(Iowa City, Iowa), 2010-01-27
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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2010 UI gaining int’l regard UI alumni from abroad are resources for students interested in attending. By NORA HEATON [email protected] One freshman from Hungary learned about the UI through his grandparents. A Chinese student heard about the campus through a friend. Another discovered it on the Internet. Some international students find the UI on their own, but university officials are hoping increased recruitment efforts MOHAMMED ALHADAB / THE DAILY IOWAN abroad will help them. Iowa City firefighter Zach Hickman demonstrates a rapid-deployment craft on Tuesday. Iowa City firefighters receive water- and ice-rescue training once Recent cuts to state funding have every year. prompted school officials to seek more nonresidents, who pay higher tuition rates, to help subsidize costs. Increasingly, this means looking overseas. Recruitment teams use numerous Firefighters strategies, said Downing Thomas, the dean of International Programs. UI repre- sentatives travel abroad to visit college fairs and high schools — particularly those that prepare students well or those at prepare for rescues which UI recruiters have had past success. Officials provide informational brochures and websites in numerous lan- guages. In addition, UI alumni who hail Iowa City firefighters will conduct from certain countries and have returned water and ice training next month. there sometimes serve as resources for prospective students. By JOSEPH BELK [email protected] SEE RECRUITMENT, 3 irefighter Will Shanahan strapped on a bulky ice-rescue suit the color of an orange traffic cone. Other firefighters inflated an emergency craft. 1 The gear, used just last weekend to save a 1 ⁄2 year-old yellow lab, is the Iowa City Fire Depart- Planning key Fment’s arsenal for water and ice rescues. And even though it’s not required statewide, every Iowa City firefighter is trained to use the equipment. in disaster relief Lt. Brian Rohr was first trained in water and ice res- cue roughly 10 years ago. Situations in which the train- ing is put to use by the department are quite rare, Local experts discuss he said. But Rohr, and other firefighters, had that rare oppor- disaster-relief logistics tunity to use that training last weekend to recover the and preparation in the dog, Johnson, stranded on the Iowa River. Rohr donned the rescue suit and entered the water while another wake of Haiti earthquake. firefighter held the end of a tether. As a precaution, By MITCHELL SCHMIDT another firefighter also began putting on equipment in [email protected] case things went awry. All firefighters at the Iowa City Fire Department Ann Campbell has a passion for disas- receive water- and ice-rescue training once a year, Rohr ter relief. said. Some even travel out of state to train at other The UI associate professor of manage- departments. Rohr said the extra instruction often ment sciences has researched relief logis- becomes part of the Iowa City department’s tics since the Indian Ocean tsunami training regimen. in 2004. Iowa City’s firefighters prepare for numerous scenar- During that disaster, ios in ice-rescue situations. The rescue effort on Jan. 22 she became curious how did not require a large amount of the department’s the refugees received help equipment and manpower. during difficult times, a Rescuers are trained for more dire situations. process that can some- Still, their “first preferred method” is self-rescue, said times take longer than Lt. Greg Tinnes. The techniques include coaching and expected. Campbell directions given by emergency responders from the “I wanted to know why shore, said Battalion Chief Jim Humston. there were so many professor But when this and other options are exhausted, emer- MOHAMMED ALHADAB / THE DAILY IOWAN delays,” she said. gency responders will begin the “Go scenario.” Iowa City firefighter Will Shanahan gets into an ice-rescue suit on Tuesday. The Campbell’s research focuses on the dis- firefighters’ approach to rescuing a dog trapped in the ice is no different from the aster-relief sector of logistics in dangerous SEE RESCUE, 3 procedure to rescue a person, Lt. Brian Rohr said. situations such as the floods of 2008 and, more recently, Haiti’s record earthquake. While commercial businesses look at price as the chief concern, in disaster situ- DAILYIOWAN.COM Check out a video of an Iowa City firefighter’s ice- and water-rescue skills. ations, the focus is on being fair and fast in supply distribution, Campbell said. SEE RELIEF, 3 DAILY IOWAN TV INDEX WEATHER JUST THE TICKET To watch Daily Iowan TV, go online at dailyiowan.com or tune Arts 5 Opinions 4 All UI students will receive free admission into tonight’s game between Iowa and into UITV. The 15-minute newscast is on Sunday through Classifieds 10 Intramurals 8 23 5 No. 20 Ohio State in Carver-Hawkeye Arena. Hawkeye fans are also encouraged to Thursday at 9:30 and 10:30 p.m., with reruns at 12:30 and Crossword 7 Sports 12 -5C -15C wear gold to the game. 1:30 a.m. and 7:45 and 8:45 a.m. the following day. 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, January 27, 2010 News dailyiowan.com for more news The Daily Iowan A fair full of groups Volume 141 Issue 128 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: Student Organization Fair is a success with more than 500 attendees. E-mail: [email protected] William Casey. 335-5788 Editor: Fax: 335-6297 By JOE CAVALIERE Kelsey Beltramea. 335-6030 [email protected] CORRECTIONS Managing Editor: Call: 335-6030 Kurtis Hiatt . 335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro Editor: Some students learned Brian Stewart . 335-6063 accuracy and fairness in the report- on Tuesday that bars and Opinions Editor: parties aren’t the only way ing of news. If a report is wrong or Shawn Gude . 335-5863 to have fun at the UI. misleading, a request for a correc- Sports Editor: The Student Organiza- tion or a clarification may be made. Ryan Young . 335-5848 tion Fair, which officials PUBLISHING INFO Arts Editor: The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Rachael Lander. 335-5851 hold each semester, pro- Copy Chief: vides an opportunity for published by Student Publications Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Beau Elliot. 335-6063 students to explore differ- Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Design/Graphics Editor: ent ways to become except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Kurt Cunningham. 335-6063 Photo Editor: involved on campus. university holidays, and university “This fair is the perfect David Scrivner . 335-5852 vacations. Periodicals postage paid Web Editor: way to tickle my fancy,” at the Iowa City Post Office under the Tony Phan. 335-5829 said UI freshman Evan Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Business Manager: Iacone. SUBSCRIPTIONS Debra Plath. 335-5786 Approximately 93 differ- Call: Pete Recker at 335-5783 Classified Ads Manager: ent groups were at Tues- E-mail: [email protected] Juli Krause. 335-5784 Advertising/ Circulation Manager: day’s fair to show off what Subscription rates: Pete Recker. 335-5783 their groups had to offer, Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Advertising Sales Staff: said Kristi Finger, the semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Renee Manders. 335-5193 assistant director of stu- for summer se ssion, $50 for full year. Bev Mrstik. .335-5792 dent organizations and MOHAMMED ALHADAB / THE DAILY IOWAN Out of town: $40 for one semester, Cathy Witt . .335-5794 $80 for two semesters, $15 for Day Production Manager: the main organizer of the Iowa Cycling Club President Chris Moore sits at the booth for the Cycling Club in the IMU Main Lounge at summer session, $95 all year. Heidi Owen. 335-5789 event. Between 500 and the UI Student Organization fair on Tuesday. Last season, the club won 8 medals, Moore said. Send address changes to: The Daily Night Production Manager: 800 students visited the Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Bob Foley. 335-5789 fair throughout the day, The fair featured a ger said. Having organ- DAILYIOWAN.COM Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004. she said. wide variety of groups, ized several fairs in the Check out footage of the “The fair was definitely including greek organiza- past, she said, she didn’t Student Organization Fair. worth my time,” UI fresh- tions, intramural sports, struggle making the fair man Sean Tavakoli said. and special-interest a successful one. Students who attended groups. “I’ve been doing it long Rosenberg, a co-presi- TOP STORIES the event said they were While around 100 dif- enough that it’s pretty dent of UI Democrats, Most-read stories on dailyiowan.com from Tuesday. happy to be handed free ferent organizations were much routine as far as has been involved with on- candy and beverages as present, the UI has more just notifying all the campus clubs since his 1. Student group backs Branstad they browsed through the than 450 student organi- groups that it is happen- sophomore year and has 2. Purchasing change could hurt IC sea of student organiza- zations recognized by ing,” she said. “I’ve got a represented his group at 3. Commentary: Wrestling serves notice tions. academic colleges or great office that helps me the event two times before. 4. Jakes’ license in limbo “This is a good idea departments, according get everything organized “I like this because you because many students to the Office of Student and ready to go.” get to meet new people, a 5. High-proof alcohol under Iowa scrutiny already spend a lot on Life. UI junior Jacob Rosen- lot of freshmen and sopho- school books and liquid The Student Organiza- berg said he saw a suc- mores who don’t really fun,” UI freshman Brett tion Fair has been around cessful turnout for pro- know much about clubs,” O’Connor said.