Language A: Published Assessment Criteria

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Language A: Published Assessment Criteria

Name: ______

Subject: English Lang. B Teachers: Mr Melville, Ms Turner Ms Ide

Date task given: week beginning 21.03.2011 Date task is due: Week beginning 28th March 2011

This task assesses Criteria : C and D,

Read the criteria descriptors carefully before you start your work. This will give you a clear understanding of what is required and what a quality piece of work for this task must include. This way you give yourself the best chance of achieving the highest level in this task. a W C

n The student communicates ; r  complex information d r i i t

t e O i

r  Ideas and opinions are relevant, focused and supported by examples and n i r g o g

n illustrations where appropriate. a –


M C i  The student shows a , understanding of the topic. z sophisticated in-depth a e t s

i  The structure is and being s clear and effective adds to the message o

a /8 n g conveyed; e  Cohesive devices enhance the development of ideas. a W C

n  r The student’s choice of vocabulary is varied, sophisticated and idiomatic. d r i i t

t e l i  The student uses complex grammar that adds to the style of the text; a r n i n g o g

n  he/ she shows the ability to manipulate the language. – u

a S D

g  Spelling/writing contributes to the quality of the work. t e y

l U

e  There is a clear sense of audience; register and style are effective.


e  The student may be creative with the language, or show humour or irony when /8 appropriate to the task.

Instructions: Write an essay on ONE of the topics:-

1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of mobile phones in school. 2. Libraries or the Internet as a source of information. (A discussion) 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified plants and foods.

You should write using an appropriate structure and organization. You should write a minimum of 250 words. English Language B Advanced Published Criteria 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Does not Superficial; Reasonable; some depth Sophisticated and reach Basic; simple Communication limited and sophistication focused Standard Does not Ideas and Repetitive; Not always relevant; Generally relevant and Relevant and well- reach unsupported insufficiently supported supported supported opinions Standard Does not Structure and Limited with Some lapses; somewhat reach Generally coherent Coherent in all respects many lapses structured Coherence Standard Criterion A (Oral Communication – Message and interaction)

Does not Inaccurate; Some errors, lapses; Some errors; some reach frequent does not interfere with Effective Pronunciation lapses Standard hesitations communication

Does not Little variety; Varied; generally correct; Vocabulary and Somewhat varied but Varied; appropriate; reach often some errors with complex inappropriate at times idiomatic grammar Standard inappropriate constructions Does not Register and Apparent but Apparent but reach Generally appropriate Effective and appropriate inconsistent inconsistent style Standard Criterion B (Oral Communication – Style and Language Use) Largely Does not Somewhat superficial; Information and irrelevant; Some depth; satisfactory; Focused; supported; reach limited; somewhat superficial; generally supported relevant ideas Standard supported unsupported Does not Communication reach Little depth Basic Somewhat sophisticated Sophisticated Standard Does not Mostly appropriate; Good use of cohesive Clear; effective; good reach Many lapses Structure/ Format some lapses devices use of cohesive devices Standard Criterion C (Writing –Message and Organization)

Does not Limited; often Varied and appropriate; Varied; sophisticated; Vocabulary and Varied; sometimes reach inaccurate; some idiomatic idiomatic with complex inappropriate grammar Standard inappropriate expressions constructions

Does not Some errors Generally accurate; some Accuracy/ Contributes to the quality reach in spelling/ Occasional errors errors with complex of the work Mechanics Standard writing usage

Does not Audience/ Attempted; Good attempt; Clear sense of audience; Effective; shows reach inconsistent sometimes inconsistent generally appropriate creativity Purpose Standard

Criterion D (Writing – Style and Language Use)

Does not Reasonable reach Basic; limited Understands main ideas Good understanding Understanding understanding Standard

Identification of Does not Limited; Well supported; relevant; reach Somewhat relevant Generally relevant supporting irrelevant varied details Standard Does not Inferences are supported; Inferences well-justified; Conclusion and Some inferences; reach Superficial some aspects of style are many aspects of style somewhat accurate Interpretation Standard explained are explained

Criterion E (Text Interpretation)

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