Diocese of Newcastle

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Diocese of Newcastle

Diocese of Newcastle Thy Kingdom Come Novena

Thursday May 25th: Saturday May 27th: FIRST STEPS IN PRAYER TRANSFORMING POWER OF GOD’S LOVE on Ascension Day Go and tell what you have seen and heard Your Kingdom come, your will be done We pray for confidence for all God’s people to As we begin this period of prayer for England we speak of the transforming power of the love remember that Jesus said “stay….until you are made known in the story of Jesus of Nazareth. clothed with power from on high”. So we pray, So we pray,  That England would be a land that hears  For God to distribute gifts of inspired afresh and welcomes God’s Word speaking among us  That God’s people would have real  For our welcome of all coming for confidence in his love baptism and confirmation and their supporters  That praise of God might flow freely through our lives  For those who help us be better disciples of Jesus Heavenly Father, for the gift of your Son, we Lord Jesus, bearer of Good News, shed abroad give you thanks and praise. Amen the assurance of the Word’s power to liberate, restore, heal and forgive. Amen

Friday May 26th: COMPASSION FOR THOSE IN TROUBLE Sunday May 28th: God has looked favourably on his people WITNESS AMONG THOSE CALLED TO GOVERN We pray for the deepening of our compassion for those whose lives have fallen on hard times. You are witnesses of these things That the healing grace of a loving, welcoming Gathering together on the Lord’s Day we pray church offers a beacon of light in our that our Churches will offer effective witness to community. So we pray, God’s name in the institutions of local, regional  For those who live with the pain of and national government. So we pray, bereavement  For local councillors, MPs and MEPs  For those who have suffered abuse,  For generosity in negotiations with our neglect or discrimination European neighbours  For those who work for the wellbeing  For the Queen, in her tenth decade, and of neighbours in difficulty as Defender of the Faith Lord of compassion, come to the aid of those Lord of all life, look kindly on those who offer who are distressed, wipe away their tears and themselves to govern in our country and inspire give them the hope that springs from the them to serve with joy, integrity and energy, for resurrection of Jesus Christ. Amen the sake of your holy name. Amen Monday May 29th: Wednesday May 31st: DISCERNING REAL SPIRITUAL NEED FOR THE VISION OF OUR DIOCESE Who is this who even forgives sins? We walk by faith, not by sight We pray for the discernment of the real spiritual Through Growing Church Bringing hope, we pray needs of others and with thanksgiving for God’s for a deeper longing to see our worshipping generosity towards the whole world in the gift communities growing in numbers, in prayer and of his Son. So we pray, discipleship, and in serving our communities. So we pray,  For help to see beyond the superficial and meet people in God’s love  For those being trained as Prayer Guides and a strengthening of our commitment  For strength and wisdom for those who to prayer for mission minister or receive the sacrament of confession  For the life giving power of your Spirit to bring growth to our churches  For all spiritual directors and others who accompany seekers in the life of  For creative engagement with rural, faith urban and city centre communities Lord, forgive us when we easily judge others and Loving Saviour who calls all people to be your fail to see beyond our own prejudices. Thank disciples, inspire us to bring hope to our you that you deliver us and renew us for all that communities though the power of your Gospel we are called to do. Amen that your church might grow in faith and many be drawn in to your kingdom. Amen

Tuesday May 30th: FOR THE ARCHBISHOPS OF YORK Thursday June 1st: AND CANTERBURY FOR THE RAISING UP OF EVANGELISTS Let anyone with ears to hear, listen. Declare how much God has done for you We give thanks for the faithfulness and We ask for God to raise up evangelists among attentiveness of our Archbishops Sentamu and us; people who can speak of Christ’s call to Justin, praying for stamina for them and for all follow, and in language and image suitable to who lead in the life of faith. So we pray, their local community and church context. So we pray,  For all who work in support of the Archbishops  For the growth and witness of the Companions of St Aidan  For media opportunities to speak of their faith  For boldness and imagination to speak of our faith with family, friends and  For Archbishop Sentamu’s ‘Bishops in neighbours Mission’ weekends in Carlisle Diocese and our own Diocese of Newcastle in  For Bishops Christine and Mark as they September 2018 lead us in bearing witness the Gospel God, who calls people from different walks of Gracious God whose invitation to know and love life and varied human experience to shepherd you has brought us such joy, help us to share your flock, bless our church leaders with depth that invitation with others in our of faith, abundance of hope and an overflowing neighbourhood, that your joy may be in them love, for Jesus sake. Amen and their lives enriched, for Jesus’ sake. Amen Friday June 2nd: Sunday June 4th; WORKING WITH OTHER CHRISTIANS THE DAY OF PENTECOST Do not fear, only believe They were all together in one place As God’s presence frees us from fear and We ask that God will gather us together in joyful reassures us with his love, we ask that we may anticipation and fill us with expectation that not be suspicious of one another but work God’s Spirit would flow in and through us, to the willingly together in sharing the Good News of glory of God’s holy name. So we pray, Jesus Christ. So we pray,  For a daily awareness that we are a sent  For opportunities to share in people, as were the first disciples evangelism with Christians from other  For the ministry of Canon John Sinclair, local churches our Adviser in Local Evangelism  For the work of North East Churches  For the fruitful outworking of our Acting Together and its officer, Joanne Mission Action Plans Thorns God the Holy Trinity, life of the world, draw the  For ecumenical partnerships in people of England to the majesty of your royal communities, universities, hospitals and presence, and transform our land through the industry Gospel, lived and proclaimed. Amen Lord, you remind us that we are all One in Christ Jesus; work in us to deepen all practical expressions of that unity so that the world might believe. Amen A prayer for those who seek Lord Jesus, Saturday June 3rd: When your followers walked the Emmaus road, WORK OF THE EVANGELISM TASK GROUP Wondering what was true and what was not, You came alongside them and revealed yourself Jesus sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom of Through opened word and broken bread. God and to heal Come alongside those we know and love On this day before Pentecost we pray that the Who wonder and seek at this time. wonders of God’s healing may be experienced (Especially we pray for…..) by those who suffer in body, mind or spirit. So we pray, Reveal yourself in your love, And make us ready to walk alongside them too,  For the Beacon Event, “Thy Kingdom Until they see your face and know your Come” in Newcastle Cathedral at 7pm presence.  For those participating in Parish Mission Amen. Weekends this year  For the work of the Evangelism Task Group as it encourages faith sharing and More prayer resources are available at: invitation www.thykingdomcome.global/prayerresources Holy Spirit, prepare our hearts to celebrate tomorrow’s Feast of Pentecost and ever be at work in us both to will and to work for God’s good pleasure. Amen THY KINGDOM COME PENTECOST BEACON EVENT

Saturday, 3 June 2016 Newcastle Cathedral, 7.00pm - 8.30pm

‘Thy Kingdom Come’ - an informal event of prayer and worship, led by the national 24-7 Prayer Team and featuring music leader Lou Fellingham. An opportunity for Christians to gather to worship and pray for fresh passion and confidence in proclaiming the gospel; a catalyst for transformation of this nation and land. Inspired by the simple, powerful words of the Lord’s Prayer, this Beacon event follows 'Thy Kingdom Come', a national week of prayer for the nation; for Churches to unite and pray together Find out more and book your free place at www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/thy- kingdom-come-beacon-event-tickets-32915151103

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