Chapter 6 East Meets West

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Chapter 6 East Meets West

Chapter 6 – East Meets West

I. Lesson 1: Europeans Come to the Americas

a. The 1400’s was a time of great ______and ______in the world.

i. Leif Ericson ______

b. Christopher Columbus ______

* Expedition - ______

* To fund his expedition Columbus first went to the King of Portugal. The king’s reply was: ______

* In fact Columbus’s estimate was off by ______.

* Columbus then proposed his idea to ______and ______of Spain. They agreed to pay for his expedition after six years.

* The Voyage i. Columbus kept two separate ship’s logs because ______ii. October 12, 1492: Columbus lands in the Bahamas (not Asia), and comes into contact with the ______people. iii. Three Ships: ______, ______, and ______iv. Purpose was to find a fast, safe all water route to the ______by sailing ______. v. ______– where we believe Columbus landed on the date of ______vi. ______– (Holy Savior) the name Christopher Columbus gave the island we believe he landed on vii. The people he met were called ______or ______because he thought he had reached the Indies. c. The Taino i. Lived on the islands of ______, ______, ______, ______, and the ______. ii. The words ______, ______and ______are from their language. iii. Little is known about the Taino. d. The Columbian Exchange: A few months later, Columbus returned to Spain, bringing riches from the ______. It was then decided by the King and Queen that a colony would be started.

Colony - ______

With this contact between Europe and America, new goods were brought to both sides of the Atlantic. This “Columbian Exchange” changed life around the world.

i. American Foods: ______

ii. Horses: ______

iii. Disease: ______e. The Seeds of Change: The five most important items were:

i. FROM AMERICA TO EUROPE (West to East) 1. ______

2. ______

ii. FROM EUROPE TO AMERICA (East to West) 1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

* Name a good effect: ______

* Name a bad effect: ______

II. Lesson 2: Explorers and Conquerors

a. In the 20 years following Columbus’s “discovery,” Spain claimed most of the islands in the Caribbean.

b. Conquistador - ______c. Moctezuma II and Cortez

i. Tenochtitlan - ______

ii. Moctezuma II- ______

* During Moctezuma II’s rule ______

iii. In ______, ______Spanish troops arrived in hopes of finding ______.

iv. Hernando Cortes: ______d. Cortes Defeats the Empire

i. Cortez came upon many cities on his way to Tenochtitlan. In one of the cities he met Dona Marina.

ii. Dona Marina - ______iii. The two leaders, Moctezuma and Cortez, met in 1519. ______

iv. The Aztec fought back and drove out the Spaniards.

v. Cortez returns with more soldiers and ______vi. Cuauhtemoc – Who is he? ______

What did he do? ______

e. How the Spanish Won: 1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

III. The Spanish Build an Empire

a. New Spain - ______

b. Mexico City - ______

c. Encomiendas - ______

d. The Spanish conquistadors spread quickly throughout North and South America, increasing the empire.

e. Spain conquers the Maya: ______i. Maya - ______

ii. Maya were conquered in ______after fighting for twenty years.

iii. The Spanish burned Mayan ______that contained their knowledge of ______, ______, and ______. f. Francisco Coronado searched for ______, but instead he found the cliffs of the ______. g. Building New Spain

i. Life became very ______for the Natives. In the slavery-like system, Natives ______in exchange for ______.

ii. They often worked from ______to ______, were whipped, and often forced to work in the ______. h. “Protector of the Indians”

i. Bartolome de Las Casas: 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______6. ______7. ______

ii. Missionary - ______

iii. Laws were eventually passed that said Indians could no longer be made to ______without ______. iv. The Native population dropped because of overwork and disease, so the Spanish began to enslave ______to replace the dying Natives.

v. Many Africans escaped throughout the years.

* Yanga - ______

vi. Mexico City was rebuilt ______vii. Mexico City became the biggest city in New Spain. viii. Mexico City was compared to Venice because ______Explorers

1. Christopher Columbus: ______

2. Vasco Nunez de Balboa: ______

3. Hernando Cortez: ______

4. Ponce de Leon: ______

5. Ferdinand Magellan: ______

6. Hernando de Soto: ______

7. Francisco Pizarro: ______

8. Cabeza de Vaca: ______

9. Juan Cabrillo: ______10. Francisco Coronado: ______

11. Leif Erikson: ______

12. Eric the Red: ______

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