Minutes of the Rocky Mountain Section of AIAA s1
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Brian Gulliver – Chair Kevin Mortensen – Secretary Roger McNamara – Treasurer Chris Zeller – Programs Susan Jenssen – Education Outreach John Reed – Membership Adrian Nagle -- Newsletter Wesley Kenison – ATS 2017 Chair Marshall Lee – Membership Pamela Burke – Member-At-Large Gene Dionne – Member-At-Large Joe Rice – Visiting Member Agenda - Chair Opening - Roll Call - Programs - Education Report - Honors and Awards Report - Webmaster Report - ATS 2017 Report - Newsletter Report - Treasurer’s Report - New Business - Next Council Meeting - Adjournment
Chair Opening
Brian kicked off the meeting by welcoming everyone and opened the council meeting at 6:15pm.
Roll Call
Morty conducted a roll call of members in attendance. We had good participation especially considering there was another AIAA-RM event this week.
Programs Chris provided an overview of the programs held in 2016 as well as those programs scheduled for 2017. A summary of each is provided below:
2016 Programs: • September 14th: Jack Elston, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Black Swift Technologies LLC Blackswift UAVs, Boulder CO • October: No Program ATS • November 16th: CYGNSS SNC-SWRI Debi Rose [email protected] • December 6th: Ball Aerospace Alion Sciences human factors Page 1 of 6 • January 25th: BOOM Aerospace Supersonic Jetliner Joe Wilding Chief Engineer & Co- founder • February 22nd: Lockheed Martin Robert Chambers Mars Base Camp [email protected] • March 15th: Air Force Academy Aero Lab Colorado Springs Wilkinson, Michael P Capt USAF USAFA USAFA/DFAN
2016-2017 Plan Ahead: • April: Vestas Wind Turbine Plant Northern Colorado/Wyoming • May: Roccor Bruce Davis Louisville, Banquet • June: Buckley AFB Commanders of the 460th Space Wing and Aerospace Data Facility Colonel David Miller and Colonel Chris Povak (This is a joint AIAA / NDIA Event)
Sue provided the following update:
Wyoming State Science Fair Judging took place on 6 March. Volunteer judges included Michael Stoellinger, Rajib Roy (PhD student), Yi Han (PhD student), Clint Dunn (MS student), Mark Kettles, and Sue Janssen. Judges previewed the projects and then interviewed the students. The team decided that it was appropriate to award one project in the Senior Division and three projects in the Junior Division. Michael presented the awards on 7 March.
Senior Division: First place to Qingfeng Li from Laramie, WY
Junior Division: First Place – Charles Koval from Sheridan, WY
Second to Tristan Smith from Saratoga Third to Micah Idema from Cody
Colorado State Science Fair: Mark Kettles is coordinating volunteer judges and will present the awards. Judging will take place on Thursday, April 6, 2017 in the Lory Student Center on the Colorado State University - Fort Collins campus. Volunteers include Ryan Pendleton, Eric Johnson, Clark D. Mikkelsen, John Janczy, Nathan Parrish, Tara O'Brien, and Mark Kettles. The team is expecting packets from CSSF this week to start their review of abstracts.
JUNO Essay Contest:
Page 2 of 6 Submission deadline is 15 March. We have 8 volunteer judges. Entries include the following: 20 from Manzanola Jr/Sr High School (about 50 miles east of Pueblo) 15 from Mountain Ridge Middle School, Highlands Ranch 1 from Newton Middle School, Littleton 1 from STEM High and Academy, Highlands Ranch 1 from West Middle School, Greenwood Village 1 from Fitzsimmons Middle, Bailey 1 from Wings Aerospace Academy, Denver
RMS Scholarship Felicia (Ayoub) Livingston is the Foundation Program Coordinator. AIAA Scholarship applications are now closed and the judging process is underway. Paul Anderson will support the selection of the recipient of the scholarship.
GESTEM “Good Vibrations” Workshop Preparations are underway for the 19 May workshop for about 90 6th and 7th grade girls to learn about sound and vibration. The workshop starts with a skit and some experiments to learn about the factors (mass, stiffness, geometry) that affect natural frequency. Girls then construct an “engineered” wind chime to help them remember what they learned.
Funding for a high-altitude space project Discussion about request for $200 from individual student who was awarded an AIAA RMS prize last year.
EO Follow up from Drone Symposium Kate Klave (STEM Coordinator/Student Achievement Coach, STEM Launch K-8 , (720)972-5139, [email protected]) requested help with finding professionals to discuss and review manned missions to Mars. Students must address the following problem: “Astronauts will travel for many months to reach Mars. What types of exercises will they need to perform in route, and after arrival, to be able to function effectively? What will be the physical demands on the colonists as they establish habitats on the planet? What kind of extreme training does it take to endure, much less thrive, in space for months—and possibly years—on end?” Jane Bellows (Counselor, Liberty High School in Joes, CO; 970-630-1261, [email protected]) requested a job shadowing opportunity for an 11th grade student. She found someone for the 17th of March, but is interested in opportunities for next year. I also shared info about AIAA Educator Associate memberships so she and other teaches in Joes can have access to the benefits.
List of “Happenings” Global Day of the Engineer – 5 April, http://discovere.org/our-programs/global-day/landing
Page 3 of 6 Honors and Awards
Brian briefed the council that the location and caterer have been confirmed. Also, the X-15 guest speaker was also confirmed.
- General No information on the transition from AIAA SharePoint to a platform from Higher Logic. - Support Website hits: Feb-2017 – 983 Awards Dinner registration is open. It uses a process similar to Program Registration, so it can be reused for several years. Standing by to support Council Officer nominations and elections. Current registrations for 2016-2017 (as of 3/14/17) o Mars Base Camp (2/22) – 115 (closed) o USAFA Aero Lab (3/15) – 38 o Awards Dinner (4/28) – 9 - Updated the AIAA-RM email list ([email protected]) on March 1, 2017. AIAA-RM now has 1256 email addresses (up from 1201 on Feb 1, 2017).
ATS 2017
Wes provided the following update:
Letter of support from the university for ATS o Waiting for choice of event date o New University President Janine Davidson – Former Undersecretary of the Navy. Venue progress update o 10/21/17 – Tivoli Turnhalle, Center for Advanced Visual and Experiential Analysis (CAVEA), and 3 additional rooms reserved – Cost: $865 o 11/17/17 – Tivoli Turnhalle, CAVEA, and Baeressen Ballrooms reserved – Cost: $600 Financials, budget assessment and sponsorship o Will have estimated venue and catering costs by 03/15/17 Planning spreadsheet o Reviewed The members present at the council meeting preferred the Friday option over the Saturday option and asked Andrea to look into any other potential Friday days. There was significant discussion about the structure and organization of the program. The final conclusions was on have the following structure o Morning . Registration . Welcome / Keynote . 4 Parallel Technical Presentation Tracks (Aerospace / Aviation / Engineering / UAS o Lunch (networking / informal) o Afternoon
Page 4 of 6 . Keynote . 4 Parallel Hands-on technical tracks, possibly sponsored by lead organizations . Closing
- Next newsletter: April, 2017 – inputs needed ASAP… please! -- Young Professionals - Tyler Franklin / Scott Tuttle -- Education and STEM Programs Review - Sue Janssen -- Program summaries for Feb. and Mar. - Chris Zeller -- Colorado Aerospace Day review – Tracy Cobb -- Honors and Awards Banquet announcement and speaker summary – Taylor Lilly -- Personal Experience with AIAA-RMS judging event - John Marcantonio -- Other events planned in next few months
* Last Newsletter: June, 2017 - Inputs by May 14 please -- Year in review - Brian Gulliver -- Membership article - Marshall Lee if (to be confirmed) -- Election Results - Morty -- Banquet event review – Taylor Lilly -- Any committee closing comments (public policy, membership, etc.) - you know you need to submit a report in any case
Adrian advised the council that he will be on travel and shift work March and into early May. He would appreciate inputs as soon as possible so I can fit time to assemble the newsletters.
Newsletters were sent out in Aug., Oct., Dec., Feb., and soon Apr. Treasurer’s Report Roger briefed the council that all bills were paid. New Business - 2017 AIAA-RMS Election: Brian briefed that election season is upon us and we’re seeking nominations for the AIAA-RMS Officer positions now. In April, we will hold the election for the 2016-2017 AIAA-RMS year. - Dream Big EADS: Pamela briefed the EADS objective and CONOPS. A summary of both include: -- EADS Objective: Inspire students for STEM and to dream big about the infinite opportunities they have for careers to improve our world. -- Concept of Operations: Approximately 250 students from multiple high schools (grades 7 – 12) from the Eads / Kiowa County area will convene at Eads High School. The students will initially meet in the gymnasium and will be pre-assigned to 1 of 5 groups, approximately 50 students per group. The groups will rotate through 5 inspiring technology learning themes throughout the day and experience applied learning led by the Dream Big Team. Each group will have 40 minutes for each learning theme. Because classroom size is limited to 25 – 30 students, each group of 50 students will be sub-divided into an A group and a B group, approximately 25 students each. Each learning area will have 2 classrooms (25 students each) to present at the same time, thus multiple facilitators for each
Page 5 of 6 learning area will be required. The exception is for the unmanned air systems and robotics that will have all 50 students in the gymnasium, for each session. Although there is a set schedule of learning activity throughout the day, students have flexibility to repeat learning areas, spend time with specific Dream Big team members, etc… Facilitators (faculty members) with each group of students will approve this individually for students - SARTC: The Spring meeting is 6-7 April.
Next Council Mtg Morty briefed the council that the next council meeting would be on 5 April at 2pm. This next council meeting will be held at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs during the Space Symposium. Special thanks to Lockheed Martin for offering up their meeting suite for our meeting.
Morty thanked everyone for coming to the council meeting. Brian adjourned the meeting at 8:11pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Morty Secretary, AIAA-RMS
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