts.

Zürich, 10th February 2015

Claudia Kerland Peter Schläpfer

Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 4 appendix 03-2, Financial reports 2014/2015 - 16.05.25 Retina International Balance sheet 2015

in CHF in CHF Balance opening Assets 31.12.15 01.01.15 1001 Bank account 162'085.94 137545.22 1002 Cash account 461.40 404.90 1003 Debitors 29202.05 14821.00 1003A Doubtfull Debitors 9091.00 0 1004 Post 3413.60 3497.30 Prepaid expenses and other 1005 assets 237.35 1058.55 Total Assets 204'491.34 157'326.97

Liabilities and net assets 2001 Acounts payable (Creditors) -12836.90 -9'133.00 2004 Deffered revenue -38'173.85 0.00

2003 Accrued cost 0 0 Total Liabilities - 51'010.75 - 9'133.00

2100 Net assets (Capital) -153480.59 -148'193.97 2101 Profit & loss current period 5'286.62 0.00 Allownces 2016 Total Net Assets -148'193.97 -146'549.69 -148'193.97 Total Liabilities and net Assets -204'491.34 -157'326.97

Expenditure 31.12.2015 3001 Photocopies 500.00 3002 Postage 427.50 3003 Telephone, fax 308.47 3005 Sundry 4'925.50 3007 Exchangerate loss 328.17 3008 Surplus Income 5'286.62 3009 Bankfees 737.01 3010 Staff salary 31'155.90 3012 Unrecoverable Fees 0.00 Office and administrative 43'669.17 expenses

Travel 3004-1 Travel 18'120.43 3004-2 Management Committee 11'394.95 3004-3 SMAB Meeting 5'297.20 3004-4 Travel grant 0.00 Travel expenses 34'812.58

Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 5 appendix 03-2, Financial reports 2014/2015 - 16.05.25 IT - Information Technology 3006 RI Newsletter 14'000.00 3011 Internet 32'396.45 IT - Information Technology 46'396.45 expenses

Limited Projects 3014 White book Project 4204.35 Limited Projects expenses 0 4'204.35

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 129'082.55 129'082.55

Income 4001 Membership fee -83'834.00 4002 Interest -1.05 4003 Donations -7347.45 4004 AMD Alliance 0 4007 Exchangerate gain 4009 Surplus expenditure 0 4010 Staff 0 Income fees and donations -91'182.50

Limited Projects 4011 EU Project -1299.25 4012 Website -32396.45 4014 White book Project grant -4204.35 Total Limited Projects income -37'900.05 TOTAL INCOME -129'082.55

Expenditure/Income balance

Income 129'082.55 Expenditure 123'795.93

Capital per 01.01.2015 148'193.97 Surplus Income 5'286.62 Capital per 01.01.2016 153'480.59

Final accounting per 31.12.2015 Surplus Income - Capital CHF 5286.62 3008 - 2100 12.02.201 5

Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 6 appendix 03-2, Financial reports 2014/2015 - 16.05.25 Auditors report 2016

RETINA INTERNATIONAL Retina International balance sheet per 31.12.2015

Report of auditors to the members of Retina International

We, Heidi Fuchs and Ingrid Bolliger, appointed äs auditors by the General Assembly 2015 of Retina Suisse according to articles 21, paragraph b and 33 of its constitution (revised 2015), have audited the above balance sheet and annexed income and expenditure accounts forthe period of Ist January 2015 to 31 st December 2015 and certify that they are in accordance with the books and records of Retina International. We certify that the surplus income was of CHF 5'286.62 resulting in a capital per 1.1.2016 of CHF 153'480.59. We recommend the General Assembly of Retina International 2016 to accept the accounts.

Zurich, 12th February 2016

Heidi Fuchs Ingrid Bolliger

Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 7 appendix 03-2, Financial reports 2014/2015 - 16.05.25 Pharma Income 2015

Date Pharma Ammount 2015 2016 Remarks Novartis Project grant 16.09.201 Investments relaunch website 5 SARL 32396.45 15018.25 17378.20 2015/2016 Project grant white Novartis book on clinical Investments endpoints 05.11.2015 SARL 25000.00 4204.35 20795.65 2015/2016 Honorarium Novartis European Retina 25.08.201 Investments Patient Forum 15- 5 SARL 1500.00 1500.00 0.00 16 Travel expenses expert meeting clinical trials 11.09.2015 Alcone 974.75 974.75 0.00 Stockholm Honorarium expenses expert 25.09.201 meeting clinical 5 Alcone 2731.05 2731.05 0.00 trials Stockholm

2016 in balance sheet as deffered Total 62602.25 24428.40 38173.85 revenue

Status Report per 31.12.2015

2. General information

Organisation of Retina International

Objective Retina International (formerly known as the International Retinitis Pigmentosa Assoc. - IRPA) is a voluntary charitable umbrella association of 33 national societies each of which is created and run by people with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), Usher Syndrome, Macular Degeneration and allied retinal dystrophies, their families and friends.

The main objective is to promote the search for a treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), Usher Syndrome, Macular Degeneration and allied retinal dystrophies. Main emphasis should be given to inherited forms of retinal dystrophies.

Under the terms of this objective, the following are the functions of Retina International:

Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 8 appendix 03-2, Financial reports 2014/2015 - 16.05.25 - To promote and stimulate research into Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), Usher Syndrome, Macular Degeneration and allied retinal dystrophies, especially by keeping in touch with scientific developments around the world and doing all in its power to foster co-operation and co-ordination among scientists with a view to expediting the development of treatments for Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), Usher Syndrome, Macular Degeneration and allied retinal dystrophies.

- To promote on an international and inter-Foundation basis, what the National Foundations provide on a national and inter-member basis; i.e. mutual support and encouragement in the struggle against Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), Usher Syndrome, Macular Degeneration and allied retinal dystrophies.

- To promote public awareness and provide information on Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), Usher Syndrome, Macular Degeneration and allied retinal dystrophies through maintenance of a high degree of international contact and exchange of literature and other useful material.

- To promote the establishment of societies of persons with retinal degenerations in countries in which such societies do not already exist.

Retina International was created by the member societies to help them achieve their purposes. The main method of doing so is the exchange of ideas and information, both lay and scientific, and the encouragement of co-operation among member societies. Retina International also represents the member societies collectively to supranational organisations.

Retina International employed per 31.12.2015 two persons as paid staff with a total working capacity of 30 %. Otherwise Retina International is run fully on a voluntary basis.

Finances Retina International is a charitable, not for profit organisation and financed by membership fees that are allocated at the bi-annual General Assembly, last time in Paris in July 2014. Retina International may seek additional funding from other sources for projects such as relaunch of the website or the white book on clinical endpoints. Funds of the pharma industry are only accepted as unrestricted educational grants.

Legal basis Legal basis is the constitution of Retina International and the business rules. Retina International's activities are overseen by the host organisation, Retina Suisse. Accounting and management has to be in accordance with Swiss law. Retina International is hostet by Retina Suisse, Ausstellungsstrasse 36, 8005 Zurich (Switzerland)

Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 9 appendix 03-2, Financial reports 2014/2015 - 16.05.25 Governance The day to day business of Retina International is run by the president and the management committee, both duly elected by the General Assembly Paris in July 2014 for the term of office 2014-2016.

Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 10 appendix 03-2, Financial reports 2014/2015 - 16.05.25 President: Christina Fasser (Switzerland) Management committee: Claudette Medefindt, deputy president (South Africa) Fraser Alexander (New Zealand) Caisa Ramshage (Sweden) K.P. Tsang (Hong Kong) Abdullah Yusuf, treasurer (Pakistan)

Auditors (appointed by the General Assembly of Retina Swiss in April 2015): Heidi Fuchs and Ingrid Bolliger (both from Switzerland)

1.2 Bookkeeping The accounts and books are kept according to the laws of Switzerland. 3. 4. 2. Comments 2.1 Securities Retina International has no securities and all funds are in the bank, post and cash accounts.

2.2 Funds from the pharma industry in 2015/2016 Retina International accepts funds from the pharma industry only as unrestricted educational grants.

In 2015 Retina international received two major grants, covering activities in 2015 and 2016 for the relaunch of the website and the establishing of a white book for meaningful clinical endpoints in retinal degenerative diseases.

To tal a m o u Date Pharma nt 2015 2016 Remarks 32 39 Novartis Investments 6. 17378. Project grant Relaunch 16.09.2015 SARL 45 15018.25 20 Website 2015/2016 25 00 Project grant white book on Novartis Investments 0. 20795. clinical endpoints 05.11.2015 SARL 00 4204.35 65 2015/2016 15 00 Novartis Investments .0 Honorarium European 25.08.2015 SARL 0 1500.00 0.00 Retina Patient Forum 15-16 11.09.2015 Alcone 97 974.75 0.00 Travel expenses expert 4. meeting clinical trials

Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 11 appendix 03-2, Financial reports 2014/2015 - 16.05.25 75 Stockholm 27 31 Honorarium expenses .0 expert meeting clinical trials 25.09.2015 Alcone 5 2731.05 0.00 Stockholm

62 60

2. 38173. 2016 in balance sheet as Total 25 24428.40 85 deferred revenue

Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 12 appendix 03-2, Financial reports 2014/2015 - 16.05.25 2.3 Risk management The Management committee is regularly assessing the risks.

5. 3. Events after the 31.12.15 that could influence the future of Retina International The General Assembly 2014 decided to establish an office in Dublin (Ireland) and to hire a CEO, which will be effective from 1.1.2016. The General Assembly has approved the finances to cover the first six months, i.e. until June 30th, 2016. For the continuation the funds have to be raised. In this process Retina International will decide whether Retina international may move its registration to Ireland.

Zurich, 12th February 2016

Christina Fasser, President Abdullah Yusuf, Treasurer


Retina International, GA 2016, Taipei (Taiwan) pg. 13 appendix 03-2, Financial reports 2014/2015 - 16.05.25

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