AASFAA Executive Board Meeting s1

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AASFAA Executive Board Meeting s1

AASFAA Executive Board Meeting 2010 Spring Conference, April 6th Lake Guntersville State Park: Lake Guntersville, AL

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:33 p.m. by President Andy Weaver. Roll: Officers President, Andy Weaver PRESENT President Elect, Amanda Sharp PRESENT Past President, Charles Markle PRESENT Vice President, Vanessa Kyles PRESENT Secretary, Belinda Duett PRESENT Treasurer, Kevin Ammons PRESENT Committee Chairs ACHE Liaison, Cheryl Newton ABSENT Archives Coordinator, Wanda Bass PRESENT Awards & Rec. Chair, Charles Markle PRESENT Budget Chair, Kevin Ammons PRESENT Bylaws Chair, Dr. Chip Quisenberry PRESENT Diversity Coordinator, Dee Talley TARDY Electronic Services, Jonna Baker ABSENT Financial Review Comm, Karen Gibson TARDY Leg Rels Chair – Sharon Williams ABSENT Lender Liaison, Don Rhoads ABSENT Local Arrang - Spring, Vickie Adams PRESENT Long Range Planning Coord., Lora Kiser ABSENT Membership Chair, Ann Campbell TARDY Nominations / Elections, Charles Markle PRESENT Policies & Procedures Coor, Dr. Bill Wall ABSENT Professional Dev, Vanessa Kyles PRESENT Program Comm – Spring, Ben Baker PRESENT Publications Coordinator, Anthony Richey ABSENT Public Relations/Photos, Joan Waters PRESENT Scholarships, Dr. Bill Wall ABSENT Site Selection, Mike Reynolds ABSENT Special Projects, Fred Carter ABSENT 2-Yr. College Concerns, Amy Rowell PRESENT Vendor/Sponsor Coord, Carol Ballard PRESENT

Minutes: It was noted that minutes for the previous Board Meeting were in the process of being posted to the website. Charles made a motion to accept the minutes Kevin made a second, vote was taken. Motion carries.

Officer Reports: President Andy Weaver: Since our fall workshop in Montgomery, I attended our SASFAA conference in Louisville, KY in February and met with fellow presidents of other state associations in the region for a SASFAA Board meeting. In addition, I joined the other Board members in the Governor’s Office on January 22 when Gov. Riley declared the month of February as “Financial Aid Awareness Month in Alabama.” This resolution will be on display at our registration desk.As you can tell from our conference materials, the theme for this meeting is – “Overcome, Adapt, and Persevere.” Our profession is rapidly changing, our vendor support is shrinking, but we can and will persevere. In following a practice adopted last year, I am recommending the Board consider under new business a motion to present signed resolutions of appreciation to all committee chairs and liaison appointees instead of the engraved plaques as we have done in previous years. The reason for the recommendation is simple – cost-savings. President Elect Amanda Sharp: I have enjoyed my time so far as President-Elect. I was able to attend the SASFAA Conference in Louisville, KY in February. Many of the sessions there focused on the then pending student aid legislation in Congress. Our President, Andy Weaver, was unable to attend and I was happy to stand in for him at the Alabama meeting where we discussed issues of particular importance to our state association membership.I had the opportunity to attend the NASFAA Leadership Conference in Washington, DC in late February of this year. NASFAA representatives provided us with updates on current issues affecting state and regional associations as well as an opportunity to collaborate with other state association officers. We were treated to a visit to the NASFAA headquarters and were able to spend some time in conversation with NASFAA leaders.While at the conference, I was please to be able to meet with Senator Jeff Session’s Legislative Assistant for Education, Caroline Walker. She and I discussed student aid measures in Congress. My main focus with Ms. Walker was the need for additional Federal Work Study funding. I was very fortunate to meet with Congressman Parker Griffith. Congressman Griffith was well-informed on current issues of concern to students and financial aid administrators and was very receptive and supportive of additional funding for FWS.I have had the pleasure of working with Vickie Adams, Local Arrangements Chair; Ben Baker, Program Chair; and their respective committees during the planning for this conference. Both Ben and Vickie have done a fantastic job and we should have a great conference in store for us.

Past President Charles Markle: The AASFAA Nominations and Elections Committee met in Montgomery on March 2, 2010 in the offices of the Alabama Student Loan Program in order to consider nominees and select candidates for AASFAA elective office for 2010-2011. Past Presidents of AASFAA who are active members were invited to attend, serving as the Nominating Committee. Present were James Berry, Buddy Jackson, Charles Markle, Chip Quisenberry, Don Rainer, Mike Reynolds, Dee Talley, and William Wall. The committee is pleased to present the following candidates for AASFAA office for 2010-2011: President-elect: Vickie Adams, Financial Aid Director Jacksonville State University Marcus Byrd, Scholarship Specialist/Financial Aid Advisor Alabama A&M Vice President: Trina Smith, Coordinator of Student Loans Calhoun Community College Sharon Williams, Assistant Director of Student Financial Services Lawson State Community College Secretary Kelly D’Eath, Director of Financial Aid Gadsden State Community College Betty Edwards, Director of Financial Aid H. Councill Trenholm State Technical College Treasurer-elect: Belinda Duett, Director of Student Financial Services/ Financial Aid Director Huntingdon College Lane Smith, Director of Financial Aid Samford University The AASFAA Executive Board voted unanimously on 3/5/10 to accept the slate, and the membership was notified on the same day via the AASFAA listserv. A statement of candidacy and a picture of each candidate is on the AASFAA website. Voting began online a few days before the AASFAA Spring Conference at Guntersville State Park April 6 – 9, 2010 and will continue through the conference. Each candidate will be given three minutes at the business meeting to present his or her statement of candidacy. Our new officers will be announced at the association banquet, April 8.Also, past recipients of the M. Cecil Padgett Outstanding Achievement Award determined that there will be recipients for both the Padgett and the John H. Buchanan, Jr. Distinguished Service Award. Honorees will be announced at the association banquet, April 8.

Vice-President Vanessa Kyles: The New Aid Officer’s Workshop for the spring conference 2010 in Guntersville should be a great workshop with the staff of Dee Talley, Sharon Williams and Vanessa Kyles. We plan to present 8 hours of information in the 4 hours of time allotted. Topics to be discussed are: financial aid program review, the application process, student eligibility, verification and cost of attendance. To date, 39 people have pre-registered for the meeting which is a very large number. We have ordered notebooks and handouts for 45 people.

Secretary Belinda Duett: Minutes from the business meetings held during the AASFAA 2009 Spring Conference in Orange Beach have been posted to the website under the electronic services area and are in the process of being moved to the minutes section. All executive board members are in attendance for today’s meeting. A correction to Lou Dees name still needs to be made to the Spring minutes. Officer and Committee Chair reports provided today will be posted to the website as soon as possible.

Treasurer Kevin Ammons: Report attached via pdf.

Chair & Liason Reports: ACHE-Cheryl Newton: Notification was given to each institution regarding proration and the effect that may occur during the 2010-2011 award year. Adjustments were made to awards prior to the award notification. Alabama Student Assistance Program (ASAP) Deadline for invoices (ASAP and ASAP-KNIGHT) for the 2nd half of the yearly allotments is 4/15/2010.  Disbursements will be mailed beginning 7/1/2010 through 7/15/2010.  Deadline for both Regular ASAP and ASAP-Knight rosters is August 6, 2010. Alabama Student Grant Program (ASGP) Spring disbursements are in process. Disbursements will be made after April 15th until all funds are exhausted. Thereafter, all remaining institutions disbursements will be mailed no later than July 15th. Alabama National Guard Educational Assistance Program (ANGEAP) All ANGEAP applications received to date have been processed. Alabama Teacher Recruitment Incentive Program (ATRIP) The 2010-2011 renewal certification form for currently enrolled students will be forwarded to the financial aid offices by May 7, 2010. The proposed recommendation of the Governor and House version of the 2010-2011 budget for the state grant aid programs are as follows:  Alabama Student Assistance Program $2.8M.  Alabama Student Grant Program $2.3M  Alabama National Guard Educational Assistance Program current level funding  Police Officers’ and Firefighters’ Survivors Educational Assistance Program current level funding Archives-Wanda Bass: No report. Chip Q. had mentioned that he had digitized previous archives on CD and it wasn’t posted. Inquired if anyone knew where that CD was and thought he might have another somewhere. He also requested that the website be needed some sprucing.

Awards & Recognition-Charles Markle: see Past President’s report.

Budget-Kevin Ammons: See Treasurer report. Charles inquired as to when our CDs mature.

By-Laws Chip Quisenberry: No Changes. No report. Andy thought that there were some changes. Chip was going to check. Discussion on definition of “quorum” for purposes of AASFAA meeting was had by all. It was determined that 50% of voting board members was considered quorum.

Diversity- Dee Talley: The AASFAA Diversity Committee posted diversity alerts on the AASFAA listserve for the months of February and March. The purpose of the alerts was to inform AASFAA members of diversity related activities during these months. In February, the alert reminded members that the month of February was Financial Aid Awareness Month and Black History Month. In March, the alert focused on Women’s History Month. The committee plans to post alerts for the months of April, May and June. The committee is pleased to announce that Mr. Graham Sisson, Jr., Executive Director of the Governor’s Office of Disability and State ADA Director for Alabama, will be the guest speaker at the spring conference luncheon on Thursday, April 8, 2010. Mr. Sisson was injured June 27, 1982 in a head-on automobile collision with a drunk driver, which left him permanently paralyzed. He has a remarkable and inspirational story to tell about challenges and adversities he faced as a disabled person.

Electronic Services- Jonna Baker: The following updates have been made to the web site: Submitted updates for Executive Board and Committee Chair listings to ATAC and updated the web. Submitted candidate bios’ and photos to ATAC and posted to the web. Exhibitor invoice was added to the web on March 12, 2010.Conference Registrations and Exhibit invoice was posted on March 12, 2010.Submitted Spring Conference Agenda to ATAC and updated the web. Photos of Lake Guntersville State Park were posted to the web on February 2, 2010.Conference registration email was sent to all individuals in the data base at no additional cost. I will be working with ATAC over the next few months to develop a calendar timeline for postings, announcements, etc. for Executive Board and Committee Chairs.

Financial Review- Karen Gibson: No report. Discussion developed on audit requirements, bonding requirements and timing of these events.

Legislative Relations (ST & Fed)- Sharon Williams: Sharon thanked Doug Savage tremendously for his work in compiling all of this data. Goals: Enlist the aid of financial aid professionals to identify key national legislative issues important to AASFAA members. Ensure various sectors of the financial aid profession are represented on the Legislative Relations-National Committee and recruit AASFAA members new to committee participation. Objectives: Ensure AASFAA members are informed of the key national legislative issues impacting the financial aid profession by posting federal updates on the AASFAA Listserv and providing federal updates during the AASFAA Board meetings. The 2009-2010 Legislative Relations-National Committee continues to identify key national legislative issues important to AASFAA members, provides AASFAA members valuable federal legislative updates and resolutions to common issues impacting the financial aid industry, and support the goals and objectives of the 2009-2010 AASFAA President, Andy Weaver. Communications The following information was disseminated via the AASFAA Listserv to keep members informed of legislative issues on the national level. August 2009: Federal Student Aid Trends and Issues, ED Clarification on New Verification Rules, Guidance on Federal VA Benefits for Purposes of the Title IV FSA Programs, TEACH and VA Benefits, FISAP Training, Foster Youth Q&A From NASFAA's AskRegs, Non-Federal Share of FSEOG Awards for the 2009-10 September 2009: Constitution Day Requirements to Remain Title IV Eligible, Regulatory Relief for Schools Affected by H1N1, New ED Regional Office Phone Numbers - 10-12-09 October 2009: The Ongoing Saga of HR 3221, Direct Loan Training, Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) Program, ED Publishes Final Regulations, ED Publishes Additional Final Regulations March 2010: Congress Passes Student Aid Reform in Reconciliation Bill, Bartnicki Bulletin - Training, Webinars and ED Servicers, Live Internet Town Hall Meeting - Year-Round Pell Grant Q & A The Legislative Relations-National Committee also answered questions from AASFAA members concerning loan fees, record retention, and FISAP deadline. Federal Update (Through March 31, 2010) President Signs Student Loan Reform Bill into Law President Obama signed H.R. 4872, the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010 into law on March 30, 2010. Following are highlights of this law. Federal Family Education Loan Program 1 The authority to make or insure new loans under the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program would end on June 30, 2010. Existing FFEL loans would continue to be eligible for program benefits. Beginning July 1, 2010, all new Stafford, PLUS and consolidation loans would be made under the Direct Loan (DL) program In‐School Consolidation Loans 1 Between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011, borrowers who have multiple types of federal loans and who have not yet entered repayment on at least one of their loans would be eligible to consolidate their loans into the DL program. To be eligible borrowers would have to have at least two of the following three types of loans: DL program loans; FFEL program loans held by an eligible FFEL program lender; and, FFEL program loans that have been purchased by the Secretary through an ECASLA program. While the interest rate on these loans is otherwise set in the same manner any consolidation, there is no upward rounding. Federal Pell Grants • Sets maximum Pell Grant award at $5,550 for Award Year (AY) 2010‐11 through 2012‐13. • Starting with AY 2013‐14 through AY 2017‐18, the maximum Pell Grant is set at the greater of $5,550 or the maximum for the prior award year, plus an amount equal to the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). • Beginning with AY 2018‐19, the maximum remains flat. • Mandatory funding is allocated for the increases. CBO estimates that these provisions will cost $22.6 billion over the FY 2010‐2019 period. • Full funding of the maximum Pell Grant is still dependent upon the annual appropriations process, as Congress will need to appropriate sufficient funds to provide for the first $4,860 of the maximum grant. • Partially funds the Pell Grant shortfall for a cost $13.5 million through FY2012. Income Based Repayment (IBR) • Expands the Income Based Repayment (IBR) Program for new borrowers beginning July 1, 2014. o Under the provision, loan payments would not exceed 10 percent of a borrower’s prior year income (from 15 percent currently) and the maximum number of years of income based repayment before the borrower qualifies for loan forgiveness would be reduced to 20 years (from 25 years). • Estimated cost of $1 billion over five years and $1.5 billion over 10 years. Live Internet Town Hall Meeting - Year-Round Pell Grant Q & A Federal Student Aid staff will present 90-minute town hall meeting, with one version of the meetings designed for term-based schools and the other version designed for clock-hour/non-term schools. The town hall meetings are intended for all schools that participate in the Pell Grant Program. The town hall meeting “Year-Round Pell Grant Q & A for Term-Based Schools” will be offered on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 10:00 A.M. (CT) and again on Friday, April 16, 2010 at 12:30 P.M. (CT). The town hall meeting “Year-Round Pell Grant Q & A for Clock- Hour/Non-Term Schools” will be offered on Friday, April 9, 2010 at 12:30 P.M. (CT). Go to the following Web site for registration information. http://www.ifap.ed.gov/dpcletters/ANN1010.html Lender Liason- Don Rhodes: No report

Local Arrangements- Vicki Adams: Thank you Andy Weaver for trusting me enough to allow me to serve as Spring 2010 AASFAA Local Arrangements Chair. It has truly been exciting. I want to thank Stephanie Miller, Tammy Spratlin, Jonna Baker, Lora Kiser, Donna Bass, and Amanda Sharp for their willingness to offer me the help and guidance needed to make this a successful conference. It is truly a privilege and blessing to be associated with wonderful people who do not hesitate to say yes when asked to do whatever is needed. I look forward to this week at Lake Guntersville State Park and if anyone needs anything, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Long Range Planning- Lora Kiser: The following are goals & objectives that have been added to the 09-14 LRP. Executive Board GOAL: Ensure the advice and assistance provided to the Board by committee chairs are such that the goals of the Association are readily accomplished, future leadership is developed, and Board activities remain fiscally responsible. OBJECTIVE:  Committee goals and objectives should be developed annually to meet the goals and objectives of the AASFAA Long-Range Plan and recommendations shared with the Board for consideration.  Select an appropriate mix of returning and new committee chairs to ensure continuity of Association business and development of future leadership.  Require that each committee provides a written annual summary of its activities so this information may be included in the President’s annual report. Membership Objectives:  Provide mentoring opportunities for new members.  Incorporate ideas which surface from membership survey. Finances Objectives:  Incorporate the financial impact of vendor sponsorship in the budget planning process annually. Scholarship GOAL: Ensure that the Association assists students in securing financial assistance to pursue college-level studies by continuing the Legacy Scholarship Program. OBJECTIVE:  Review annually, the Association’s financial status and award scholarships to the extent possible.  Membership- Ann Campbell: As Membership Chairman for 2009-2010 I was responsible for informing members during the summer of 2009 that their AASFAA memberships should be renewed and communicated several times via the AASFAA listserv to remind them to renew their memberships. I have also encouraged AASFAA members to maintain and update their contact information throughout the year in the event of a job change, etc., in order to ensure that our database was kept up to date. For the first time, we utilized a free service provided by ATAC to communicate with AASFAA members from prior years who had not renewed their 2009-2010 membership. This proved to be effective in that we received several 2009-2010 membership requests after communicating with that group of former members. As Membership Chairman, I will be responsible for creating conference nametags for all attendees at the Spring 2010 conference and to assist the Treasurer as needed as the registration desk. I enjoyed my year of service to AASFAA as Membership Chairman during 2009-2010!

Nomination & Elections- Charles Markle: see Past President’s Report.

P&P- William Wall: Two sections are recommended for consideration: 1. SCHOLARSHIPS The Scholarship Committee recommended last year the Executive Board reduce the number of scholarships from five (5) to one (1) because of the reduction in income for the Association. This action takes effect this year. Two scholarship revisions to the Policy and Procedure Manual need to be incorporated into the Manual posted on our website. That information can be found in the committee minutes posted for last year. Listed below is the information to be added as replacements for Attachments 6.18.2.a. and 6.18.2.b. All additional attachments in 6.18.2. should be deleted.


Attachment 6.18.2.a.

Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc.


Dear Financial Aid Administrator:


Your institution has been selected in a random drawing to receive the AASFAA Legacy Scholarship provided annually by the Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc.

This $1000 scholarship is awarded in memory or honor of five members who served the Association – Shirley Speer, Bill Gentry, Floyd Johnston, Theresa Duke, and Dr. William H. Wall -- and is a fitting way for the Association to do our part to assist students who need our help in achieving their educational goals.

In order to receive the funds, you will need to submit to the AASFAA Treasurer an invoice to request payment. A sample invoice is enclosed for your information. Funds will be forfeited if not requested by December 31.

We appreciate this opportunity to assist one of your students.

Sincerely, William H. Wall Scholarship Coordinator Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc. enclosures


Attachment 6.18.2.b. Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc.

Date Congratulations.

You have been selected by the financial aid administrator at your institution to receive the Legacy Scholarship provided annually by the Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc. Your scholarship is provided in memory or honor of longtime financial aid administrators – Shirley Speer, Bill Gentry, Floyd Johnston, Theresa Duke, and Dr. William H. Wall.

The Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc. is an association of caring professionals who assist students in securing financial assistance to pursue college- level studies. Currently, there are around 350 professionals from public and private, two- year and four-year colleges and universities in Alabama.

In return for providing these scholarship funds to you, we ask you to fulfill one request – to provide your name and your educational and career plans to the Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, 100 North Union Street, Suite 390, Montgomery, AL 36104.

Best wishes for every success with your academic career.

Sincerely, William H. Wall Scholarship Coordinator Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2. ELECTIONS The revised election procedures that allow for electronic voting, previously adopted by the Board, need to be inserted on the website.

Professional Development- Vanessa Kyles: see ice-resident’s Report.

Program Committee- Ben Baker: The Spring Conference 2010 Program Committee met on Friday, January 29, 2010, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the La Cocina Restaurant in Birmingham, AL to discuss topics of interest. A delicious meal of country fried steak, squash casserole, mashed potatoes, garden salad, rolls, banana pudding, strawberry shortcake, and tea was enjoyed by all. The meal was catered by All Around Town Catering, LLC. Members of the program committee are Delinda Hurry, Kelly D’Eath, Ann Little, Amanda Sharp, Lora Kiser, Nicky Willmon, Vickie Adams, Tammy Spratlin, Joel Parris, and Beth Roberts. The theme selected for this year’s conference is Overcome, Adapt, Persevere. The theme reflects the changes and challenges forthcoming in the financial aid industry. The conference registration fee will provide breakfast, lunch, and dinner to all attendees on Wednesday and Thursday. The Jacksonville State University Jazz Quartet will provide entertainment at the Wednesday evening dinner. A breakfast will be provided to attendees at the closing session on Friday morning.The conference agenda will include four different sessions on Wednesday morning for almost everyone attending the conference. Those sessions include: (1) New Aid Officer’s Workshop at 8:00 a.m. presented by Vanessa Kyles, Sharon Williams, and Dee Talley. (2) Sungard SCT/Banner User Group Discussion at 10:00 a.m. with Andy Weaver as moderator. (3) Veterans Affairs Update at 10:00 a.m. presented by Charles Rice with Michelle Thompson as moderator. (4) 2-Year Concerns and Alliant Data Systems Update at 10:00 a.m. with Amy Rowell as moderator. The Opening Session and Business Meeting of the conference will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 7 with AASFAA President Andrew Weaver presiding. The Opening Session will feature reports from committee chairpersons and awards of appreciation being presented. David Bartnicki has been selected by the U. S. Dept of Education to serve as the Federal trainer for this year’s conference. There will be four (4) different sessions at which David will be featured. The topics for David’s sessions include: (1) General Session - Federal Update. (2) General Session - Federal Update – Year-round Pell. (3) Transition to Direct Lending – Panel Discussion. (4) General Session (Fed Q & A). The program committee selected four different topics to be presented in two different concurrent sessions. All four interest sessions will take place on Thursday, April 8. The topics and the presenters at 10:45 a.m. on Thursday are: (1) Verification presented by Lissa Powell with Wanda Bass as moderator, and (2) Default Management presented by Lisa Stephens with Nicky Willmon as moderator.The topics and the presenters at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday are: (3) Satisfactory Academic Progress presented by Lissa Powell with Ann Little as moderator, and (4) Net Price Calculator presented by Ben Baker with Chip Quisenberry as moderator. The conference program will feature informative, inspiring, and entertaining speakers at the three meal events on Thursday . The morning breakfast will feature a SASFAA update with AASFAA’s own Dee Talley expected to be the speaker. The luncheon will feature Graham Sisson, Jr., Executive Director, State ADA Coordinator, and General Counsel for the Governor’s Office on Disability. The evening dinner banquet will feature President Andrew Weaver and recognition of service by AASFAA members and supporters. You can view the conference agenda on the AASFAA website at: http://www.aasfaaonline.org/docs/conferences/2010/Agenda.pdf It has taken the hard work of many different individuals to develop the agenda for this conference. I have been fortunate as Program Chair to have the assistance of dedicated AASFAA members willing to participate in making sure this conference provides meaningful learning opportunities for everyone. I hope you have an enjoyable conference this week at Lake Guntersville!

Publications- Anthony Richey: No Report.

Public Relations- Joan Waters: No report. Scholarship- William Wall: The Scholarship Committee recommended last year the Executive Board reduce the number of scholarships from five (5) to one (1) because of the reduction in income for the Association. This action takes effect this year. Two scholarship revisions to the Policy and Procedure Manual need to be incorporated into the Manual posted on our website. That information can be found in the committee minutes posted for last year. Listed below is the information to be added as replacements for Attachments 6.18.2.a. and 6.18.2.b. All additional attachments in 6.18.2. should be deleted.


Attachment 6.18.2.a.

Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc.


Dear Financial Aid Administrator:


Your institution has been selected in a random drawing to receive the AASFAA Legacy Scholarship provided annually by the Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc.

This $1000 scholarship is awarded in memory or honor of five members who served the Association – Shirley Speer, Bill Gentry, Floyd Johnston, Theresa Duke, and Dr. William H. Wall -- and is a fitting way for the Association to do our part to assist students who need our help in achieving their educational goals.

In order to receive the funds, you will need to submit to the AASFAA Treasurer an invoice to request payment. A sample invoice is enclosed for your information. Funds will be forfeited if not requested by December 31.

We appreciate this opportunity to assist one of your students.

Sincerely, William H. Wall Scholarship Coordinator Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc. enclosures


Attachment 6.18.2.b.

Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc.

Date Congratulations. You have been selected by the financial aid administrator at your institution to receive the Legacy Scholarship provided annually by the Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc. Your scholarship is provided in memory or honor of longtime financial aid administrators – Shirley Speer, Bill Gentry, Floyd Johnston, Theresa Duke, and Dr. William H. Wall.

The Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc. is an association of caring professionals who assist students in securing financial assistance to pursue college- level studies. Currently, there are around 350 professionals from public and private, two- year and four-year colleges and universities in Alabama.

In return for providing these scholarship funds to you, we ask you to fulfill one request – to provide your name and your educational and career plans to the Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, 100 North Union Street, Suite 390, Montgomery, AL 36104.

Best wishes for every success with your academic career.

Sincerely, William H. Wall Scholarship Coordinator Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Inc.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Following registration tomorrow, I will work with the Treasurer to select the school that will receive the AASFAA Legacy Scholarship for 2010.

William H. Wall Coordinator

Site Selection- Mike Reynolds: No Report. Charles mentioned talking with the hotel about having it at LG State Park after we have completed the conference.

Special Projects- Fred Carter: I contacted a local NACAC representative, Karen L. Svetlay, from Mountain Brook High School in Birmingham to request that AASFAA be invited to provide financial aid information to the students and parents attending the fair. The Birmingham College Fair held was held at the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex North Exposition Hall on September 20, 2009. She said we would be with the Counseling Center for the Birmingham NACAC and put me in touch with Linda Jones, Counselor at Jefferson County IB School, who coordinated the counselor center. I proposed that instead of their two financial aid folks, we have four - sitting close together. I also proposed to have tents made to go in front of us which will say something like "Financial Aid Q & A" so parents can see that connected to a person. They were all agreeable to those suggestions. Wendy Roberts, Melba Maudlin, Sharon Williams, Alesha Kegler and I represented AASFAA at the fair. Sharon, Wendy, Melba, Alesha, and I answered many very basic questions from Alabama families. Here is some of the feedback from one of the high school counselors. I heard other high school counselors say great things about AASFAA's involvement in the fair. They hope we return. I let them know that if DeeDee Barns-Bruns from UAB no longer wishes to do the financial aid presentations that AASFAA will be happy to provide those as well or partner with her to do them. We handed out about 875 “Funding your Education” from USDE; we could have given out more but I asked folks to slow it down because I was afraid we would run out and have an hour left. Karen Svetlay contacted me March 29th to touch base about the NACAC College Fair this fall 2010 and to ask me to join the NACAC committee. They meet once in the summer and take care of everything we needed to plan the fair. I agreed and am hoping this could become a permanent AASFAA seat on the planning committee.

Two Year Concerns- Amy Rowell: The Two-Year Concerns Committee did not meet in the fall, due to no fall conference. E-mail has been the major communication for our group. The directors of the two year colleges have participated in a webinar with Alliant Data System to answer questions and concerns about upcoming regulations with year-round pell and how this will be implemented with our software systems. We hope to share more helpful information in our meeting at this conference. There are still many concerns among our colleagues about these new regulations and how they will affect the operations of the financial aid office. Our colleagues are willing to share information and all work together to figure out the easiest and most efficient ways to handle our new challenges. I have enjoyed the opportunity to serve as the chair of this two-year concerns committee. Thank you for the trust you have place in me and I look forward to the opportunity of serving in the future.

Vendor Coordinator- Carol Ballard: Sent invitations to the following to invite them to participate in our Conference: --Ed America --Shred-it --US Business Products --SBS Southern Business Systems --National Guard --Army National Guard --Air Force National Guard --Air Force ROTC --Army ROTC --US Army Reserve --Alabama National Guard --Greenwood & Hall Call center solutions --Datatel Software Company --Sun Guard/SCT Company --Access Software Company --Barnes & Noble Bookstore --IKON Printing Company --CMD-Out sourcing Solutions --Regions --The Student Loan People --Sun Trust --Elm Resources --Global Financial Aid Services --Chase --PNC Bank --Cit Student Loan Corporation --Discover Student Loans --National Education --NSLP National Student Loan Program --Great Lakes Educational Loan Services --USA Funds Services --TG --Wells Fargo Only four Vending as of 04/05/2010 --Regions --The Student Loan People --NSLP --TG I had 3 others contact me with regard to the amount of fees for booths however they elected to not vend. Also had responses from 4 companies that said they would need to budget for events like this and would let us know next year. It was noted that the transition meeting would be a good time to discuss this as we would need to adjust the vendor fee to fit with the times. It would be hard to attract vendors without having a set price.

President Weaver thanked all of the Chairs & Liaisons for their reports.

Old Business: President Weaver inquired if there was any old business to come before the board. There were two items brought up: Budget Chair/Co-Chair – dispensed & Approval of the budget – to be done in Business Meeting. New Business: President Weaver, as the first item of new business, made a motion to present committee chairs and liaison appointees with certificates of appreciation for services rendered to the association. Charles made a motion to accept and Kevin seconded. Vote was taken, motion accepted.

No other new Business was brought up.

Belinda made a motion to adjourn, Kevin seconded, vote was take motion accepted. Meeting adjourned at 5: 09 p.m

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